safety assessments
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Suliman Gargoum ◽  
Lloyd Karsten ◽  
Karim El-Basyouny ◽  
Xinyu Chen

Fatalities and serious injuries still represent a significant portion of run-off-the-road (ROR) collisions on highways in North America. In order to address this issue and design safer and more forgiving roadside areas, more empirical evidence is required to understand the association between roadside elements and safety. The inability to gather that evidence has been attributed in many cases to limitations in data collection and data fusion capabilities. To help overcome such issues, this paper proposes using LiDAR datasets to extract the information required to analyze factors contributing to the severity of ROR collisions on a localized collision level. Specifically, the paper proposes a new method for extracting pole-like objects and tree canopies. Information about other roadside assets, including signposts, alignment attributes, and side slopes is also extracted from the LiDAR scans in a fully automated manner. The extracted information is then attached to individual collisions to perform a localized assessment. Logistic regression is then used to explore links between the extracted features and the severity of fixed-object collisions. The analysis is conducted on 80 km of roads from 10 different highways in Alberta, Canada. The results show that roadside attributes vary significantly for the different collisions along the 80 km analyzed, indicating the importance of utilizing LiDAR to extract such features on a disaggregate collision level. The regression results show that the steepness of side slopes and the offset of roadside objects had the most significant impacts on the severity of fixed-object collisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 819-820
Amir Tavabi ◽  
Chen-pin Wang ◽  
Joel Michalek ◽  
Tiffany Cortes ◽  
Ethan Leonard ◽  

Abstract Frailty is a progressive physical decline leading to higher morbidity and mortality in older adults. Previous studies have demonstrated shared mechanisms between insulin resistance, inflammation, and frailty. The purpose of this trial is to determine whether metformin prevents frailty in non-frail, community-dwelling older adults (≥65 years) with pre-diabetes, determined by 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Frail individuals (Fried criteria) and those with renal impairment (glomerular filtration rate <45 mL/min) are excluded. Eligible participants are randomized to metformin or placebo and followed for two years. The primary outcome is frailty; secondary outcomes include physical function (short physical performance battery), systemic and skeletal muscle inflammation (plasma and muscle inflammatory markers), muscle insulin signaling (muscle biopsy), insulin sensitivity (insulin clamp), glucose tolerance (OGTT), and body composition (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) measurements. Participants are followed every 3 months for safety assessments, every 6 months for frailty assessment and OGTT, and every 12 months for muscle biopsy. Currently, 99 participants, including 53 (53.5%) male and 91 (91.9%) white, are active (54) or have completed the study (35). At baseline, mean age was 72.3 ± 5.5 years, body mass index was 30.7 ± 5.9 kg/m2, and Hemoglobin A1c was 5.73 ± 0.37%. Mean frailty score was 0.5 ± 0.6 and the proportion of non-frail and pre-frail participants were 58.6% (n = 58) and 41.5% (n = 41), respectively. Findings of this clinical trial may have future implications for the use of metformin in older adults with pre-diabetes in order to prevent the onset of frailty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (S5) ◽  
Renny Abraham ◽  
Ramkumar Subramanian ◽  
Venkata Ramalingayya Grandhi ◽  
NageswaraRao Muddana ◽  
Venkatesh Kamuju ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 49-50
Lisa Seidel ◽  
Marc Wengler

