historical authenticity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Ahmad Amir Nabil ◽  
Zunaidah Mohd. Marzuki

<p>Makalah ini menyorot pemikiran hadis Muhammad Asad (1990-1992) yang dinilai progresif serta kontribusinya dalam pemahaman hadis kontemporer. Ia membincangkan pemahaman inti tentang hadis yang dirumuskan dalam karya-karyanya seperti <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em>; <em>Islam at The Crossroads</em> (bab “Hadis and Sunnah” dan “The Spirit of the Sunnah”); <em>This Law of Ours and Other Essays; The Road to Mecca </em>dan <em>The Message of the Qur’an</em>. Pengaruh hadis ini turut ditinjau dari artikelnya dalam jurnal <em>Arafat</em> dan makalahnya yang lain terkait tema-tema hadis dan sunnah, serta pemahaman serta tantangannya di abad modern, seperti tulisannya “Social and Cultural Realities of the Sunnah”. Bentuk kajian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif, analitis, historis dan komparatif. Kajian ini mencoba mengembangkan ide dan pemahaman hadis yang dirumuskan Asad dari perspektifnya yang modern dan membandingkannya dengan pemikiran-pemikiran sejarah yang krusial terkait prinsip hadis yang dibawakan oleh pemikir Islam yang lain. Hasil kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Muhammad Asad telah memberikan sumbangan yang penting dalam pemikiran hadis di abad modern dengan hasil penulisannya yang prolifik dan substantif, termasuk terjemahan dan syarahannya yang ekstensif terhadap <em>Sahih al-Bukhari</em> yang memuat komentar-komentar baru dan analisis sejarahnya yang mendalam terhadap kitab ini. Ia merumuskan pertentangan-pertentangan hukum dan istinbat-istinbat fuqaha’ dan <em>muhaddith</em> dalam tradisi syarah hadis yang kritis. Ia turut merespon pertikaian-pertikaian dasar yang dibangkitkan oleh golongan orientalis dan intelektual yang skeptis terhadap riwayat-riwayat sejarah dalam tradisi hadis.</p><p>[<strong><span lang="IN">Muhammad Asad's Progressive Thoughts on Hadith.</span></strong><span>The</span><span lang="IN"> paper analyses the ideas of hadith (prophetic tradition) as espoused by Muhammad Asad (1990-1992) and its significance in contemporary hadith thought. It studies the essential ideas he developed in his discussion of hadith as reflected in his works such as <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em>; <em>Islam at The Crossroads</em> (chapter “Hadith and Sunnah” and “The Spirit of the Sunnah”); <em>This Law of Ours and Other Essays, The Road to Mecca </em>and <em>The Message of the Qur’an</em>. The influence of hadith was also deeply manifested in his “journalistic monologue” <em>Arafat: A Monthly Critique of Muslim Thought, </em>a periodical he founded in 1946 in Kashmir and other works that addresses significance principles and issues of hadith and essays that incorporate rising themes in contemporary ages, such as “Social and Cultural Realities of the Sunnah”. The research was structured based on descriptive, analytical, historical and comparative method. It attempts to analyse the crucial ideas of hadith principles brought forth by Asad and compared these with other critical views set forth of classical Muslim traditionists. The study concluded that Muhammad Asad had significantly contributed to the revival and  development of hadith in the modern world with his profound translation and commentary of<em> al-Bukhari’s Sahih</em> – <em>Sahih al-Bukhari The Early Years of Islam</em> - that extensively survey the significant tradition of hadith and its intellectual and historical manifestation over centuries. He also responded to the traditional arguments by historian and orientalists who were sceptical of the historical authenticity of hadith narrative and tradition.]</span></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 155541202110618
Jacqueline Burgess ◽  
Christian Jones

Video games such as the successful Assassin’s Creed series allow consumers to engage with various historical contexts and to explore them in engaging and influential ways. However, it is unclear what consumers understand as the difference between the historical authenticity and historical accuracy used by developers in these games. Therefore, this research explored players of Assassin’s Creed games’ understanding of these two concepts and how they expected developers to utilize them. The study used a qualitative analysis of 959 online forum comments and an online survey with 88 respondents. While it was found that players understood historical accuracy and valued it in video games, historical authenticity prompted confusion with 43% describing it as the same as historical accuracy. The results were used to develop a new player-centric definition of historical authenticity to clarify player understandings and present useful and practical implications for developers and publishers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 949-965
Anastasia Stepanova

