strength formula
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Mohd Mukhtar Alam ◽  
Israr Ahmad ◽  
Yogesh Kumar ◽  
Abdul Samad ◽  
Yogesh Upadhyay ◽  

BACKGROUND: Grip strength is widely accepted as an indicator of maximum hand strength and contraction of active muscles of the hand and forearm. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of forearm posture (pronation, supination and neutral) and anthropometric variation on MVC grip strength and grip endurance time in young university adults. METHODS: Fifty healthy, right-handed men volunteered to participate in this study. The experiment was characterized by measuring MVC grip strength and endurance time of 50% MVC randomly in three different postures (supine, pronation and neutral). Performance was assessed in terms of dependent variables: MVC grip strength and grip endurance time. RESULTS: MANCOVA results showed no significant effect of posture on MVC grip strength ([Formula: see text]) and grip endurance time ([Formula: see text]). There was a significant effect of age ([Formula: see text]), height ([Formula: see text]) and forearm length ([Formula: see text]) on the grip endurance time in supine position. However, palm circumference had a significant effect on MVC grip strength ([Formula: see text]) in pronation posture only. The pronation forearm posture produces 7.4% more grip strength than a supine posture. In addition, the grip endurance time was improved in the supine position, compared to the neutral and pronation forearm posture. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the MVC grip strength is affected by the weight and palm circumference. In addition, palm circumference was the most influential factor affecting grip strength. Thus, anthropometric and posture-specific grip strength data are essential for clinical and industrial applications. The results can be used to prepare guidelines for rehabilitation, health care, sport and medicine.

B.P. Watson ◽  
W. Theron ◽  
N. Fernandes ◽  
W.O. Kekana ◽  
M.P. Mahlangu ◽  

The research described in this paper was done to confirm the Upper Group 2 (UG2) PlatMine peak pillar strength formula (Watson et al., 2007), which was determined from a back-analysis of failed and unfailed pillars. Underground measurements were made on a stable pillar that was loaded by firstly reducing it's length and then by mining the surrounding pillars until pillar failure took place. The pillar was instrumented with suitably positioned strain cells and closure meters, which allowed both the average pillar stress and strain to be determined. The paper describes the methodology applied to identify a suitable position for the instrumentation, as well as the results. A stress/strain curve is presented for a UG2 pillar with a w/h ratio of 2.0, at Booysendal Platinum Mine. The measured pillar strength was similar to the predicted strength using the PlatMine pillar strength formula for UG2 pillars. The PlatMine formula has been successfully implemented on Booysendal Platinum Mine, and about 3 670 pillars have been cut without a single failure. An additional revenue of US$1.3 billion was calculated for the 25-year life of the mine as a direct result of the improved pillar design, given the January 2020 platinum group metals basket price. An extended life of mine and better mining efficiencies will also be realized.

B.P. Watson ◽  
R.A. Lamos ◽  
D.P. Roberts

The Upper Group 2 (UG2) chromitite reef is a shallow-dipping stratiform tabular orebody in the South African Bushveld Complex, which strikes for hundreds of kilometres. Mining is extensive, with depths ranging from close-to-surface to 2 500 m. Pillars are widely used to support the open stopes and bords. Little work has been done in the past to determine the strength of pillars on the UG2 Reef and design was done using formulae developed for other hard-rock mines. This has led to oversized pillars with consequent sterilization of ore. In this paper we describe a back-analysis of stable and failed UG2 pillars on the Bushveld platinum mines, and provides a strength formula for UG2 pillars. The formula may be used cautiously on all Bushveld platinum mines with similar geotechnical, geometrical, and geomechanical conditions to the pillars in the database.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (27) ◽  
pp. 2150194
B. T. T. Wong

Gauge field theory with rank-one field [Formula: see text] is a quantum field theory that describes the interaction of elementary spin-1 particles, of which being massless to preserve gauge symmetry. In this paper, we give a generalized, extended study of abelian gauge field theory under successive rotor model in general [Formula: see text]-dimensional flat spacetime for spin-1 particles in the context of higher-order derivatives. We establish a theorem that [Formula: see text] rotor contributes to the [Formula: see text] fields in the integration-by-parts formalism of the action. This corresponds to the transformation of gauge field [Formula: see text] and gauge field strength [Formula: see text] in the action. The [Formula: see text] case restores back to the standard abelian gauge field theory. The equation of motion and Noether’s conserved current of the theory are also studied.

