exceedance probability
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2022 ◽  
Arash Rayegani ◽  
Gholamreza Nouri

Abstract The possibility of pounding on isolated structures with surrounding moat walls is one of the concerns in the design of isolation systems, especially in pulse-type near-field earthquakes. This paper puts forward the seismic probability assessment of structures equipped with passive and smart hybrid isolation systems by considering pounding possibilities. This investigation is performed on isolated structures equipped with a high damper rubber bearing (HDRB) considering stiff moat walls around the structure. In the Hybrid isolation system, magnetorheological dampers (MR) are considered an adaptive dissipation energy device along with isolators using an optimized novel interval Type-2 fuzzy logic controller with adaptive red-zone function (IT2FS+RZF) to reduce pounding possibilities. The fragility curves of the building for various cases are determined using IDA analysis, and possible damage costs are evaluated by using exceedance probability in each damage level. This study concludes that the collapse probability of the isolated structures with restrains at the code-based distance is over the acceptable limit of ASCE 7-22. The smart additional damping system with the proposed controller reduces the possible damage cost of the building by about 64% compared to the uncontrolled system and puts the collapse probability of the structure in the acceptable range.

2022 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 108565
R. Makarewicz

2022 ◽  
Vol 961 (1) ◽  
pp. 012040
H H Mahdi ◽  
T A Musa ◽  
Z A A Al-Rammahi ◽  
E J Mahmood

Abstract Drought is a natural disaster associated with a shortage of water availability for specified region within a specific time period. The impacts of drought are significant and extend to damage many important life aspects such as environmental, economic, and social activities. The forecasting of the drought events is an essential element for planning this disaster, reducing its effectiveness and response. The three characteristic frequency, intensity, and time period are the key parts for forecasting and assessment of droughts. Here, two drought indices (The Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI), standardized precipitation index (SPI)) were used for forecasting of the future drought within Al Najaf city, Iraq. Thirty years meteorological data (average monthly precipitation and temperature) were used for the period (2021–2050) downloaded from the site of the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) for five grid points to cover overall study area. The computation of these indices conducted at a 12-month time scale and included the calculation of potential evapotranspiration by Thorthwaite method. The temporal drought intensity as well as drought frequency configurations were calculated and analyzed for each drought index. The results showed that the general average drought level expected will mildly dry while the maximum drought level expected will extremely dry. The more severe seasons of drought were forecasted in the years 2038, 2034 and 2021, respectively. Also, the prevailing event will be a one year drought and the maximum drought interval occurred within the study period will four consecutive years, with a 3.33% exceedance probability.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-28
Emre Topçu

Drought is a climatic event that threatens the environment and human life with an ambiguity of location and time. Recently, droughts can be analyzed for different periods with the help of different mathematical methods and developing technology. This study aims to perform a drought analysis in 126 designated study points of Turkey. The analyzed data includes monthly total precipitation values between March 2000 and February 2021, obtained from PERSIANN system (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks). Monthly precipitation totals of these designated points were used as input parameters in the Drought Exceedance Probability Index (DEPI) which is a new drought analysis method. The analysis was conducted separately for the whole of Turkey from January to December. Moreover, the findings were compared with the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), a globally accepted and commonly used drought index, to measure the drought detection performance of DEPI. SPI was calculated for periods of 6, 12 and 24 months. Pearson correlation coefficients between drought values of SPI-6, SPI-12 and SPI-24 and DEPI results were calculated. The second part of the study includes possible trend of drought determined by the Mann-Kendall trend analysis method. Both DEPI and SPI results and trend analysis results were mapped and visualized with the help of ArcGIS package program. The highest correlation is between DEPI and SPI-12 with 0.75, while the lowest correlation is between DEPI and SPI-24 with a value of 0.62. SPI monthly drought maps indicated the wettest months were January and February, while the driest months were March and July. Besides the DEPI monthly drought maps, the wettest months were October and November, while the driest months were May and June. The Mann-Kendall trend maps showed a significant increase in drought for summer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11709
Xinyong Xu ◽  
Xuhui Liu ◽  
Li Jiang ◽  
Mohd Yawar Ali Khan

The Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) constitutive is introduced to study the dynamic failure mechanism and the law of damage development to the aqueduct structure during the seismic duration using a large-scale aqueduct structure from the South-to-North Water Division Project (SNWDP) as a research object. Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and multiple stripe analysis (MSA) seismic fragility methods are introduced. The spectral acceleration is used as the scale of ground motion record intensity measure (IM), and the aqueduct pier top offset ratio quantifies the limit of structural damage measure (DM). The aqueduct structure’s seismic fragility evaluation curves are constructed with indicators of different seismic intensity measures to depict the damage characteristics of aqueduct structures under different seismic intensities through probability. The results show that penetrating damage is most likely to occur on both sides of the pier cap and around the pier shaft in the event of a rare earthquake, followed by the top of the aqueduct body, which requires the greatest care during an earthquake. The results of two fragility analysis methodologies reveal that the fragility curves are very similar. The aqueduct structure’s first limit state level (LS1) is quite steep and near the vertical line, indicating that maintaining the excellent condition without damage in the seismic analysis will be challenging. Except for individual results, the overall fragility results are in good agreement, and the curve change rule is the same. The exceedance probability in the case of any ground motion record IM may be estimated using only two factors when using the MSA approach, and the computation efficiency is higher. The study of seismic fragility analysis methods in this paper can provide a reference for the seismic safety evaluation of aqueducts and similar structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-154

Risk of extreme precipitation anomaly of Indian summer monsoon (ISM) on agro-ecosystems of Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and central-east India regions has been assessed in the present study. Using monthly gridded precipitation data, standardized precipitation index (SPI) has been computed as the hazard component of the standard risk computation. The agro-ecosystems of IGP are exposed to higher risk due to extreme ISM precipitation anomaly than that of the central-east India. IGP being an irrigated region and central-east India being a rainfed region would be affected differentially due to the increasing negative anomaly in precipitation (i.e., drought risk) in the two regions. Overall the risk score and the prevalent agricultural practice suggest that the Central plateau and hill region in the rainfed region and the Upper Gangetic plain in the irrigated region are the most drought risk pone agroclimatic zones. Exceedance probability (EP) curve and the return period (RP) curve of drought risk quantification revealed that the Upper Gangetic plain of the IGP is conspicuously exposed to a higher drought risk unlike any other region. Increasing drought risk is coupled with increasing cloud cover in Upper Gangetic plain. Surface wind, temperature or the outgoing longwave radiation of this zone could not completely explain the cause of this risk. Changing role of average aerosol index (AAI) hinted to the presence of aerosol altered cloud micro-system in Upper Gangetic plain and may be one of the major reasons for increasing non-precipitating cloud in this zone and thus contributing to the drought risk even with increasing cloud cover trend.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 3438
Ting Li ◽  
Gyuwon Lee ◽  
Gwangseob Kim

This study aimed to calculate and analyze total overflows that accumulate in urban manholes in the target drainage basin of Samsung-dong, Seoul in heavy rainfall events with different temporal distribution characteristics, using the EPA’s Storm Water Management Model (EPA-SWMM model). Inundation behaviors were analyzed using the two-dimensional flood model (FLO-2D). The extreme rainfall events were produced using different exceedance probability Huff distributions for different durations and return periods, such as from 1 to 3 h and 10 years, 50 years, 80 years, 100 years, respectively. The inundation model was validated using the actual flood observations on 21 September 2010 in the Samsung-dong drainage basin. The total overflow amount showed considerable differences according to the different time distribution characteristics, such as the temporal location of the storm peak and the concentration level of the storm. Furthermore, the inundation behaviors were also related to the temporal characteristics of storms. The results illustrated that the consideration of the temporal distribution characteristics of extreme rainfall events is essential for an accurate understanding of the rainfall–runoff response and inundation behavior in urban drainage basins.

