American International Journal of Agricultural Studies
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Published By Centre For Research On Islamic Banking And Finance And Business

2641-418x, 2641-4155

The unemployment rate in Nigeria and other Sub Saharan African countries keep surging year after year despite the need for human resources in several sectors. Nigeria records a large number of young graduates from tertiary institutions most of whom find it difficult to get white collar jobs. Despite this ongoing, human resource which is needed for economic development remains under exploited. Young people have a sense of responsibility which makes it easy for them to take up opportunities that will lead to individual and societal development. Unemployed youths who have interest in agriculture and the extension system can be recruited into this sector to achieve sustainable agricultural and rural development in these areas. Capacity development is essential in this scenario to absorb these group of people into the agricultural sector, thus, reducing employment rate. Unqualified young persons can carry out the functions or duties of agricultural extension advisory services if their technical and knowledge skills in line with the subject matter is developed.

The study was conducted on the spatial analysis of paddy rice (Oryza sativa) price variability in Dass and Tafawa Balewa LGAs of Bauchi State, Nigeria. Data were collected using questionnaires administered to 120 respondents sampled through random sampling technique. Secondary data were also collected from BSADP Bauchi on monthly prices of paddy rice. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, ranking and likert scale), pearson product correlation, T-test and ratio to moving average model. It was revealed that the leading causes of spatial rice price variability were spatial variation in supply, high cost of transportation and inadequate market information. There was existence of price integration or perfect price transmission between and among the urban and rural markets during the period of study. The magnitude of paddy rice price variability in the rural markets were higher, and the t-test shows that there was a significant (P < 0.05) difference in price of paddy rice between rural and urban markets. Spatial variation in supply, bad road condition, seasonal variation in supply, inadequate contact with extension agents and low capital outlay were the major constraints militating against paddy rice marketing in the study area. Therefore, it is recommended that Rural feeder roads should be constructed by government, NGOs or individuals to enable easy movement of produce as well as all year round production/supply of rice should be encouraged through provision of fund and inputs by relevant stakeholders to farmers for dry season farming in order to curtail the problem of price variation due to seasonality in production.

Watermelon is an important vegetable consumed worldwide. It is mostly grown in a sandy loam soil with a pH value ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. However, due to the constraints in land accessibility coupled to the farmers-herders clashes for limited land resources in Nigeria, it is important to shift the focus from land extensification to intensification farming. This study therefore compares the potential of hydroponics system of cultivating watermelon relative to conventional soil farming system. Three varieties of water melon (Diamond black, Crimson sweet and Travelers watermelon varieties) were planted in 2 substrate conditions (soil and cocopeat) 4 kg each. It was a 3x2 factorial experiment arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 replicates. Data were collected on the agronomic and yield parameters, and analysed using ANOVA, and means were separated using LSD at 5% level of significance. Results obtained showed varied agronomic performances among the genotypes, while the Crimson sweet watermelon produced significantly heavier fruit size (5.38±0.34) compared to the rest genotype. However, the highest number of fruits (2.33±0.22) was obtained in the soil, but the substrate type was insignificant in the average fruit weight. Hence, the hydroponics system is recommended as a complementary alternative to soil farming.

The study investigated the effect of replacing maize with alternatives (white sorghum, red sorghum, grey millet and brown millet) on the growth performance and cost benefit of broiler chicken. A total of one hundred and fifty (150) day-old Aboica strain broiler chicks were purchased for this study and were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments. The five is caloric and is nitrogenous diets for both the starter and finisher phases were formulated with the test ingredients (yellow maize, white sorghum, red sorghum, grey millet and brown millet) as the main source of energy and were designated as T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. Each treatment was further divided into three replicates with ten (10) birds per replicate. The parameters investigated were growth performance and economics of production. This study revealed no significant (p>0.05) differences in weight gain among all the treatment. Furthermore, it showed a significantly (p>0.05) lower cost of producing the four alternatives as compared to the control (maize) and higher gross profit. It was concluded that white sorghum, red sorghum, grey millet and brown millet can replace yellow maize without any adverse effect on the health status and general performance of broiler chickens.

Rice is the staple food of more than half the world’s population and is being cultivated in Asia since ancient time’s generation after generation. Good quality seeds are the seeds of the green revolution, it has been assertively and emphatically shown that 15-20% increased yield could be achieved by the use of good quality seeds alone. Good quality seed is one of the most important requirements for production and supply to achieve higher production and productivity in any crop. The seed quality is depended on various factors Viz. genetic, edaphic, environmental, biotic, etc. Good quality seed production depends on complex conditions evoking the most favorable interactions between the genetic makeup of the seed and the environment, under which it is produced, harvested, processed, and stored. Seeds undergo deterioration at various levels during storage resulting in a decline in vigor and viability. With the above considerations, the present investigation has been undertaken to observe the potentials of ten rice genotypes and observed its seed quality after harvesting in 2016-2017 at Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Seed Science and Technology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India. Just after harvesting G2 (Gobindabhog) and G9 (IR-36) showed highest germination percentage (97.66) and G9 (IR-36) showed highest Vigor index (3204.13). But most of the varieties germination and vigor were nearer to G2 & G9. Among the containers with seed moisture content aluminum foil packet with seed moisture content, 8% is the best storage container for rice among the other containers as up to one-year storage vigor index was observed highest in that conditions.

This study was borne out of the fact that rice farming and cattle rearing are predominant in the northern parts of Nigeria. But there have been increasing conflicts between farmers and herdsmen particularly in north-central. To address this problem, this study empirically looked at the nexus between sensitization on gains from paddy grazing and farming practices in rice production. Data were collected from three hundred and twenty respondents with the aid of a structured interview guide and field survey. It was found that instead of using organic manure, Urea (55%) and NPK (36.9%) fertilizers were applied on the rice farms. Most (89.4%) of the respondents were not sensitized on the benefits of paddy grazing to the dairy cattle, environment, and soil. Results of the t-test indicated that no significant difference existed in the farming practices for rice production in Niger and Benue States (t = 8.9). The level of sensitization on paddy grazing correlates with the farm practices of the respondents (r = 0.69). This study concluded that respondents did not aware that paddy grazing could lead to increased rice and milk production.

This research was carried out in Gezira State, Sudan. The objective of this research is to assess the role of extension officers in transferring agricultural services and innovations to the farmers. Field survey was used to collect the data by using structured questionnaire which designed and pre-tested. Secondary data was collected from books, scientific journals and relevant documents. Based on Steven Samson equation the sample size were 36 extension officers selected by using quota sample technique. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis depends on descriptive statistics, correlation, and Regression analysis. The findings indicated that the high percentages (47%) of extension officers their experiences between 11 to 15 years and 33% had no training courses. 81% of the respondents had strong-direct links with the farmers, and their source of information of inputs and technical packages was the research centres (75%). The extension officers explained that they had high cost in transferring information to the farmers, required information and more interested partners on the feedback was research institution (83%). Correlation test shown personal characters, business career had significant correlation with the link with the research (.031) the value (R=.359), high significantly correlated between the nature of the relationship with farmers and link with research sig (.001) value of correlation (.534). The results of regression test indicated that the link with research had impact with significant value (.427beat) sig (.049) other partners had no significant. Recommendations: Based on the findings the research recommends: clear direct link for the extension officers with all agricultural partners in order to facilitate the delivery of information to the farmers. Private sector should involve in designing the extension policy and continuing training sessions have to be held to all extension officers.

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