absolute permeability
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Mingqiang Chen ◽  
Qingping Li ◽  
Linsong Cheng ◽  
Xiukun Wang ◽  
Chaohui Lyu ◽  

Understanding different fluids flow behavior confined in microscales has tremendous significance in the development of tight oil reservoirs. In this article, a novel semiempirical model for different confined fluid flow based on the concept of boundary layer thickness, caused by the fluid–solid interaction, is proposed. Micro-tube experiments are carried out to verify the novel model. After the validation, the viscosity effect on the flow rate and Poiseuille number considering the fluid–solid interaction is investigated. Furthermore, the novel model is incorporated into unstructured networks with anisotropy to study the viscosity effect on pore-scale flow in tight formations under the conditions of different displacement pressure gradients, different aspect ratios (ratio of the pore radius to the connecting throat radius), and different coordination numbers. Results show that the viscosity effect on the flow rate and Poiseuille number after considering the fluid–solid interaction induces a great deviation from that in conventional fluid flow. The absolute permeability is not only a parameter related to pore structures but also depends on fluid viscosity. The study provides an effective model for modeling different confined fluid flow in microscales and lays a good foundation for studying fluid flow in tight formations.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6897
Haiyang Zhang ◽  
Hamid Abderrahmane ◽  
Mohammed Al Kobaisi ◽  
Mohamed Sassi

This paper deals with pore-scale two-phase flow simulations in carbonate rock using the pore network method (PNM). This method was used to determine the rock and flow properties of three different rock samples, such as porosity, capillary pressure, absolute permeabilities, and oil–water relative permeabilities. The pore network method was further used to determine the properties of rock matrices, such as pore size distribution, topological structure, aspect ratio, pore throat shape factor, connected porosity, total porosity, and absolute permeability. The predicted simulation for the network-connected porosity, total porosity, and absolute permeability agree well with those measured experimentally when the image resolution is appropriate to resolve the relevant pore and throat sizes. This paper also explores the effect of the wettability and fraction of oil-wet pores on relative permeabilities, both in uniform and mixed wet systems.

Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan

AbstractIn this study, the sandstones of the Bahariya Formation in the Abu Gharadig Field, which is a promising oil reservoir in the Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt, were assessed. The wireline logs from three wells (Abu Gharadig-2, Abu Gharadig-6, and Abu Gharadig-15) were studied using seismic and petrophysical analyses. Based on seismic data, the study area contains an ENE–WSW anticlinal structure, which is divided by a set of NW–SE normal faults, reflecting the effect of Late Cretaceous dextral wrench tectonics on the northern Western Desert. The visual analysis of the well logs reveals a potential zone within well Abu Gharadig-2 located between depths of 10,551 and 10,568 ft (zone A). In contrast, potential zones were detected between depths of 11,593–11,623 ft (zone B) and 11,652–11,673 ft (zone C) in well Abu Gharadig-6. In well Abu Gharadig-15, potential zones are located between depths of 11,244–11251ft (zone D) and 11,459–11,467 ft (zone E). The quantitative evaluation shows that the intervals B and C in well AG-6 are the zones with the highest oil-bearing potential in the Abu Gharadig Field in terms of the reservoir quality. They exhibit the lowest shale volume (0.06–0.09), highest effective porosity (0.13), minimum water saturation (0.11–0.16), lowest bulk volume of water (0.01–0.02), high absolute permeability (10.92–13.93 mD), high relative oil permeability (~ 1.0), and low water cut (~ 0). The apex of the mapped fold represents that the topmost Bahariya Formation in the Abu Gharadig Field for which the drilling of additional wells close to well AG-6 is highly recommended.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiukun Wang ◽  
Zheng Zhang ◽  
Rundong Gong ◽  
Sen Wang

The oil–water two-phase flow mechanism is the critical issue for producing shale oil reservoirs after huge-volume hydraulic fracturing treatment. Due to the extremely low permeability of the shale matrix, the two-phase experimental measurement is impossible for shale samples. In this work, a pore network model is proposed to simulate steady-state oil–water flow with mixed wettability under consideration. The model is first applied in Berea sandstone, and the calculated relative permeabilities are validated with experimental studies for different wettability scenarios. Then, the three-dimensional FIB-SEM imaging of the Jimsar shale sample is used to extract a representative shale pore network with 13,419 pores and 31,393 throats. The mean values of pores and throats are 29.75 and 19.13 nm, and the calculated absolute permeability is 0.005 mD. With our proposed model, the calculated relative permeability curves show a high residual oil saturation for all the wettability conditions. Specifically, the oil-wet and mixed-wet conditions yield lower residual oil compared with the water-wet condition. For 50–50 mixed-wet conditions, the water phase relative permeability is much higher for smaller pores being oil-wet than the larger pores being oil-wet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (09) ◽  
pp. 36-36
Patrick Miller

