significant milestone
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Huan Yi ◽  
Cui Lai ◽  
Xiuqin Huo ◽  
Lei Qin ◽  
Yukui Fu ◽  

The use of antibiotics for beings is a most significant milestone in present era. However, owing to the chemical diversity and complexity, antibiotics removal from water has been an issue...

2021 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 706-713
Maria Antonia Tigre

On February 6, 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Court) declared in Lhaka Honhat Association v. Argentina that Argentina violated Indigenous groups’ rights to communal property, a healthy environment, cultural identity, food, and water. For the first time in a contentious case, the Court analyzed these rights autonomously based on Article 26 of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) and ordered specific restitution measures, including actions to provide access to adequate food and water, and the recovery of forest resources and Indigenous culture. The decision marks a significant milestone for protecting Indigenous peoples’ rights and expanding the autonomous rights to a healthy environment, water, and food, which are now directly justiciable under the Inter-American human rights system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 158-176

6This chapter reviews how new or innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics, and digital health technologies are appraised for their clinical and cost effectiveness by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. It gives context on the processes and considerations in following the regulation of medical devices and medicines. It also refers to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) as a branch of policy that aims at examining and rationally optimising the value of measures to improve healthcare and prevent ill health. The chapter defines the HTA as a systematic evaluation of the properties and effects of a health technology. It recounts the beginnings of health technology that go back to the dawn of evidence-based medicine, in which the randomised comparative experiments of naval surgeon James Lind on scurvy in the eighteenth century were a significant milestone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 546
Hilary O’Connor ◽  
Paul Flynn

The transition from primary to postprimary education is a significant milestone in children’s education and can be characterised by the multiple challenges that they experience, specifically the move from childhood to adolescence, from one institutional context to another, and from established social groups into new social relations. This research employs a theoretical framework that describes this transition from the perspective of secondary school inservice practitioners as they aim to help students to make a successful transition. An incremental, sequential mixed-methods data collection strategy took the form of an exploratory survey followed by qualitative semistructured interviews. Current transition practices in the context of the challenges presented in Irish secondary schools are reported on in five key areas: administration, social and emotional supports, curriculum support, pedagogical support, and management/autonomy of learning. The findings of this research also highlight a need to reflect on the purpose and timing of current practices, along with calls for continuing professional development programmes to be developed that specifically target the challenges faced by Irish inservice teaching practitioners. It is hoped that this paper will spark discourse relating to the development of transitional supports for students and associated training for those who are best placed to provide those supports.

2021 ◽  
pp. 265-294
Desmond Hogan

This chapter examines Kant’s theory of the relation between God’s causal activity in the world and so-called “secondary” causation, the causality of created beings. The central question he faces here is the traditional one for a theistic metaphysics: How does the activity of God viewed as primordial creator and conserver of the world relate in general to the causal activity, if any, of created beings? His own evolving account of the divine causal role is shaped by his ongoing engagement with three competing theories of divine causation distinguished in late scholastic philosophy, and vigorously debated in the modern period by Malebranche and Leibniz. It is shown here that the most significant milestone in the emergence of Kant’s mature account does not lie in his transition from pre-Critical to Critical philosopher, but in an earlier one from necessitarian to libertarian on human agency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Chengli Wang ◽  
Zhiwei Fang ◽  
Ailun Yi ◽  
Bingcheng Yang ◽  
Zhe Wang ◽  

AbstractThe realization of high-quality (Q) resonators regardless of the underpinning material platforms has been a ceaseless pursuit, because the high-Q resonators provide an extreme environment for confining light to enable observations of many nonlinear optical phenomenon with high efficiencies. Here, photonic microresonators with a mean Q factor of 6.75 × 106 were demonstrated on a 4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator (4H-SiCOI) platform, as determined by a statistical analysis of tens of resonances. Using these devices, broadband frequency conversions, including second-, third-, and fourth-harmonic generations have been observed. Cascaded Raman lasing has also been demonstrated in our SiC microresonator for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Meanwhile, by engineering the dispersion properties of the SiC microresonator, we have achieved broadband Kerr frequency combs covering from 1300 to 1700 nm. Our demonstration represents a significant milestone in the development of SiC photonic integrated devices.