The indigenous population of North Africa was represented by various Berber tribes, most of which belonged to three large genealogical confederations - Ṣanhāja,  Zenāta and Maṣmūda. The question, which the author of the present research examines,  is the origin of the Ṣanhāja tribe, its ethnicity and possible ties with Arab tribes that migrated from territories of modern Yemen in the early Islamic period. This work reveals  a range of problems associated with the authenticity of sources, the availability of copies, authors, translations. The medieval history of the Maghreb and Berber tribes is a  promising, however, still insufficiently studied field for research. Understanding a recon-  struction of the historical process, its features, ambiguity, and methodology in the light of  the undertaken research appears to provide a necessary basis for formation of a correct  approach to the study of sources. This article discusses the issue of historical authenticity  and the genealogy of Ṣanhāja confederation as well as the origin of this ethnonym.

Abstract Built elements and structures are a prominent component of our historic gardens, both in terms of function and artistic composition and garden scenery. The surveys of historic garden structures are important research tasks, which also underpins and validates restoration work. In most cases, the neglected state of historic gardens and sites and the unavailable archival materials do not allow an authentic restoration of historic gardens to their original state. Nevertheless, there is a real need to reconstruct our historic gardens, based not only on historical authenticity but also on a systematic reinterpretation of the relationship between society and landscape. The objective of this article is to present a general methodology for renewal of historic gardens through examples of specific garden reconstructions. The case studies are the authors' own design works, which demonstrate the application of different design approaches, highlighting details of the reconstruction of specific built garden elements.

Iryna Yatsiv

The purpose of the article is an esthetic and cultural analysis of art by M. Fedoriv in the projection of performing practice the contemporary figures of musical culture in the diaspora. Methodology. To achieve the set objective was used comparative-historical, culturological, axiological theoretical and methodological approaches, also biographical and art history methods of scientific knowledge, which directed on the disclosure of the immanent features of investigated products of the creative activity of the personalities in this scientific research; determining the significance of M. Fedoriv’s in the context of the development of Ukrainian musical culture of the 20th century. The scientific novelty of the work consists in applying cultural products of the music industry (gramophone record, CDs), as elements in the source base of research in methodology comparative analysis performance-conducting interpretation of the musical heritage of the composer in the context into the professional activity of Canadian musicians. Conclusions. M. Fedoriv is a representative of the highly professional musicians from the diaspora, which multi-vector activity is marked by the upturn of the basic form of cultural identification. In order to convey the historical authenticity of the national musical tradition of liturgical singing, he researched and published church-religious tunes of the practice of worship in Ukraine, which stoped the total simplification in the performance of canonical chants in the churches of the diaspora. Reaching our time, the popularization of M. Fedoriv's work was possible thanks to the performance and production work of M. Maksymiv and R. Hurko. Thus, in except to the rotation of the digitized album «Jerusalem Matins» by M. Fedoriv on the air of foreign radio broadcasters: CBC (Canada), BBC Radio 3 (Great Britain), M. Maksimiv succeeded to reissue the CD recording of the Liturgy twice and distribute it on social network platforms. However, the precedent of reviving the process of integrating the composer's heritage into the modern media space is the activity of R. Hurko. However, the precedent of reviving the process of integrating the composer's heritage into the modern media space is the activity of R. Hurko. Under his record label CARO Productions, the artist places the audio content produced by him, the same Liturgy on Youtube, and in the form of a tracklist of a music album on commercial services (Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify). Thus, the planes of the personal activity of M. Maksymov and R. Gurko became an example of representation of dominant features of the nation's cultural genome between different generations of Ukrainians, and M. Fedoriv's work is available to its target audience beyond temporal and any territorial borders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3-2) ◽  
pp. 389-409
Lev Letyagin ◽  

