organoleptic parameters
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Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-440
A. A. Tumashov ◽  
A. S. Gavrilov ◽  
O. V. Chugunova ◽  
O. Yu. Bulygina

The search for equivalent flavoring sugar substitutes of a non-sugar nature is an urgent direction in the development of the technology of flour confectionery products. In the course of research, a gingerbread recipe has been developed with a partial replacement of the prescription sugar with a 15 % solution of sucralose in glycerin, which most closely correspond to the organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, texture) of traditional flour confectionery products. The results of the organoleptic evaluation of coded prototypes of gingerbread with the involvement of experts have shown that a decrease in sugar concentration by 25 % does not lead to a statistically significant change in organoleptic parameters in comparison with control samples. Substitution of more than 30 % sugar leads to an increase in the plasticity of the dough complicating the operation of the dosing mechanisms; at the same time, the taste of the products changes (these changes are noted during the tasting assessment); their consistency becomes denser. In the process of research, the stability of the quantitative and qualitative properties of gingerbread during storage has been proved. Experimental samples of gingerbread with 25 % reduced sugar content retain all the indicators established by GOST for their storage for 90 days without statistically significant changes. The decomposition of sucralose in the manufacture of the dough is 0.1 %, in the baking process - 2.6 %, during storage for 120 days - 6.7 % (of the loaded product). The developed recipe allows enterprises to expand the range of confectionery products with reduced sugar content.

Екатерина Юрьевна Иванова

В работе приведены и проанализированы данные химических и токсикологических исследований воды р. Матыра Липецкой области. Отмечены превышения допустимых значений по органолептическим показателям, а также по сульфатам, аммоний-иону и нитритам. Кроме того, было проведено определение относительной токсичности с помощью метода, основанного на регистрации изменений оптической плотности культуры водоросли хлорелла ( Chlorella vulgaris ). В результате биотестирования показано, что все пробы воды проявили токсичность, которая проявляется в стимуляции роста культуры хлорелла. Такая стимуляция роста свидетельствует о том, что исследованные пробы содержат легкоусвояемые органические и неорганические соединения. При сравнении полученных значений концентраций с предыдущими исследованиями отмечена отрицательная динамика по всем определяемым загрязняющим веществам, что свидетельствует о снижении качества воды. The paper presents and analyzes the data of chemical and toxicological studies of the water of the Matyra river of the Lipetsk region. Excess of permissible values for organoleptic parameters, as well as for sulfates, ammonium ion and nitrites were noted. In addition, the relative toxicity was determined using a method based on the registration of changes in the optical density of the Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris) algae culture. The results of the bioassay showed that all water samples demonstrated toxicity, which manifests itself in stimulating the growth of chlorella culture. Such growth stimulation indicates that the samples studied contain easily digestible organic and inorganic compounds. When comparing the obtained concentration values with previous studies, negative dynamics was noted for all identified pollutants, which indicates a decrease in water quality.

A. Vidya ◽  
B. G. Hanumantharayya ◽  
R. Vasantha Kumari

An experiment was conducted during 2012-2014 at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, Gokak (Karnataka), India to study the effect of silicon on  yield and quality of mango cv. Kesar. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments replicated five times. The results revealed that, the highest yield per tree (140.93 kg/tree) was recorded in the treatment supplemented in (T5) Half of RDF + DE 600 kg/ha which significantly more than the compared to control during 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and pooled data. It was noticed that the (T7) RDF + DE 300 kg per hectareas RDF + DE 300 kg/ha was best on the basis of physical characteristics like increased in length, diameter and volume of the fruit, and the treatment was significantly higher than the untreated control mango fruits. The treatment also helped in better chemical characteristics like increased TSS, total sugars, and reducing sugars and optimum physiological loss in weight, resulting in improved keeping quality at ambient conditions (25-350C, 50-60% RH). The T7 treatment was judged as the most effective soil application for the mango cv. Kesar that helped in increasing the quality of the mango fruits during storage even after 18 days of storage. The same treatment was also found to be more effective and significantly more than the compared to control during 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and pooled data with respect to organoleptic parameters for the mango cv. Kesar.

