local time sector
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2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 749-764 ◽  
Hermann Lühr ◽  
Yun-Liang Zhou

Abstract. During magnetically active periods the storm-time disturbance signal on the ground commonly develops an azimuthal asymmetry. Negative deflections of the magnetic horizontal (H) component are enhanced in the 18:00 local time sector and smallest in the morning sector. This is commonly attributed to the asymmetric ring current effect. In this study we investigate the average characteristics of anti-sunward net currents that are not closing in the ionosphere. Their intensity is growing proportionally with the amount of solar wind input to the magnetosphere. There is almost twice as much current flowing across the polar region in the winter hemisphere as on the summer side. This seasonal dependence is more pronounced in the dusk sector than in the dawn sector. Event studies reveal that anti-sunward currents are closely related to the main phase of a magnetic storm. Since the asymmetry of storm-time disturbances also builds up during the main phase, we suggest a relation between these two phenomena. From a statistical study of ground-based disturbance levels during magnetically active periods, we obtain support for our suggestion. We propose a new 3D current system responsible for the zonally asymmetric storm-time disturbance signal that does not involve the ring current. The high-latitude anti-sunward currents are connected at their noon and midnight ends to field-aligned currents that lead the currents to the outer magnetosphere. The auroral net current branch on the morning side is closed along the dawn flank near the magnetopause, and the evening side currents flow along the dusk flank magnetosphere. Regardless through which loop the current is flowing, near-Earth storm-time disturbance levels will in both cases be reduced in the morning sector and enhanced in the evening.

2020 ◽  
Hermann Lühr ◽  
Yun-Liang Zhou

Abstract. During magnetically active periods the storm-time disturbance signal on ground develops commonly an azimuthal asymmetry. Negative deflections of the magnetic horizontal (H) component are enhanced in the 18:00 local time sector and smallest in the morning sector. This is commonly attributed to the asymmetric ring current effect. In this study we are investigating the average characteristics of anti-sunward net currents that are not closing in the ionosphere. Their intensity is growing proportionally with the amount of solar wind input to the magnetosphere. There is almost twice as much current flowing in the winter hemisphere as on the summer side. This seasonal dependence is more pronounced on the dusk than on the dawn side. Event studies reveal that anti-sunward currents are closely related to the main phase of a magnetic storm. Since also the asymmetry of storm-time disturbances build up during the main phase, we suggest a relation between these two phenomena. From a statistical study of ground-based disturbance levels during magnetically active periods we obtain support for our suggestion. Observed storm-time disturbance amplitudes are clearly smaller in the summer hemisphere than in the winter part. This difference increases toward higher latitudes. We propose a new 3D current system responsible for the zonally asymmetric storm-time disturbance signal that does not involve the ring current. The high-latitude anti-sunward currents are connected at their noon and midnight ends to field-aligned currents that lead the currents to the outer magnetosphere. The net current branch on the morning side is closed along the dawn flank plasmapause, and the evening side currents along the dusk flank magnetopause. Regardless through which loop the current is flowing, near-Earth storm-time disturbance level will in both cases be reduced in the morning sector and enhanced in the evening.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 725-732 ◽  
J. Manninen ◽  
N. G. Kleimenova ◽  
O. V. Kozyreva ◽  
M. Parrot ◽  
T. Raita ◽  

Abstract. Night-time VLF (very low frequency) chorus bursts lasting about one hour have been recorded at Finnish temporal station Kannuslehto (CGM: 64.2°; 107.9°, L = 5.3) during two VLF campaigns (on 25 February–4 March 2008 and 27 March–17 April 2011). The chorus bursts were associated with substorm development. They were accompanied by riometer absorption enhancements, which occurred simultaneously within as large longitude areas as from pre-midnight (Sodankylä, ~22:00 MLT) to the late morning (Tixie, ~03:00 MLT and Gakona, ~08:00 MLT) longitudes. It was found that the pre-midnight chorus observed on the ground occurred simultaneously with VLF chorus emissions recorded in the late morning on the low-altitude DEMETER satellite crossing the similar geomagnetic latitudes on the opposite local time sector. For the first time some evidence of simultaneous chorus burst generation in the global longitudinal scale was found (from pre-midnight to the late morning) by using direct comparison with satellite data as well as using non-direct indicator–azimuthally extended riometer absorption enhancements.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (12) ◽  
pp. 4521-4532 ◽  
F. Plaschke ◽  
K.-H. Glassmeier ◽  
D. G. Sibeck ◽  
H. U. Auster ◽  
O. D. Constantinescu ◽  

Abstract. Statistical analyses of the magnetopause (MP) motion observed by THEMIS suggested that the MP oscillates preferably at some prominent (sometimes called "magic") frequencies, which were found to stand out also in ground-based and ionospheric measurements of geomagnetic ultra-low frequency pulsations. In this paper we present an extension to these statistical analyses of the observed MP oscillations examining their dependence on the prevalent interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), solar wind (SW) flow speed and cone angle conditions as well as their local time of occurrence. Our results show enhanced oscillation activity at these frequencies in the noon local time sector during periods of northward IMF, slow or moderate SW speed and low SW cone angle. This combination of conditions supports an interpretation in terms of standing Alfvénic Kruskal-Schwarzschild surface modes on the MP.

