control surface
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 652
Andrés E. Rivero ◽  
Stephane Fournier ◽  
Rafael M. Heeb ◽  
Benjamin K. S. Woods

This paper introduces a new modular Fish Bone Active Camber morphing wing with novel 3D printed skin panels. These skin panels are printed using two different Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) formulations: a soft, high strain formulation for the deformable membrane of the skin, reinforced with a stiffer formulation for the stringers and mounting tabs. Additionally, this is the first FishBAC device designed to be modular in its installation and actuation. Therefore, all components can be removed and replaced for maintenance purposes without having to remove or disassemble other parts. A 1m span, 0.27m chord morphing wing with a 25% chord FishBAC was built and tested mechanically and in a low-speed wind tunnel. Results show that the new design is capable of achieving the same large changes in airfoil lift coefficient (approximate ΔCL≈0.55) with a low drag penalty seen in previous FishBAC work, but with a much simpler, practical and modular design. Additionally, the device shows a change in the pitching moment coefficient of ΔCM≈0.1, which shows the potential that the FishBAC has as a control surface.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 356
Łukasz Nocoń ◽  
Marta Grzyb ◽  
Piotr Szmidt ◽  
Zbigniew Koruba ◽  
Łukasz Nowakowski

This article approaches the issue of the optimal control of a hypothetical anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) with an innovative rocket engine thrust vectorization system. This is a highly non-linear dynamic system; therefore, the linearization of such a mathematical model requires numerous simplifications. For this reason, the application of a classic linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) for controlling such a flying object introduces significant errors, and such a model would diverge significantly from the actual object. This research paper proposes a modified linear-quadratic regulator, which analyzes state and control matrices in flight. The state matrix is replaced by a Jacobian determinant. The ATGM autopilot, through the LQR method, determines the signals that control the control surface deflection angles and the thrust vector via calculated Jacobians. This article supplements and develops the topics addressed in the authors’ previous work. Its added value includes the introduction of control in the flight direction channel and the decimation of the integration step, aimed at speeding up the computational processes of the second control loop, which is the LQR based on a linearized model.

2022 ◽  
Aravinth Sadagopan ◽  
Daning Huang ◽  
Adam Jirasek ◽  
Jürgen Seidel ◽  
Anshuman Pandey ◽  

2021 ◽  
Sabrina Meindlhumer ◽  
Fridtjof Brauns ◽  
Jernej Rudi Finžgar ◽  
Jacob Kerssemakers ◽  
Cees Dekker ◽  

We theoretically predict and experimentally show that the propagation direction of in vitro Min protein patterns can be controlled by a hydrodynamic flow of the bulk solution. We find downstream propagation of Min wave patterns relative to the bulk flow direction for low MinE:MinD concentration ratios, but upstream propagation for large MinE:MinD ratios, with multistability of both propagation directions in between. A theoretical model for the Min system reveals the mechanism underlying the upstream propagation and links it to the fast conformational switching of MinE in the bulk. For high MinE:MinD ratios, upstream propagation can be reproduced by a reduced model in which increased MinD bulk concentrations on the upstream side promote protein attachment and hence, propagation in that direction. For low MinE:D ratios, downstream propagation is described by the minimal model, as additionally confirmed by experiments with a non-switching MinE mutant. No advection takes place on the membrane surface where the protein patterns form, but advective bulk flow shifts the protein-concentration profiles in the bulk relative to the membrane-bound pattern. From a broader perspective, differential flows in a bulk volume relative to a surface are a relevant general feature in bulk-surface coupled systems. Our study shows how such a differential flow can control surface-pattern propagation and demonstrates how the global pattern's response may depend on specific molecular features of the reaction kinetics.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8459
Zeyang Zhou ◽  
Jun Huang

With the continuous development of advanced fighters towards tailless and flying wing layouts, diverse control surfaces have become the mainstream design. To study the influence of spoiler control surface on the radar cross-section (RCS) of a tailless fighter, a calculation method is presented. The deflection angle of the spoiler is controlled by the fixed mode, linear mode, and smooth mode. The results show that the opening action of the spoiler will break the original stealth characteristics of the aircraft at the key azimuth angles of the head and tail. As the elevation angle increases, this adverse effect will spread to the side. The influence of the different dynamic deflection modes of the spoiler on the aircraft RCS is analyzed. Compared with the linear dynamic deflection mode, the smooth dynamic deflection mode is conducive to the reduction in the average RCS at the given head azimuth. The presented method is effective to study the influence of the spoiler deflection on the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of the tailless aircraft.

AIAA Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Fang-Ping Pai ◽  
Lee-Jang Yang ◽  
Ying-Hsuan Huang ◽  
P. C. Chen

J AlaviMehr ◽  
M R Davis ◽  
J Lavroff ◽  
D S Holloway ◽  
G A Thomas

Ride control systems on high-seed vessels are an important design features for improving passenger comfort and reducing motion sickness and dynamic structural loads. To investigate the performance of ride control systems a 2.5m catamaran model based on the 112m INCAT catamaran was tested with an active centre bow mounted T-Foil and two active stern mounted trim tabs. The model was set-up for towing tank tests in calm water to measure the motions response to ride control step inputs. Heave and pitch response were measured when the model was excited by deflections of the T-Foil and the stern tab separately. Appropriate combinations of the control surface deflections were then determined to produce pure heave and pure pitch response. This forms the basis for setting the gains of the ride control system to implement different control algorithms in terms of the heave and pitch motions in encountered waves. A two degree of freedom rigid body analysis was undertaken to theoretically evaluate the experimental results and showed close agreement with the tank test responses. This work gives an insight into the motions control response and forms the basis for future investigations of optimal control algorithms.

Biomimetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 71
Léna Ciffréo ◽  
Claire Marchand ◽  
Caroline R. Szczepanski ◽  
Marie-Gabrielle Medici ◽  
Guilhem Godeau

Desertification is a growing risk for humanity. Studies show that water access will be the leading cause of massive migration in the future. For this reason, significant research efforts are devoted to identifying new sources of water. Among this work, one of the more interesting strategies takes advantage of atmospheric non-liquid water using water harvesting. Various strategies exist to harvest water, but many suffer from low yield. In this work, we take inspiration from a Mexican plant (Echeveria pulvinate) to prepare a material suitable for future water harvesting applications. Observation of E. pulvinate reveals that parahydrophobic properties are favorable for water harvesting. To mimic these properties, we leveraged a combination of 3D printing and post-functionalization to control surface wettability and obtain parahydrophobic properties. The prepared surfaces were investigated using IR and SEM. The surface roughness and wettability were also investigated to completely describe the elaborated surfaces and strongly hydrophobic surfaces with parahydrophobic properties are reported. This new approach offers a powerful platform to develop parahydrophobic features with desired three-dimensional shape.

2021 ◽  
Aleksandra Ordon ◽  
Paulina Kurnyta-Mazurek

The paper present the results of work on measurement system dedicated to hardware used during wind tunnel tests, especially to servomechanisms. These devices could be applied to set specific position of control surface. Proposed system would ensure continuous monitoring of servo-rotor position and servo-motor temperature and would avoid uncontrolled change of control surface position. The application designed to monitor the operating status of the servomechanism was prepared in the LabVIEW software and was implemented on the myRIO platform. Developed test rig allow to register time histories of servo-rotor position and temperature during for different values of applied load. In the paper, test methodology were also presented. Experimental studies show that before wind tunnel tests, selected servomechanism should be tested in terms of maintaining the parameters declared by the manufacturer, especially during continuous operation. Developed measurement system can be used during wind tunnel tests, as well as only for servo-mechanism parameter testing.

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