daily time
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 563
Lynn Zhu ◽  
Patrick Boissy ◽  
Christian Duval ◽  
Guangyong Zou ◽  
Mandar Jog ◽  

Wearable global position system (GPS) technology can help those working with older populations and people living with movement disorders monitor and maintain their mobility level. Health research using GPS often employs inconsistent recording lengths due to the lack of a standard minimum GPS recording length for a clinical context. Our work aimed to recommend a GPS recording length for an older clinical population. Over 14 days, 70 older adults with Parkinson’s disease wore the wireless inertial motion unit with GPS (WIMU-GPS) during waking hours to capture daily “time outside”, “trip count”, “hotspots count” and “area size travelled”. The longest recording length accounting for weekend and weekdays was ≥7 days of ≥800 daily minutes of data (14 participants with 156, 483.9 min recorded). We compared the error rate generated when using data based on recording lengths shorter than this sample. The smallest percentage errors were observed across all outcomes, except “hotspots count”, with daily recordings ≥500 min (8.3 h). Eight recording days will capture mobility variability throughout days of the week. This study adds empirical evidence to the sensor literature on the required minimum duration of GPS recording.

Marieke De Craemer ◽  
Vera Verbestel

The aim of this cross-sectional study is to investigate convergent validity of outcomes derived from the ActiGraph GT3X and Axivity accelerometer and to investigate feasibility and acceptability of using outcomes derived from these devices to measure 24-h movement behaviors (i.e., sleep, sedentary behavior, and physical activity) in adults during free-living conditions. Twenty-four adults (33.3% male; 39.79 ± 13.09 years old) simultaneously wore a hip-mounted ActiGraph and thigh-mounted Axivity during 48 consecutive hours. The ActiGraph was switched from hip to wrist during the night. To assess convergent validity between the two devices, Paired sample t-tests, linear regressions, Bland–Altman plots and κ statistic were conducted. Feasibility and acceptability of the devices was self-reported on a five-point scale. Daily time spent in 24-h movement behaviors differed between both devices. Except for sleep, the mean differences in daily time spent in the behaviors were clinically relevant and the limits of agreement were wide. For all 24-h movement behaviors, except for sleep and vigorous physical activity, proportional errors were observed. κ statistic showed substantial agreement for total physical activity and outstanding agreement for sedentary behavior and sleep. Adults perceived the Axivity as more practical than the ActiGraph to wear it for more than two days whereas the feasibility to wear it for two days was comparable. Depending on the measure, the observed biases were clinically relevant, proportional to the size of the measure and/or erratically variable. When taking into account the data processing approaches applied in this study, the ActiGraph and the Axivity cannot be used interchangeably to measure 24-h movement behaviors since the bias between both devices is clinically relevant and unpredictable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-224
Hestiyana Hestiyana

