Evidence syntheses are considerable undertakings requiring substantial efforts to complete. Most data generated during a review are typically never made publicly available: a small fraction is typically provided alongside a review (typically not machine-readable). Full, publicly available review data in a standardised, machine-readable format, could radically increase the impact, transparency, efficiency, rigour, reusability, and legacy of evidence syntheses. Using a Delphi-style, stakeholder-driven approach, we plan to develop minimum standards and standardised formats for data from systematic reviews (and related systematic maps). We will collate suggestions from a broad group of stakeholders, using several rounds of anonymous voting and review to improve group consensus on necessary data and formatting. We will host an online workshop with a smaller group of stakeholders to refine and finalise a short-list of recommended minimum standards for the necessary data, formatting and file types to allow machine readability of the data associated with evidence syntheses.