living together
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Lia Sousa ◽  
Carlos Sequeira ◽  
Carme Ferré‐Grau ◽  
Rita Costa ◽  
Sérgio Pimenta ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 246
Afri Amira ◽  
Benrachi Bouba

This article proposes the study of social mix evolution of through the public space. To that end, attention is focused on the “Frères Fisli” neighbourhood in Azzaba city as a case study. A social space, which, is considered as an adequate place, that promotes social mix and living together between Algerian inhabitants of different types of habitat that exist. The main objective of this article is to quantify the impact of public spaces to achieve the goal of social mix and its management, in order to promote living together. In order to carry out our survey, the study uses two survey tools: the mind map and the questionnaire. The choice of these two tools is not fortuitous. It has been studied in order to carefully check whether the constraints for the public space development are dependent on the evolution of inhabitants ‘social relations.   Received: 21 September 2021 / Accepted: 15 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Charlotte Clara Becker

A key element of migrants’ well-being is their emotional integration, that is, the extent to which they perceive themselves as members of society and their identification with the country they are living in. To foster this sense of belonging, many integration programs aim to increase the migrants’ social integration, for example, by organizing events for migrants to meet natives in various settings. The validity of this strategy is supported by decades of international research. It remains unclear, however, which aspects of social integration are most relevant for national identification. Multiple theories concerned with contact and group identification support the assumption that contact to natives should foster a sense of belonging and national identification. However, for a contact situation to bear this potential, a certain set of criteria, including aspects like direct personal contact, a similar social status, and the presence of egalitarian norms, needs to be fulfilled. It is expected that these characteristics are more likely to be fulfilled within family and friendship settings than in contact situations within the employment context. Hence, I expect contact to natives within the network of friends and family to be more greatly associated with migrants’ national identification. I analyzed data from a 2013 cooperation between the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), that is, the IAB-SOEP Migration Sample, as well as the 2014 wave of the SOEP. The subsample used included 2,780 first- and second-generation migrants living in Germany. The results indicate that not all kinds of contact are equally linked to national identification. In contrast to expectations, in neither the cross-sectional models nor the lagged models was living together with native family members significantly linked to national identification. Similarly, the association between having predominantly native co-workers and national identification was insignificant when controlling for migrant-specific characteristics. Only the relation with having predominantly native friends was significant and positive across all models. This as well as a comparison of the associations lead to the conclusion that when it comes to migrants’ national identification native friends might be the most relevant form of contact to natives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 222-239
Ririn Kuncaraning Sari ◽  
Dwini Handayani ◽  

Treatment for sicknesses in healthcare is a crucial determinant to improve health. In Indonesia, the unmet need for healthcare is common for people in the lower economic group. This study aims to examine how food insecurity affects outpatient care using the indicators of food insecurity to highlight individuals with high health risks and experiencing problems with limited resources. The data used in this study consisted of 159,236 individuals representing different age ranges from the 2017 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) and the 2018 Village Potential Census (PODES). Data were analyzed using ivprobit to address bias due to the endogeneity in the food insecurity variables. The results indicate that a higher food insecurity score will increase the chances of not accessing modern healthcare for outpatient care when sick. Several variables like sex, types of residence, number of household members living together, access to healthcare, health insurance, social protection, and illness characteristic were also found to influence individual behavior in not utilizing modern healthcare for outpatient care. This study suggests that policymakers should pay attention to the utilization of modern healthcare, especially for outpatient care in groups experiencing food insecurity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Lusiana Margareth Tijow ◽  
Hoiruddin Hasibuan ◽  
Hayat Hayat

Life in Indonesia does not recognize Samenleven's relationship because the rules of law and religion do not justify it, but there are still many things like that in Bajo Village. Bajo customary law includes the Bajo Customary Institution. In this institution, its existence helps the village government develop and regulate matters relating to local customs and solving problems regarding adultery, namely Samen Leven. This paper describes how customary law can be used as a law enforcement instrument to resolve the Samenleven offense. Semenleven is living together between a man and a woman without a legal marriage bond. This research uses the type of empirical normative research. The data types used are primary and secondary data sources using several approaches. The results show that the use of Bajo customary law, as a form of law enforcement against the perpetrators of the Samen Leven offense, will create a bargaining justice where customary law is used as the first route in resolving a conflict between victims, perpetrators, and the community. The consequence is that the perpetrator must admit that he has been guilty and is willing to take responsibility for his mistake following applicable customs. The Bajo Customary Council uses customary law as a reference to resolve any problems that occur in Bajo Village, Tilamuta District, namely customary law by deliberation/mediation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-48
Cátia Marques ◽  
Adriana Belas ◽  
Juliana Menezes ◽  
Joana Moreira da Silva ◽  
Patrícia Cavaco-Silva ◽  

