healthy personality
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 89-92
Manisha . ◽  
Aarti Kaushik ◽  
MB Gaur

Hair contributes immensely to human personality. Healthy hair is a sign of a healthy personality. But nowadays, Premature greying is a common problem in the young population. Due to lifestyle changes, environmental changes, and psychological factors, premature greying of hair increases tremendously. Premature greying of hair is causing psychological disturbances in the young population. In Ayurveda, Krodha, Shoka and Shrama are the Maansika Nidana which causes vitiation of Doshas and leads to Palitya. Different scholars had explained Palitya along with its prevention and management. Psychological status in the young population is uncertain and prone to a significant mental health risk. During adulthood, the young population seems to face multiple stress and psychological issues due to life transitions and changes in personal relationships. Overburden at the workplace leads to increased incidence of psychological problems that alter health. Premature greying of hair needs attention to deal with these psychological issues. If all these factors are considered, it increases the chances of preventing Akala Palitya.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sara Plakolm Erlač ◽  
Valentin Bucik ◽  
Hojka Gregorič Kumperščak

The present study is the first to examine both the implicit and explicit self-concept of identity diffusion in a sample of adolescent patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). A clinical sample of adolescent girls with diagnosed BPD (N = 30; M age = 15.9 years) and a sample of girls with a healthy personality development (N = 33; M age = 16.6 years) completed an implicit association test (IAT) that was adjusted to identity diffusion, the core of BPD. Common domains of child and adolescent psychopathology and core components of BPD were assessed using self-reports on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), the Borderline Personality Features Scale for Children—11 (BPFSC-11) and the Assessment of Identity Development in Adolescence (AIDA). BPD patients scored significantly higher on explicit measures of borderline pathology than girls with a healthy personality development. A crucial finding for this study was that girls with BPD had a significantly lower implicit preference for stability than their counterparts in the control group. Moreover, explicit measures of borderline personality pathology were significantly correlated with an implicit measure of identity diffusion, the core of BPD. However, when looking at the predictive ability of implicit and explicit measures, only explicit identity diffusion was significantly associated with borderline features. Our data suggests that adolescent girls with BPD differ from healthy individuals not only in their conscious representation but also in their implicit representation of the self with regard to BPD related characteristics, which further advances the need for the identification of at-risk adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 106-127
V. Pyatin ◽  
O. Maslova ◽  
N. Romanchuk

Over a new seven-year period, a new personality was formed functioning on three platforms: the first — artificial intelligence and information overload, the second — chronic stress and depression, the third — the self-actualization of individual religiosity. Religiosity plays a major role in the dynamics of self-realization. Individual religiosity is defined by a mature person as a complex, integrative socio psychological property of a person, due to her having a special paradigm view of the world as created by God, and including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, identification and value components. An information new personality is the ability to manage information flows. Chronic stress and depression cause prolonged activation of the body’s adaptation reactions, lead to the development of mental, neurotic disorders and somatic diseases, reduce performance targets, and most importantly, reduce the cognitive brain and increase cognitive deficits, while all aspects of cognitive activity and the intelligence paradigm suffer. New neurosociology and modern neurocommunications are “security tools” and are able to manage and shape a new healthy personality.

Saian Khalimovna Umarova ◽  
Tagir Umarpashaevich Abuev

Halyna Chuyko ◽  
Yan Chaplak ◽  
Tetiana Koltunovych ◽  

The article deals with a theoretical analysis of the main aspects of understanding the phenomenon of trust (such as: types, features, principles, structure, functions, manifestation of trust) and its role in human life in psychology. Authors note that common to interpretation of trust is implicit thought of the scientists about the apriori capacity of each person to define, who is worthy and who should not be trusted. The authors argue that trust is a complex attitude towards another person, manifested in a subjectively justified confidence in the reliability and honesty of the person; in the expectation that they will not try to intentionally or consciously harm us. Trust is especially important for both full-valued interpersonal relationships, the functioning of society; is the foundation of a mentally healthy personality and their well-being.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
Maosen Jiang

Cultural education is closely related to individual development and the needs for economic, social, and technological development, which, while aiming at improving students’ overall professionalism, respects their subjective consciousness and initiative, highlights the development of personality and individual potential, and designs and improves educational activities that are characterized by cultivating people’s ability to make innovation, start a business, and form a healthy personality. Taking problems existing in the cultural education in vocational colleges as the cut-in point, this paper explored the inner driving force of cultural education in the new era and tried to discuss the concept, objectives, content and mechanism of cultural education by pivoting to individual autonomy, expertise, and development goals, with the hope that the inner driving force of cultural education could be effectively carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1 (339)) ◽  
pp. 219-233
Liudmyla Tsybulko ◽  
Serhii Vicko ◽  

The problem of use of the motor games for the formation of the hoter harmoniously developed personality af the primary school age is considered in the article. The experience of the eminent scientists in the above – entioned problem is analyzed. The theoretical and metho-dologecal foundations of the system of Junior schoolchildren training by means ofphysical education, the general characteristics of the growing organism, the methods of development of the physical abilities, the pedagogical technology of the motor games activity development by means of the motor games are determind. The main modes of the motor games using in the physical culture lessons with junior schoolchildren are distinguished. The condifions of efficiency of the junior schoolchildren training process are defined as well. They have in full to solve the educational and health problems of the lessons, to remove mental and physical train by primary school students, to activate their motor activity. The authors present the results of the study of 122 Slovyansk general school pupils of the 3‐rd – 4-th forms. The possibilities of managment of the motor skills developing process of junior schoolchildren by the means of the special motor games with taking into account the number of repetitions ans rest are determind. It is proved, that the systematic use of sport games suitable varieties for development of motor abilities will contribute to the fomation of the physically healthy personality. The prospects fot futher researches in this area namely in elaborating the system of combination motor games and interactive teaching technologies introduction in the physical culture lessons are outlined.

2020 ◽  
Pavel S. Blagov ◽  
Jefferson A. Singer ◽  
Kathryn M. Oost ◽  
Joshua A. Goodman

We partly replicated and significantly extended research linking four features of self-defining memories (SDMs) – affect, structure, meaning, and content – to personality and adjustment. By linking SDM features to temperament, the five-factor model domains, and psychopathology models (and the Big Three superfactors), we tested theories about the relationships between autobiographical memory and personality. The sample of 133 participants (1330 SDMs) was well-powered for multilevel modeling. We found support for the following claims. Affect: SDM affect was linked to positive and negative emotionality indices, consistent with trait theory and the self-memory system (SMS) model of autobiographical recall. Structure: SDM specificity vs. overgenerality related to indices of constraint and internalizing tendencies, lending support to the executive dysfunction and emotional disorder theories of overgeneral memory. Tests of the avoidance hypotheses of overgeneral memory were less conclusive. Meaning: Integrative processing in SDMs reflects healthy personality functioning. It moderated the link between SDM affect and internalizing. Content: Links between SDM content (event types and contamination themes) and personality suggest that SDMs reflect personal goals (as per the SMS model) whose fulfillment (or frustration) may indicate (mal)adjustment. This research further establishes the validity and usefulness of the SDM framework in the study of autobiographical memory, personality, and psychopathology.

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