ischemic muscle
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 271
Tao Wang ◽  
Liang Yang ◽  
Mingjie Yuan ◽  
Charles R. Farber ◽  
Rosanne Spolski ◽  

The interleukin-21 receptor (IL-21R) can be upregulated in endothelial cells (EC) from ischemic muscles in mice following hind-limb ischemia (HLI), an experimental peripheral arterial disease (PAD) model, blocking this ligand–receptor pathway-impaired STAT3 activation, angiogenesis, and perfusion recovery. We sought to identify mRNA and microRNA transcripts that were differentially regulated following HLI, based on the ischemic muscle having intact, or reduced, IL-21/IL21R signaling. In this comparison, 200 mRNAs were differentially expressed but only six microRNA (miR)/miR clusters (and among these only miR-30b) were upregulated in EC isolated from ischemic muscle. Next, myoglobin-overexpressing transgenic (MgTG) C57BL/6 mice examined following HLI and IL-21 overexpression displayed greater angiogenesis, better perfusion recovery, and less tissue necrosis, with increased miR-30b expression. In EC cultured under hypoxia serum starvation, knock-down of miR-30b reduced, while overexpression of miR-30b increased IL-21-mediated EC survival and angiogenesis. In Il21r−/− mice following HLI, miR-30b overexpression vs. control improved perfusion recovery, with a reduction of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3, a miR-30b target and negative regulator of STAT3. Together, miR-30b appears both necessary and sufficient for IL21/IL-21R-mediated angiogenesis and may present a new therapeutic option to treat PAD if the IL21R is not available for activation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (48) ◽  
John-Michael Arpino ◽  
Hao Yin ◽  
Emma K. Prescott ◽  
Sabrina C. R. Staples ◽  
Zengxuan Nong ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Maxime Pellegrin ◽  
Karima Bouzourène ◽  
Lucia Mazzolai

Lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) is associated with functional decline. Physical exercise has been proven to be an effective therapeutic strategy for PAD; however the effect of exercise initiated before PAD remains unknown. Here, we investigated the preventive effects of exercise on endurance capacity, hindlimb perfusion, and on polarization profile of circulating monocytes and limb muscle macrophages. ApoE−/− mice were subjected to 5-week running wheel exercise or remained sedentary before induction of hindlimb ischemia. The two groups were thereafter kept sedentary. Exercised mice prior to PAD showed higher exhaustive treadmill running distance and time than sedentary mice. Preventive exercise also increased perfusion, arteriole density, and muscle regeneration in the ischemic hindlimb. Moreover, preventive exercise prevented ischemia-induced increased gene expression of pro-inflammatory M1 macrophages markers and cytokines in the ischemic muscle, while no changes were observed for anti-inflammatory M2 macrophage markers. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the proportion of circulating pro-inflammatory monocyte subtype decreased whereas that of anti-inflammatory monocytes increased with preventive exercise. Overall, we show that exercise initiated before PAD improves endurance performance and hindlimb perfusion in mice probably via inhibition of M1 macrophage polarization and inflammation in the ischemic muscle. Our study provides experimental evidence for a role of regular exercise in primary prevention of PAD.

Yan-ming Tian ◽  
Li Zhang ◽  
Xinqi Guo ◽  
Zheng Gao ◽  
Zhang Yi ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH) against limb ischemic injury. C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into three groups: limb ischemic injury group (Ischemia, induced by ligation and excision of the left femoral artery), limb ischemia following CIHH pretreatment group (CIHH+Ischemia, simulated a 5000-m altitude hypoxia, 6 h per day for 28 days, before induction of hind-limb ischemia.), and sham group (Sham). The blood flow in the mouse models of hind-limb ischemia was examined using laser doppler imaging. The functional and morphological performance of ischemic muscle was evaluated using contraction force and hematoxylin-eosin and Masson’s trichrome staining. Angiogenesis was determined by immunohistochemistry staining of the endothelial markers CD31 and CD34. The protein expressions of angiogenesis-related genes were detected using western blot assay. Chronic ischemia resulted in reduced blood perfusion, decreased contraction tension, and morphological destruction in gastrocnemius muscle. CIHH pretreatment increased the contractile force and muscle fiber diameter, decreased necrosis and fibrosis of the ischemic muscle. Also, CIHH significantly increased the density of CD31+ and CD34+ cells and promoted the expression of angiogenesis-related molecules in ischemic muscle. These data demonstrate that CIHH has a protective effect against chronic limb ischemia by promoting angiogenesis.

I. B. Tsorin ◽  
A. O. Efimova ◽  
E. S. Pekeldina ◽  
M. B. Vititnova ◽  
S. A. Kryzhanovskii

The purpose of the study. In experiments on a hind limb ischemia model in rats, the effect of the TrkA-receptor agonist of the NGF 4th loop dimeric dipeptide mimetic compound GK-2 has been studied on microcirculation in ischemic skeletal muscle.Methods. the Hind limb ischemia was caused in white male mongrel rats by the femoral artery resection. The compound GK-2 was administered intravenously (1 mg/kg/day during 14 days). Microcirculation parameters were recorded using a computer laser analyzer "LAKK-OP2". Registration was carried out simultaneously in the intact and operated limb before the operation, 1 and 14 days after it.Results. In the conditions of the hind limb ischemia model, it was shown that the compound GK-2 almost completely restored the perfusion index and its variation coefficient in the ischemic muscle to the intact contralateral limb level by the 14th day after surgery.Conclusion. It can be assumed that the anti-ischemic effect of the compound GK-2 is associated with the restoration of microcirculation as a result of increased neoangiogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (13) ◽  
pp. 6812
Dmytro Nozdrenko ◽  
Tetiana Matvienko ◽  
Oksana Vygovska ◽  
Kateryna Bogutska ◽  
Olexandr Motuziuk ◽  

