Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Riki Ronaldo ◽  
Darmaiza Darmaiza

This study aims to describe the politicization of religious symbols in online media in the decide of presidential and vice presidential candidates in Indonesian election 2019. This study is a descriptive qualitative research with data collection through study document to online media news. This study found that there are two religious symbols that are massively used in determining the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2019 election, namely Muslim identity and religious identity. The contested 2019 presidential and vice presidential candidates are the result of the tug-of-war between religious symbols used in the early stages of the 2019 presidential election. At this stage, Muslim identity becomes an offer that is transacted in the determination of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. Likewise with ulama and a number of religious organizations. A series of religious ceremonies such as ijtihad and ijtima is also used as a legitimating medium to raise contestants for the 2019 Presidential Election. Interestingly, the results of ijtihad and ijtima are not static and standard, but dynamic and can change according to the political situation that occurs. This in turn has led to the strengthening of hate politics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Raihan Rasyid

This study aim to explains prophetic ethics as an important issue in social life. For this reason, this study focuses on morality which is one of the main points of study in the book al-Adab an-Nabawy by Muhammad Abdul 'Aziz al-Khūly about prophetic ethics in social life. Through a literature study (Library Research) by exploring the meaning of hadith with techniques of classifying each hadith and focusing on hadith that examines prophetic ethics in the book of al-adab an-Nabawy, this study at least finds that prophetic ethics according to al-Khuly in social life includes good behavior, prohibition of prejudice, prohibition of spying, prohibition of envy, helping, controlling yourself from anger, making things easier and prohibiting making things difficult, prohibition of hurting neighbors and the obligation to respect guests, suggestions for greeting and not asking too many questions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Nurmasitah Nurmasitah ◽  
Muliono Muliono

The ritual of bridal shower reflects a symbolic system and has a relation to the being, the sacred and the profane. Phenomenologically, this study is intended to discuss the ritual of bridal bathing. The approach used to reveal the ritual’s meaning is the interpretation of symbolic. This study used a qualitative. The social setting of this research was carried out in community of Banjar, in the Tambilahan, Indragiri Hilir. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. This study shows that the bridal bath ritual has three fundamental aspects in which the ritual is practiced by Banjar community. First, as a culture heritization of the ancestors. Second, as a diealectic of feelings: fear and hope in the life of the bride family. Third, as a symbolic reflection of the sacred values. The bridal bath ritual on the sequel becomes a path for the brides and their families to spared the disturbance of the being or evil orchestra, repudiating the fear, the anxiety, and as a path of household resilience in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Ujang Wardi ◽  
Elfia Elfia

This study explains how social movements are initiated by women's groups. The movement carried out penetrates various spaces in the social environment and even traditional institutions as groups that have authority. Through a descriptive approach and in-depth interview techniques, this study answers questions about how women's groups carry out social movements by constructing the issue of the non-transparent distribution of Covid-19 aid. Thus, the mobilizing structure, which is carried out systematically, attracts traditional institutions (ninik mamak) in the vortex of conflict. This study found that the sources of issues from social movements carried out by women's groups were (a) information from the deputy governor regarding the distribution of Covid-19 aid, (b) nepotism and collusion from the nagari government. Two framing issues (framing) are then packaged through social media to attract the power to carry out mass actions (demonstrations). This study concludes that the demonstration of women giving birth is a new policy related to the distribution of Covid-19 by the government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Haryo Aji Nugroho ◽  
Winarno Winarno ◽  
Rizki Parahita Anindi

This study is aimed to describe the implementation of panca jiwa of Agro Nur El Falah Islamic boarding school Salatiga. The data is collected through observation, interview and document. This study shows the concept of the panca jiwa includes sincerity, self-awareness, simplicity, exemplary, compassion. Panca Jiwa has been rule of values in the daily activities of pesantren. However, the implementation of Panca Jiwa has not been maximized at the Pesantren Agro Nur El Falah Salatiga. Several factors inhibiting the implementation of the Five Souls include the lack of cooperation between teachers, the lack of activities that can make students become family to each other, damaged infrastructure and also their personalities at home. Therefore, teachers and senior students must set an example and be more diligent in directing, guiding, educating and supervising students to achieve the desired goals in accordance with the vision and mission of the pesantren.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-137
Rahmi Putri ◽  
Syafruddin Syafruddin

