Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica
Latest Publications





Published By "Technical University Of Kosice, Faculty Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics"

1338-3957, 1335-8243

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-10
Petr ŠALOUN ◽  
Barbora CIGÁNKOVÁ ◽  
David ANDREŠIČ ◽  
Lenka KRHUTOVÁ ◽  

For a long time, both professionals and the lay public showed little interest in informal carers. Yet these people deals with multiple and common issues in their everyday lives. As the population is aging we can observe a change of this attitude. And thanks to the advances in computer science, we can offer them some effective assistance and support by providing necessary information and connecting them with both professional and lay public community. In this work we describe a project called “Research and development of support networks and information systems for informal carers for persons after stroke” producing an information system visible to public as a web portal. It does not provide just simple a set of information but using means of artificial intelligence, text document classification and crowdsourcing further improving its accuracy, it also provides means of effective visualization and navigation over the content made by most by the community itself and personalized on a level of informal carer’s phase of the care-taking timeline. In can be beneficial for informal carers as it allows to find a content specific to their current situation. This work describes our approach to classification of text documents and its improvement through crowdsourcing. Its goal is to test text documents classifier based on documents similarity measured by N-grams method and to design evaluation and crowdsourcing-based classification improvement mechanism. Interface for crowdsourcing was created using CMS WordPress. In addition to data collection, the purpose of interface is to evaluate classification accuracy, which leads to extension of classifier test data set, thus the classification is more successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Branislav SOBOTA ◽  
Štefan KOREČKO ◽  
Marián HUDÁK ◽  

This paper deals with an approach to upper limbs therapy that uses virtual reality technologies. The previous methods and subsequent improvements of these procedures by means of a skeletal model of the upper limb in a virtual environment are presented here. So, main focus of the paper is on the description of calculation related to the bone rotation system within appropriate skeletal model. The therapist can add either more virtual upper limb objects or more virtual training objects to the virtual environment and thus expand/change the scene or the therapy complexity. The functions used in the limb movement calculations are useful for creating additional animations with various objects. With this system, the patient can be stimulated under the supervision of a therapist to practice certain rehabilitation procedures. Due to the use of collaborative web-based virtual reality, the therapy can be also applied in a remote form. The way in which the underlying idea of rehabilitation process is implemented and it is also described. In the conclusion are the some notes about system testing and evaluation including description of a therapist interface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Branislav FECKO ◽  
Tibor VINCE ◽  

The publication deals with the design of thermal simulation of CNC milling machine drives. The first part of the publication defines the individual parts of the thermal model concept and their mutual influence. Subsequently, simulations of drives were created. The first thermal model is defined for a stepper motor which is a drive for the linear axes of a CNC milling machine. Subsequently, the design of the thermal drive of the spindle is analysed, which uses a DC motor with permanent magnets. Using previous models of the drive, a model of the entire CNC milling machine was designed. In the last part, the model was compared with real measurements, which evaluated the tolerances of the system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 38-42
Dušan MEDVEĎ ◽  

This paper deals with mathematical modelling of the temperature distribution in the vicinity of a direct electrical high-current contact under the action of a nominal current of 3000 A. High-current electrical contacts belong among the elements by which a large number of electrical devices are connected. They play an important role especially in the transmission and distribution system, where they have to withstand adverse weather conditions that have a significant impact on their degradation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Sihem BOURI ◽  
Tariq BOUDAOUD ◽  

In order to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic panels it is necessary to introduce the technique of Maximum Power Point (the technique of the MPPT). In the literature, several strategies are mentioned, among which the perturbation and observation (P&O) algorithm. The aim of this work is to a simulation study in MATLAB of a photovoltaic panel connected to the network using DC-DC and DC-AC converters. DC Boost converter is checked by the MPPT command to adjust the output voltage of the photovoltaic panel and maximize the power produced by the photovoltaic panel. The PI controller is used to control the inverter three-phase to make the connection of the photovoltaic panel to a three-phase electrical network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Marek FEDOR ◽  
Daniela PERDUKOVA ◽  

In the presented work a new identification method of difficult measured internal quantities of IM, such as components of magnetic flux vector and electromagnetic torque, is proposed. Commonly measurable quantities of IM like stator currents, stator voltage frequency and mechanical angular speed are used for identification to determine a feedback effect of the rotor flux vector on vector of stator currents of IM. Based on this feedback it is also possible to identify actual value of the rotor resistance, which can alter during IM operation. This has a significant impact on precision of identified quantities as well as on master control of IM. Stability of the identification structure is guaranteed by position of roots of characteristic equation of its linear transfer function. Results obtained from simulation measurements confirm quality, effectivity, feasibility, and robustness of the proposed identification method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Peter HAVRAN ◽  
Roman CIMBALA ◽  
Juraj KURIMSKÝ ◽  
Jozef KIRÁLY ◽  

This work solves the comparison of two different thermal stress times for selected liquid insulation materials based on transformer oils by impedance spectroscopy. Research is focused on actual and progressive liquid insulation materials. The scientific objectives of the experiment are focused on the determination of hypotheses, defined by predictable electrophysical parameters in experimental conditions, which are described in the analysis of the measured results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Michal ŠVINGÁL ◽  
Dusan KOCUR ◽  
Jana FORTES ◽  

Detection, localization, and tracking of people in 2D or 3D space using Ultra-wideband (UWB) short-range sensors is a subject of worldwide intensive research. In this paper, we describe a proposal for a novel software called UWB-PerLoc-2D3D. This software has been created in a MATLAB programming environment and designed to process UWB radar signals for the purpose of movement monitoring of human targets in 2D and 3D space. We present an evaluation of the proposed software properties as well as examples of its utilization in practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-16
Rastislav PETIJA ◽  
František JAKAB ◽  
Peter FECIĽAK ◽  

This article deals with the implementation and experimental verification of the suitability of the TinyIPFIX protocol for data transmission in the Internet of Things environment. The work was devoted to the creation of three main components, namely TinyIPFIX exporter, collector, and mediator. The implementation of these tools made it possible to extend the possibility of monitoring a common network with an IoT environment. The experiments confirmed the success of the implementation of the protocol based on standards and pointed out the suitability of the implementation of the TinyIPFIX protocol mainly due to its optimized processes, which save up to 72% of bandwidth consumption compared to the IPFIX protocol when transmitting one data unit. Thanks to the modular approach during implementation, it is possible to deploy the protocol in the environment regardless of the transport technology. The created solution can therefore also be used in UAV sensor networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-6
Daniel CHOVANEC ◽  

This paper discusses the necessity of fake news detection and how selected features can show differences between trustworthy and fake news. To demonstrate this concept, we first identified a set of features, that we believe can distinguish between fake and trustworthy news. We used these features to analyse two real datasets and evaluated our results in various ways. We first used visual analysis by means of boxplots and evidenced the significance of differences by means of the Wilcox singed-rank test. As next, we used three different classification algorithms to train models for distinguishing between trustworthy and fake news using all important features. Finally, we used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to visualize relations between identified features.

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