Formal Aspects of Computing
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Published By Springer-Verlag

1433-299x, 0934-5043

Maxime Cordy ◽  
Sami Lazreg ◽  
Mike Papadakis ◽  
Axel Legay

AbstractWe propose a new Statistical Model Checking (SMC) method to identify bugs in variability-intensive systems (VIS). The state-space of such systems is exponential in the number of variants, which makes the verification problem harder than for classical systems. To reduce verification time, we propose to combine SMC with featured transition systems (FTS)—a model that represents jointly the state spaces of all variants. Our new methods allow the sampling of executions from one or more (potentially all) variants. We investigate their utility in two complementary use cases. The first case considers the problem of finding all variants that violate a given property expressed in Linear-Time Logic (LTL) within a given simulation budget. To achieve this, we perform random walks in the featured transition system seeking accepting lassos. We show that our method allows us to find bugs much faster (up to 16 times according to our experiments) than exhaustive methods. As any simulation-based approach, however, the risk of Type-1 error exists. We provide a lower bound and an upper bound for the number of simulations to perform to achieve the desired level of confidence. Our empirical study involving 59 properties over three case studies reveals that our method manages to discover all variants violating 41 of the properties. This indicates that SMC can act as a coarse-grained analysis method to quickly identify the set of buggy variants. The second case complements the first one. In case the coarse-grained analysis reveals that no variant can guarantee to satisfy an intended property in all their executions, one should identify the variant that minimizes the probability of violating this property. Thus, we propose a fine-grained SMC method that quickly identifies promising variants and accurately estimates their violation probability. We evaluate different selection strategies and reveal that a genetic algorithm combined with elitist selection yields the best results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 827-827
Wolfgang Ahrendt ◽  
Silvia Lizeth Tapia Tarifa ◽  
Heike Wehrheim

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 1037-1037
Jordi Cabot ◽  
Heike Wehrheim ◽  
Eerke Boiten

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 923-924
Alessandro Fantechi ◽  
Anne E. Haxthausen ◽  
Jim Woodcock

Paulius Stankaitis ◽  
Alexei Iliasov ◽  
Tsutomu Kobayashi ◽  
Yamine Aït-Ameur ◽  
Fuyuki Ishikawa ◽  

AbstractThe decentralised railway signalling systems have a potential to increase capacity, availability and reduce maintenance costs of railway networks. However, given the safety-critical nature of railway signalling and the complexity of novel distributed signalling solutions, their safety should be guaranteed by using thorough system validation methods. To achieve such a high-level of safety assurance of these complex signalling systems, scenario-based testing methods are far from being sufficient despite that they are still widely used in the industry. Formal verification is an alternative approach which provides a rigorous approach to verifying complex systems and has been successfully used in the railway domain. Despite the successes, little work has been done in applying formal methods for distributed railway systems. In our research we are working towards a multifaceted formal development methodology of complex railway signalling systems. The methodology is based on the Event-B modelling language which provides an expressive modelling language, a stepwise development and a proof-based model verification. In this paper, we present the application of the methodology for the development and verification of a distributed protocol for reservation of railway sections. The main challenge of this work is developing a distributed protocol which ensures safety and liveness of the distributed railway system when message delays are allowed in the model.

Claudio Menghi ◽  
Alessandro Maria Rizzi ◽  
Anna Bernasconi ◽  
Paola Spoletini

AbstractModel design is not a linear, one-shot process. It proceeds through refinements and revisions. To effectively support developers in generating model refinements and revisions, it is desirable to have some automated support to verify evolvable models. To address this problem, we recently proposed to adopt topological proofs, which are slices of the original model that witness property satisfaction. We implemented , a framework that provides automated support for using topological proofs during model design. Our results showed that topological proofs are significantly smaller than the original models, and that, in most of the cases, they allow the property to be re-verified by relying only on a simple syntactic check. However, our results also show that the procedure that computes topological proofs, which requires extracting unsatisfiable cores of LTL formulae, is computationally expensive. For this reason, currently handles models with a small dimension. With the intent of providing practical and efficient support for flexible model design and wider adoption of our framework, in this paper, we propose an enhanced—re-engineered—version of . The new version of relies on a novel procedure to extract topological proofs, which has so far represented the bottleneck of performances. We implemented our procedure within by considering Partial Kripke Structures (PKSs) and Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL): two widely used formalisms to express models with uncertain parts and their properties. To extract topological proofs, the new version of converts the LTL formulae into an SMT instance and reuses an existing SMT solver (e.g., Microsoft ) to compute an unsatisfiable core. Then, the unsatisfiable core returned by the SMT solver is automatically processed to generate the topological proof. We evaluated by assessing (i) how does the size of the proofs generated by compares to the size of the models being analyzed; and (ii) how frequently the use of the topological proof returned by avoids re-executing the model checker. Our results show that provides proofs that are smaller ($$\approx $$ ≈ 60%) than their respective initial models effectively supporting designers in creating model revisions. In a significant number of cases ($$\approx $$ ≈ 79%), the topological proofs returned by enable assessing the property satisfaction without re-running the model checker. We evaluated our new version of by assessing (i) how it compares to the previous one; and (ii) how useful it is in supporting the evaluation of alternative design choices of (small) model instances in applied domains. The results show that the new version of is significantly more efficient than the previous one and can compute topological proofs for models with less than 40 states within two hours. The topological proofs and counterexamples provided by are useful to support the development of alternative design choices of (small) model instances in applied domains.

