working liquid
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Igor Pimonov ◽  
Igor Pohorilyi ◽  
Maksim Fedyuchkov

The article considers the hydraulic drive of a modern excavator on which the influence of the working fluid temperature on the power is established, depending on the technical condition of the hydraulic elements. Studies have shown that new pumps and which have operating wear, have different rational temperature of the working fluid. It is impossible to imagine modern construction machines without equipping them with a hydraulic drive. The operation of the hydraulic drive largely determines the efficiency of operation of both a single machine and the entire fleet, which consists of new and old machines . The efficiency of hydrated machines is ensured in their design, manufacture, and operation, where an important role is played by the parameters of the working fluid: the degree of its contamination and temperature (viscosity). The influence of the temperature of the working fluid on the efficiency of the hydraulic drive and the ability to control the efficiency of the hydraulic drive with the help of temperature have not been studied enough. One of the promising areas in determining the rational temperature of the working fluid is the development of new designs of heat exchangers, heaters, diagnostic devices, which will be able to assess the technical condition of individual elements and the hydraulic drive as a whole. Establishing a rational temperature of the working fluid as a necessary parameter of the hydraulic system is mandatory when using modern methods to increase the efficiency of operation, maintenance and repair of hydraulic drives. With increasing temperature of the working fluid, its viscosity decreases and the loss of pressure and power in the mains of the hydraulic drive. However, this increases the internal flow of hydraulic units, which leads to an increase in power loss. Studies have shown that new pumps and which have operational wear, have different rational temperature of the working fluid. At rational values of temperature to the hydraulic motor the worn out pumps can give almost twice more power, than at 50 ° C, recommended for new pumps. The driving power of the pump, thus, practically does not change.

Viktor Kosolapov

Formation of an adsorption surface layer on microneralities of friction surfaces. The model of interaction of the molecule of surface-active substance with the microasperity of friction surface has been given. It has been found that the distance of interaction and the thickness of an adsorbed layer of surface-active substances depend on value of a field of an adsorbing surface and energy of thermal oscillations of molecules of surface-active. It has been shown that the distance of interaction and the thickness of an adsorbed layer of surface-active substances decrease at magnification of temperature of working liquid.

Petar Tomov ◽  
Loic Pora ◽  
Richard Paridaens ◽  
Magne Théodore ◽  
Mohamed Kebdani ◽  

Abstract The inducers increase the pressure available at the inlet of the impellers of centrifugal pumps. This technological solution may induce instabilities, such as pre-rotating flow at partial flow rates. The scientific literature offers studies on the cavitation in the inducers, as well as on the associated instabilities. However, studies describing devices that improve the behavior in these unstable regimes are rare. This is particularly true for fluids like aviation fuels or liquids with dissolved gases. In the present work we expose, an experimental study for two axial inducers carried out at low flow rates in cavitating and non-cavitating regimes in a closed loop equipped with a transparent test pipe. The working liquid is water with and without dissolved CO2. We employ a camera and a high-speed camera to take the photographs of the dynamics of the cavitation structures. The experimental campaign provided results of head breakdown comparison. The added dissolved CO2 gas at a concentration of 300 mg/L does not change the overall inducers' performance in non-cavitating regime. The paper presents also the impact of some of inducers' geometrical parameters on their cavitating performance. The authors observed pre-rotating flow instability, which they tried to decrease by incorporating a grooved ring into the inlet side of the inducers. It is found that pre-rotating structures are much less developed in the upstream when a grooved ring is employed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2127 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
G V Bartkus ◽  
V V Kuznetsov

Abstract The Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) method was used to characterize liquid phase distribution in rectangular slit microchannel with cross-section 200×1205 μm for horizontal gas-liquid flow. Ethanol and nitrogen were used as working liquid and gas accordingly. The feature of this study is an application of hydraulic focusing cross-junction mixer for obtaining elongated bubble and transition flows in the microchannel with a high aspect ratio. Using LIF measurements for elongated bubble and transition flows the liquid film distributions were obtained for different distances from the bubble top and average liquid film thickness was compared with the prediction according to Taylor’s law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 4764-4768

Heat removal from the working liquid of hydraulic systems requires the use of heat exchange devices - oil coolers with their geometry directly affecting their efficiency. This paper considers the issues of statement and implementation of the numerical experiment to solve the optimization problem for the industrial oil design.

