muon decay
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Instruments ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 40
Simone Michele Mazza

PIONEER is a next-generation experiment to measure the charged pion branching ratios to electrons vs. muons Re/μ=Γπ+→e+ν(γ)Γπ+→μ+ν(γ) and pion beta decay (Pib) π+→π0eν. The pion to muon decay (π→μ→e) has four orders of magnitude higher probability than the pion to electron decay (π→eν). To achieve the necessary branching-ratio precision it is crucial to suppress the π→μ→e energy spectrum that overlaps with the low energy tail of π→eν. A high granularity active target (ATAR) is being designed to suppress the muon decay background sufficiently so that this tail can be directly measured. In addition, ATAR will provide detailed 4D tracking information to separate the energy deposits of the pion decay products in both position and time. This will suppress other significant systematic uncertainties (pulse pile-up, decay in flight of slow pions) to <0.01%, allowing the overall uncertainty in to be reduced to O (0.01%). The chosen technology for the ATAR is Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD). These are thin silicon detectors (down to 50 μm in thickness or less) with moderate internal signal amplification and great time resolution. To achieve a 100% active region several emerging technologies are being evaluated, such as AC-LGADs and TI-LGADs. A dynamic range from MiP (positron) to several MeV (pion/muon) of deposited charge is expected, the detection and separation of close-by hits in such a wide dynamic range will be a main challenge. Furthermore, the compactness and the requirement of low inactive material of the ATAR present challenges for the readout system, forcing the amplifier chip and digitizer to be positioned away from the active region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (9) ◽  
D. Ruterbories ◽  
Z. Ahmad Dar ◽  
F. Akbar ◽  
M. V. Ascencio ◽  
A. Bashyal ◽  

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 420
Cristina Martin Perez ◽  
Luigi Vigani

Mu3e is a dedicated experiment designed to find or exclude the charged lepton flavor violating μ→ eee decay at branching fractions above 10−16. The search is pursued in two operational phases: Phase I uses an existing beamline at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), targeting a single event sensitivity of 2·10−15, while the ultimate sensitivity is reached in Phase II using a high intensity muon beamline under study at PSI. As the μ→ eee decay is heavily suppressed in the Standard Model of particle physics, the observation of such a signal would be an unambiguous indication of the existence of new physics. Achieving the desired sensitivity requires a high rate of muons (108 stopped muons per second) along with a detector with large kinematic acceptance and efficiency, able to reconstruct the low momentum of the decay electrons and positrons. To achieve this goal, the Mu3e experiment is mounted with an ultra thin tracking detector based on monolithic active pixel sensors for excellent momentum and vertex resolution, combined with scintillating fibers and tiles for precise timing measurements.

Wulf Fetscher

The decay of the muon has been studied at PSI with several precision measurements: The longitudinal polarization P_{\mathrm{L}}(E)PL(E) with the muon decay parameters \xi'ξ′, \xi''ξ″, the Time-Reversal Invariance (TRI) conserving transverse polarization P_{\mathrm{T_{1}}}(E)PT1(E) with the muon decay parameters \etaη, \eta''η″, the TRI violating transverse polarization P_{\mathrm{T_{2}}}(E)PT2(E), with \alpha'/Aα′/A, \beta'/Aβ′/A and the muon decay asymmetry with P_{\mu}\xiPμξ. The detailed theoretical analysis of all measurements of normal and inverse muon decay has led for the first time to a lower limit |g^{V}_{LL}| > 0.960|gLLV|>0.960 (“V-AV−A”) and upper limits for nine other possible complex couplings, especially the scalar coupling |g^{S}_{LL}| < 0.550|gLLS|<0.550 which had not been excluded before.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (7) ◽  
Andreas Crivellin ◽  
Martin Hoferichter ◽  
Claudio Andrea Manzari

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1266
José Manuel Carmona ◽  
José Luis Cortés ◽  
José Javier Relancio

Relativistic deformed kinematics are usually considered a way to capture the residual effects of a fundamental quantum gravity theory. These kinematics present a non-commutative addition law for the momenta so that the total momentum of a multi-particle system depends on the specific ordering in which the momenta are composed. We explore in the present work how this property may be used to generate an asymmetry between particles and antiparticles through a particular ordering prescription, resulting in a violation of CPT symmetry. We study its consequences for muon decay, obtaining a difference in the lifetimes of the particle and the antiparticle as a function of the new high-energy scale, parameterizing such relativistic deformed kinematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (5) ◽  
J. I. Collar

2021 ◽  
Kei Ieki ◽  

Robert B. Hayes

This work argues the mass term in the neutrino wavefunction propagator is due to entanglement with its associated origins. The implication being that neutrino flavor is conserved in weak processes and shared among all particles emanating from the last interaction with a nucleon. In so doing, the neutrino mass propagator is real but not ascribed to the neutrino outside of entanglement. The proposed theory will be readily testable in that reactor and solar neutrinos will oscillate but both muon decay neutrinos and accelerator neutrinos created by pure lepton interactions will not oscillate..

Ari Lehto

According to observations leptons are always produced in pairs. Both particles can be electrically charged, or just one, in which case the charged particle is accompanied by a particle specific neutrino. The period doubling process in nonlinear dynamical systems creates stable pair structures from the Planck units. The electron-positron pair is one of the stable structures, and the rest mass, electric charge and magnetic moment can be accurately calculated by the period doubling process. That the pair structure is stable means, that e.g., an electron and a positron are always born together. In the muon decay one of the pair is charged, while the other remains chargeless because there is only one charge available. It is suggested in this article that neutrino is the chargeless part of the lepton pair.

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