Hayat Labane ◽  
Isma Bouchemakh ◽  
Andrea Semaničová-Feňovčíková

A simple graph [Formula: see text] admits an [Formula: see text]-covering if every edge in [Formula: see text] belongs to at least one subgraph of [Formula: see text] isomorphic to a given graph [Formula: see text]. The graph [Formula: see text] admits an [Formula: see text]-irregular total[Formula: see text]-labeling [Formula: see text] if [Formula: see text] admits an [Formula: see text]-covering and for every two different subgraphs [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] isomorphic to [Formula: see text], there is [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the associated [Formula: see text]-weight. The total[Formula: see text]-irregularity strength of [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we give the exact values of [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text]. For the versions edge and vertex [Formula: see text]-irregularity strength [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], respectively, we determine the exact values of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the diamond graph.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 52-61
Hadeel K. NASIF ◽  
Kadhim A. AADIM ◽  
Baida M. AHMED

this article a spectroscopic research on laser-produced Tin and Zinc plasmas using the optical emission spectroscopy (OES) technique. Plasmas can be produced from a solid tin and zinc targets irradiated with a pulsed laser in room environments. The spectrum is recorded for the Sn, Zn laser plasma Nd: YAG with a wavelength of (1064) nm, a duration of (9) ns, and a frequency of (6) Hz and a focal length of (10) cm within the energy range (300-800)mj. By using the ratio line strength formula, the electron temperature (Te) can be calculated and the result is for Zinc (Zn) plasma (2.11 ev) and tin (Sn) plasma (1,227 ev). The Saha-Boltzmann equation will be used to calculate electron density (ne) in this method and the values for zinc (Zn) (3.3 cm-3)and tin (Sn) (2.1 cm-3). The plasma parameters, such as plasma (fp), Debye duration (λD), and Debye number (ND), were calculated in the proposed document.

Nao-Aki Noda ◽  
Geng Gao ◽  
Hisanori Tottori ◽  
Rei Takaki ◽  
Yoshikazu Sano ◽  

Since Japanese sewer system is becoming obsolete, it is necessary to reinforce and repair the system without stopping sewer functions. In this study, a multi-layered sewer pipe plug consisting of a protective sheet and inner and outer rubber balls is focused to be installed and removed conveniently at the construction site. In this paper, a suitable testing method and the strength of the protective sheet are discussed experimentally by changing the specimen geometry providing slit and seams. It is found that the slit specimen is most desirable to obtain the standard tensile strength of UHMWPE cloth named Izanas cloth. It is found that the seamed strength is [Formula: see text] MPa, which is about 17% of the standard tensile strength [Formula: see text] MPa.

Nao-Aki Noda ◽  
Hisanori Tottori ◽  
Geng Gao ◽  
Rei Takaki ◽  
Yoshikazu Sano ◽  

Since the sewer system in Japan is becoming obsolete, it is, therefore necessary to reinforce or repair without stopping sewer functions by applying a suitable water stopping method. In this study, a multi-layered sewer pipe plug consisting of a protective sheet and inner and outer rubber balls is focused since it can be installed and removed at the construction site in a short time conveniently. Four types of adhesively bonded structures are investigated experimentally by changing bonding processes and adhesives. It is found that the main and base adhesive joint is the most suitable since the pressurized adhesive strength [Formula: see text] MPa is 30% of the standard tensile strength of the protective sheet [Formula: see text] MPa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 103765
Naotaka Kikkawa ◽  
Sinya Ito ◽  
Akihiro Hori ◽  
Kikuo Sakai ◽  
Nobutaka Hiraoka

Meenu Manchanda ◽  
Deepak Gambhir

Multifocus image fusion is a demanding research field due to the utilization of modern imaging devices. Generally, the scene to be captured contains objects at different distances from these devices and so a set of multifocus images of the scene is captured with different objects in-focus. However, to improve the situational awareness of the captured scene, these sets of images are required to be fused together. Therefore, a multifocus image fusion algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and triangulated fuzzy filter is proposed. A CNN is used to extract information regarding focused pixels of input images and the same is used as fusion rule for fusing the input images. The focused information so extracted may still need to be refined near the boundaries. Therefore, asymmetrical triangular fuzzy filter with the median center (ATMED) is employed to correctly classify the pixels near the boundary. The advantage of using this filter is to rely on precise detection results since any misdetection may considerably degrade the fusion quality. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the state-of-art image fusion algorithms, both subjectively and objectively. Various parameters such as edge strength ([Formula: see text]), fusion loss (FL), fusion artifacts (FA), entropy ([Formula: see text]), standard deviation (SD), spatial frequency (SF), structural similarity index measure (SSIM) and feature similarity index measure (FSIM) are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results proved that the proposed fusion algorithm produces a fused image that contains all-in-one focused pixels and is better than those obtained using other popular and latest image fusion works.

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