2021 ◽  
Sofia Aldabet ◽  
Evan Goldstein ◽  
Eli Lazarus

Barrier islands predominate the Atlantic and Gulf coastlines of the USA, where development exceeds national trends. Forward-looking models of barrier island dynamics often include feedbacks with management practices – particularly those aimed at mitigating damage to buildings from natural hazards – and how real estate markets may be linked to barrier island dynamics. However, models thus far do not account for networks of infrastructure, such as roads, and how the functioning of infrastructure networks might influence management strategies. Understanding infrastructure networks on barrier islands is an essential step toward improved insight and foresight into the future dynamics of human-altered barriers. Here, we examine thresholds in the functioning of 72 US Atlantic and Gulf Coast barrier islands. We use digital elevation models to assign an elevation to each intersection in each road network. From each road network we sequentially remove intersections, starting from the lowest elevation. In each network we identify a critical intersection – and corresponding elevation – at which the functioning of the network fails, and we match the elevation of each critical intersection to local annual exceedance probabilities for extreme high-water levels. We find a range of failure thresholds for barrier island road network functioning, and also find that no single metric – absolute elevation, annual exceedance probability, or a quantitative metric of robustness – sufficiently ranks the susceptibility of barrier road networks to failure. Future work can incorporate thresholds for road network into forward-looking models of barrier island dynamics that include hazard-mitigation practices for protecting infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 6107-6132
Gerardo Benito ◽  
Olegario Castillo ◽  
Juan A. Ballesteros-Cánovas ◽  
Maria Machado ◽  
Mariano Barriendos

Abstract. Current climate modelling frameworks present significant uncertainties when it comes to quantifying flood quantiles in the context of climate change, calling for new information and strategies in hazard assessments. Here, state-of-the-art methods on hydraulic and statistical modelling are applied to historical and contemporaneous flood records to evaluate flood hazards beyond natural climate cycles. A comprehensive flood record of the Duero River in Zamora (Spain) was compiled from documentary sources, early water-level readings and continuous gauge records spanning the last 500 years. Documentary evidence of flood events includes minute books (municipal and ecclesiastic), narrative descriptions, epigraphic marks, newspapers and technical reports. We identified 69 flood events over the period 1250 to 1871, of which 15 were classified as catastrophic floods, 16 as extraordinary floods and 38 as ordinary floods. Subsequently, a two-dimensional hydraulic model was implemented to relate flood stages (flood marks and inundated areas) to discharges. The historical flood records show the largest floods over the last 500 years occurred in 1860 (3450 m3 s−1), 1597 (3200 m3 s−1) and 1739 (2700 m3 s−1). Moreover, at least 24 floods exceeded the perception threshold of 1900 m3 s−1 during the period (1500–1871). Annual maximum flood records were completed with gauged water-level readings (pre-instrumental dataset, PRE: 1872–1919) and systematic gauge records (systematic dataset, SYS: 1920–2018). The flood frequency analyses were based on (1) the expected moments algorithm (EMA) and (2) the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) method, using five datasets with different temporal frameworks (historic dataset, HISTO: 1511–2018; PRE–SYS: 1872–2018; full systematic record, ALLSYS: 1920–2018; SYS1: 1920–1969; and SYS2: 1970–2018). The most consistent results were obtained using the HISTO dataset, even for high quantiles (0.001 % annual exceedance probability, AEP). PRE–SYS was robust for the 1 % AEP flood with increasing uncertainty in the 0.2 % AEP or 500-year flood, and ALLSYS results were uncertain in the 1 % and 0.2 % AEP floods. Since the 1970s, the frequency of extraordinary floods (>1900 m3 s−1) declined, although floods on the range of the historical perception threshold occurred in 2001 (2075 m3 s−1) and 2013 (1654 m3 s−1). Even if the future remains uncertain, this bottom-up approach addresses flood hazards under climate variability, providing real and certain flood discharges. Our results can provide a guide on low-regret adaptation decisions and improve public perception of extreme flooding.

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