upper kimmeridgian
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (13) ◽  
pp. 265-314
László Bujtor ◽  
Richárd Albrecht ◽  
Csaba Farkas ◽  
Bertalan Makó ◽  
Dávid Maróti ◽  

A new collection at Zengővárkony (Mecsek Mountains, Hungary) provided a rich and diverse but poorly preserved cephalopod-dominated fossil assemblage representing the Kimmeridgian and the lower Tithonian. The material came from mixed scree, soil, and amongst roots affected by weathering processes having been exposed to the elements for a long time. The nautiloid Pseudaganides strambergensis is the first record from the Mecsek Mountains. Due to the weathering, the ammonite fauna consists of mainly fragmentary and dissolved individuals that comprises 528 specimens belonging to 34 species and 30 genera out of which 20 species and 15 genera are reported for the first time from the Mecsek Mountains. The fauna includes specimens of known taxa. No new taxa are introduced. Based on the comparison with other faunas, this assemblage most closely resembles the fauna of the Venetian Alps (Italy). Additional faunal elements include aptychi (Laevaptychus latus, Lamellaptychus murocostatus), belemnites (Hibolithes semisulcatus), and an indetermined brachiopod. The first record of Spiraserpula spirolinites, an encrusting fossil polychaete preserved on the internal mould of a Taramelliceras shell fragment indicates favourable bottom conditions for the epifauna. The presence of Aspidoceras caletanum, Gravesia aff. gigas, and Pseudowaagenia inerme indicates faunal connections with the Submediterranean Province of the Tethys, which is in line with the tectonic and palaeogeographical position of the Mecsek Zone during the Late Jurassic. The ammonite assemblage represents elements of five Tethysian ammonite zones of the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian. The lower Kimmeridgian Herbichi Zone is indicated by Streblites tenuilobatus and Praesimoceras herbichi. The upper Kimmeridgian Acanthicum Zone is indicated by Aspidoceras acanthicum, and the Cavouri Zone by Mesosimoceras cavouri and Aspidoceras caletanum. The upper Kimmeridgian Beckeri Zone is suggested by Hybonoticeras pressulum and Pseudowaagenia inerme. Whereas Gravesia aff. gigas, Lithacoceras aff. siliceum, and Malagasites? denseplicatus are faunal elements characterising the Early Tithonian Hybonotum Zone. Phylloceratid and lytoceratid specimens account only for 12% of the fauna, while the majority of the specimens belong to the Oppeliidae and Ataxioceratidae (60%).

Mikhail A. Rogov ◽  
Julia N. Savelieva ◽  
Olga V. Shurekova ◽  

The results of integrate biostratigraphic study of Upper Jurassic deposits of the clay pit near the village of Valy (Syzran district, Samara region) are presented. For the first time a bed-by-bed description was made and the subdivision of the section into zones, subzones and biohorizons by ammonites was established. Bauhini and Kitchini zones (Bayi subzone) are established in the Lower Kimeridgian, while Upper Kimmeridgian is represented by Autissiodorensis zone only. In the Lower Volgian Sokolovi and Pseudoscythica zones were recognized, while the Middle Volgian is represented by the Panderi zone. The age of the regionally developed unconformity at the base of the Trazovo Formation has been clarified. As in the sections located to the south from studied section, this unconformity is located in the base of the Autissiodorensis zone, overlying different Oxfordian and lower Kimmeridgian. For the first time for Kimmeridgian of Central Russia in the marlstone band of the Kitchini zone (bayi biohorizon) solitary corals conditionally attributed to the genus Trochocyathus were found. Along with corals other warm-water taxa (belemnites Hibolithes, rare ammonites Taramelliceras) were found in the same bed, suggesting deposition of this bed during the short-time warming event. 6 biostratigraphic units (zone and beds with fauna) were recognized by ostracods, along with 2 dinocyst-based units (assemblage and zone) which are compared with the stratigraphic subdivisions by these groups, previously proposed for the Kimeridgian and Volgian stages of the Russian Platform. The paleo-ecological analysis has allowed to assume, that sediments have accumulated in the conditions of warm shallow eutrophic basin with depth to 50 m, with gradual increase of eutrophy through time. At some levels, short-term episodes of severe shallowing or freshening are recorded by ostracods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Wolfgang Blendinger ◽  
Matthias Mäuser

The oldest Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk occurs in Wattendorf on the northern Franconian Alb (southern Germany). It is a 15 m thick alternation of laminated dolomite and limestone, interbedded with carbonate debris layers in a depression ~2 km across and a few tens of metres deeper than the surrounding microbial-sponge reefs. The Plattenkalk overlies a few tens of metres of microbial-sponge biostrome facies and bedded, micritic basinal limestone. The bulk-rock stable isotopes of the micritic basinal facies gradually change from normal marine (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB) to lower values (δ13C ~ 0‰, δ18O ~ –6‰) in a ~ 40 m thick interval including Plattenkalk and suggest ageing of the bottom waters. The surrounding reefs are isotopically nearly invariant (δ13C ~ +2‰, δ18O ~ –2‰ VPDB). An isotope anomaly (δ13C of > ~ –9‰) is restricted to the basinal facies and is most pronounced in the biostrome facies. This indicates methanogenesis, which is documented in negative δ13C in dedolomite, calcite-cemented dolomite and calcite concretions and occurred probably mainly below seabed. The Konservat-Lagerstätte was probably deposited near an oxygen minimum zone in a water column with low productivity of organic material. Dolomite is in isotopic equilibrium with Plattenkalk and was probably deposited as protodolomite from chemically modified, aged seawater. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of bulk carbonate are often slightly radiogenic, probably due to random analytical sample contamination by clay minerals. Belemnite and some matrix 87Sr/86Sr is slightly lower than that of Kimmeridgian seawater, either caused by basin restriction or by fluids derived from the diagenesis of Oxfordian rocks below. An equivalent Upper Kimmeridgian depression ~23 km distant and a somewhat younger Konservat-Lagerstätte in Poland show a δ13C isotope anomaly below the main fossil beds. Isotopic evidence for saline bottom waters, the current interpretation, is lacking. This study also shows that micritic carbonates can preserve their early diagenetic, marine δ18O signal, which is correlatable over tens of kilometres.

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