2021 ◽  
Junhwi Cho ◽  
Kyungseo Park ◽  
Hwayeong Jeong ◽  
Jung Kim

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 5135
Krzysztof Dutkowski ◽  
Marcin Kruzel ◽  
Tadeusz Bohdal

The article presents the results of preliminary research aimed at determining the possibility of using microencapsulated phase change material (mPCM) slurries as a working fluid in installations with a flat liquid solar collector. In the tests, the following were used as the working fluid: water (reference liquid) and 10% wt. and 20% wt. of an aqueous solution of the product under the trade name MICRONAL® 5428 X. As the product contained 43% mPCM, the mass fraction of mPCM in the working liquid was 4.3% and 8.6%, respectively. The research was carried out in laboratory conditions in the range of irradiance I = 250–950 W/m2. Each of the three working fluids flowed through the collector in the amount of 20 kg/h, 40 kg/h, and 80 kg/h. The working fluid was supplied to the collector with a constant temperature Tin = 20 ± 0.5 °C. It was found that the temperature of the working fluid at the collector outlet increases with the increase in the radiation intensity, but the temperature achieved depended on the type of working fluid. The greater the share of mPCM in the working liquid, the lower the temperature of the liquid leaving the solar collector. It was found that the type of working fluid does not influence the achieved thermal power of the collector. The negative influence of mPCM on the operation of the solar collector was not noticed; the positive aspect of using mPCM in the solar installation should be emphasized—the reduced temperature of the medium allows the reduction in heat losses to the environment from the installation, especially in a low-temperature environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
pp. 3-10
S.M. Zakharchenko ◽  
N.A. Shydlovska ◽  

As a result of processing the experimental data, an analytical continuous nonlinear-probabilistic model of the equivalent electrical resistance of a layer of metal granules in the working liquid was created. It is described by four equations: the modified Gaussian distribution and the dependences on the instantaneous values of the discharge current in the layer of metal granules of the mathematical expectation, dispersion and correction coefficient of the range of its equivalent electrical resistance. Based on the form of the dependences obtained during the experiments and the physics of the processes that occur in this case, two main groups of analytical functions are considered that approximate the obtained dependences. Criteria and methods for finding the optimal values of their coefficients are described. The adequacy of the approximation of each of the three obtained dependences by several analytical functions was investigated, the optimal values of the coefficients of which were found by the described method. Analytical functions was compared, which approximate the dependence of the mathematical expectation of the equivalent electrical resistance of a layer of metal granules on the instantaneous values of the discharge current in it with the known nonlinear models of the resistance of such a medium. References 33, figures 3, tables 3.

2021 ◽  
Si. Kasmaiee ◽  
M. Tadjfar ◽  
Sa. Kasmaiee

Abstract One of the most common ways to obtain mixing between liquid and air, is by injecting the liquid jet into an incoming gaseous crossflow. The physics of this mixing flow is very complicated due to the presence of many flow interfacial instabilities. Usually, a perpendicular liquid jet into the cross flow airstream is used as the standard method of mixing. In the present work, the effect of the injection angle of the liquid flow emanated from a circular nozzle into airstream was experimentally investigated. The flow characteristics of the liquid jet were visualized by diffused backlight shadowgraph technique and high-speed photography. Water was used as the working liquid and tests were conducted into an incoming airstream at room temperature and pressure. A circular nozzle with 1.5 mm in diameter was used. The injection angles of the 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees of the liquid jet into the airstream were considered. Different parameters of liquid jet flow such as breakup length and trajectory were measured. It was found that at low angles the path was independent from the momentum ratio.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 577
Piotr Rybacki ◽  
Przemysław Przygodziński ◽  
Andrzej Osuch ◽  
Andrzej Blecharczyk ◽  
Ryszard Walkowiak ◽  

The purpose of the field experiments was to show possible differences in the quality and size of onion yield and the amount of working liquid used in the technology of the precise application of herbicides. The research material was an onion plantation during three growing seasons in 2015/2016, 2016/2017, and 2017/2018. Cultivation conditions were the same for all plots covered by the experiment. Onions were grown in the row-strip method with a spacing of 150 cm. The experimental factor was the method of weed control on the plots: A—without weeding (control); B—manual weeding; C—conventional herbicide application; D—precise herbicide application. Herbicides were used: Agil 100EC, Pendigan 330EC, Roundup 360SL, Galigan 240EC, Goal 480SC, Lontrel 300SL, Emblem 20WP, Fusilade Forte 150EC, Szogun 10EC, and Lentagran 45WP. The total onion yield did not differ statistically within the accepted confidence interval, regardless of the weeding method in the growing seasons studied. The developed technology allows a reduction in herbicide consumption in onion cultivation by 26% compared to conventional technology, which is of great importance in the aspect of introducing chemical substances into the environment and their accumulation in crops.

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