This study aims to describe the indigenous science in the lexicon of time and season markers by the Meratus Dayak tribe. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative ethnolinguistic approach. The data in this study are lexicon markers of time and season spoken by the Meratus Dayak tribe who reside in the Balangan Regency, namely Meratus Balangan Dayak, especially traditional leader  and balian. Meanwhile the data collection techniques used were participant observation, listening techniques, and record techniques. Data analysis includes: (1) transcribing data obtained through the results of records and records; (2) identifying time and season marker data; (3) classifying data according to lingual form and lexicon function; and (4) analyze and conclude. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the concept of local science in the lexicon markers of time and season can be classified into two: (1) based on the lingual form and (2) based on the function of the lexicon. The concept of local science is based in the lingual form: first, the lexicon marking the time and season of tangible words which a total of 30 lexicons. Second, lexicons marking the time and season in the form of phrases that include noun caterogical phrases, verb categorized phrases, and numeralia categorized phrases with a total of 21 lexicons. Then, the concept of local science based on the function of the lexicon, among others: (1) the function of the daily time lexicon is as much as 19 lexicon and (2) the time and season lexicon functions with a larger unit of 20 lexicon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan konsep ilmu pengetahuan lokal dalam leksikon penanda waktu dan musim oleh suku Dayak Meratus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnolinguistik. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa leksikon penanda waktu dan musim yang dituturkan oleh suku Dayak Meratus yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah Kabupaten Balangan, yakni Dayak Meratus Balangan, terutama tokoh adat dan balian. Adapun, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipan, teknik simak, dan teknik rekam. Analisis data meliputi: (1) mentranskripsikan data yang diperoleh melalui hasil catatan dan rekaman; (2) mengidentifikasi data penanda waktu dan musim; (3) mengklasifikasikan data sesuai dengan bentuk lingual dan fungsi leksikon; dan (4) menganalisis dan menyimpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa konsep ilmu pengetahuan lokal dalam leksikon penanda waktu dan musim dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua: (1) berdasarkan bentuk lingual dan (2) berdasarkan fungsi leksikon.  Konsep ilmu pengetahuan lokal berdasarkan bentuk lingual: pertama, leksikon penanda waktu dan musim berwujud kata yang meliputi nomina, verba, dan numeralia dengan jumlah keseluruhan 30 leksikon. Kedua, leksikon penanda waktu dan musim berwujud frasa yang meliputi frasa berkategori nomina, frasa berkategori verba, dan frasa berkategori numeralia dengan jumlah keseluruhan 21 leksikon. Kemudian, konsep ilmu pengetahuan lokal berdasarkan fungsi leksikon, antara lain: (1) fungsi leksikon penanda waktu harian sebanyak 19 leksikon dan (2) fungsi leksikon penanda waktu dan musim dengan satuan yang lebih besar sebanyak 20 leksikon.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Joydeep De ◽  
Abhishek Chatterjee

We create mental maps of the space that surrounds us; our brains also compute time—in particular, the time of day. Visual, thermal, social, and other cues tune the clock-like timekeeper. Consequently, the internal clock synchronizes with the external day-night cycles. In fact, daylength itself varies, causing the change of seasons and forcing our brain clock to accommodate layers of plasticity. However, the core of the clock, i.e., its molecular underpinnings, are highly resistant to perturbations, while the way animals adapt to the daily and annual time shows tremendous biological diversity. How can this be achieved? In this review, we will focus on 75 pairs of clock neurons in the Drosophila brain to understand how a small neural network perceives and responds to the time of the day, and the time of the year.

Simon D. Carrière ◽  
Bertille Loiseau ◽  
Cédric Champollion ◽  
Chloé Ollivier ◽  
Nicolas K. Martin‐StPaul ◽  

2021 ◽  
Hideki Horita ◽  
Yoichi Seki ◽  
Eiji Shimizu

BACKGROUND Background: Parents of adolescents with Internet addiction are confronted with their children' Internet problems on a daily basis. Parents may notice that adolescents with addiction may also have emotional and behavioral problems including impulsivity and violence. Parenting styles have been found to be related to Internet addiction. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study is to investigate parents' perspectives on their parenting style, relationship with their child, and the degree of internet addiction, emotional and behavioral problems of their child. METHODS A web-survey was conducted with 600 parents of children between the ages of 12 and 17. Respondents were recruited through an internet research company and were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire. The survey was divided into two groups: 300 parents who answered "yes" to the question "Do you think your child is dependent on the Internet?" and 300 parents who answered "no." Questionnaires were collected until each group had 300 participants. The questionnaire included the (1) Parent-Child Internet Addiction Test (PCIAT), (2) Daily time spent using Internet, (3) Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), (4) Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) and (5) Self-Report Attachment Style Prototypes (Relationship Questionnaire (RQ)). RESULTS Mean scores of PCIAT and daily time spent using Internet of group with Internet addiction were significantly higher than those of the group without Internet addiction, respectively. Total difficulty score (TDS) in the SDQ of group with Internet addiction were significantly higher than that of the group without Internet addiction. Mean score of authoritarian parenting in PSDQ of group with Internet addiction were significantly higher than that of the group without Internet addiction. In RQ, there was no significant differences between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that parent who think their child is addicted to the Internet may recognize emotional and behavioral problems of the child and have an authoritarian parenting style.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 116-116
Rafael de Cabo

