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2021 ◽  
pp. 73-82
Ismail A. Kerimov ◽  

For more than a hundred years many works of the classics of Crimean Tatar literature of the early XX century have remained inaccessible to their contemporaries. One of such authors is Abdulhakim Aji Arif oglu Khilmiy (1884–1962). The article is devoted to the scientific development of the writer of the period 1914-1917. The sources were both: newspaper and archival materials related to this period. Also involved are the published works of Khilmiy`s contemporaries. As an example, is cited a small work by the author of “Revolutionary excitement” (“Inkilyabiy asabiyetler”), published in 1917 and unknown to modern researches. Transliteration of the text from the Arabic script is accompanied by glossaries of rare Arab-Persian borrowings in the Crimean Tatar language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-78
R. S. Abdulmazhidov ◽  
A. G. Abdulaev

This paper is devoted to the source research analysis of the collection works and letters of a famous Dagestani Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaragi, which are written in Arabic and known as ‘Al-Athar’. Despite a keen interest in the personality of the sheikh, practically nothing was known about the content of this book, the only one extant from his written heritage. Meanwhile, the research of these collected works allows us to provide unique insight into the views and beliefs of this famous sheikh. In this regard, the authors examined in detail the structure of ‘Al-Athar’, having determined the genre variety of the manuscript materials included in it. The collection consists of two qasids, texts of several duas and instructions, a biography of the sheikh written by his son, as well as his extensive correspondence with various Dagestani theologians and communities. The collection ends with a small work in poetic form by Jamaluddin al-Gazigumuki, in which he quotes his silsila, i. e. a consistent chain of succession of the sheikhs of the Naqshbandi tariqa. The materials under research provide interesting information about the political and spiritual life of Dagestan society in the first half of the 19th century. At the same time, they provide an insight into the resumption of the interrupted Sufi tradition in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-176
M. G. Kurlov

One of the main works of my late teacher, Professor V.A.Manassein, relates to the study of changes in blood during experimental fever. The data of this work are still cited in monographs on this issue. Vyacheslav Avksentievich, one of the first Russian doctors, worked on the study of morphological changes in blood in various pathological conditions and, sending me to work abroad, he strongly recommended that I pay special attention to this department of pathology and the clinic. Wishing to mark the memory of my teacher in some way, I allow myself in this small work to report the results of my clinic's research on the morphology of blood in cardiac patients during the period of disturbance of the compensation of cardiac activity.

Reima Välimäki ◽  
Aleksi Vesanto ◽  
Anni Hella ◽  
Adam Poznański ◽  
Filip Ginter

The article applies computational stylometry to explore medieval authorship. The study consists of the investigation of different versions of an anti-heretical treatise Refutatio errorum, only recently attributed to the inquisitor Petrus Zwicker based on qualitative evidence. The article confirms this attribution and demonstrates that from a textually inconsistent corpus, it is possible to prepare data for computational stylometry with relatively fast and straightforward cleaning. Finally, the article discusses the relationship between qualitative and computational methods in the study of medieval texts. The greatest added value of computational authorship attributions comes from unexpected results, from texts behaving in an anomalous way. In the classifications made for this study, a small work called Attendite a falsis prophetis was for the first time attributed to Petrus Zwicker, a prime example of an unanticipated result. This attribution is within possibilities, but its final corroboration requires codicological study of the preserved manuscripts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 132-134
Ushakumari K.P.

Ensglish : Dinesh used to do small work in the village. By the way, if these brag which are working for four days, then the next four days are not visible. Calling these people, the gala is happy. Hindi : दिनेश गाँव में छोटा- मोटा बढ़ाई का काम करता था। वैसे भी ये बड़ाई जो होते है चार दिन अगर काम कर लेते है, तो अगले चार दिन दिखाई नहीं देते। इन लोगो को बुलाते बुलाते गाला सुख जाता है।

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 84
Andrey V. Sidorenkov ◽  
Eugene F. Borokhovski

This study examines the relationship between (a) the size of groups and the number of informal subgroups in them with conflicts in the context of the group, and (b) the size of the informal subgroups with conflicts in the context of the subgroup. A multidimensional model of intragroup conflict was used, which includes two dimensions: five levels of conflict (i.e., interpersonal (individual–individual), micro-group (individual–subgroup), group (individual–group), subgroup–subgroup, and subgroup–group) and two types of conflict (activity-oriented and subject-oriented). Each level of conflict contains two types. Forty-one small work groups (334 employees) took part in the study. In the group as a whole, both the size of the group and the number of informal subgroups in it have a positive relationship with subgroup–subgroup conflict in both types and subgroup–group subject-oriented conflict, and have a negative connection with micro-group subject-oriented conflict. In turn, the size of the subgroup is positively associated with the two types of subgroup–group conflict and negatively connected with the two types of micro-group conflict, as well as with interpersonal activity-oriented conflict at the level of the informal subgroup.