This paper aims to explore religious rationality among prostitutes. This study is a case study with a qualitative descriptive method at the Panti Sosial Karya Wanita Andam Dewi Solok. Data was collected using in-depth interview techniques. Using Max Weber's rationality theory as an analytical tool, this study found several important findings. First, the choice to enter the world of prostitution is a rational action taken by prostitutes. The act of prostitution that is carried out is an action that is goal-oriented (instrumentally rational). Actions of prostitution are rationally strived to gain utility, either to show "himself" as a woman or as a person who is responsible in his family. Second, for prostitutes, between prostitution and religion, both are profitable. Prostitution can empower families and improve the economic sector, while religion can reduce and eliminate the sin of prostitution. Religion is not only interpreted as a doctrine that only regulates ritual aspects such as prayer, fasting and all kinds of things, but more than that religion is interpreted as an antidote for any sexual act committed in prostitution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-128
Winda Wana Utami ◽  
Darmaiza Darmaiza

The aim of this study is to explain the types of hate speech on Facebook and Instagram related to the political contestation of Joko Widodo as President in 2014, presidential candidate in 2019, and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2017. This research uses a content analysis approach. The result of study found several types that can be categorized as hatespeech, namely in the form of satire/sarcasm, hoaxs, cursing, distortion, insults, and negative criticism. The orientation that used in political moments is related to religion with regard to religious ideology. The term religion is used as a ripertoir for mobilizing, and the issue of ethnic, religion, race and groups (SARA) is used as a means of emphasizing political opponents. This study concludes that the current trend of political contestation is intertwined with the increasing politics of identity, religion and hatespeech as a form of democracy without morals. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-112
Kristina Viri ◽  
Zarida Febriany

Indonesia has various local religions that live a hundred years, even before independence. These religions are known as “Penghayat Kepercayaan”. In history, the adherents of these beliefs experienced hardship dynamics to gain recognition from the State. The methodology that has been used for this research is a normative juridical or documentary study with qualitative analysis. The result and discussions of this research concluded that Article 28E of the 1945’s Constitution guaranteed everyone to have the right of freedom to believe. However, the reality is the opposite as the State is discriminating between the officials and the unofficial religions. Because of the long struggles of the stakeholders, the community of Penghayat Kepercayaan has pleaded to the Constitutional Court (MK) for a judicial review, and it was accepted. MK has stated that discrimination between the official and the unofficial religions is a contradiction to the 1945’s Constitution. Based on the decision of MK, the State recognizes the community of Penghayat Kepercayaan, especially for all the matters related to their rights for civil administration (where now, there is a “belief” column for them, in the Family Card and electronic ID), and their rights to embrace and worship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Vivi Sartika ◽  
M Yusuf

This study aims to explain the production and reproduction of the meaning of the niqab among the female student who wear niqab at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This study used a qualitative research method (field research), with data collection using in-depth interviews with several female students that wearing the niqab at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This study uses Antony Giddens' structuring theoretical approach and focuses on how the female student who wearing the niqab produce and reproduce the meaning of the niqab in education. This study found that the actions of wearing the niqab take have created resources for female who wearing niqab in education. These resources can be seen from the reproduction of the meaning of the niqab as a form of applying religious doctrines (personal protection) and the niqab as a form of power (praying for individuals to wear the niqab). This study draws the conclusion that the resource is born on the basis of the practice of the women who wear niqab, but on the other hand, the practice is born in a structure that is restrictive and liberating.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-86
Aulia Rahmat

Nagari as a system of local wisdom that lives in the Minangkabau society has a long way in it relation to national law and international values, especially in the era of transnationalization of law. The regulations have been always led to a shifted the structure and function of the customary government structure in Minangkabau. This article is an evaluation of existing Nagari Government regulations in West Sumatra. The paradigm used is constructivist with a socio-legal approach. The result indicate that there is a shift in the order, structure, and function of cultural actors in society in the established local laws. The formation of local laws regarding Nagari as a response to the opportunities provided by the Village Law reaffirms the independence of the nagari through the existence of the Adat Salingka Nagari. The discussion to results leads to the use of the old legal assimilation in the legislation of Nagari Regulation has not succeeded to present a representative local law in protecting local wisdom in West Sumatra. So it is deemed necessary to minimize the state's domination of the people's needs in creating a balanced and comprehensive democracy.

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