Francesco Flammini ◽  
Stefano Marrone ◽  
Roberto Nardone ◽  
Valeria Vittorini

AbstractThe current travel demand in railways requires the adoption of novel approaches and technologies in order to increase network capacity. Virtual Coupling is considered one of the most innovative solutions to increase railway capacity by drastically reducing train headway. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach to investigate the potential of Virtual Coupling in railways by composing stochastic activity networks model templates. The paper starts describing the Virtual Coupling paradigm with a focus on standard European railway traffic controllers. Based on stochastic activity network model templates, we provide an approach to perform quantitative evaluation of capacity increase in reference Virtual Coupling scenarios. The approach can be used to estimate system capacity over a modelled track portion, accounting for the scheduled service as well as possible failures. Due to its modularity, the approach can be extended towards the inclusion of safety model components. The contribution of this paper is a preliminary result of the PERFORMINGRAIL (PERformance-based Formal modelling and Optimal tRaffic Management for movING-block RAILway signalling) project funded by the European Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.

Hoang-Dung Tran ◽  
Neelanjana Pal ◽  
Diego Manzanas Lopez ◽  
Patrick Musau ◽  
Xiaodong Yang ◽  

Nils Weidmann ◽  
Anthony Anjorin

AbstractIn the field of Model-Driven Engineering, Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) play an important role as a rule-based means of implementing consistency management. From a declarative specification of a consistency relation, several operations including forward and backward transformations, (concurrent) synchronisation, and consistency checks can be automatically derived. For TGGs to be applicable in realistic application scenarios, expressiveness in terms of supported language features is very important. A TGG tool is schema compliant if it can take domain constraints, such as multiplicity constraints in a meta-model, into account when performing consistency management tasks. To guarantee schema compliance, most TGG tools allow application conditions to be attached as necessary to relevant rules. This strategy is problematic for at least two reasons: First, ensuring compliance to a sufficiently expressive schema for all previously mentioned derived operations is still an open challenge; to the best of our knowledge, all existing TGG tools only support a very restricted subset of application conditions. Second, it is conceptually demanding for the user to indirectly specify domain constraints as application conditions, especially because this has to be completely revisited every time the TGG or domain constraint is changed. While domain constraints can in theory be automatically transformed to obtain the required set of application conditions, this has only been successfully transferred to TGGs for a very limited subset of domain constraints. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a search-based strategy for achieving schema compliance. We show that all correctness and completeness properties, previously proven in a setting without domain constraints, still hold when schema compliance is to be additionally guaranteed. An implementation and experimental evaluation are provided to support our claim of practical applicability.

Blair Archibald ◽  
Géza Kulcsár ◽  
Michele Sevegnani

AbstractDesigning and reasoning about complex systems such as wireless sensor networks is hard due to highly dynamic environments: sensors are heterogeneous, battery-powered, and mobile. While formal modelling can provide rigorous mechanisms for design/reasoning, they are often viewed as difficult to use. Graph rewrite-based modelling techniques increase usability by providing an intuitive, flexible, and diagrammatic form of modelling in which graph-like structures express relationships between entities while rewriting mechanisms allow model evolution. Two major graph-based formalisms are Graph Transformation Systems (GTS) and Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS). While both use similar underlying structures, how they are employed in modelling is quite different. To gain a deeper understanding of GTS and BRS, and to guide future modelling, theory, and tool development, in this experience report we compare the practical modelling abilities and style of GTS and BRS when applied to topology control in WSNs. To show the value of the models, we describe how analysis may be performed in both formalisms. A comparison of the approaches shows that although the two formalisms are different, from both a theoretical and practical modelling standpoint, they are each successful in modelling topology control in WSNs. We found that GTS, while featuring a small set of entities and transformation rules, relied on entity attributes, rule application based on attribute/variable side-conditions, and imperative control flow units. BRS on the other hand, required a larger number of entities in order to both encode attributes directly in the model (via nesting) and provide tagging functionality that, when coupled with rule priorities, implements control flow. There remains promising research mapping techniques between the formalisms to further enable flexible and expressive modelling.

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