socialization environment
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2022 ◽  

Background: This study is about using language in social media to politeness among students. Many of them pay less attention to the ethics of using language on social media. The emergence of these harsh languages creates terrible habits related to politeness and offense in society. Purpose: This study aims to determine the form of speech and the influence of communication ethics in the digital era on the value of politeness among students. Methods: This study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches that describe the data results through analysis and description. Researchers used reference results from previous studies along with results from questionnaires and interviews that had been conducted. Results: The results showed that many students still used short forms of language when communicating on social media. The use of harsh languages is influenced by several supporting factors such as lack of awareness in language politeness, lack of family education, and poor socialization environment. Recommendation: This research is intended for students to be more aware of the importance of ethics in communicating on social media. Limitation: The lack of respondents and measurement tools in this study makes the validity of the data found is not very good.

2020 ◽  
pp. 15-27
Аnatolii Viktorovich Mudrik ◽  

The issue of stress factors and their detailed comparative description in a variety of settlement is first explored in this publication. The relevance of the stated problem is determined by the lack of research in the socio-humanitarian branches of knowledge, in social pedagogy and its important component, socio-pedagogical victimology, which studies the problems of victims of adverse socialization environment. The article describes stress factors in terms of socio-pedagogical perspective. Identified factors are grouped into several clusters: – climatic – a large amount of periods of extreme weather, etc.; – natural calamities and technological disasters; – environmental – nvironmental pollution, etc.; – architectural and planning – dysfunctional zoning, monotonous buildings, etc.; – demographic – catastrophies ( deportations, genocide, etc.); generational crisis (depopulation, gender imbalance, etc.); – socioeconomic – at the macro and micro levels; – sociocultural – depressive or asocial environment, etc.; – socio-psychological – caused by the environment of residence, monotonous buildings, lack of places for leisure activities, settlement community, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-51
Yuni Riyanto ◽  
Muhamad Tegar Pratama ◽  
Elisabet Griapon

AbstrakSDN Caturtunggal 7 merupakan sekolah negeri yang beralamat di Jl. Gambir No. 6 B Karangasem Baru, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, DIY. Sekolah ini berada di suatu kompleks yang letaknya cukup jauh dari jalan utama. Lingkungan sekolah ini berbatasan langsung dengan pemukiman warga tanpa adanya pagar. Aktivitas warga juga sering terlihat di dalam sekolah ini. Selain itu, di dalam sekolah juga terdapat berbagai permasalahan lingkungan yang sering dikeluhkan seperti belum tepatnya pemilahan sampah, siswa sering buang sampah sembarangan, penataan ruang parkir yang belum rapi, kurangnya kesadaran siswa untuk menjaga kebersihan kamar mandi, dsb. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk menerapkan dan menyebarluaskan solusi masalah lingkungan yang ada di sekolah tersebut. Solusi yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini antara lain : (1) sosialisasi mengenai cara pemilahan dan pengolahan sampah, (2) penanaman tanaman di lahan kosong, (3) pembuatan vertical garden, (4) penerapan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) dengan memberikan perlengkapan berupa sabun dan lap, (5) pemberian slogan ajakan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya, menghemat air, dan cuci tangan pakai sabun. Setelah kegiatan dilaksanakan, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dan evaluasi sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa  permasalahan lingkungan jika ditangani secara tepat akan menghasilkan suatu karya dan inovasi yang solutif bagi masyarakat. Kata kunci: sosialisasi, masalah, lingkungan, vertical garden, cuci tangan. Handling Environmental Problems in Caturtunggal 7 Elementary School AbstractSDN Caturtunggal 7 is a public school that is located at Jl. Gambir No. 6 B Karangasem Baru, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, DIY. This school is located in a complex that is located quite far from the main road. The environment of this school is directly adjacent to people's housing without a fence. Citizen activities are also often seen in this school. In addition, in the school there are also various environmental problems that are often complained of such as not precisely sorting waste, students often dispose of litter, arrangement of parking spaces that are not neat, lack of student awareness to maintain the cleanliness of the bathroom, etc. The purpose of this activity is to implement and disseminate solutions to environmental problems that exist in the school. The solutions used in this activity include: (1) dissemination of how to sort and process waste, (2) planting plants on vacant land, (3) making vertical gardens, (4) applying Hand Washing with Soap (CTPS) by providing equipment in the form of soap and wipes, (5) giving slogan invitations to dispose of garbage in its place, save water, and wash hands with soap. After the activity is carried out, then analysis and evaluation are carried out so that it can be concluded that environmental problems if handled appropriately will produce a work and innovation that is solutive for the community. Key words: socialization, environment, problems, vertical garden, hand washing.

1967 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 599-602 ◽  
Richard C. Sherman ◽  
Frances Smith

A formulation by Lynn (1962) proposing that sex differences in cue-dependency are due to differential sex-identification modes was tested. Nineteen Ss from normal families and 20 Ss from a parochial orphanage learned a geometrical concept and then were tested for tendencies to deviate from the given perceptual standard in judging new figures as similar to the learned concept. Differences between normal males and females replicated earlier findings (Wallach & Caron, 1959) in that females were more cue-dependent than males. Differences between orphaned males and females, however, showed a reversed trend. These results were interpreted as supportive of Lynn's formulation.

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