Abstract Classic implementation of calorie restriction (CR) in laboratory animals increases health and longevity in most model organisms. Traditionally, chronic CR is the reduction of daily energy intake without malnutrition. Recently, paradigms have emerged that recapitulate some of the beneficial aspects of this intervention, avoiding some of its challenges. The length of daily fasting length and periodicity have emerged as potential drivers behind CR’s beneficial health effects. Numerous strategies and eating patterns, including prolonged periods of fasting, have been successfully developed to mimic many of CR’s benefits without its austerity. These new feeding protocols range from short mealtimes designed to interact with our circadian system (daily time-restricted feeding) to more extended fasting regimens known as intermittent fasting. We will discuss the current status of knowledge on different strategies to reap the benefits of CR on metabolic health in rodent models and humans without the rigor of chronic reductions in caloric intake.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 469-470
Eun-Kyeong Kim ◽  
Pascal Griffel ◽  
Robert Moulder ◽  
Cheng Fu ◽  
Minxia Luo ◽  

Abstract The Mobility, Activity, and Social Interactions Study (MOASIS) is part of a global effort to more closely examine indicators of functional ability in relation to person characteristics and life contexts as proposed by the WHO’s healthy aging definition. In MOASIS, sensor-based and self-reported mobility and activity indicators were used to capture functional ability in 153 community-dwelling older adults aged 65-91 over 30 days. The present study examines daily time out-of-home and place diversity and its within-person associations with positive and negative affect and stress. Initial between-person analyses indicate that mobility is only weakly related to indicators of physical and mental health. We propose that the health- and well-being implications of mobility more strongly play out in daily life and at the within-person level, and will examine general health, cognitive ability, and marital status as intrinsic capacity moderators accounting for some of the expected interindividual heterogeneity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 339-340
Rod Walker ◽  
John Bellettiere ◽  
Andrea LaCroix ◽  
Dori Rosenberg ◽  
Mikael Anne Greenwood-Hickman

Abstract The activities that compose older adults’ considerable sedentary time are not well characterized. We described daily time spent in self-reported sedentary activities and explored differences by age, gender, and activPAL sitting patterns. Participants self-reported a total of 10.7 hours of sitting time and spent the most time watching TV (2.6 hrs/day), using the computer (1.7 hrs/day), and reading (1.6 hrs/day). Women spent more time watching TV, engaged in hobbies, and socializing and less time on the computer compared to men. Older participants spent more time watching TV, reading, and participating in group activities and less time on the computer than younger participants. Those with low activPAL sitting time and frequent activPAL sitting breaks (low mean bout duration) ~1 hr /day less watching TV than those with high activPAL sitting time. These findings help illuminate future intervention targets and lay the path to explore associations between different sedentary activities and health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jia Luo ◽  
Pengchong Wang ◽  
Zhanjiang Li ◽  
Wenwen Cao ◽  
Huan Liu ◽  

Background: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had an adverse impact on the mental health of the general population. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and correlates of health anxiety (HA) in the general Chinese population to inform psychological interventions in COVID-19-affected areas.Methods: We conducted an online survey of the general population in mainland China between 6 and 17 February 2020 (N = 1,450, 69.79% female; mean age = 37.5 ± 9.1 years). The Whiteley Index-7 (WI-7), COVID-19 knowledge quiz (CKQ), Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ-9), and socio-demographic information were surveyed using the Questionnaire-Star program.Results: The prevalence of HA, depression and anxiety were 47.3, 31.3, and 35.7%, respectively. The WI-7 score showed a significant association with age, education level, income, occupation, chronic disease and daily time focused on COVID-19. On binary logistic regression analysis, individuals with masters or higher qualification degree [odds ratio (OR) = 0.632)], older age (OR = 0.981), 2-4 h daily time focused on COVID-19 (OR = 0.684), healthcare workers (OR = 0.749, p = 0.046) and those with more COVID-19 related knowledge (OR = 0.785) showed a significantly negative association with HA. Chronic disease (OR = 1.962), depression (OR = 1.05) and anxiety (OR = 1.228) were significant risk factors for HA.Conclusions: HA was highly prevalent among the general population during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. More than two-fifths of the respondents had obvious HA. Chronic disease, depression and anxiety were risk factors for HA; psychological interventions offered during the pandemic should pay particular attention to these individuals.

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