olenek uplift
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2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 418-437
T. A. Ivanovskaya ◽  
T. S. Zaitseva ◽  
B. B. Zviagina ◽  
B. A. Sakharov ◽  
B. B. Kochnev ◽  

2020 ◽  
Aleksandr Pasenko ◽  
Aleksandr Savelev ◽  
Sergey Malyshev

<p>In spite of the fact, that during the last two decades some number of new paleomagnetic poles, more or less meeting the modern standards of quality [Van der Voo, 1993], have been obtained for Mesoproterozoic of Siberia [Evans et al., 2016]. The problem of the Precambrian segment of the apparent polar wander path (APWP) for Siberia, rests still to be far from its solution.</p><p>The latter, obviously, hampers the elaboration of Precambrian paleogeographic reconstructions, solution of numerous other important tasks of the Earth Sciences.</p><p>The Late Precambrian key section of the Udzha Uplift seemed to be one of the most promising object to elaborate the Mesoproterozoic segment of APWP of the Siberian platform. Until recently, the rocks composing this section have been considered to be of the Mesoproterozoic and Vendian age.</p><p>As a result of isotope studies in recent years, the age of formations of the Udzha Uplift has been significantly increased (1386±30 Ma, apatite, U-Pb, [Malyshev et al., 2018]). In particular, age of the Udzha Fm, which forms the uppermost part of the Udzha riphean sequence is considered currently to be Mesoproterosoic. On the base of our new paleomagnetic data this formation has been formed about the same time as the Khaypakh Fm from the Olenek Uplift (NE Siberia), whose Mesoproterozoic age has been established earlier from independent isotopic data [Zaitseva et al., 2017].</p><p>During last several years we have carried out the paleomagnetic studies of Late Precambrian rocks of the Udzha Uplift including the Mesoproterozoic Udzha and Unguokhtakh formations as well as intrusions representing two Mesoproterozoic magmatic events.</p><p>In this abstract we present new paleomagnetic poles for the Mesoproterosoic rocks (1500 Ma, ca.1400 Ma, 1385 Ma) of the Siberian platform.</p><p>These paleomagnetic poles significantly complement the Mesoproterozoic segment of APWP of the Siberian Platform.</p><p><em>The studies were supported by the Russian Science Foundation project № 19-77-10048.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Z. A. Sarsembaev ◽  
V. V. Marusin

Los estratos basales del Piso cámbrico 2 del Olenek Uplift albergan diversos conjuntos de fósiles macroscópicos, que se asemejan mucho a ciertos pequeños taxones esqueléticos documentados en esta sección y típicos del Terranoviense. En este caso, la asociación macroscópica estudiada incluye moluscos helcionélidos, estenotécidos y kharkhánidos, así como hiolitos de tipo anabarítido y circotécidos. Entre ellos, sólo los anabarítidos y algunos hiolitos circotécidos muestran restos de concha calcítica, mientras que la mayoría de los fósiles carecen de exoesqueleto rígido biomineralizado. Por tanto, al menos estos organismos cámbricos problemáticos habrían alcanzado tamaños macroscópicos (de hasta 35 mm de largo) y estaban cubiertos con conchas calcíticas al principio del Pisp cámbrico 2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 157 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-34 ◽  
Dmitriy V. Grazhdankin ◽  
Vasiliy V. Marusin ◽  
Olga P. Izokh ◽  
Galina A. Karlova ◽  
Boris B. Kochnev ◽  

AbstractThe concept of the Tommotian Regional Stage of the Siberian Platform has been closely linked to the idea of the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ of animals and protists when the entire Earth system shifted rapidly into Phanerozoic mode. We conducted a multidisciplinary study of an informal ‘synstratotype’ of the lower Tommotian boundary in the upper Mattaia Formation, Kessyusa Group in the Olenek Uplift, NE of the Siberian Platform. The Mattaia Formation characterizes an upper shoreface to inner-shelf depositional setting and provides important faunal ties and correlation with carbonate-dominated and aliminosiliciclastic open-shelf areas. A section of the upper Mattaia Formation at Boroulakh, Olenek River is suggested here as a model for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Cambrian Stage 2. This level contains the lowermost occurrence of the cosmopolitan fossil helcionelloid mollusc Aldanella attleborensis. Section global markers near the base of the stage include a positive excursion of δ13C values reaching +5.4‰, a U–Pb zircon date of 529.7 ± 0.3 Ma, massive appearance of diverse small skeletal fossils (including Watsonella crosbyi), a sudden increase in diversity and abundance of trace fossils, as well as a conspicuous increase in depth and intensity of bioturbation. Coincidently, it is this level that has always been regarded as the lower Tommotian boundary on the Olenek Uplift.

Т. А. Ivanovskaya ◽  
A. R. Geptner ◽  
А. Т. Savichev ◽  
Т. S. Zaitseva ◽  
N. V. Gor’kova ◽  

The detailed mineralogical peculiarities are reported for the first time of the glauconite of the Lower Cambrian (Tommotian stage) extracted from the terrigenous-carbonate deposits at the upper part of the Kessyusa series (the roof of the Mattaia Formation and the lower part of the Chuskuna Formation) as well as basal layers of the overlying limestone, too. Samples were taken from three sections of north-western slope of the Olenek uplift, northern Siberia; their stratigraphic position is given on the basis of modern data [Nagovitsin et al., 2015, and others]. Grains of layer silicates are represented by mica-smectite phyllosilicates with a relatively low content and with an elevated content of smectite layers (<10 and 10–20%, respectively), (the unit-cell parameter b = 9.06–9.12 Å). Micaceous minerals form a range from glauconite to Al-glauconite (КAl = VIAl/(VIFe3+ + VIAl) = 0.11–0.47 и 0.60, respectively; K2O content is 6.80–8.54%. Detailed litho-mineralogical peculiarities of glauconite-bearing sediments are given for the first time. Their primary deposits according to [Marusin, 2016] accumulated in the conditions of the shoreface and the offshore-transition zone of the Siberian epicontinental marine paleobasin. The origin (autogenic, allothigenic) of the studied grains, their secondary changes (rewashed in situ, phosphatization, pyritization, calcitization, ferruginization, etc.) at different stages of lithogenesis are discussed. It is shown that the obtained preliminary Rb-Sr dates (450–320 Ma) were ”rejuvenated”: they do not meet the age values previously adopted for the the Vendian-Lower Cambrian boundary — 541.0 Ma [Gradstein et al., 2012]. This may be due to various secondary alterations of glauconite grains during rewashing, transportation, and also at different stages of diagenesis in primary sediments and after re-deposition, as well as at the stages of catagenesis (deep diagenesis) and hypergenesis of glauconite-bearing rocks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 273-291
T. A. Ivanovskaya ◽  
A. R. Geptner ◽  
A. T. Savichev ◽  
T. S. Zaitseva ◽  
N. V. Gor’kova ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 255-271 ◽  
Irina A. Vishnevskaya ◽  
Elena F. Letnikova ◽  
Natalia I. Vetrova ◽  
Boris B. Kochnev ◽  
Sergei I. Dril

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