The modern museum is not only in the sphere of mass interests, but also serves as a reflection and expression of certain mass trends. While maintaining the status of a classical cultural institution, it was to a large extent precisely the museum that has become an arena of public discord on determining the strategies of cultural reproduction. This issue gains a pronouncedly contentious character due to the rapid development of information formats of traditional leisure now including interactive technologies, arbitrary historical reconstructions, elements of theatricalization. In “Escape from Amnesia” (A. Huyssen) the ‘society of total spectacle’ demands searching for new means, which often contribute to loss and substitution of values. The visitor’s interest towards the history of the quotidian greatly influences the dynamics of changing the creative potential of a museum, predominantly a memorial museum. Long-term practices of modeling the historical space reveal the internal form of the concept of ‘ex-position’. This is the natural cause of an internal conflict, when being ‘arranged in a straight line’ replaces the principles of accurate and documentally verified positioning of memorial objects. ‘Museumness’ should not supplant ‘the quotidian’, ‘the existential’; however, the functional principle of arranging the objects, their ‘pattern’ is often replaced by the composite approach, in which ‘decorative’ or ‘design’ solutions become dominant. This trend actively competes with the key theoretical foundations of museum source studies, and the traditional museum is increasingly transforming into a kind of parallel model of culture. The memorial object, as a fact of intellectual history, is significant within the material culture and spiritual heritage. At the same time, the alleged meanings and false semiotization often substitute the biographical realities, when ‘fit for exposition’ is everything that the mass museum visitor connects in his mind with his arbitrary understanding of the past. These are key aspects of the subject of modern museum criticism. This article discloses our understanding of the memorial exposition as a self-organizing system with a certain aesthetic code. Methodologically significant is the existential turn towards ‘evidence paradigm’ – giving up the impersonal demonstration of old things. This is a turn towards the model ‘things-speak’ (self-awareness, self-disclosure of things) – towards the structure that communicates ideas and life meanings. It is where the memorial object, understood as ‘message’, ‘material communication’, can disclose the fullness of its historical authenticity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-76
Stefania Tutino

This chapter focuses on Joachim of Fiore, Giovanni’s alleged companion and inspirator. After a brief introduction to Joachim’s life and works, this chapter explains the controversies that Joachim’s prophecies and theological views provoked. The chapter also explores the centuries-long and failed attempts made by Joachim’s followers to have him officially canonized. In the seventeenth century, the case for Joachim’s sanctity received several boosts, including the important endorsement of the Jesuit Daniel Papebroch, one of the leaders of the Bollandists. The chapter explores all the political, intellectual, and theological reasons for this novel enthusiasm, which Carlo hoped would have benefited Giovanni’s case as well. Analyzing the joint cases of Joachim and Giovanni provides a unique lens through which we can appreciate the politics of sanctity in connection with questions of historical authenticity and theological orthodoxy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yi-Wen Wang ◽  
Jesse DiMeolo ◽  
Gao Du

AbstractWars and conflict have existed since the beginning of time. Most battlefield conservation work is done for battlefields that lie in the borders of the nations that were involved, thus fostering citizens’ personal ties with the site and their national identities. However, some areas of the world suffer from conservation neglect because of the distance and separation between the battlefield’s location and the country to which it is relevant, thus creating a dislocated appreciation of heritage described by Price (J Confl Archaeol 1:181–196, 2005) as ‘orphan heritage’. This paper questions the extent to which post-colonial nations are willing to protect and conserve World War II battlefields on their soil. It examines two battlefields in Asia—the Gin Drinkers’ Line in Hong Kong, China, and the Green Ridge battlefield in Kampar, Malaysia—that have been the subject of campaigns to recognise their transnational heritage value. Both battles involved multinational Allied forces led by the British against Japanese troops. A combination of political and economic factors has influenced how the two battlefields are understood and appreciated by citizens and local governments in the host nations. The paper delineates how these two Asian battlegrounds, which are relatively unknown to the general public, have been brought to the public’s attention and by whom as well as how the local governments have handled the demand to safeguard the battlefields. We argue that the global nature of WWII makes its commemoration geographically challenging and politically contentious. The WWII battlefields in Asia attest to the historical authenticity of past conflicts and thus should be conserved as neutrally as possible. The successful protection of battlefields in Malaysia and Hong Kong thus far can be largely attributed to grassroots initiatives, pressure from stakeholder countries, such as the UK, and academic research whereby the significance of the battleground is made known to people in Hong Kong and Malaysia. With public support, responsible government leadership and a shared understanding of their importance as transnational heritage, WWII battlefields can help calm bitter resentment and promote reconciliation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 50-67
Eva Strazdina

Personal and family albums created by Latvians in the period from 1939 until the 1950s are placed in a wider social and historical perspective by analyzing its content, as well as the individual intent to create it. This work explores photography album as a tool to organize memories and how historical, personal photography albums serve and interact as evidence of private as well as a public past. The research tries to prove the historical authenticity in two personal albums created by Latvians during the Second World War and the following years – a visual diary illustrating the imprisonment in the Soviet working camp in Siberia and a family album memorializing the way and life of the Latvian refugees in the Alt Garge camp, Germany. Two personal albums (currently stored at the archive of the Museum of Occupation of Latvia) have become objects of historical value and are an informative source for learning, analyzing and educating about historical events.

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