N. B. Slyvka ◽  
O. Ya. Bilyk ◽  
G. V. Dronyk ◽  
V. O. Nagovska

The ice cream market is one of the developed segments of the food industry of Ukraine. Ice cream is a frozen product that is consumed all over the world. The work aimed to investigate the quality of parfait ice cream with vegetable fillings. The selection and justification of the components of the system, namely quail eggs, celery root, spinach leaves, was based on literature data and regulatory documentation, as well as laboratory data. Celery and spinach puree was chosen as one of the recipe components of ice cream, and the peculiarities of its preparation were studied. Parfait ice cream recipes with different ratios of vegetable fillers and pumpkin flour have been developed. The physiological and organoleptic parameters of ice cream with additional pumpkin flour, celery, and spinach puree were studied. According to the obtained results, the optimal content of pumpkin flour in ice cream is equal to 2–4 %, and vegetable puree – 25–35 %. It has been proved that pumpkin flour significantly affects the structural characteristics of ice cream mixes. They were melting resistance increases from 100 to 145 minutes. When increasing the flour content to 4 %. The dry matter content in ice cream varies depending on the amount of vegetable puree and pumpkin flour. However, the mass fraction of fat and dry nonfat milk residue does not change because the experimental samples were developed based on the composition of the control sample. Studies show that the new frozen dessert retains microbiological stability for six months. The combination of vegetable and dairy raw materials with pumpkin flour and quail eggs in the production of parfait ice cream provides the necessary whipping. It allows obtaining a product with specified rheological and physicochemical parameters.

L. Korol-Bezpala ◽  
S. Merzlov ◽  
V. Marshalok ◽  
H. Merzlova ◽  
Y. Shurchkova ◽  

Foods must contain all the nutrients necessary to maintain human health, development and life. These components include protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, which must be in sufficient quantity and ensure the proper functioning of the body. One such food that contains significant amounts of nutrients is peanuts. Peanuts are a source of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, trace elements and vitamins. The nutrients of the product are easily absorbed. The article presents the results of a study of the nutritional value of roasted salted peanuts of various manufacturers, which are used for consumption in hotel and restaurant complexes in the Kiev region. The studies were carried out in the laboratory of the State Research Control Institute of Veterinary Drugs and Feed Additives (Lviv). Nutritional value was determined according to different methods, which are intended for each indicator, and also used statistical methods. According to the research results, it was revealed that the content of moisture, protein, fat and fiber in peanuts Big Bo, Felix Peanuts and Cossack Slava ranges, respectively, in the range from 0.73 to 1.37 %, from 26.3 to 26.9, from 46.01 to 48.6 g/100 g of product and 3.56 to 3.92 %. According to organoleptic parameters, prototypes of peanuts from different manufacturers meet the standard requirements. Promising research is the study of trace elements in roasted salted peanuts from various manufacturers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Emmanuel Kofi Kumatia ◽  
Francis Ofosu-Koranteng ◽  
Alfred Ampomah Appiah ◽  
Kofi Bobi Barimah

Mist Nibima is an essential herbal medicine used to treat malaria, bacterial, yeast, and COVID-19 infections. However, the drug has not been standardized and its active chemical ingredients are also not known. This study employed physicochemical, organoleptic, qualitative, and quantitate phytochemical analysis to established standards for Mist Nibima. Additionally, UHPLC was used to quantify the alkaloid cryptolepine in the drug using calibration curve. The chemical ingredients in Mist Nibima were thereafter characterized using UHPLC-MS. Organoleptic evaluation shows that Mist Nibima is a very bitter, cloudy, broom yellow decoction with the following physicochemical parameters: pH = 6.10 ± 0.08 (at 28.3°C), total solid residue = 5.34 ± 0.27%w/v, and specific gravity = 1.0099 ± 0.0000. The total alkaloid (23.71 ± 1.311%) content of the drug is 3 times its total saponins (7.993 ± 0.067%) content. Methyl cryptolepinoate (37.10%), cryptolepine (33.56%), quindoline (20.78%), 11-isopropylcryptolepine (5.16%), and hydroxycryptolepine (3.14%) were the active chemical ingredients in the drug with the concentrations of 18.64 ± 0.255, 16.85 ± 0.231, 10.42 ± 0.143, 2.56 ± 0.034, and 1.70 ± 0.023 µg/mL, respectively. Administration of a single oral therapeutic dose (30 mL) of Mist Nibima corresponds to ingestion of 559.2 ± 7.662, 505.5 ± 6.930, 312.6 ± 4.285, 76.8 ± 1.028, and 51.0 ± 0.699 µg of methyl cryptolepinoate, cryptolepine, quindoline, 11-isopropylcryptolepine, and hydroxycryptolepine, respectively. This translates into a corresponding daily dose of 1677.6 ± 22.986, 1516.5 ± 20.790, 937.8 ± 12.855, 230.4 ± 3.084, and 153.0 ± 2.097 µg of methyl cryptolepinoate, cryptolepine, quindoline, 11-isopropylcryptolepine, and hydroxycryptolepine. These results could now serve as tools for authentication, standardization, and quality control of Mist Nibima to ensure its chemical and pharmacological consistency and safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (2) ◽  
pp. 022106
T Senotrusova ◽  
Y Furmanova ◽  
F Darwish ◽  
T Kalenik ◽  
E Dobrynina ◽  

