state participation
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2021 ◽  
pp. 66-100
Alexander N. Shvetsov

As an object of research in the article, the phenomenon of the Russian space, taken in a long historical retrospective, appears, the subject issues of the study of which are the prerequisites, meanings and content, as well as significant cause-and-effect relationships and the dynamics of its transformations. It is shown that the processes of acquisition and development (colonization) of the country’s space took many centuries, took place in different directions, with different intensity and were initially associated with special motives, extraordinary efforts and contradictory consequences. The cornerstones of the main stages of transformation of the Russian space — pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet — are considered. A theoretical understanding of the modern stage is proposed, the deep meaning of which the author associates with the need to remove the main contradiction of the spatial organization of life in the country, due to the abrupt transition of the country «from socialism to the market». The driving forces and limitations of the formation of a new configuration of space are highlighted, the course and content of this transition process are predicted. In the author’s understanding, the ongoing transition is characterized by a complex interweaving of reforms and counter-reforms: the market-federative reversal of the 1990s (with its well-known excesses of reformation radicalism) is opposed by a mechanistic one that ignores the realities of the established market-capitalist system, and therefore counterproductive reproduction of a number of Soviet planning and placement algorithms of public administration. The conceptual approach to the consideration of the organization of the socio-economic space as a large complex dynamic open system and to the interpretation of its transformation processes as systemic transformations is substantiated. The deep Russian features of state participation in the transformation of the socio-economic space are revealed, the requirements for the current state regional policy are formulated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 329-351
Tinashe Madebwe

Issues of global concern typically arise where there is a limited commitment to accountable governance. This paper argues that there has been an evolution in the state function. This evolution has made it possible to envisage a progression to accountable governance across all states. If attained, this would establish accountable governance as the threshold for state participation in international relations. Failure to meet the threshold would justify intrusion in the governance affairs of states by the international community of states to ensure accountability. Thus, the paper argues that the key to addressing issues of global concern lies in getting states to embrace accountable governance. This would be the first step towards empowering the international community of states to hold accountable those states that adopt governance decisions that perpetuate issues of global concern.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 496-521
Samara De Carvalho Pedro ◽  
Fernanda Edileuza Riccomini de Souza ◽  
Daniela Menezes Garzaro ◽  
Claudia Brito da Silva Cirani ◽  
Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza

Objective: To carry out a mapping of studies on innovation and public policies, presenting an overview of the scientific discussion on the topic to suggest proposals for future studies.Design / methodology / approach: A bibliometric study, through exploratory factor analysis, with the objective of identifying the path that the phenomenon takes. For this, we use the techniques of citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling.Originality: Given the economic, social and technological importance of innovation, public policies appear as engines of the development of innovation, thus reinforcing the need to identify unexplored paths through the mapping of studies on the theme to identify unexplored paths.Results: We identified the basis on which the theme studied was developed. Thus, three factors were observed: Economic Development, Innovation Ecosystems and State Participation. In the coupling analysis, we identified four factors, namely: Entrepreneurship, Changes in Public Policies, Networks and Clusters and Knowledge Source. Looking to the future, some study trends were presented, highlighting a new research agenda.Theoretical and methodological contributions: We present some study trends on innovation and public policies, warranting a new research agenda.Management contributions: This research enables managers and decision makers to understand the aspects regarding the theme, so that they can develop strategic innovation actions with the support of public policies.

Vladimir Kurchenkov ◽  
Olga Makarenko

The article deals with the functioning and development of large state corporations in the Russian economy. Including the matters of determining the strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the state as a whole their leading role within the formation of the corporate model of public sector in the modern Russian economy is justified. It is determined that each state corporation performs different functions in the economy, including reproduction, innovation, stabilization and the function of ensuring economic security. The paper highlights the shortcomings and imperfections of the institution of state corporations functioning determined by the peculiarities of their institutional status. Practical examples of participation of state corporations in the implementation of major national projects of the country are presented. It was revealed that the strategic development priorities of state corporations coincide and correlate with the development priorities of the state, thereby ensuring their participation in the implementation of state policy in a particular area. The analysis made it possible to highlight recommendations for improving the efficiency of state corporations and outline the prospects for their further existence and development in the modern Russian economy. The research results can be used to optimize the work of large corporate structures with state participation when developing strategic planning documents and determining the prospects for their long-term development.

Tatyana Vladimirovna Kotova ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Chernikina ◽  
Yulia Aleksandrovna Gladysheva

The article is devoted to studying the evaluation of the determinant factors of the value of state-owned companies, which present the competitive and investment-attractive segment of the economy with high export potential. There are considered the applied aspects of the problem and the influence of financial and non-financial factors on the value of companies, such as: return on assets, return on equity, return on invested capital, leverage, earnings per share, dividends per share, company size, company age, share of fixed assets. The research hypothesis that the selected determinants are significant and affect the value of companies with state participation are examined. The analysis is based on data from public reports of Russian producing and processing companies. The sample includes the data for 2010-2019. Companies with state participation and industry affiliation were selected; a database of indicators of financial statements of selected companies was formed; the financial indicators-factors have been calculated; the relationship of factors with the resulting indicator is determined. It has been inferred that the determinants “earnings per share” and “net working capital” are statistically significant and have an impact on the enterprise value in the industry under study

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Мартыненко Татьяна Васильевна ◽  
Бондаренко Юлия Андреевна ◽  

Maryna Chervonoshapka ◽  
Olena Torlo ◽  
Oksana Chychkan

Oriental dance classes today are one of the current areas of physical culture and health activities for women of different ages. They have a positive effect on their physical and psycho- emotional state. The problem of insufficient formation of the system of scientific and methodological support of this type of health-improving motor activity is relevant. The work is devoted to the issue of priority motives of women of different age groups to oriental dance classes. Involvement of the population in physical education is impossible without knowledge of motivation to exercise. Taking into account the priority motives for the construction of physical culture and health classes is important. We conducted a survey of women aged 16-61 who are engaged in oriental dances. We found diversity and heterogeneity in the structure of women's priority motives for oriental dance. The results of our study show that the priority motives of women are participation in competitions, the formation of body parameters, improving of health, improvement of psycho-emotional state. Participation in competitions, as well as improving of the parameters of the figure are important motives for young women. Improving of health and improvement of psycho-emotional state are important for older women. Prospects for further research in this area - the development of training programs in various fields, taking into account the age and level of training of women.

Юрченко Анна

In the proposed article, an attempt is made to resolve one of the most pressing issues that arise when justifying the implementation of road construction projects on a concession basis. This is a question of state participation in co-financing the project. The task has a double limitation. On the one hand, the opportunities for state participation in such projects are limited by the financial resources of the State Road Fund. On the other hand, the state's participation is limited by the project's internal capacity to provide sufficient cash flow.The criteria for selection of projects implemented in the transport sector were studied. Additional requirements for the adequacy of expected cash flows have been formulated for projects that are expected to be implemented on a concession basis. The first step involves determining the creditworthiness of the project. The second is to ensure the required rate of return for private investors. The third step determines the need for state participation in co-financing the project and its respective share.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
pp. 196-207
Ekaterina Isaeva ◽  
Vaja Gogsadze ◽  

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