Abstract. With the publication of the subarea interim report on sub-regions on 28 September 2020, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE), as the implementer of the German site selection procedure, has completed the first step of phase I in due time. The second step of phase I is the identification of siting regions for surface exploration. In the following step 2 of phase I, the determination of siting regions for surface exploration will be carried out based on the interim results of the first step of phase I in accordance with section 14 of the regulating law (StandAG). A central component of this second step of phase I is the representative preliminary safety assessments pursuant to section 27 StandAG, the ordinances on “Safety Requirements” (EndlSiAnfV) and “Preliminary Safety Assessments” (EndlSiUntV), which are carried out for each of the sub-regions. Based on the results of the preliminary safety assessments and the renewed application of the geoscientific weighting criteria (section 24 StandAG), siting regions will be identified that have the potential to become the site with the best possible safety for a repository for high-level radioactive waste. During the second step of phase I, the planning scientific consideration criteria (section 25 StandAG) can be applied for the first time. The path to the siting regions for surface exploration can be accompanied by various challenges related to geoscientific, methodological and also societal questions. For example, the application of the representative preliminary safety assessments may be more challenging in larger subareas compared to smaller ones as subsurface properties are likely to be more variable. In this context, areas with little data coverage for example, and the treatment of these areas in the procedure may pose another challenge. Therefore, sound methodological concepts must be developed for performing the representative preliminary safety assessments as well as for applying the geoscientific weighting criteria. Furthermore, the German site selection procedure defines special requirements (section 1 StandAG): the implementation of the participatory, science-based, transparent, self-questioning and learning procedure poses challenges to all stakeholders of the procedure on the way to the best possible disposal of high-level radioactive waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 143-144
Felix Brandt ◽  
Martina Klinkenberg ◽  
Sébastien Caes ◽  
Jenna Poonoosamy ◽  
Wouter Van Renterghem ◽  

Abstract. Immobilization of high-level and intermediate-level nuclear wastes by vitrification in borosilicate glass is a well-established process. There is a consensus between the waste management agencies of many countries and many experts that vitrified nuclear waste should be disposed of in a deep geological waste repository and therefore its long-term behavior needs to be taken into account in safety assessments. In contact with water, borosilicate glass is metastable and dissolves. In static dissolution experiments, often a surface alteration layer (SAL) forms on the dissolving glass, and later sometimes secondary phases form. Based on boron or lithium release rates, commonly three stages of glass dissolution are defined as a function of the reaction progress: (I) initial dissolution, described by a congruent glass dissolution at the highest rate, (II) residual dissolution, characterized by a glass dissolution rate several orders of magnitude lower than the initial one, and (III) resumption of glass alteration with initial rates. Microscopically, the formation of a complex SAL has been identified as a prerequisite for the slower dissolution kinetics of stage II. Stage III is typically observed under specific conditions, i.e., high temperature and/or high pH driven by the uptake of Si and Al into secondary phases. Different glass dissolution models explaining the mechanisms of the SAL formation and rate-limiting steps have been proposed and are still under debate. In this article different aspects of glass dissolution from recent studies in the literature and our own work are discussed with a focus on the microscopic aspects of SAL formation, secondary phase formation and the resumption of glass dissolution. Most of the experiments in the literature were performed under near-neutral pH conditions and at 90 ∘C, following standard procedures, to understand the fundamental mechanisms of glass dissolution. The example of interaction of glass and cementitious materials as discussed here is relevant for safety assessments because most international concepts include cement e.g., as lining, for plugs, or as part of the general construction of the repository. The aim of the investigations presented in this paper was to study the combined effect of hyperalkaline conditions and very high surface area/volume ratios (SA/V=264000m-1) on the dissolution of international simplified glass (ISG) and the formation of secondary phases at 70 ∘C in a synthetic young cement water containing Ca (YCWCa). The new results show that the SA/V ratio is a key parameter for the dissolution rate and for the formation of the altered glass surface and secondary phases. A comparison with similar studies in the literature shows that especially on the microscopic and nanoscale, different SA/V ratios lead to different features on the dissolving glass surface, even though the SA-normalized element release rates appear similar. Zeolite and Ca-silicate-hydrate phases (CSH) were identified and play a key role for the evolution of the solution chemistry. A kinetic dissolution model coupled with precipitation of secondary phases can be applied to relate the amount of dissolved glass to the evolution of the solution's pH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 263-264
Dirk Mallants ◽  
John Phalen ◽  
Hef Griffiths

