lithological heterogeneity
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2021 ◽  
Caroline Soderman ◽  
Oliver Shorttle ◽  
Simon Matthews ◽  
Helen Williams

The geochemistry of global mantle melts suggests that both mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB) sample lithological and temperature heterogeneities originating in both the upper and lower mantle. Recently, non-traditional stable isotopes have been suggested as a new tool to complement existing tracers of mantle heterogeneity (e.g., major and trace elements, radiogenic isotopes), because mineral- and redox-specific equilibrium stable isotope fractionation effects can link the stable isotope ratios of melts to their source mineralogy and melting degree. Here, we investigate five stable isotope systems (Mg-Ca-Fe-V-Cr) that have shown promise in models or natural samples as tracers of mantle temperature and/or lithological heterogeneity. We use a quantitative model, combining thermodynamically self-consistent mantle melting and equilibrium isotope fractionation models, to explore the behaviour of the isotope ratios of these elements during melting of three mantle lithologies (peridotite, and silica-excess and silica-deficient pyroxenites), responding to changes in mantle mineralogy, oxygen fugacity, temperature and pressure.We find that, given current analytical precision, the stable isotope systems examined here are not predicted to be sensitive to mantle potential temperature variations through equilibrium isotope fractionation processes. By contrast, source lithological heterogeneity is predicted to be detectable in some cases in the stable isotope ratios of erupted basalts, although generally only at proportions of > 10% MORB-like pyroxenite in the mantle source, given current analytical precision. Magnesium and Ca stable isotopes show most sensitivity to a garnet-bearing source lithology, and Fe and Cr stable isotopes are potentially sensitive to the presence of MORB-like pyroxenite in the mantle source, although the behaviour of Cr isotopes is comparatively under-constrained and requires further work to be applied with confidence to mantle melts. When comparing the magnitude and direction of predicted equilibrium isotopic fractionation of peridotite and pyroxenite melts to natural MORB and OIB data, we find that aspects of the natural data (including the mean Mg-Ca-Fe-V isotopic composition of MORB, the range of Mg-Ca isotopic compositions seen in MORB data, the mean Mg-Ca-Cr isotopic composition of OIB, and the range of Mg-V-Cr isotopic compositions in OIB data) can be matched by equilibrium isotope fractionation during partial melting of peridotite and pyroxenite sources -- with pyroxenite required even for some MORB data. However, even when considering analytical uncertainty on natural sample measurements, the range in stable isotope compositions seen across the global MORB and OIB datasets suggests that kinetic isotope fractionation, or processes modifying the isotopic composition of recycled crustal material such that it is distinct from MORB, may be required to explain all the natural data. We conclude that the five stable isotope systems considered here have potential to be powerful complementary tracers to other geochemical tracers of the source lithology of erupted basalts. However, continued improvements in analytical precision in conjunction with experimental and theoretical predictions of isotopic fractionation between mantle minerals and melts are required before these novel stable isotopes can be unambiguously used to understand source heterogeneity in erupted basalts.

Xiao‐Jun Wang ◽  
Li‐Hui Chen ◽  
Takeshi Hanyu ◽  
Jin‐Hua Shi ◽  
Yuan Zhong ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Bruno Lauper ◽  
Géraldine N. Zimmerli ◽  
David Jaeggi ◽  
Gaudenz Deplazes ◽  
Stephan Wohlwend ◽  

The Opalinus Clay is notable in Switzerland as being the selected host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Since the early 1990’s, this argillaceous mudstone formation of Jurassic age has been intensively studied within the framework of national and international projects to characterize its geological, hydrological, mechanical, thermal, chemical, and biological properties. While there is no formal stratigraphic subdivision, the Opalinus Clay lithology is classically divided into several, dam- to m-scale sub-units (or facies), depending on location. Recent multi-proxy studies (combining petrographic, petrophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical analyses) have however demonstrated that high, intra-facies, lithological heterogeneity occurs at the dm- to cm-scale. To constrain this small-scale heterogeneity into distinct lithological units (subfacies), the present study aims at defining and presenting a convenient subfacies classification scheme covering the overall Opalinus Clay lithology across northern Switzerland. Petrographic (macro- and microfacies), mineralogical (X-ray diffraction) and textural (image analysis, machine learning and 3D X-ray computed tomography) analyses are performed on diverse drill cores from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (northwestern Switzerland), and results are extended further to the east (Riniken, Weiach, and Benken). Most of the investigated Opalinus Clay can be described by the use of five distinctive subfacies types (SF1 to SF5), which are visually and quantitatively distinguishable by texture (grain size, bedding, fabric, and color) and composition (nature and mineralogy of components). The five subfacies types can be further refined by additional attributes and sedimentary characteristics (biogenic, diagenetic, and structural). Eventually, the widespread and consistent use of standardized Opalinus Clay subfacies types provides the means to harmonize petrographic descriptions within multidisciplinary research projects, enhance reproducibility of in situ experiments, and further evidence the tight relations between lithology and various rock properties.