2008 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 2403-2417 ◽  
F. Darrouzet ◽  
J. De Keyser ◽  
P. M. E. Décréau ◽  
F. El Lemdani-Mazouz ◽  
X. Vallières

Abstract. Plasmaspheric plumes have been routinely observed by the four Cluster spacecraft. This paper presents a statistical analysis of plumes observed during five years (from 1 February 2001 to 1 February 2006) based on four-point measurements of the plasmasphere (outside 4 Earth radii) as it is sampled by the spacecraft in a narrow local time sector before and after perigee. Plasmaspheric plumes can be identified from electron density profiles derived from the electron plasma frequency determined by the WHISPER wave sounder onboard Cluster. As the WHISPER instrument has a limited frequency range (2–80 kHz) only plumes with densities below 80 cm−3 can be identified in this way. Their occurrence is studied as a function of several geomagnetic indices (Kp, am and Dst). Their transverse equatorial size, magnetic local time distribution, L position and density variation are discussed. Plasmaspheric plumes are observed mostly for moderate Kp and never for small Dst. They are found mainly in the afternoon and pre-midnight MLT sectors. Comparisons are also made between the density profiles of the plumes as they are crossed on the in- and outbound legs of the orbit, before and after perigee crossing, respectively.

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (12) ◽  
pp. 3481-3490 ◽  
X. Cai ◽  
M. G. Henderson ◽  
C. R. Clauer

Abstract. We investigate whether the dipolarization process during sawtooth events is global or not through an examination of the local time distribution of the magnetic tilt angle (i.e. the angle between the B vector and the equatorial plane in dipole VDH coordinates) at geostationary orbit. From the statistical analysis of 207 individual teeth and 212 isolated substorms, we find that individual teeth follow a dipolarization pattern similar to that observed for isolated substorms. The dipolarization for individual teeth initiates in the sector between 22:00 magnetic local time (MLT) and 00:00 MLT. Then the dipolarization expands both eastward and westward. However, relative to isolated substorms, we find that the nightside magnetosphere is much more stretched prior to the onset, and the change of the tilt angle during the dipolarization process is much larger during individual teeth. The magnetic dipolarization is seen over a wider local time sector during individual teeth than during isolated substorms. However, the magnetic dipolarization is rarely observed near local noon during individual teeth. This suggests that the magnetic dipolarization process during individual teeth is still confined primarily to the nightside.

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (10) ◽  
pp. 2667-2684 ◽  
A. A. Lubchich ◽  
A. G. Yahnin ◽  
E. E. Titova ◽  
A. G. Demekhov ◽  
V. Yu. Trakhtengerts ◽  

Abstract. Using the data from satellite CRRES and three geostationary LANL spacecraft, the propagation of an electron cloud from midnight to the evening sector is investigated. An electron cloud was injected during a weak isolated substorm that developed on a quiet geomagnetic background. It is found that within the local time sector from 03:00 until at least 08:00 MLT, the propagation of electrons at perpendicular pitch-angles is well described by a simple model of drift in the dipole magnetic field. The flux levels in the field-aligned electrons increase simultaneously with the flux at perpendicular pitch angles, which is attributed to the pitch angle diffusion by the whistler mode. This pitch-angle diffusion leads to precipitation of electrons from a drifting cloud and an increase in the ionospheric electron density, simultaneously observed above Tromsø, Norway, by the EISCAT UHF radar in the morning sector (04:40–05:25 MLT). The precipitation develops as quasi-periodic pulses with a period of about 100 s. We discuss the models of pulsating precipitation due to the whistler cyclotron instability and show that our observations can be explained by such a model.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 2915-2920 ◽  
R. Nakamura ◽  
W. Baumjohann ◽  
T. L. Zhang ◽  
C. M. Carr ◽  
A. Balogh ◽  

Abstract. We studied two types of dipolarization events with different IMF conditions when Cluster and Double Star (TC-1) were located in the same local time sector: 7 August 2004, 18:00-24:00 UT, during a disturbed southward/northward IMF interval, and 14 August 2004, 21:00-24:00 UT, when the IMF was stably northward. Cluster observed dipolarization as well as fast flows during both intervals, but this was not the case for TC-1. For both events the satellites crossed near the conjugate location of the MIRACLE stations. By using multi-point analysis techniques, the direction/speed of the propagation is determined using Cluster and is then compared with the disturbances at TC-1 to discuss its spatial/temporal scale. The propagation direction of the BZ disturbance at Cluster was mainly dawnward with a tailward component for 7 August and with a significant Earthward component for 14 August associated with fast flows. We suggest that the role of the midtail fast flows can be quite different in the dissipation process depending on the condition of the IMF and resultant configuration of the tail.

2004 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 2485-2495 ◽  
T. Johansson ◽  
S. Figueiredo ◽  
T. Karlsson ◽  
G. Marklund ◽  
A. Fazakerley ◽  

Abstract. Cluster electric field, magnetic field, and energetic electron data are analyzed for two events of intense auroral electric field variations, both encountered in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL), in the evening local time sector, and at approximately 5RE geocentric distance. The most intense electric fields (peaking at 450 and 1600mV/m, respectively) were found to be quasi-static, unipolar, relatively stable on the time scale of at least half a minute, and associated with moving downward FAC sheets (peaking at ~10μA/m2), downward Poynting flux (peaking at ~35mW/m2), and upward electron beams with characteristic energies consistent with the perpendicular potentials (all values being mapped to 1RE geocentric distance). For these two events in the return current region, quasi-static electric field structures and associated FACs were found to dominate the upward acceleration of electrons, as well as the energy transport between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, although Alfvén waves clearly also contributed to these processes.

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