It is not unusual to compare a team of subsurface professionals to a team of detectives piecing together a sequence of events to solve a crime. To make sense of what is happening in a hydrocarbon reservoir, subsurface teams, like detectives, typically have incomplete, sparse data sets, sampled at different points in time and space. The data only provide a partial picture of what has happened and what is likely to happen in the future. In either case, surveillance is an essential tactic to build a mental model of the situation. Fortunately, both detectives and subsurface teams have growing surveillance toolboxes to help fill information gaps and narrow the range of possible scenarios. In the oil and gas industry, an endless set of questions can be asked to characterize the state and history of a hydrocarbon reservoir. Teams need to understand the capability of the reservoir to store fluids, stresses acting on the reservoir, what fluids exist and how they interact with each other and the rock, and how fluids are moving (or are likely to move) through the reservoir. Information, however, is rarely free, and different surveillance tools provide varying qualities of information, so it is essential for subsurface professionals to choose wisely in terms of which problems to solve and which tools to pull out of the toolbox. Ultimately, we need to apply the right tools to the right problems to maximize the value of the information we gather. In this feature, we will explore innovative approaches to help better understand the stress state of the reservoir, interactions between different fluids and rocks, and how to track the movement of specific fluid components throughout the reservoir. To do so, the authors of the papers highlighted in this month’s feature apply advanced log data analysis, experimental laboratory work, and compositional reservoir simulation, key tools that every subsurface team should have in its toolbox. Recommended additional reading at OnePetro: www.onepetro.org. SPE 201679 - A Fast Method To Estimate the Correlation Between Confining Stresses and Absolute Permeability of Propped Fractures by Faras Al Balushi, The Pennsylvania State University, et al. SPE 202224 - Downhole Surveillance During the Well Lifetime Using Distributed Temperature Sensing by Ludovic Paul Ricard, CSIRO, et al. SPE 201635 - Predicting Reservoir Fluid Properties From Advanced Mud Gas Data by Tao Yang, Equinor, et al.

SPE Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Xuehao Pei ◽  
Yuetian Liu ◽  
Wenhuan Gu ◽  
Changsong Jian

Summary The relative permeability functions of two-phase reservoirs are extensively used in modern reservoir-engineering theories for calculations and numerical simulations. In recent years, the theory of anisotropic reservoir development has advanced rapidly, and the anisotropic absolute permeability of reservoirs has been characterized and applied accurately. However, if only the anisotropy of absolute permeability is considered while neglecting the anisotropy of relative permeability, the effective permeability used in the calculations will differ significantly from that of an actual reservoir. In this study, an anisotropy experiment on two-phase relative permeability, with oil and water, was conducted using natural sandstone without fractures, which demonstrated the existence of anisotropy in relative permeability and analyzed its mechanism. The properties and calculation methods for anisotropic relative permeability were studied under the symmetry groups of a rhombic system. Numerical simulations of the reservoir considering anisotropic relative permeability were performed. The results demonstrated that the anisotropic relative permeability significantly affected the development of the oil reservoir, which is primarily indicated by the significant difference in the seepage direction of oil and water, and the complicated oil/water distribution. The results of this study differed significantly from the conventional understanding of remaining oil distribution. The deformed well pattern established for the anisotropy of the absolute permeability indicated a decrease in the oil-recoveryratio.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jingqi Lin ◽  
Ruizhong Jiang ◽  
Zeyang Shen ◽  
Qiong Wang ◽  
Yongzheng Cui ◽  

Abstract In this paper, the characterization parameter ‘effective displacement flux’ is employed to describe the flushing intensity and a new numerical simulator in which the rock-fluid properties considered functions of the effective displacement flux is developed based on the black oil model. Additionally, a conceptual reservoir model is established to validate the effective characterization of the time-varying mechanisms: the time-varying oil viscosity can characterize the viscous fingering of the water phase the time-varying absolute permeability can present the aggravation of reservoir heterogeneity, the alteration of wettability is characterized with the time-varying relative permeability, and the ultimate recovery will increase with the combined effect of all three time-varying factors. Eventually, the new simulator is applied to the simulation of an actual waterflooding reservoir to illustrate the assistance in history matching. The simulation results of our simulator can readily match the history data, which proves that the consideration of comprehensive time-varying rock-fluid properties can significantly improve the accuracy during the numerical simulation of waterflooding reservoirs.

