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2021 ◽  
pp. 192-201
Sandra Warren

Seminar.net ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Elinor Carmi

This paper presents a feminist critique to digital consent and argues that the current system is flawed. The online surveillance adtech industry that funds the web had to use a mechanism that commodifies people, rendering their behaviors into data - products that can be sold and traded for the highest bidder. This was made possible by objectifying, dehumanizing and decontextualizing human engagement and identity into measurable and quantifiable data units. In this way, digital consent serves as an authorizing and legalizing instrument to the business model of spying, selling and trading people in the online ecosystem. Using four key feminist approaches - process, embodiment, network and context - this article shows the way digital consent is a mechanism that transfers responsibility to people and enables an exploitative-extractivist market to exist. The design of digital consent creates a specific interface that teaches people to behave in ways that preserve the asymmetric power relations. Consequently, the article shows the broader educational effects of digital consent which conceives people as products with narrow agency and understanding of what they can do, think and imagine. The article concludes with a refusal to provide an easy solution to a flawed system. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (199) ◽  
pp. 1
Tito Nícias Teixeira da Silva Filho

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-107
Ikenna L. Umeanolue

The Old Testament text of Jeremiah 27-28 presents prophetic conflict between Jeremiah and Hananiah. Jeremiah proclaimed a message of God’s judgment against the rulers and the people of Judah because of their violation of the religious and the legal traditions of the nation but Hananiah opposed him preaching a message of peace and salvation and predicted the deliverance of Israelite nation from the hands of their enemies. Both claimed to have God’s authority. Jeremiah 27-28 provides a window into the problem of discerning a true prophet from a false one. Contemporary Nigerian Christians are also being challenged with such opposing prophecies by prophets who claim that their prophecies come from God. This study adopts exegetical method of interpretation and application of the message of Jeremiah 27-28 to the fact of truity and falsity in prophecy in contemporary Christianity. This study discovered that true prophetic office is a call, and not all comers’ affair. Prophecy lacks empirical proof and is sometimes manipulative and susceptible to barratry. The study further discovered that true prophets prophesy by the spirit of God while false Prophets prophesy from their own mind but also claim to do so by the spirit of God. Just like Prophet Hananiah, there are prophets who could be genuinely called but have refused to stay within their call because of loss of focus and desire for material gains. Thus the prevalent worldview of contemporary Nigerians concerning easy solution to life’s problems that leads to abuse of prophetic consultations needs to be changed.

Mohd Redza Bin Mahmud

Malaysian shipping industry is facing a crewing crisis the seriousness of which does not seem to have registered as a priority by the industry given the fact that the current deficit of about 10,000 could leap-fold to unprecedented levels in the next couple of years. The global shipping industry must come to grips quickly with the realities and the concerns on the emerging shortages and the demand for well-trained and experienced seafarers as the biggest challenge facing the shipping industry itself. The worldwide population of seafarers serving on internationally trading merchant ships today is estimated to be in the order of 400,000 officers and 825,000 ratings. As far as ratings are concerned they are, in the majority recruited from developing countries especially Malaysia. A staggering 20,000 new crew at an average of 15 crews per ship will be needed to meet the demand annually and the number needed could be potentially more if attrition from those currently employees are also taken into account. The issue is not only the concern over the projected shortage of seafarers. There is need also to ensure that the seafarers are not burdened by the spate of new rules and regulations that are impacting on ship operations and management and how the human factor is accounted for and dealt with in these regulations. The seriousness could be clearly reflected when the number of ships currently on order worldwide totalling about 8,000 vessels with deliveries averaging 2,000 annually over the next three years and relate it to the demand for crew for each of these ships. Given the current rate of growth of the shipping industry, there is no easy solution or a quick-fix to the crewing crisis that could overwhelm the industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Sihabudin Sihabudin ◽  
Bambang Hariyanto ◽  
M Ichwanul Yusup

Bridges are an easy solution to smooth the flow of traffic, but can cause more complex problems such as encouraging people to use more private cars and of course things like this can make more cars. In the end, non-toll roads will get an increase in the volume of traffic and can increase parking needs which are further increasing.Primary data and secondary data from the results of information obtained directly or indirectly are presented in two kinds of forms, namely calculations and supporting images for planning the structure of the bridge under the bridgeThe results of the analysis of the Rangkas Panjang Lower Bridge Structure Planning, the results of the planning have been calculated the dimensions of the structure of the bridge base (abutment) which is determined based on the needs of the local geological structure and provisions, certain requirements are able to withstand burdens due to loading and forces that occur at the base of the bridge ( abutment) that is, with a safety factor (SF) = 17.74> 1.5 and against a sliding Safety Factor (SF) = 2.79> 1.5. The foundation is used wells foundation with a diameter of 3.00 m totaling two pieces on the abutment

Achmad Robith Khusni ◽  
Hasan Aziz

The Researchers see that the Arabic learning system at MTS Sirojut Tholibin is soo monotonous, only conveys what is in books and teaching materials and does not have a model or strategy in learning. While the purpose of this media is as additional basis and motivation so that students are more enthusiastic and creative in learning Arabic, especially Arabic in speaking skills. So the easy solution is that researchers will create modules or teaching materials based on Bithoqoh Jaybiyah, which is a pocket box for Arabic vocabulary. The Qualitative descriptive analysis approach with preliminary research using a defined and designed development model. This analysis will produce an Arabic vocabulary pocket box product for each student.

Achmad Robith Khusni ◽  
Hasan Aziz

The Researchers see that the Arabic learning system at MTS Sirojut Tholibin is soo monotonous, only conveys what is in books and teaching materials and does not have a model or strategy in learning. While the purpose of this media is as additional basis and motivation so that students are more enthusiastic and creative in learning Arabic, especially Arabic in speaking skills. So the easy solution is that researchers will create modules or teaching materials based on Bithoqoh Jaybiyah, which is a pocket box for Arabic vocabulary. The Qualitative descriptive analysis approach with preliminary research using a defined and designed development model. This analysis will produce an Arabic vocabulary pocket box product for each student.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-10
Shannon Frances Smith ◽  

How do you value human life? Is there a price too high to save the life of another? In this work of philosophical short story fiction, Donald is testing new AI software that will run the entire railroad system of the future. It has one final test to pass, the classic ethics dilemma, The Trolley Problem; does it pull the lever and kill one, or do nothing and allow five to die? This should be an easy solution for an unemotional machine. However, the AI decides to do nothing, and allows the five in the simulation to die. When Donald checks its programming, he finds the program has determined, after taking into account lawsuits, delayed passenger complaints, and lost revenue, that doing nothing is the more economically valuable choice. Donald is left with the problem of if, and how, to program the AI on decisions related to value human life.

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