phase shift data
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Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. N29-N40
Modeste Irakarama ◽  
Paul Cupillard ◽  
Guillaume Caumon ◽  
Paul Sava ◽  
Jonathan Edwards

Structural interpretation of seismic images can be highly subjective, especially in complex geologic settings. A single seismic image will often support multiple geologically valid interpretations. However, it is usually difficult to determine which of those interpretations are more likely than others. We have referred to this problem as structural model appraisal. We have developed the use of misfit functions to rank and appraise multiple interpretations of a given seismic image. Given a set of possible interpretations, we compute synthetic data for each structural interpretation, and then we compare these synthetic data against observed seismic data; this allows us to assign a data-misfit value to each structural interpretation. Our aim is to find data-misfit functions that enable a ranking of interpretations. To do so, we formalize the problem of appraising structural interpretations using seismic data and we derive a set of conditions to be satisfied by the data-misfit function for a successful appraisal. We investigate vertical seismic profiling (VSP) and surface seismic configurations. An application of the proposed method to a realistic synthetic model shows promising results for appraising structural interpretations using VSP data, provided that the target region is well-illuminated. However, we find appraising structural interpretations using surface seismic data to be more challenging, mainly due to the difficulty of computing phase-shift data misfits.

2018 ◽  
Bernice Zee ◽  
Wen Qiu ◽  
Fangjie Foo ◽  
Brian Lai ◽  
Jim Vickers ◽  

Abstract Lock-in thermography (LIT) phase data is used to generate phase shift versus applied lock-in frequency plots to estimate defect depth in semiconductor packages. Typically, samples need to be tested for an extended time to ensure data consistency. Furthermore, determining the specific point on the thermal emission site to collect data from can be challenging, especially if it is large and dispersive. This paper describes how the use of new computational algorithms along with streamlined and automated workflows, such as self-adjusting thermal emission site positioning and phase measurement auto-stop, can result in improvements to data repeatability and accuracy as well as faster time to results. The new software is applied to generate the empirical phase shift versus applied lock-in frequency plot using 2.5D IC devices with known defect location. Subsequently, experimental phase shift data from reject 2.5D IC devices with unknown defect locations are obtained and compared against the empirical phase shift plot. The defect Z-depth of these devices are determined by comparing where the experimental phase shift data points lies with respect to empirical phase shift plot and validated with physical failure analysis (PFA).

2005 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-262 ◽  
Sergey Y. Matrosov ◽  
David E. Kingsmill ◽  
Brooks E. Martner ◽  
F. Martin Ralph

Abstract The utility of X-band polarimetric radar for quantitative retrievals of rainfall parameters is analyzed using observations collected along the U.S. west coast near the mouth of the Russian River during the Hydrometeorological Testbed project conducted by NOAA’s Environmental Technology and National Severe Storms Laboratories in December 2003 through March 2004. It is demonstrated that the rain attenuation effects in measurements of reflectivity (Ze) and differential attenuation effects in measurements of differential reflectivity (ZDR) can be efficiently corrected in near–real time using differential phase shift data. A scheme for correcting gaseous attenuation effects that are important at longer ranges is introduced. The use of polarimetric rainfall estimators that utilize specific differential phase and differential reflectivity data often provides results that are superior to estimators that use fixed reflectivity-based relations, even if these relations were derived from the ensemble of drop size distributions collected in a given geographical region. Comparisons of polarimetrically derived rainfall accumulations with data from the high-resolution rain gauges located along the coast indicated deviation between radar and gauge estimates of about 25%. The ZDR measurements corrected for differential attenuation were also used to retrieve median raindrop sizes, D0. Because of uncertainties in differential reflectivity measurements, these retrievals are typically performed only for D0 > 0.75 mm. The D0 estimates from an impact disdrometer located at 25 km from the radar were in good agreement with the radar retrievals. The experience of operating the transportable polarimetric X-band radar in the coastal area that does not have good coverage by the National Weather Service radar network showed the value of such radar in filling the gaps in the network coverage. The NOAA X-band radar was effective in covering an area up to 40–50 km in radius offshore adjacent to a region that is prone to flooding during wintertime landfalling Pacific storms.

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