Abstract In various regions of the Far East, the nutritional status of the population suggests that the diet of Russians is characterized by excessive consumption of animal fats, as well as micronutrients. Based on this, it will be promising to enrich the macro-and micronutrients of ordinary food products such as boiled sausage products for the benefit of the consumer. The use of vegetable raw materials in the production of meat products enrich them with functional ingredients, increase their digestibility and get products that meet the physiological norms of nutrition, contribute to the improvement of their therapeutic and preventive properties and the stabilization of consumer properties. The results of the tasting evaluation of the presented samples allowed us to draw conclusions about the possibility of improving the organoleptic parameters by adding raw materials of plant origin in various combinations and mass fraction. The use of carmine made it possible to get a color familiar to the buyer and to abandon the use of artificial food additives. Partial replacement of animal fat with soybean oil allowed to give the product useful properties and improved the appearance of the product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-39
V.L. Zakharov ◽  
N.F. Shchegol'kov ◽  
E.S. Zagryadskih ◽  

The work is aimed at assessing the vitamin value of yogurt after adding berries from the Lipetsk region retail chain to its recipe. The addition of crushed strawberries, cherries, blueberries and cranberries to yogurt preserves the organoleptic characteristics of the product within the GOST 31981-2013 standard. The introduction of strawberries, cherries and cranberries into the yogurt recipe gives the product a light pink, and blueberries - a light blue color. Of the berries used, only cranberries did not give the yogurt any taste. This berry acidified yogurt to the greatest extent. All the added fruits reduced the density of yogurt, especially strawberries. Judging by the acidity of the yogurt, the shelf life at a temperature of 4 oC of the control sample, as well as with the addi-tion of blueberries and strawberries, was the longest – 7 days. On the 6th day, the cherry variant went beyond the standard for acidity, on the 5th day - the cranberry variant. Taking into account the organoleptic parameters, the shelf life of acidity and the content of nutrients in yogurt, it is necessary to single out the option with the addition of blueberries as the most successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Afe Dwiani ◽  
Suburi Rahman

This research aimed to determine the effect of concentration and soaking time in calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) on the quality of plantain chips (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). The method that used in this study was complete randomized design (CRD) with a double factors that was concentration of calcium hydroxide (1%, 5% and 10%) and soaking time (10, 20 and 30 minutes), with treatment are KP1 (1% : 10 minutes), KP2 (5% : 10 minutes), KP3 (10% : 10 minutes), KP4 (1% : 20 minutes), KP5 (5% : 20 minutes), KP6 (10% : 20 minutes), KP7 (1% : 30 minutes), KP8 (5% : 30 minutes) and KP9 (10% : 30 minutes). The data of the research were analyzed using Analysis of Variance at level 5% and tested continued using the test of Least Significant Different (LSD) at the same level if there was a real difference. The results showed that the concentration and soaking time in calcium hydroxide had a real effect on chemical qualities (water, ash, fat, and zinc/Zn) and organoleptic (taste, color, aroma, and texture) of plantain chips. In zinc content for all instruments are suitable with standard (SNI No. 01-4315-1996) for banana chips, while for moisture, ash, and fat content, not all treatments are suitable with the standard. In organoleptic parameters for taste, color, and aroma, panelists preferred treatment of KP1 (concentration of calcium hydroxide 1% and soaking time of 10 minutes) for best result, while for texture the treatment of KP9 (concentration of calcium hydroxide 10% and soaking time 30 minutes) produces the best quality based from panelist choice.

Namrata Patel ◽  
Nitish Kumar ◽  
Arpita Singh ◽  
Amresh Gupta

The aim of the present research was to develop and evaluate the anti-microbial emulgel by using three different types of synthetic polymers. The active moiety selected for the formulation was the seeds of Carica papaya fruit. The formulation was developed by performing the extraction process; Soxhlet extraction with ethanol and water. The seeds of Carica papaya are reported to have anti-microbial properties. The skin-friendly i.e., the topical formulation was selected for development. Emulgel was prepared by incorporating different polymers and then evaluating each of them for best results. Basic evaluation parameters such as organoleptic parameters, viscosity, consistency, pH, homogeneity have been done, which demonstrate the results as per the reference and standard articles. Along with that, qualitative and quantitative tests of Carica seeds have also been performed, which indicates that the selected plant material is safe for usage. Finally, the most imp test, the anti-microbial test has been performed for determining the efficacy of prepared emulgel. Hence, it can be concluded that the prepared emulgel is safe and best for topical use as an anti-microbial. 

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