Abstract. Around the world, deep borehole disposal is being evaluated for intermediate-level waste (ILW), high-level waste (HLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), separated plutonium waste and some very high specific activity fission product waste. In Australia, long-lived ILW from research reactors and radiopharmaceutical production represents the principal waste stream that requires deep geologic disposal. Whilst the Australian government has not yet made a decision on its preferred strategy for ILW disposal, deep borehole disposal of small volumes of ILW would be a more cost-effective and modular solution compared to a conventional geologic disposal facility (GDF). CSIRO, ANSTO and SANDIA have created an international partnership to execute a full-scale borehole research, development and demonstration (RD&D) project in Australia. The project will demonstrate the technical feasibility of the long-term safety of borehole disposal in deep geological formations. The execution of this project could also demonstrate options for nuclear waste disposal that would reduce proliferation risks, potentially up to the termination of compliance with international safeguards requirements. The RD&D includes demonstration of surface handling and waste/seal emplacement capabilities, basic research on foundational science areas, and full-scale field testing in both a deep characterization borehole and a larger-diameter (0.7 m or 27.5 inch) 2000 m deep demonstration borehole. The multi-barrier system designed for such a deep disposal borehole concept places much less reliance on engineered barriers at the disposal zone to achieve safety as compared to a conventional GDF. It rather relies on geological features for waste containment. The concept being explored uses disposal containers with primary waste packages, such as vitrified waste canisters, inside; to be both cost effective and fit for purpose, such a container could have a mild steel-based structural component with copper coating. A critical review of six coating technologies showed that cold spray has the greatest advantages, such as minimal porosity and compressive residual stress. The RD&D has delivered novel enabling tools that assist with site screening, borehole design and post-closure safety assessments. For instance, an automated geological fault mapping and meshing tool was developed that assists with ranking the suitability of potential disposal sites based on proximity to faults. New codes were developed for better representation of fault zones in 2D/3D numerical flow and transport models, while also being more efficient to execute. Post-closure safety assessments tested the sensitivity of long-term safety with respect to disposal depth, rock permeability and sorption. Heat transport calculations explored the sensitivity of temperature evolution within the borehole to parameters such as heat load, borehole depth, geothermal gradients and rock thermal conductivity. For verification of host rock tightness while also demonstrating the absence of recent groundwater, a new noble gas analytical facility has been established for measuring rare noble gases in mineral fluid inclusions as indicators of very old pore fluids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 37-38
Eva-Maria Hoyer ◽  
Phillip Kreye ◽  
Thomas Lohser ◽  
Wolfram Rühaak

Abstract. The Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE) is a German waste management organization responsible for implementing the search for a site with the best possible safety for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste for at least 1 million years, following the amendments of the Repository Site Selection Act in 2017. The selection procedure is meant to be a participatory, transparent, learning and self-questioning process based on scientific expertise. This contribution provides an overview of the methodology of the forthcoming preliminary safety assessments as a major part of the next steps in the site selection procedure. This procedure overall consists of three phases with increasing levels of detail for identification of the best site. The first phase consists of two steps. The objective of the first step was to determine sub-areas in the three considered host rocks, salt (halite), claystone and crystalline host rock, by applying legally defined exclusion criteria, minimum requirements and geoscientific weighing criteria. A total of 90 sub-areas that cover approximately 54 % of the area of Germany were identified due to their general suitable geological conditions. The results were published in September 2020. The second step of phase one is currently in progress and includes representative preliminary safety assessments that aim to assess the extent to which the safe containment of the radioactive waste can be expected in the investigated sub-area. The requirements for conducting preliminary safety assessments in the site selection procedure are defined by a governmental directive released in October 2020. Representative preliminary safety assessments have to be performed for each sub-area and consist of the compilation of all geoscientific information relevant to the safety of a repository, the development of preliminary safety and repository concepts and the analysis of the disposal system. In addition, a systematic identification and characterization of uncertainties has to be undertaken and the need for exploration, research and development must be determined. The application of the representative preliminary safety assessments as well as the following renewed application of geoscientific weighting criteria will lead to the identification of siting regions within the larger sub-areas identified in step one. These regions will be considered, first for surface-based geoscientific and geophysical exploration, including e.g. seismic exploration and drilling of boreholes. Subsequently, the last phase of the site selection will proceed with subsurface exploration. Finally, all suitable sites will be proposed and the German government and parliament will decide the actual site. This process is expected to be finalized in 2031.

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