SPE Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Abdulrauf Rasheed Adebayo

Summary Lateral propagation of foam in heterogeneous reservoirs, where pore geometries vary laterally, depends on the roles of pore geometries on the foam properties. In this paper, the pore attributes of 12 different rock samples were characterized in terms of porosity, permeability, pore shape, pore size, throat size, aspect ratio, coordination number, and log mean of surface relaxation times (T2LM). These were measured from gas porosimeter and permeameter, X-ray microcomputed tomography (CT)-basedpore-network models, thin-section photomicrographs, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) surface relaxometry. The samples have a wide range of porosity: 12 to 29%; permeability: 1 to 5,000 md; average pore size: 3.7 to 9 µm; average throat size: 2.4 to 8 µm; average aspect ratio: 1 to 1.7; average coordination number: 2.6 to 5.2; and T2LM: 9.4 to 740 ms. Nitrogen foam flow experiments (without oil) were then conducted on each rock sample using a specialized coreflood apparatus. A graphical analysis of the coreflood data was used to estimate the total saturation of trapped foam (10 to 66%), flowing foam (3 to 14%), and apparent viscosity of foam (3.2 to 73 cp). Trapped foam saturation and apparent viscosity values were then correlated with each of the measured pore attributes. The results revealed that all pore attributes, except aspect ratio, have positive correlations with foam trapping and apparent viscosity. The best correlation with trapped foam saturation was obtained when the most influential pore attributes (pore size, throat size, aspect ratio, and coordination number) were combined into a single mathematical function. Foam apparent viscosity also appears to be mostly influenced by trapped foam saturation, permeability, and coordination number of pore systems. Trapping is also likely enhanced by the presence of fenestral or channel pores. Furthermore, the shape and angularity of pores seem to facilitate snap-off and trapping of foam, because rock samples with angular pores trapped the highest foam saturation compared with other samples with rounded and subrounded pores. It was also shown that the correlation between trapped foam saturation (and foam apparent viscosity) and the absolute permeability of porous media may reverse at some high-permeability values (greater than several darcies), when one or both of the following conditions exist: (1) The aspect ratio of a lower-permeability porous medium is lower than that of a higher-permeability porous medium, and (2) the coordination number of a lower-permeability porous medium is higher than that of a higher-permeability porous medium. Finally, T2LM showed a good correlation with foam trapping, making NMR logging a prospective tool for pre-evaluating foam performance in targeted reservoir sections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (07) ◽  
pp. 60-61
Chris Carpenter

This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 202996, “An Efficient Treatment Technique for Remediation of Phase-Trapping Damage in Tight Carbonate Gas Reservoirs,” by Rasoul Nazari Moghaddam, SPE, Marcel Van Doorn, and Auribel Dos Santos, SPE, Nouryon, prepared for the 2020 Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, held virtually 9–12 November. The paper has not been peer reviewed. Aqueous- and hydrocarbon-phase trapping are among the few formation-damage mechanisms capable of significant reduction in effective permeability (sometimes near 100%). In this study, a new chemical treatment is proposed for efficient remediation of water- or hydrocarbon-phase-trapping damage in low-permeability porous media. The method proposed here is cost-effective and experimentally proved to be efficient and long-lasting. Such a chemical treatment is recommended to alleviate gas flow in tight gas with aqueous-trapping-damaged zones or in gas condensate reservoirs with condensate-banking challenges. Introduction Remediation techniques for existing aqueous- or hydrocarbon-phase-trapping damage can be categorized into two approaches: bypassing the damaged region by direct penetration techniques and trapping-phase removal. In the former category, the damaged zone is bypassed by creation of high-conductance flow paths through hydraulic fracturing or acidizing. However, for tight and ultratight formations, conventional acidizing may not be feasible (mostly because of injectivity difficulties). In the second category, direct removal and indirect removal have been used, but usually are seen as short-term solutions. The fluid used in the proposed treatment is comprised of a nonacidic chelating agent. The treatment fluid can be injected safely into the damaged region, while a slow reaction rate allows it to penetrate deep into the formation. In the proposed treatment, the mechanism is the permanent enlargement of pore throats where the nonwetting phase has the most restriction (to overcome the capillary forces) to pass through. In fact, phase trapping or capillary trapping occurs inside the pore structure when viscous forces are not strong enough to overcome the capillary pressure. The experimental setup and method are detailed in the complete paper. Results and Discussion Treatment of Outcrop Samples: Lueder Carbonate. The performance of the proposed treatment fluid initially was investigated on two outcrop core samples from the Lueder carbonate formation. The first treatment was conducted on the Le1 core sample with an absolute permeability of 1.46 md. To establish trapped water in the core, 10 pore volumes (PV) of 5 wt% potassium chloride brine were injected followed by nitrogen (N2) gas displacement. Then, to achieve irreducible water saturation, N2 was injected at a rate of 2 cm3/min for at least 100 PVs until no further water was produced. Next, the effective gas permeability was measured while N2 was injected at approximately 0.2 cm3/min. The effective gas permeability was obtained as 0.042 md. The trapped water saturation was also calculated (from the core weight) as 77.7%. After all pretreatment measurements, the core was loaded into the core holder for the treatment. The treatment injections with preflush and post-flush were performed at 130°C. In this test, 0.5 PV of treatment fluid was injected.

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