rna transcript
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 925
Sara Illodo ◽  
Cibrán Pérez-González ◽  
Ramiro Barcia ◽  
Flor Rodríguez-Prieto ◽  
Wajih Al-Soufi ◽  

Guanine quadruplexes (G4s) are highly polymorphic four-stranded structures formed within guanine-rich DNA and RNA sequences that play a crucial role in biological processes. The recent discovery of the first G4 structures within mitochondrial DNA has led to a small revolution in the field. In particular, the G-rich conserved sequence block II (CSB II) can form different types of G4s that are thought to play a crucial role in replication. In this study, we decipher the most relevant G4 structures that can be formed within CSB II: RNA G4 at the RNA transcript, DNA G4 within the non-transcribed strand and DNA:RNA hybrid between the RNA transcript and the non-transcribed strand. We show that the more abundant, but unexplored, G6AG7 (37%) and G6AG8 (35%) sequences in CSB II yield more stable G4s than the less profuse G5AG7 sequence. Moreover, the existence of a guanine located 1 bp upstream promotes G4 formation. In all cases, parallel G4s are formed, but their topology changes from a less ordered to a highly ordered G4 when adding small amounts of potassium or sodium cations. Circular dichroism was used due to discriminate different conformations and topologies of nucleic acids and was complemented with gel electrophoresis and fluorescence spectroscopy studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 12701
Sarra Takita ◽  
Alexei Nabok ◽  
Anna Lishchuk ◽  
David Smith

This work is a continuation of our research into the development of simple, reliable, and cost-effective methods for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa). The proposed method is based on the electrochemical detection of the PCA3 biomarker of PCa (long non-coded RNA transcript expressed in urine) using a specific aptamer labeled with a redox group (methylene blue). The electrochemical measurements (cyclic voltammograms) obtained from electrodes functionalized with the aptamer were complemented in this work by another biosensing technique: total internal reflection ellipsometry (TIRE). In addition to proving the concept of the detection of PCA3 in low concentrations down to 90 pM, this study improved our understanding of the processes by which PCA3 binds to its specific aptamer. The high specificity of the binding of PCA3 to the aptamer was assessed by studying the binding kinetics, which yielded an affinity constant (KD) of 2.58 × 10−9 M. Additional XPS measurements confirmed the strong covalent binding of aptamers to gold and showed spectral features associated with PCA3 to aptamer binding.

2021 ◽  
Han Wang ◽  
Kenta Okamoto

Totivirus-like viruses are icosahedral non-enveloped double-stranded (ds)RNA viruses belonging to a group recently discovered and provisionally assigned in the Totiviridae family. Unlike fungal and protozoan Totiviridae viruses, these totivirus-like viruses infect a diverse spectrum of metazoan hosts and currently have enormous impacts on fisheries and agriculture. We developed the first totivirus-like virus Omono River virus (OmRV) infectious full-length DNA clone and produce the infectious particles using an RNA-transcript-based method. Unlike the parent wild-type particles from nature, the reverse-genetically-generated OmRV particles had an indistinguishable cytopathic effect, infectivity, and morphology. The established system is one of the few systems that have been reported for generating a non-segmented dsRNA virus DNA clone.

Francesca Fasolo ◽  
Hong Jin ◽  
Greg Winski ◽  
Ekaterina Chernogubova ◽  
Jessica Pauli ◽  

Background: Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are important regulators of biological processes involved in vascular tissue homeostasis and disease development. The current study assessed the functional contribution of the lncRNA Myocardial Infarction Associated Transcript ( MIAT ) to atherosclerosis and carotid artery disease. Methods: We profiled differences in RNA transcript expression in patients with advanced carotid artery atherosclerotic lesions from the Biobank of Karolinska Endarterectomies (BiKE). The lncRNA MIAT was identified as the most upregulated non-coding RNA transcript in carotid plaques compared to non-atherosclerotic control arteries, which was confirmed by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) and in situ hybridization. Results: Experimental knockdown of MIAT , utilizing site-specific antisense oligonucleotides (LNA-GapmeRs) not only markedly decreased proliferation and migration rates of cultured human carotid artery smooth muscle cells (SMCs), but also increased their apoptosis. Mechanistically, MIAT regulated SMC proliferation via the EGR1-ELK1-ERK pathway. MIAT is further involved in SMC phenotypic transition to proinflammatory macrophage-like cells through binding to the promoter region of KLF4 and enhancing its transcription. Studies using Miat −/− and Miat −/− ApoE −/− mice as well as Yucatan LDLR −/− mini-pigs confirmed the regulatory role of this lncRNA in SMC de- and trans-differentiation and advanced atherosclerotic lesion formation. Conclusions: The lncRNA MIAT is a novel regulator of cellular processes in advanced atherosclerosis that controls proliferation, apoptosis, and phenotypic transition of SMCs as well as the pro-inflammatory properties of macrophages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2107195
Lingxiao Zhang ◽  
Yue Song ◽  
Kunxia Cao ◽  
Yangyang Du ◽  
Mingda Han ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Lulu Si ◽  
Jing Bai ◽  
Hanlin Fu ◽  
Haifeng Qiu ◽  
Ruixia Guo

AbstractExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are small membranous vesicles secreted by multiple kinds of cells and are widely present in human body fluids. EVs containing various constituents can transfer functional molecules from donor cells to recipient cells, thereby mediating intercellular communication. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a type of RNA transcript with limited protein-coding capacity, that have been confirmed to be enriched in EVs in recent years. EV ncRNAs have become a hot topic because of their crucial regulating effect in disease progression, especially in cancer development. In this review, we summarized the biological functions of EV ncRNAs in the occurrence and progression of gynecological malignancies. In addition, we reviewed their potential applications in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological malignancies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2004
Jan Bobek ◽  
Adéla Mikulová ◽  
Dita Šetinová ◽  
Marie Elliot ◽  
Matouš Čihák

Regulatory RNAs control a number of physiological processes in bacterial cells. Here we report on a 6S-like RNA transcript (scr3559) that affects both development and antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor. Its expression is enhanced during the transition to stationary phase. Strains that over-expressed the scr3559 gene region exhibited a shortened exponential growth phase in comparison with a control strain; accelerated aerial mycelium formation and spore maturation; alongside an elevated production of actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin. These observations were supported by LC-MS analyses of other produced metabolites, including: germicidins, desferrioxamines, and coelimycin. A subsequent microarray differential analysis revealed increased expression of genes associated with the described morphological and physiological changes. Structural and functional similarities between the scr3559 transcript and 6S RNA, and its possible employment in regulating secondary metabolite production are discussed.

Oza Zaheed ◽  
Stephen J. Kiniry ◽  
Pavel V. Baranov ◽  
Kellie Dean

Detection of translation in so-called non-coding RNA provides an opportunity for identification of novel bioactive peptides and microproteins. The main methods used for these purposes are ribosome profiling and mass spectrometry. A number of publicly available datasets already exist for a substantial number of different cell types grown under various conditions, and public data mining is an attractive strategy for identification of translation in non-coding RNAs. Since the analysis of publicly available data requires intensive data processing, several data resources have been created recently for exploring processed publicly available data, such as OpenProt, GWIPS-viz, and Trips-Viz. In this work we provide a detailed demonstration of how to use the latter two tools for exploring experimental evidence for translation of RNAs hitherto classified as non-coding. For this purpose, we use a set of transcripts with substantially different patterns of ribosome footprint distributions. We discuss how certain features of these patterns can be used as evidence for or against genuine translation. During our analysis we concluded that the MTLN mRNA, previously misannotated as lncRNA LINC000116, likely encodes only a short proteoform expressed from shorter RNA transcript variants.

Szilárd Zsolt Fazekas ◽  
Hwee Kim ◽  
Ryuichi Matsuoka ◽  
Reoto Morita ◽  
Shinnosuke Seki

Oritatami is a computational model of RNA cotranscriptional folding, in which an RNA transcript is folding upon itself while being synthesized from its template DNA. This model is known to be Turing universal. Under the restriction on its parameters delay and arity both being 1, however, any deterministically foldable conformation is known to be at most ten times as large as its initial conformation (seed), and hence, the model becomes weaker. In this paper, we shall improve the size upper bound from [Formula: see text] down to [Formula: see text] and also provide a system that can fold into a conformation of size [Formula: see text]. These tighter bounds result from a novel graph representation of deterministic oritatami folding pathways. We shall also study the case in which a transcript is trapped in a region closed by a seed and show that under this confinement, the upper bound is further improved to [Formula: see text].

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