nature scene
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Justin Johnson ◽  
Amber Johnson

Perception ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 438-461
Eric Hiris ◽  
Laura Zinnel ◽  
Henry Rickman ◽  
Joshua Phillips

The leaning tower illusion suggests that combining perspective cues across multiple images can affect the perceived orientation of objects in space. We measured the accuracy of orientation perception when viewing multiple pictures. Across several experiments, 11–16 participants viewed two pictures: a sidewalk and either another sidewalk, a nature scene, or no picture. Participants adjusted an on-screen line to match the remembered orientation of one of the sidewalks. Participants also made a judgment about the parallelism of the sidewalks. Sidewalks perceived as parallel were perceived to have orientations more similar to each other than when they were paired with a nature scene or no picture. The degree of misperception can be approximately twice as large as in the leaning tower illusion, and this effect survived inversion and partially survived alternating presentation of the images. The misperception was eliminated when the participants were cued on which sidewalk they would be judging; however, when forced to process both sidewalks, the misperception reappeared. We conclude that the orientation of objects with perspective cues is misperceived when viewing multiple pictures with perspective cues and this misperception appears to be related at least in part to how parallel those objects are perceived to be.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Lori Reynolds ◽  
Oaklee Rogers ◽  
Andrew Benford ◽  
Ammie Ingwaldson ◽  
Bethany Vu ◽  

Substance use disorder (SUD) afflicts a large percentage of the United States population, with negative implications that cost more than $420 billion annually. This population often experiences negative emotions throughout the recovery process, including anxiety, depression, stress, and negative affect. Currently, evidence-based treatment strategies for SUD include cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, 12-step programs, and mindfulness-based treatment. One intervention that has not been studied at length among individuals with SUD is use of the natural environment as treatment. Among other patient populations, nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by regulating autonomic nervous system function, reducing symptoms of depression, and improving mood. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether viewing nature videos could similarly reduce stress and improve mood in individuals with SUD. A crossover design was used to compare viewing a nature scene and practicing mindfulness-based activities for women with SUD at a residential treatment facility. Over four weeks, participants engaged in the two activities for the first 10 minutes of their daily program. Immediately before and after each 10 minute session, measures were taken for heart rate, in beats per minute (BPM); affect, using the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS); and overall mood, using a 10-point rating scale from “very unpleasant” to “pleasant.” Thirty-six women completed the study. For viewing a nature scene and practicing the mindfulness-based activities, there were statistically significant reductions in mean negative affect scores (p=0.001) and heart rate (p≤0.001). In addition, for participants in both conditions, overall mood improved significantly (p=0.030). The results from this study provide initial evidence that viewing nature has similar benefits to MBT in the treatment of stress and negative mood associated with the SUD recovery process and may be an additional, cost-effective treatment strategy for individuals with SUD.

2019 ◽  
pp. 001391651988277 ◽  
Corey Crossan ◽  
Alan Salmoni

Attention restoration theory (ART) predicts that top-down processing during everyday activities can cause attentional fatigue and that bottom-up processing that occurs when people experience nature will be restorative. This study exposed participants to three different conditions using a repeated measures design: a control condition during which participants walked on a typical treadmill; a nature condition during which participants walked on the same treadmill, experiencing a simulated nature walk; and a perturbation condition that included the same simulated nature scene but also required top-down processing during the walk. The findings supported ART predictions. As measured by the backward digit span test, top-down processing in a simulated natural environment nullified the restorative effects and the nature condition produced a significant improvement in directed attention performance compared to the control and perturbation conditions after a 10-min walk. These findings offer practical insights to enhance cognitive functioning through simulated natural environments.

Abdullah Ismailogullari ◽  
Tim Ziemer

This paper presents an ambient auditory display that communicates the time of day. Four soundscapes represent different quadrants of the clock. Auditory icons divide the quadrants into three parts that represent hours, and four partitions that represent every quarter of an hour. The auditory display is little intrusive and only informative to those who are privy to its principles. Suitable application areas are offices where staff can derive the time from the soundscape, while customers stay unaware and may only enjoy the calm, auditory nature scene. To experience the calm ambient character of the auditory display we suggest you to play the demo while reading the paper:

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Jacob Benfield ◽  
B. D. Taff ◽  
David Weinzimmer ◽  
Peter Newman

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Dwi Utami

To the effect research this to see influence method brainstorming toability thinks critical on learning n a t u ra l s c i e n c e s student material cycle waterand scene nature. Data collecting is done by use of essays ability think critical naturalsciences with material cycles water and nature scene. Then accounted normality datautilize Lilliefors and class homogeneity utilize Bartlett. Examination result normalityand homogeneity points out that data get distribution normal and both of classhomogeneous hereafter dianalisis with quiz t. Extrapolation result tests t acquiredthitung's price as big as 2,99. ttabel's price on signifikansi's level α =0,05 and dk=68 is1,691. By since thitung's price more outgrow instead of ttabel (2,99>1,691),therefore hypothesis zero refused and hypothesis job accepted. With such methodbrainstorming is ascendant signifikan to ability think critical on learning n a t u r a ls c i e n c es with material cycles water and student nature scene braze v elementaryschool. Key word : Brainstorming, learning, think critical, natural sciences. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh metode brainstorming terhadapkemampuan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran IPA siswa materi daur air dan peristiwaalam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes kemampuan berpikir kritisIPA dengan materi daur air dan peristiwa alam. Kemudian dihitung normalitas datamenggunakan Lilliefors dan homogenitas kelas menggunakan Bartlett. Hasil pengujiannormalitas dan homogenitas menunjukkan bahwa data berdistribusi normal dan keduakelas homogen selanjutnya dianalisis dengan uji-t. Hasil penghitungan uji-t diperolehharga thitung sebesar 2,99. Harga ttabel pada taraf signifikansi α=0,05 dan dk=68 adalah1,691. Oleh karena harga thitung lebih besar dari pada ttabel (2,99>1,691), makahipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis kerja diterima. Dengan demikian metodebrainstorming berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis padapembelajaran IPA dengan materi daur air dan peristiwa alam siswa kelas V sekolahdasar.Kata kunci: Brainstorming, pembelajaran, berpikir kritis, ilmu pengetahuan alam.

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