Harriet Ball ◽  
Mahjabin islam ◽  
Angelika Zarkali ◽  

A significant milestone in specialty training and necessary in the road to becoming a Consultant Neurologist, the Specialty Certificate Examination in Neurology is a useful opportunity for revision and improvement of clinical knowledge and clinical reasoning skills but can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many trainees. Here we provide a collection of resources and tips that were useful in our own preparation for the SCE. This is still based on our personal experiences and represents a biased view so bear this in mind when you are constructing your own tailored revision plan! We apologise if in places we are stating the obvious, but we hope this will be of use to those contemplating the exam from different locations and circumstances.

Martin F. Gardner

The author has spent 30 years co-ordinating the International Conifer Conservation Programme (ICCP), based at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, and uses this significant milestone to reflect on some important aspects of managing genetic resources in plants of conservation concern. The main driver of the ex-situ component of the ICCP has been to develop robust protocols for broadening the genetic base of threatened conifers and a range of conservation dependent Chilean woody plants in cultivation. This is achieved using well-documented known wild origin material distributed through a dedicated network of ‘safe sites’. Examples of threatened species for which collection and cultivation of a breadth of genetic material has enabled meaningful conservation are given here. The strategy to increase genetic material in cultivation sometimes involves using novel methods including conservation hedges. The great challenge facing all managers of botanical collections is how to develop effective programmes that integrate ex-situ with in-situ conservation. The biggest contribution collection managers and growers can make is to maximise the value of collections in their care and actions which achieve this are listed.

Mark Dix ◽  
Eric Miller

Abstract In 2019, the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) passed a significant milestone in turning 50 years old. Springing from the aftermath from both the Torrey Canyon and Santa Barbara oil spills, New York City hosted the first IOSC in 1969, attracting the attention and participation of a growing body of practitioners in a particular form of emergency response. Bringing together world leaders in oil spill prevention, preparedness, response, and restoration at conferences that fostered community and technological advancement between and within the industry, government, academia, and non-governmental organizations, IOSC was the conference to attend in order to share information, identify emerging issues, and develop key contacts. With the volume of oil shipments on the rise and an increasing reliance on petroleum cargoes and fuels in the latter half of the 20th century, as well as a keener focus on the protection of natural resources, the relevance and content of the IOSC continued to grow and solidify. In looking back at the history of the conference, this paper charts the development of the IOSC event and notes the growth of the positive impacts the conference has had on the spill response community and the conference features that have expanded its attractiveness and accessibility for over 50 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Zhao Xiao-bing

Translating into Russian and studying “Shijing” (“The Book of Poetry”) is a significant milestone in Russian-Chinese literature exchange which was initiated in the 19th century when Wang Xili school was founded. In the USSR, V. Alexeev school was established, in which one of the most famous translators was A. Shtukin. His Russian translation of “Shijing” is considered the first and the most complete one. The object of research in this article is Russian translation of the song in “Wang kingdom's songs” “Longing for the Husband”| by A. Shtukin. “Longing for the Husband” is the brightest folk song in “Gofen” (“Characters of Kingdoms”) in Shijing. In this article, the analysis of the graceful and most poetic translation of “Longing for the Husband” by A. Shchukin is carried out by commenting the poem, analyzing the translation of the original into modern Chinese by Cheng Junying and Jiang Jianyuan and comparing Russian and English translation. The author attempted to make a secondary improved translation of the original poem on the basis of A. Shtukin’s translation preserving the original rhythm and rhyme wherever possible. The secondary translation is closer to the original poem, it preserves and delivers the genuine resplendence of the poem. It also preserves A. Shtukin’s amphibrach and his individual style which has a lot of tune and distinguished style of classical Russian poetry. The author only introduces some lexical adjustments due to which it will be easier for a Russian reader to understand the poem.

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