radiographic investigation
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2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Ajinkya Rane ◽  
Lance Glen Jacobson ◽  
Patrick Kellam ◽  
Lucas Scott Marchand ◽  
Zachary Working ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Youssef Kharbach ◽  
Zakaria Bakali Issaoui ◽  
Youssef Retal ◽  
Abdelhak Khallouk

Abstract Background Isolated genital elephantiasis outside filariasis endemic tropical and subtropical regions is rare and presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Serologic and radiographic investigation must be undertaken to exclude reversible causes of genital elephantiasis. Case presentation Authors report herein the case of a 58-year-old patient with chronic penile and scrotal elephantiasis. He had a history of untreated urethritis and an endoscopic urethrotomy for urethra stricture three years ago. Serological test for chlamydiosis was positive. Retrograde urethrocystography demonstrated a bulbar urethra stricture. The patient spectacularly and completely improved after endoscopic urethrotomy and long-term doxycycline. Conclusions Early treatment of sexual transmitted infections such as chlamydiosis is important to prevent the evolution of penoscrotal elephantiasis and to avoid surgical procedures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-136
S Karki ◽  
D Thapa ◽  
N Pandey

Oral implants are regarded as one of the most successful and reliable treatment options for replacing missing tooth/teeth. Various studies have reported that it can be used to meet the functional as well as esthetic demands of missing teeth. The most common indication of oral implants is the replacement of single or multiple teeth to support the denture. While replacing teeth in the esthetic zone, then consideration should be towards creating the right emergence profile. So, replacing a tooth with the implant-supported prosthesis in the anterior region is more challenging as compared to the posterior. With clinical examination, radiographic investigation, and treatment planning good results can be achieved. This case report highlights the placement of a single-tooth dental implant in the anterior region where the emergence profile was created with gingival moulding similar to that of adjacent gingiva using provisionalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 64-71
Krister Bjerklin

The prevalence of impacted maxillary canines is 2–3%. In Caucasian populations, it is reported to be more palatally displaced than buccally, with the opposite trend seen in Asian populations. At the ages of 9–11 years, the position of the canine germ should be diagnosed, for most children through clinical supervision. In 7–10% of children, the clinical investigation must be supplemented with radiographic investigation, in most cases with intraoral radiographs. About 50% of impacted canines cause root resorption of the adjacent teeth. To detect the severity of resorption, cone-beam computed tomography is necessary. Root resorptions on incisor roots occur most often at 11–12 years of age. Early diagnosis of ectopically positioned maxillary canines is very important. In cases with palatally displaced canines and no root resorptions, extraction of the primary canines has been found in different studies to give good results. If the permanent canine has not started to normalize its position within 12 months, orthodontic treatment must be taken in consideration. Often, this is done by surgical exposure and orthodontic traction of the canine out into the dental arch.

Dental Update ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-251
Queenie Ong ◽  
Andrew Flett

This case report discusses the characteristics, sequelae and management of the supernumerary tooth in a developing dentition, particularly the mesiodens. The case describes when an eruption of a mesiodens was misdiagnosed as a microdont maxillary central incisor, leading to ectopic and late eruption of the permanent maxillary incisor. This case highlights the importance of clinical and radiographic investigation where tooth size asymmetry is observed in the upper anterior region. CPD/Clinical Relevance: The incidence of a single microdont maxillary central incisor is rare and is not known to be documented in the literature. If a small tooth erupts in the midline it should be considered a supernumerary tooth until proven otherwise. Further clinical and radiographic investigation should be performed to determine the presence and location of the maxillary central incisor(s).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  

A 24-year-old female patient was admitted to the dental department of the university hospital Sahloul in Sousse in November 2019 for wisdom tooth extraction. The patient had chronic kidney failure and was on peritoneal dialysis. During the extraction, the patient had accidentally ingested the dental bur (Zekrya MANI®): the bur popped out from the airotor and fell into the patient’s throat. There were no immediate symptoms such as coughing, drooling, dyspnoea or any other symptom of respiratory distress. The patient was immediately taken to the department of radiology for abdominal radiographic investigation. She was advised to be on a diet rich of fibers (especially potato) which was impossible for our patient. In fact, potato is a main source of potassium and when kidneys fail, they can no longer remove excess potassium, which leads to hyperkalemia. Some of the effects of hyperkalemia are nausea, weakness, numbness and slow pulse.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (10) ◽  
pp. 3487-3492 ◽  
Alexander G. Rousskikh ◽  
Anton P. Artyomov ◽  
Alexander S. Zhigalin ◽  
Anatoly V. Fedyunin ◽  
Vladimir I. Oreshkin

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