representation level
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-61
Aura A L Cruz Heredia ◽  
Bethany Dickerson ◽  
Ellen Lau

Abstract Sustained anterior negativities have been the focus of much neurolinguistics research concerned with the language-memory interface, but what neural computations do they actually reflect? During the comprehension of sentences with long-distance dependencies between elements (such as object wh-questions), prior ERP work has demonstrated sustained anterior negativities (SANs) across the dependency region. SANs have been traditionally interpreted as an index of working memory (WM) resources responsible for storing the first element (e.g., wh-phrase) until the second element (e.g., verb) is encountered and the two can be integrated. However, it is also known that humans pursue top-down approaches in processing long-distance dependencies – predicting units and structures before actually encountering them. This study tests the hypothesis that SANs are a more general neural index of syntactic prediction. Across three experiments, we evaluated SANs in traditional wh-dependency contrasts, but also in sentences in which subordinating adverbials (e.g., ‘although’) trigger a prediction for a second clause, compared to temporal adverbials (e.g., ‘today’) that do not. We find no SAN associated with subordinating adverbials, contra the syntactic prediction hypothesis. More surprisingly, we observe SANs across matrix questions but not embedded questions. Since both involved identical long-distance dependencies, these results are also inconsistent with the traditional syntactic working memory account of the SAN. We suggest that a more general hypothesis that sustained neural activity supports working memory can be maintained, however, if the sustained anterior negativity reflects working memory encoding at the non-linguistic discourse representation level, rather than at the sentence level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Povilas Tvarijonas ◽  
Eligijus Sakalauskas ◽  
Gediminas Simonas Dosinas

In this paper the key agreement protocol is given and the applicationof it in Braid groups is suggested. The one way of protocol is being justified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-165
Sulistiyanie Wulan

The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of wabi-sabi that contained in the Tai-an tea room at Myokian Shrine, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The research of data is a video from the television program produced by NHK television station with a duration of five minutes named Hyouge Mono: Meihin Meiseki episode 7. The program features three sections of the tea room, there are nijiriguchi (the door), chashitsu (the tea room) and tokonoma (the alcove). This research used John Fiske's television semiotics theory which consists of three levels, the reality level, the representation level and the ideology level to find the codes that seen in the three sections. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The analysis of the reality and representation levels produces an ideology level in the form of a wabi-sabi philosophy represented by the zen aesthetic by Shinichi Hisamatsu. The results of this study indicate that in the Tai-an tea room contain several zen characteristics, there are kanso (simple), datsuzoku (free), fukinsei (asymmetric) and yugen (subtle). These characteristics represent simplicity, resignation, humility and tranquility in wabi-sabi and help to realize the concept of ichi go ichi e that aimed by Sen no Rikyu

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-188
Itzi Paulina Medina Jiménez ◽  
Carlos González Di Pierro

El objetivo del estudio consiste en identificar, a partir de una prueba de comprensión lectora off-line de dos tipos textuales, si existe correlación entre aprobar una materia de lectura (en español como lengua materna) en escolaridad superior (licenciatura) y una mejoría en la comprensión lectora respecto al nivel previo a la asignatura. El instrumento fue pilotado hasta llegar a su versión final, donde el texto técnico exige inferencias proposicionales y el texto humanístico requiere inferencias pragmáticas. El análisis de los resultados se realizó en dos fases: primero, se evaluó el nivel de comprensión lectora derivado de cada uno de los textos por separado y después fueron comparados ambos estratos para saber si los alumnos que aprobaron la asignatura tienen en realidad un nivel de comprensión más alto que quienes no la cursaron. La discusión reveló que no existe correlación entre el desempeño en la prueba técnica y el desempeño en la prueba humanística. Tampoco existe correlación entre aprobar la asignatura y el nivel de comprensión lectora, ni de un texto técnico ni de uno inferencial; de hecho, el nivel de comprensión lectora no presenta mejorías significativas. En conclusión, esto implica que, tras cursar una materia de comprensión lectora, los estudiantes siguen siendo incapaces de realizar las operaciones mentales necesarias para llegar hasta el nivel de representación que el tipo de texto exige tanto en el nivel proposicional como en el pragmático. This piece of research aims to identify if there is any correlation between passing a reading university course (with Spanish as a first language) and an improvement in reading comprehension, compared with the reading level obtained before attending the classes. After testing our reading comprehension tool among different pilot groups, we reach the final version, which has two different texts: the first one is a technical text, which requires readers to make propositional inferences, and the second one is a humanistic text, which requires readers to make pragmatic inferences. The analysis of the results was undertaken in two phases: first, we evaluated the reading comprehension level of each text, and second, we compared both levels to know if students who had passed had a higher reading comprehension level than students who had never taken this reading course. The discussion showed that there is not any correlation between technical test performance and humanistic test performance; neither is there a correlation between passing the subject and the level of reading comprehension. Moreover, reading comprehension did not show any significant improvement. In sum, after taking the entire course, students are still unable to perform the mental operations needed to reach the representation level (propositional or pragmatical) expected to comprehend both text types.