2021 ◽  
Laurent Lassabatere ◽  
Simone Di Prima ◽  
Paola Concialdi ◽  
Majdi Abou Najm ◽  
Ryan D. Stewart ◽  

<p>Preferential flow is more the rule than the exception. Water infiltration is often led by preferential flow due to macropores, specific soil structures (e.g., aggregates, macropore networks), or lithological heterogeneity (occurrence of materials with contrasting hydraulic properties). Water infiltration in soils prone to preferential flow strongly depends on soil features below the soil surface, but also the initiation of water infiltration at the surface. When the macropore networks are not dense, with only a few macropores intercepting the soil surface, water infiltration experiments with ring size in the order of 10-15 cm diameter may overlook sampling macropore networks during some infiltration runs, minimizing the effect of macropore flow on the bulk water infiltration at the plot scale.</p><p>In this study, we investigated the effect of ring size on water infiltration into soils prone to preferential flow. We used two ring sizes: small (15 cm in diameter) and large (50 cm in diameter). By doing so, we hypothesized that the large rings, sampling a more representative soil volume, will maximize the probability to intercept and activate a macropore network. In contrast, the small rings may activate the macropore network only occasionally, with other infiltration runs mainly sampling the soil matrix. Thus, the small rings are expected to provide more variable results. On the other hand, the large rings are expected to provide more homogeneous results in line with the soil's bulk infiltration capability, including all pore networks at the plot scale.</p><p>Three different sites were sampled with varying types of preferential flow (macropore-induced versus lithological heterogeneity induced). The experimental plan included inserting large rings at several places in the experimental sites with a dozen small rings nearby to sample the same soil. All the rings were submitted to a similar positive constant water pressure head at the soil surface. The cumulative infiltrations were then monitored and treated with BEST algorithms to get the efficient hydraulic parameters. Note that the cumulative infiltration could not be compared directly since lateral water fluxes varied in extent and geometry between the different ring sizes. The impacts of the ring size on the magnitude of cumulative infiltration and related estimated hydraulic parameters were discussed. Our results demonstrated the impact of ring size but also the dependency of such effect on the site and the type of flow.</p><p>Our results contribute to understanding preferential flow in heterogeneous soils and the complexity of its measure using regular water infiltration devices and protocols.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 178 (1) ◽  
pp. jgs2020-078
Timothy B. Armitage ◽  
Lee M. Watts ◽  
Robert E. Holdsworth ◽  
Robin A. Strachan

The Walls Boundary Fault in Shetland, Scotland, formed during the Ordovician–Devonian Caledonian orogeny and underwent dextral reactivation in the Late Carboniferous. In a well-exposed section at Ollaberry, westerly verging, gently plunging regional folds in the Neoproterozoic Queyfirth Group on the western side of the Walls Boundary Fault are overprinted by faults and steeply plunging Z-shaped brittle–ductile folds that indicate contemporaneous right-lateral and top-to-the-west reverse displacement. East of the Walls Boundary Fault, the Early Silurian Graven granodiorite complex exhibits fault-parallel fractures with Riedel, P and conjugate shears indicating north–south-striking dextral deformation and an additional contemporaneous component of east–west shortening. In the Queyfirth Group, the structures are arranged in geometrically and kinematically distinct fault-bounded domains that are interpreted to result from two superimposed tectonic events, the youngest of which displays evidence for bulk dextral transpressional strain partitioning into end-member wrench and contractional strain domains. During dextral transpressional deformation, strain was focused into pelite horizons and favourably aligned pre-existing structures, leaving relicts of older deformation in more competent lithologies. This study highlights the importance of pre-existing structures and lithological heterogeneity during reactivation and suggests the development of a regional transpressional tectonic environment during the Late Carboniferous on the Shetland Platform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 447-470 ◽  
Benjamin Campforts ◽  
Veerle Vanacker ◽  
Frédéric Herman ◽  
Matthias Vanmaercke ◽  
Wolfgang Schwanghart ◽  

Abstract. Landscape evolution models can be used to assess the impact of rainfall variability on bedrock river incision over millennial timescales. However, isolating the role of rainfall variability remains difficult in natural environments, in part because environmental controls on river incision such as lithological heterogeneity are poorly constrained. In this study, we explore spatial differences in the rate of bedrock river incision in the Ecuadorian Andes using three different stream power models. A pronounced rainfall gradient due to orographic precipitation and high lithological heterogeneity enable us to explore the relative roles of these controls. First, we use an area-based stream power model to scrutinize the role of lithological heterogeneity in river incision rates. We show that lithological heterogeneity is key to predicting the spatial patterns of incision rates. Accounting for lithological heterogeneity reveals a nonlinear relationship between river steepness, a proxy for river incision, and denudation rates derived from cosmogenic radionuclide (CRNs). Second, we explore this nonlinearity using runoff-based and stochastic-threshold stream power models, combined with a hydrological dataset, to calculate spatial and temporal runoff variability. Statistical modeling suggests that the nonlinear relationship between river steepness and denudation rates can be attributed to a spatial runoff gradient and incision thresholds. Our findings have two main implications for the overall interpretation of CRN-derived denudation rates and the use of river incision models: (i) applying sophisticated stream power models to explain denudation rates at the landscape scale is only relevant when accounting for the confounding role of environmental factors such as lithology, and (ii) spatial patterns in runoff due to orographic precipitation in combination with incision thresholds explain part of the nonlinearity between river steepness and CRN-derived denudation rates. Our methodology can be used as a framework to study the coupling between river incision, lithological heterogeneity and climate at regional to continental scales.

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