Metals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 401
Hainan He ◽  
Jian Shao ◽  
Xiaochen Wang ◽  
Quan Yang ◽  
Xiawei Feng

Due to the requirement of magnetic properties of silicon steel sheets, producing high-precision size strips is the main aim of the cold rolling industry. The tapered work roll shifting technique of the six-high cold rolling mill is effective in reducing the difference in transverse thickness of the strip edge, but the effective area is limited, especially for a high crown strip after the hot rolling process. The six-high mill with a small work roll size can produce a strip with higher strength and lower thickness under a smaller rolling load. At the same time, the profile of the strip can be substantially improved. By advancing a well-established analytical method, a series of simulation analyses are conducted to reveal the effectiveness of a small work roll radius for the strip profile in the six-high cold rolling process. Through the analysis of flattening deformation and deflection deformation on the load, the change rule of the strip profile produced by the work roll with a small roll diameter can be obtained. Combined with theoretical analysis and industrial experiments, it can be found that the improvement effect of the small work roll radius on the profile of the silicon strip is as significant.

Lawrence W. Sherman ◽  
Sarah van Mastrigt ◽  
Christian B. N. Gade ◽  
Theresa Ammann ◽  
Heather Strang

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-392
M. V. Eroshevskaya

Irina Odoevtseva’s emigration began in 1922, permanently deleting the poet from Russian literature. In emigration, she stopped writing poems and turned to prose. Mainly, her memoir work brought her fame. The memoirs “Na beregakh Seny” are dedicated to the memories writers and poets of the Russian emigration, but a special place among them is occupied by I. A. Bunin. It was his criticism that Odoevtseva considered the most valuable and it was from him that she received approval as a prose writer. Thanks in large part to his comments and observations, she improved her writing skills. Moreover, the author-memoirist managed to get the location of Bunin. He repeatedly noted Odoevtseva’s ability to listen to him with genuine attention and interest. This impressed the writer and made him want to share his thoughts. Irina Odoevtseva’s femininity, diplomacy and sincerity allowed her to maintain good relations with Bunin throughout her life. So, the most significant event of emigration for Odoevtseva becomes acquaintance with Bunin. The memoirist does not tell about each meeting in chronological order: it captures the most striking key moments. The poet admired the extraordinary and rare talent of the writer. Behind the mask of arrogance and arrogance, Odoevtseva was able to discern the best human qualities in him. She saw her task as bringing her contemporaries and descendants at least a little closer to Bunin’s greatness. According to the memoirist, he was such a multiaceted personality that no one could give an exhaustive description of his image. Being a poet and prose writer, she learned Bunin mainly as an author-Creator. But the main thing in Irina Odoevtseva’s observations is that this image extended to Bunin’s life as a whole. This was expressed in the way he saw the world, how he spoke and reminisced about his childhood and youth. Even the most mundane story told by Bunin became a small work of art. The writer did not just tell, but showed what he was talking about. He, like no one else, felt and understood nature subtly and sensitively, and his presence always created a special atmosphere. This, according to Odoevtseva, made him an extraordinary and unique person, and that is why it was so important for her to get to know the real Ivan Bunin and capture his multi-faceted image.

Vyacheslav M. Meshkov

Introduction. The subject of study in the article was the experience of the ascent of the famous Byzantine theologian to the mystical-metaphysical contemplation of divine reality, embodied in his book “Chapters on Love”. According to the Orthodox version of the metaphysics of the Way, this ultimate goal can be achieved during life only in the process of hard and practical work of an ascetic, during which the task is set not only to kill worldly desires, but also to ultimately spiritual and moral purification of the monk’s soul. In this small work, Maxim the Confessor described in detail the technology of advancing an ascetic to the last stop and staying in a blissful state of perfect love for God. Materials and Methods. The source of the research was the works of the ancient Indian, Orthodox and Sufi ascetics, which are different versions of the metaphysics of the Way. During the work, mainly thematic and transcendental analysis methods were used, which together made it possible to track the desire of Maxim the Confessor to describe and comprehend the ascent of the Orthodox monk to the mystical-metaphysical contemplation of the Lord. Discussion. The author of the article in numbered and distributed throughout the chapters of the statements of the Byzantine theologian revealed a complex system of mystical and metaphysical views, which can be called the metaphysical theory of theology. From the point of view of modern methodology and philosophy of science, he created effective theoretical constructs “pure mind”, “perfect love”, “selfishness”, “thoughts” and others, which together fully describe the mystical existential reality of a harsh Orthodox monk, which is difficult to reflect by means of language. However, his reasoning is not speculative thoughts. It is quite obvious to the researcher that they are based on rich personal experience and other prominent ascetics of Byzantine Orthodoxy. Results. The study of the soulful book of Maximus the Confessor “Chapters on Love” allows you to advance in understanding one of the most important and the most difficult moments of the Orthodox version of the metaphysics of the Way.

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