Information ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 511
Karlo Babić ◽  
Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić ◽  
Ana Meštrović

In natural language processing, text needs to be transformed into a machine-readable representation before any processing. The quality of further natural language processing tasks greatly depends on the quality of those representations. In this survey, we systematize and analyze 50 neural models from the last decade. The models described are grouped by the architecture of neural networks as shallow, recurrent, recursive, convolutional, and attention models. Furthermore, we categorize these models by representation level, input level, model type, and model supervision. We focus on task-independent representation models, discuss their advantages and drawbacks, and subsequently identify the promising directions for future neural text representation models. We describe the evaluation datasets and tasks used in the papers that introduced the models and compare the models based on relevant evaluations. The quality of a representation model can be evaluated as its capability to generalize to multiple unrelated tasks. Benchmark standardization is visible amongst recent models and the number of different tasks models are evaluated on is increasing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Tzu-Yang Wang ◽  
Yuji Sato ◽  
Mai Otsuki ◽  
Hideaki Kuzuoka ◽  
Yusuke Suzuki

In manufacturing, augmented reality (AR)-based remote instruction systems, which enable workers to receive instructions from an avatar, are widely used. In this study, we developed such a system and investigated the effect of the body representation level of the avatar on the quality of AR-based remote instruction. Drawing on the avatar designs of previous works, three different avatar designs (“Hand only”, “Hand + Arm”, and “Body”), representing three body representation levels, were created. In the experiment with a within-participant design, the avatar pointed at blocks sequentially and participants touched each block as soon as they identified it. The results of the experiment indicate that an AR-based remote instruction system with a “Body” avatar exhibits higher usability and can enable the participants to have a lower workload and higher efficiency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Selma Shabrina

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai moral bangsa Jepang Jin yang direpresentasikan oleh tokoh Kanna dalam film Sayonara Bokutachi No Youchien. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan semiotika John Fiske. Fiske menganalisis suatu makna yang terkandung dalam teks dengan menggunakan 3 level kode televisi, yaitu level realitas, level representasi dan level ideologi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mencakup teori film, nilai moral bangsa Jepang dan semiotika. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak dan catat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 adegan yang diidentifikasi mengandung nilai moral bangsa Jepang jin yang direpresentasikan melalui tokoh Kanna.     Kata Kunci : nilai moral bangsa Jepang, semiotika, film   Abstract This research aims to find out the jin’s moral values of the Japanese people that are portrayed through the Kannas’s character in the film Sayonara Bokutachi no Youchien. This research is a descriptive analysis study with the using of John Fiske's semiotic approach. According to Fiske, there are 3 levels to analyzing the meanings in the text, those are the reality level, the representation level, and the ideology level. The theories used in this study are about film, Japanese moral values, and semiotics. The data collection technique used in this study is the observation with note-taking and the literature review. The data chosen as the object of this research are scenes that reflects the jin’s moral values ​​of the Japanese people. The results of this study indicate that there are 2 scenes who’s showing the jin’s moral values ​​of the Japanese nation ​​that described by Kanna.   Keywords : Japanese moral values, semiotics, film

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Trivosa Pah ◽  
Rini Darmastuti

Lentera Indonesia is one of the documentary programs by television station NET TV. This program displayed the story from the people who struggled to bring positive thinking and impact to the community. This program has a lot of signs and meanings. This article will be explained about Lentera Indonesia’s program edition “Building the potential of the nation’s next generation in Sula Island, North Maluku Province” which aired on May 6th, 2018 and is located in the village of Lekokadai, Sula Island, Nort Maluku Province. This article conducted to find out the meaning of this episode. This article used a critical paradigm which is approached by John Fiske’s semiotic method, consist of reality level, representation level, and ideology level. Seen from every story that has been built from section 1 to 3, this program has been shown: 1. The struggles of a young girl named Yosa who have been fighting for education in remote areas in Indonesia, with a personality that is simple, creative, has a characteristic of leadership, and easy to blend with the people surrounding himself. 2. People besides the main character who inspires, struggles, and willingness the others in limited facilities and electricity.3. Shown the potential of this place which has been named by city of music in Indonesia. Keywods: John Fiske; semiotic; Lentera Indonesia; Sula Island. ABSTRAK Lentera Indonesia, merupakan salah satu program bergenre documenteryang dimiliki oleh stasiun televisi swasta NET.TV. Program ini menampilkan kisah perjuangan anak bangsa yang membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat, yang sarat akan tanda-tanda dan pemaknaan. Tulisan ini akan membahas tayangan Lentera Indonesia episode “Membina Potensi Para Penerus Bangsa di Kepulauan Sula, Maluku Utara”yang tayang pada 6 Mei 2018 dan berlokasi di desaLekokadai, Kepulauan Sula, Provinsi Maluku Utara. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui makna dari episode ini. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada paradigma kritis dengan mendekatan semiotika John Fikse. Kode-kode sosial yang dikemukan oleh John Fiske terbagi menjadi 3 tahapan yaitu level realitas, level representatif dan level ideologi. Dilihat dari setiap cerita yang dibangun dari segmen 1 sampai 3, tayangan ini ingin menunjukkan 1. Perjuangan seorang anak muda yang bernama Yosa dalam memperjuangkan pendidikan di daerah pelosok yang ada di Indonesia, dengan kepribadian yang sederhana, kreatif, tegas, memiliki sifat pemimpin, dan mudah berbaur dengan lingkungan sekitar. 2. Pelajaran hidup yang menginspirasi, semangat perjuangan, kebaikan hati dan kerelaan memberi yang datang dari tokoh-tokoh lain selain tokoh utama, dalam keterbatasan fasilitas serta listrik 3. Potensi anak daerah Maluku yang dijuluki sebagai city of music in Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Semiotika, John Fiske, Lentera Indonesia, Kepulauan Sula

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