diamondlike carbon
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2021 ◽  
Vol 116 (11) ◽  
pp. 806-809
David Schellenberg ◽  
Marcel Plogmeyer ◽  
Jens Kruse ◽  
Malte Stonis ◽  
Bernd-Arno Behrens ◽  

Abstract Im Automobil- und Maschinenbau werden massivumgeformte Bauteile in vielen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Die Gesenke für die Bauteile erfahren während der Umformung aufgrund von hohen Umformkräften und Temperaturen einen hohen Verschleiß. Um einen wirtschaftlichen Produktionsbetrieb zu ermöglichen, wurden Methoden zur Verminderung des Verschleißes bei der Halbwarmumformung untersucht. Eine vielversprechende Methode ist der Einsatz von Diamondlike-Carbon (DLC)-Verschleißschutzschichten.

A. V. Dunaev ◽  
M. N. Kostomakhin

An effective technique in the improvement of wear resistance and resource especially wornout friction is provided in the surface parts of anti-friction tribological coatings of various compositions entered in the regular lubrication maintenance of machines and equipment [1, 5, 7–10, 12–17]. Approved since 1930 [10] they during maintenance of machinery and equipment allows 2–3 times to increase their service life, 5–20 % reduced consumption of fuel and electricity, up to 30 % operating costs [7, 9, 10, 13, 14]. Introduction to oil chemically active substances, suspensions of particles of natural and artificial minerals, the oil solutions of the active organic substances, metal salts of organic acids [7, 17], the electric charge consumption less than 1 W [4, 6, 11], creating a wear-reducing coating [2, 5, 8, 12, 15–17], enhance adhesion of the lubricant is technically and economically justified, with a margin of 500–800 % or more [1, 3, 5, 7–10, 12–17]. CIP technical service as part of the overall system of technical maintenance and repair of machines, meets all the periods of their life cycle, and includes the testing, diagnosis, commissioning and preventive triboactive, the cleaning of the lubrication systems of engines, fuel, cooling, and most importantly — the restoration of worn units repair-regenerative trains [5, 7–10, 12–14, 17]. In the last intake of the mineral particles of the catalytically active open friction surface are subjected to a mechanical cold deformation, are involved in adhesion, physical and chemical processes, tribromoimidazole, catalysis of tribo-processes [2, 15–17]. As a result of the repair coating [2, 5, 12, 15–17]. The serpentine triboactive create a durable anti-friction coatings [2, 15–17]. According to research by European and American researchers [15, 16], especially in Chinese state laboratory of Tribology of Tsinghua University [17], these minerals cause the formation of diamondlike carbon fi lms (Diamond-Like carbon fi lms — DLC-fi lms). Their surface is high purity and hardness, underneath are visible traces of mechanical processing, for 90 % consist of carbon, the resistance of 10–300 Ohm/cm. The eff ect of serpentine processing is manifested through the hours and ability to operate even without triboactive [2, 10]. Below are the laboratory tribotechnical tests of triboactive and fi ling of charges in the oil, which confi rm the eff ectiveness of non-traditional tribology.

Lubricants ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 88
Joachim Faller ◽  
Matthias Scherge

Using a tribometer equipped with a high-resolution wear measurement unit (RNT), the running-in of a diamondlike carbon (DLC) iron spray coating contact was analyzed and optimized. The optimization comprised an initial parameter field with different load and speed levels to find key operation points. These points were used to compose a dedicated running-in parameter field. The analysis underlined the importance of identifying the adequate stressing conditions. With respect to our concept of the running-in corridor, a high-power running-in has to be preferred to obtain a tribological system with low friction, small total wear and wear rate, high system stability, and low sensitivity to external changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 374 ◽  
pp. 1006-1014 ◽  
Jun Bi ◽  
Manzhong Yang ◽  
Jihua Peng ◽  
Ruida Sheng ◽  
Liejun Li ◽  

T.-P. Yu ◽  
H.-Z. Li ◽  
Y. Yin ◽  
Z.-M. Sheng ◽  
P. McKenna ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-447 ◽  
Susumu Takabayashi ◽  
Keishi Okamoto ◽  
Tatsuyuki Nakatani

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