process completion
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Tayfun Bilgiç ◽  
Ümit İnce ◽  
Fehmi Narter

Abstract Background After renal trauma, surgical treatment is vital, but sometimes there may be loss of function due to fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of autologous omentum flaps on injured renal tissues in a rat model. Methods A total of 30 Wistar albino rats were included and randomly divided equally into a control group and four intervention groups. Iatrogenic renal injuries were repaired using a surgical technique (primary repair 1 group and primary repair 2 group) or transposition of the autologous omentum (omentum repair 1 group and omentum repair 2 group). Blood samples were taken preoperatively and on the 1st and 7th postoperative days in all groups and on the 18th postoperative day in the control and two intervention groups. All rats were sacrificed on the 7th or 18th day postoperatively, and their right kidneys were taken for histopathological evaluation. Results The mean urea level significantly decreased from day 1 to day 7 and from day 1 to day 18 in the omentum repair 2 group (P = 0.005 and P = 0.004, respectively). There were no other significant changes in urea or creatinine levels within the intervention groups (P > 0.05). There was no significant correlation between the urea and creatinine levels and the histological scores (P > 0.05). The primary repair 1 and 2 groups had significantly higher median granulation and inflammation scores in the kidney specimen than the control and omentum repair groups (P < 0.05). The omentum repair 2 group had significantly lower median granulation and inflammation scores in the surrounding tissues than the primary repair 2 group (P < 0.05). The completion score for the healing process in the kidney specimen was significantly higher in the omentum repair groups than in the primary repair groups (P < 0.05). The omentum repair 2 group had significantly lower median granulation and inflammation scores in the surrounding tissues than the primary repair 2 group (P < 0.05). Granulation degree in the kidney specimen was strongly and positively correlated with the inflammation degree (r = 0.824, P < 0.001) and foreign body reaction in the kidney specimen (r = 0.872, P < 0.001) and a strong and negative correlation with the healing process completion score in the kidney (r = − 0.627, P = 0.001). Inflammation degree in the kidney specimen was strongly and positively correlated with the foreign body reaction in the kidney specimen (r = 0.731, P = 0.001) and strongly and negatively correlated with the healing process completion score in the kidney specimen (r = − 0.608, P = 0.002). Conclusion Autologous omentum tissue for kidney injury repair attenuated inflammation and granulation. Additionally, the use of omental tissue to facilitate healing of kidney injury may theoretically lead to a more effective healing process and reduced fibrosis and tissue and function loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13797
Federico Rossi ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Alberto Maria Gambelli

This article consists of an experimental description about how the memory effect intervenes on hydrates formation. In particular, carbon dioxide hydrates were formed in a lab–scale apparatus and in presence of demineralized water and a pure quartz porous medium. The same gas-water mixture was used. Half of experiments was carried out in order to ensure that the system retained memory of previous processes, while in the other half, such effect was completely avoided. Experiments were characterized thermodynamically and kinetically. The local conditions, required for hydrates formation, were compared with those of equilibrium. Moreover, the time needed for the process completion and the rate constant trend over time, were defined. The study of these parameters, together with the observation that hydrates formation was quantitatively similar in both types of experiments, allowed to conclude that the memory effect mainly acted as kinetic promoter for carbon dioxide hydrates formation.

BMJ Leader ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. leader-2020-000323
Claire Dougan ◽  
Sally-Anne Philips ◽  
Denise Hughes ◽  
Keith Gardiner

BackgroundIncreasingly challenging workplaces detrimentally affect doctors’ well-being and patient care. The General Medical Council’s ‘ABC’ compassionate leadership model aims to improve doctor well-being. When COVID-19 emerged, a 4 Nation agreement facilitated early graduation and provisional registration of final year medical students and deployment of new graduates into Foundation interim Year 1 (FiY1) positions. We report how the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) applied compassionate leadership to the induction of FiY1s.MethodsEmploying ‘What matters to you’, we identified FiY1s’ educational objectives and reviewed information dissemination options within distancing restrictions.A dedicated FiY1 webpage summarised requirements and resources. A regional digital induction with a well-being emphasis facilitated flexible completion. Welcome packs promoted belonging while a ‘buddy system’ delivered support. Collaboration with other stakeholders created staggered follow-up video conferences providing practical and psychological support, removing communication barriers.FindingsFeedback showed high FiY1 satisfaction with the global introduction to practice (83%) and 82% felt valued by NIMDTA and by Trusts after process completion.ConclusionApplying compassionate leadership to induction creates positive effects on doctors’ feeling of value and aligns with organisational strategic aims to support, develop and retain doctors in training programmes. We envision this model being applied to future postgraduate induction programmes.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 611
Eli Tri Kursiswanti ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