The biomechanical parameters of muscle soleus contraction in rats and their blood biochemical indicators after the intramuscular administration of water-soluble C60 fullerene at doses of 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/kg 1 h before the onset of muscle ischemia were investigated. In particular, changes in the contraction force of the ischemic muscle soleus, the integrated power of the muscle, the time to achieve the maximum force response, the dynamics of fatigue processes, and the parameters of the transition from dentate to smooth tetanus, levels of creatinine, creatine kinase, lactate and lactate dehydrogenase, and parameters of prooxidant–antioxidant balance (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, hydrogen peroxide, and reduced glutathione and catalase) were analyzed. The positive therapeutic changes in the studied biomechanical and biochemical markers were revealed, which indicate the possibility of using water-soluble C60 fullerenes as effective prophylactic nanoagents to reduce the severity of pathological conditions of the muscular system caused by ischemic damage to skeletal muscles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Alexandra Gratl ◽  
Dominik Pesta ◽  
Leonhard Gruber ◽  
Fiona Speichinger ◽  
Ben Raude ◽  

Abstract Background Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is accompanied by myopathy characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of revascularization procedures on mitochondrial function in ischemic and non-ischemic muscle. Methods Muscle biopsies from patients with symptomatic stage IIB/III PAD caused by isolated pathologies of the superficial femoral artery were obtained from muscle regions within the chronic ischemic muscle (gastrocnemius) and from non-ischemic muscle (vastus lateralis) before and 6 weeks after invasive revascularization. High-resolution respirometry was used to investigate mitochondrial function and results were normalized to citrate synthase activity (CSA). Results are given in absolute values and fold over basal (FOB). Results Respiratory states (OXPHOS (P) and electron transfer (E) capacity) normalized to CSA decreased while CSA was increased in chronic ischemic muscle after revascularization. There were no changes in in non-ischemic muscle. The FOB of chronic ischemic muscle was significantly higher for CSA (chronic ischemic 1.37 (IQR 1.10–1.64) vs. non-ischemic 0.93 (IQR 0.69–1.16) p = 0.020) and significantly lower for respiratory states normalized to CSA when compared to the non-ischemic muscle (P per CSA chronic ischemic 0.64 (IQR 0.46–0.82) vs non-ischemic 1.16 (IQR 0.77–1.54) p = 0.011; E per CSA chronic ischemic 0.61 (IQR 0.47–0.76) vs. non-ischemic 1.02 (IQR 0.64–1.40) p = 0.010). Conclusions Regeneration of mitochondrial content and function following revascularization procedures only occur in muscle regions affected by malperfusion. This indicates that the restoration of blood and oxygen supply are important mediators aiding mitochondrial recovery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 5800
Philipp Götz ◽  
Anna Braumandl ◽  
Matthias Kübler ◽  
Konda Kumaraswami ◽  
Hellen Ishikawa-Ankerhold ◽  

The complement system is a potent inflammatory trigger, activator, and chemoattractant for leukocytes, which play a crucial role in promoting angiogenesis. However, little information is available about the influence of the complement system on angiogenesis in ischemic muscle tissue. To address this topic and analyze the impact of the complement system on angiogenesis, we induced muscle ischemia in complement factor C3 deficient (C3−/−) and wildtype control mice by femoral artery ligation (FAL). At 24 h and 7 days after FAL, we isolated the ischemic gastrocnemius muscles and investigated them by means of (immuno-)histological analyses. C3−/− mice showed elevated ischemic damage 7 days after FAL, as evidenced by H&E staining. In addition, angiogenesis was increased in C3−/− mice, as demonstrated by increased capillary/muscle fiber ratio and increased proliferating endothelial cells (CD31+/BrdU+). Moreover, our results showed that the total number of leukocytes (CD45+) was increased in C3−/− mice, which was based on an increased number of neutrophils (MPO+), neutrophil extracellular trap formation (MPO+/CitH3+), and macrophages (CD68+) displaying a shift toward an anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic M2-like polarized phenotype (CD68+/MRC1+). In summary, we show that the deficiency of complement factor C3 increased neutrophil and M2-like polarized macrophage accumulation in ischemic muscle tissue, contributing to angiogenesis.

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 395 ◽  
Matthias Kübler ◽  
Sebastian Beck ◽  
Silvia Fischer ◽  
Philipp Götz ◽  
Konda Kumaraswami ◽  

Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) is an intracellular RNA-chaperone and extracellular promoter of inflammation, which is increasingly expressed and released under conditions of hypoxia and cold stress. The functional relevance of CIRP for angiogenesis and regeneration of ischemic muscle tissue has never been investigated and is the topic of the present study. We investigated the role of CIRP employing CIRP deficient mice along with a hindlimb model of ischemia-induced angiogenesis. 1 and 7 days after femoral artery ligation or sham operation, gastrocnemius muscles of CIRP-deficient and wildtype mice were isolated and processed for (immuno-) histological analyses. CIRP deficient mice showed decreased ischemic tissue damage as evidenced by Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, whereas angiogenesis was enhanced as demonstrated by increased capillary/muscle fiber ratio and number of proliferating endothelial (CD31+/BrdU+) cells on day 7 after surgery. Moreover, CIRP deficiency resulted in a reduction of total leukocyte count (CD45+), neutrophils (myeloperoxidase, MPO+), neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) (MPO+/CitH3+), and inflammatory M1-like polarized macrophages (CD68+/MRC1-), whereas the number of tissue regenerating M2-like polarized macrophages (CD68+/MRC1-) was increased in ischemic tissue samples. In summary, we show that the absence of CIRP ameliorates angiogenesis and regeneration of ischemic muscle tissue, most likely by influencing macrophage polarization in direction to regenerative M2-like macrophages.

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