system phase
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 267
Maria Chernyavskaya ◽  
Mario Jurić ◽  
Joachim Moeyens ◽  
Siegfried Eggl ◽  
Lynne Jones

Abstract We present a tool for the comparison and validation of the integration packages suitable for Solar System dynamics. iCompare, written in Python, compares the ephemeris prediction accuracy of a suite of commonly-used integration packages (JPL/HORIZONS, OpenOrb, OrbFit at present). It integrates a set of test particles with orbits picked to explore both usual and unusual regions in Solar System phase space and compares the computed to reference ephemerides. The results are visualized in an intuitive dashboard. This allows for the assessment of integrator suitability as a function of population, as well as monitoring their performance from version to version (a capability needed for the Rubin Observatory’s software pipeline construction efforts). We provide the code on GitHub with a readily runnable version in Binder (

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 4-10
Svetlana Viktorovna Mikhailova

The growth of dynamism, the complexity of relationships in social networks requires a systematic approach, the development of mathematical models for forecasting and the identification of fake news in social networks. Otherwise, it is difficult to resist media misinformation, fake news. The problem is urgent, there are more and more opportunities for exchanging "viral" and fake messages in social networks, and we poorly implement monitoring, identifying fake risks. Social networks so far do not allow reliably distinguishing lies from news from aggregator. The purpose of the work is to predict and analyze the system-phase pattern of the spread of fakes in the space of social interactions. "Fakes" are deliberately false, intended for manipulation. In recent years, they are easily distributed in social networks. In the work by methods of the theory of ordinary differential equations, their qualitative analysis, the above problem was full investigated. The study was conducted under assumptions: remote distributors are not allowed to participate in the transmission of fakes; an adult population susceptible to fakes has a constant birth rate; propagation can occur "vertically," wherein the transmission mechanism is introduced into the model by appropriate assumptions about the proportion of susceptible and distributors. The problem is fully investigated (solvability, unambiguity, phase patterns of stable behavior). The work will be useful in the practical identification and prediction of the influence of fake news.

E.P. Kharitonova ◽  
E.I. Orlova ◽  
N.V. Gorshkov ◽  
V.G. Goffman ◽  
V.I. Voronkova

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-87
Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto ◽  
João Victor Oliveira Mendonça Reis ◽  
Leandro Rosa Pedro ◽  
Winicios Alves dos Santos ◽  
Edquel Bueno Prado Farias

Purpose – Develop and use an Expert System (ES) to classify diseases of the urinary system. Design/methodology/approach – Computational experiments were divided into three phases, as described: Phase A: Database selection: We searched for a database that contains information on diseases of the urinary system. Phase B: Development and Implementation of the Expert System: Rules and variables were planned for the correct data manipulation, and the Expert System was created by implementing the rules and variables. Phase C: Validation of the Expert System: Expert System validated by specialists. Findings – The Expert System was validated by a general practitioner and, as such, was successful while carrying out the tests and results. In conclusion, the Expert System was generated to classify two diseases (Cystitis and Nephritis) of the urinary system. This was validated by a general practitioner who confirmed the accuracy of the information within the system developed and aimed of assisting the field of medicine for a specific organ. Originality/value – The development of the present work has made it possible to assist the specific diagnosis of two diseases of the urinary system. With the assistance of the Specialist System, professionals can be more confident when diagnosing diseases of the urinary system in patients. Keywords - Urinary System; Expert Systems; Artificial Intelligence; Support to The Diagnosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Salvador Herrera-Velarde ◽  
Edith C. Euán-Díaz ◽  
Ramón Castañeda-Priego

Confinement can induce substantial changes in the physical properties of macromolecules in suspension. Soft confinement is a particular class of restriction where the boundaries that constraint the particles in a region of the space are not well-defined. This scenario leads to a broader structural and dynamical behavior than observed in systems enclosed between rigid walls. In this contribution, we study the ordering and diffusive properties of a two-dimensional colloidal model system subjected to a one-dimensional parabolic trap. Increasing the trap strength makes it possible to go through weak to strong confinement, allowing a dimensional transition from two- to one-dimension. The non-monotonic response of the static and dynamical properties to the gradual dimensionality change affects the system phase behavior. We find that the particle dynamics are connected to the structural transitions induced by the parabolic trap. In particular, at low and intermediate confinement regimes, complex structural and dynamical scenarios arise, where the softness of the external potential induces melting and freezing, resulting in faster and slower particle diffusion, respectively. Besides, at strong confinements, colloids move basically along one direction, and the whole system behaves structurally and dynamically similar to a one-dimensional colloidal system.

Salvador Herrera-Velarde ◽  
Edith Euán-Díaz ◽  
Ramón Castañeda-Priego

Confinement can induce substantial changes in the physical properties of macromolecules in suspension. Soft confinement is a particular class of restriction where the boundaries that constraint the particles in a region of the space are not well-defined. This scenario leads to a broader structural and dynamical behavior than the observed in systems enclosed between rigid walls. In this contribution, we study the ordering and diffusive properties of a two-dimensional colloidal model system subjected to a one-dimensional parabolic trap. Increasing the trap strength makes it possible to go through weak to strong confinement, allowing a dimensional transition from two- to one-dimension. The non-monotonic response of the static and dynamical properties to the gradual dimensionality change affects the system phase behavior. We find that the particle dynamics is connected with the structural transitions induced by the parabolic trap. In particular, at low and intermediate confinement regimes, complex structural and dynamical scenarios arise, where the softness of the external potential induces melting and freezing, resulting in faster and slower particle diffusion, respectively. Besides, at strong confinements, colloids move basically along one direction, and the whole system behaves structurally and dynamically similar to a one-dimensional colloidal system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 855 ◽  
pp. 157373
Dandan Huang ◽  
Rumo Han ◽  
Yao Wang ◽  
Tianfan Ye

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (04) ◽  
pp. 139-151
Julien Claquesin ◽  
Mathieu Gibilaro ◽  
Laurent Massot ◽  
Olivier Lemoine ◽  
Gilles Bourges ◽  

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