The purpose of this study were 1) To explain the juridical review process completion code violation of notary, 2) To explain the process of resolving the obstacles and solutions notary code violations.The methods in this research is juridical-empirical approach. Judicial approach used to analyze a wide range of laws and regulations related to the implementation of sanctions for violations of the code of conduct notary, In this study, then this kind of research will be a descriptive analysis that describes, depicts or expressessanctions for violations of the code of notary conduct.Based on the results of this study concluded that 1) Notary is a public official who has the authority to make an authentic deed as an evidence that has the strongest evidence in civil law. Notary profession in practice arranged in a special instrument that Notary Code. Not with standing remains a violation of Notary Code. These violations need to be enforced to ensure legal certainty for citizens. 2) The obstacle is the lack of awareness of the Notary to abide by a code of ethics, and supplies obtained Notary is not enough for his education, and still overlapping provisions of the code of conduct between the supervision of the Honorary Board and the Supervisory Council of Notaries. In an effort to prevent and reduce the occurrence of violations of the Code notary in Depok then the WCA Board and the Supervisory Council of Notaries to guidance, supervision, guidance and counseling. Included in providing strict sanctions as part of the coaching. Doing awards (reward) and punishment to the Notary in implementing the Notary Code provisions.Keywords: Judicial Review; Settlement; Breach; The Code; Notary.

Ю.Б. Цетлин

The article is devoted to further development of historical-and-cultural approach and methods of earthenware vessels study. A.A. Bobrinsky laid the principles of the approach and respective methods in several articles (Bobrinsky, 1986, 1988a, b, 1991). Three main stages of vessel shapes study are expounded in the article: preparatory, analytical and interpretation stages. The main attention is paid to the analytical stage. It is assumed that content of the interpretation stage will be expounded in a special article based on specific ethnographic and archeological materials. Within framework of analytical stage of vessel shapes study 5 levels of analysis are considered successively: I – analysis of general proportionality (GP) of vessel forms; II – analysis of vessel shapes’ natural structure; III – analysis of extent of functional parts’ maturity; IV – analysis of vessel shapes’ elementary structure; V – analysis of vessel shapes’ curved line (“covers”). Various aspects of potters’ cultural traditions in the sphere of certain vessel shapes creation are analyzed at all levels. At the same time the deeper is the level of shapes analysis, the more detailed cultural peculiarities of population and potters are discovered and fixed. Every level of analysis can be applied to any of 7 functional parts that form the natural structure of specific vessels. It should be emphasized that in this article an extent of functional parts’ maturity is analyzed in considerably greater detail than it was done earlier. Some rules of vessel shapes comparative analysis are expounded in the concluding section. Such analysis is performed pursuant to research tasks in two directions: in direction of certain potters’ individual skills and in direction of cultural traditions of human collectives. In the latter case an extent of cultural homogeneity of collective traditions is fixed. Infraction of the pottery traditions may be related to cultural infiltration (which brings about the beginning of mixture process), to different stages of cultural integration (which means development of mixture process) and to cultural assimilation (the mixture process completion).

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (12) ◽  
pp. 3012-3024 ◽  
Naomi Y. Garland ◽  
Sokhavatey Kheng ◽  
Michael De Leon ◽  
Hourt Eap ◽  
Jared A. Forrester ◽  

Field Methods ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 322-342 ◽  
Trent D. Buskirk ◽  
Charles H. Andrus

With nearly 50% of U.S. mobile phone subscribers using smartphones, survey researchers are beginning to explore their use as a data collection tool. The Got Healthy Apps Study (GHAS) conducted a randomized experiment to compare mode effects for a survey completed via iPhone mobile browser and online via desktop/laptop computer web browser. Mode effects were assessed for three types of outcomes: randomization/recruitment, survey process/completion, and survey items. In short, the distribution of survey completion times and the distribution of the number of apps owned were significantly different across survey mode after accounting for block group. Other key mode effects outcomes (including open-ended items, slider bar questions, and missing item rates) showed no significant differences across survey mode. Some interesting qualitative findings suggest that iPhone respondents enter more characters and omit fewer items than originally thought.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-133 ◽  
Mico Apostolov

The corporate governance issue in Macedonian companies has been brought forward during the recent few years. The main reason is the fact that the privatization process completion of socially-owned and partly state-owned enterprises has put emphasis to the challenge to reasonably regulate relationships established within companies on one hand, and relationships between companies and larger society on the other. All market economies, including those with longest tradition, have faced this kind of challenge so far. Corporate governance becomes an increasingly important issue for the Macedonian economy. It is being taken with greater consideration by the companies, regulators and government. The strong wave of privatization programs from mid-90’ have resulted in an altered business environment, and new legal and institutional frameworks have been established. Indeed, corporate governance contributes to sustainable economic development by enhancing the performance of companies and increasing their access to external sources of capital. In this paper we will make attempt to analyze the predominant factors that Create a prolific corporate governance environment in two terms; a) micro level and macro level.

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