Proteus mirabilis is an important pathogen that is associated with urinary tract infections. This study aims to determine the colonization and sharing of P. mirabilis between healthy companion animals and humans that are living together and to evaluate the clonal relatedness of the fecal and clinical stains. Eighteen households (24 humans, 18 dogs, 8 cats) with at least one human–animal pair were studied. Fecal samples were plated onto MacConkey and Hektoen agar and P. mirabilis PFGE analysis (NotI; Dice/UPGMA; 1.5% tolerance) was conducted for the households with multiple positive participants. Antimicrobial-resistance was tested according to CLSI. The fecal P. mirabilis pulse-types were compared with uropathogenic clinical strains (n = 183). Forty-nine P. mirabilis were isolated from eight households. The percentage of colonization in the dogs (44.4%, n = 8/18) was significantly higher (p = 0.0329) than in the humans (12.5%, n = 3/24). Three households had multiple colonized participants. One human–dog pair shared related P. mirabilis strains, which clustered with a clinical strain of animal origin (82.5%). One fecal P. mirabilis strain, from a dog, clustered with two human community-acquired clinical strains (80.9%, 88.9%). To our knowledge, this is the first report of dogs and humans living in close contact and sharing related P. mirabilis strains. The high frequency of colonization in the dogs underlines their possible role as P. mirabilis reservoirs for humans and other dogs.

Juliane Mora

Teaching democratic citizenship has never been more vital, particularly given the dismissive attitude and direct attempts to undermine democratic institutions exemplified by the Trump administration. In addition, traditional approaches to teaching citizenship foreground the underlying values of self-governance, knowledge of the different branches of government, and the skills for behaving within this system (i.e., voting) but lack a broader intellectual framework to guide those actions (Parker, Teaching democracy: Unity and diversity in public life, 2003). Parker, a critical multicultural educator, argued that this approach has rendered participatory citizenship superfluous and ignores more central concerns, namely, how people can live together justly while honoring their multiple individual and group identities (i.e., gender, race, class, religion, etc.). This essay focuses on the task of living together justly and offers one example of how this might be promoted through the communication studies curriculum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2168-2179
Asdar Asdar ◽  
A. Vivit Angreani ◽  
Nursamsili Lutfin ◽  
Hamsiah - Hamsiah

This study aims to describe the values of character education contained in the short story "Ambe Masih Sakit" by Emil Amir. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of the research is the speech or dialogue that comes from the actors in the short story "Ambe Masih Sakit" by Emil Amir which was quoted from the Kompas newspaper published on March 2012. The data that was the target of the study were obtained using listening and note-taking techniques. The results of the study show that the values of character education include honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, independence, democracy, curiosity, friendly/communicative, social care, responsibility, and religion. This is evidenced by the speech or dialogue that describes the figure of a man named Upta who grows and develops in living his freedom in living together with other people. It is illustrated that Upta respects differences in religion, ethnicity, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes and actions of people who are different from himself. Upta is described as a man who works hard and is responsible for his family

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 255-274
Ewa Kabza

The rising number of people “just living together”, people who are neither married nor in registered partnerships, clearly demonstrates that non-marital unions can no longer be ignored. To obtain an accurate picture of the situation of non-marital partners it was essential to conduct comparative research of multiple legal orders. This analysis threw a new light (at least from the Polish standpoint) on possible solutions to the problem of the regulation of legal aspects of “living together”. It appears that three different legal attitudes towards non-marital cohabitation may be distinguished in Europe. Firstly, there are legal orders in which by virtue of an explicit reference by the legislator – the regulations on marriage are applied to cohabitation (quasi-marriage cohabitation). Secondly, there also exist countries in which a law was adopted regulating selected aspects of actual cohabitation (implied model of cohabitation). And thirdly, there are legal orders in which any cohabitant-oriented legal regime exists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 206-210
Emilia A. Tajsin ◽  
Alexei S. Gurianov

The past century has shown the conversion of a so-called anthropological turn which began with works of Franz Brentano, into a linguistic turn (Richard Rorty’s term). The philosophy of language took the place of what once had been classical theory of cognition. It has become either a kind of epistemology, or analytical philosophy, or even a general theory of knowledge called in Greece, Germany and Russia gnoseology (from Greek: gnosis - knowledge). It is necessary to make some clarifications in understanding the current intellectual situation in the field of communication theory. Communication is a term containing a root morpheme ‘uni’ with the meaning of “one”, “unity”. For our purposes, the English word “conversation” is more suitable because, denoting a talk, it actually has the primary existential meaning of “living together”. Developing this topic, we can rely on the classic research in the field of theory and practice of communication conducted over several decades by the American specialist in the field of social psychology Deborah Tannen.

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