PAKIS (Publikasi Berkala Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial)
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Published By Center For Journal Management And Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University

2777-0931, 2797-1945

Ananda Setiawan ◽  
Muhammad Rahmattullah ◽  
Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang ◽  
Maulana Rizky ◽  
Achmad Mustofa

Increasing the effectiveness of learning is a way to achieve the success of educational development. One way to achieve learning effectiveness is to use learning media to simplify and make the learning process effective. This research aims to reveal as many empirical studies on effectiveness as possible through articles published in international journals to explain to educators the impact of implementing Moodle as a learning media. This research used a literature study method. The results of this study provide an explanation that Moodle can improve student achievement, motivation, communication, interest, discipline and increase self-confidence.

Siti Nurhafizah ◽  
Zainul Akhyar ◽  
Suroto Suroto

The purpose of this study is to determine the views and support of the society on women's leadership as village heads in Taras Padang Village. This study used qualitative research. Data sources were selected by purposive sampling with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data found were analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study indicated that: 1) the society's view of the leadership of women as Village Head in Taras Padang Village is influenced by historical factors of the fusion of village areas, primordial bonds, leadership styles and village development situations. 2) The society's support for the leadership of women as Village Heads in Taras Padang Village is influenced by gender, public interest and communication factors

Ratna Puspitasari ◽  
Septiani Resmalasari

In early 2020, corona disease 2019 (Covid-19) appeared in Wuhan, December 2019 and rapidly spread to almost around the world so that it is determined by WHO as pandemic since it has attacked 114 countries including Indonesia. The growth of Covid 19 was confirmed to have experienced a high spike as of September 4, 2020. There were 26 million people exposed to the Covid 19 virus, so the Indonesian government needs to provide social assistance for people affected by Covid-19. Based on the latest Worldometers update at the beginning of 2021, namely on Friday, January 8, 2021, the SAR CoV-2 corona virus has infected a total of 88.368.538 people worldwide with a calculation of 63.454.087 people who have recovered from infection while a total of 1.904.030 people were declared dead. The Covid-19 data and information center said a total of 494 people were suspected of being exposed to Covid-19. Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari Batubara ensured that 120.000 Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program (KPM PKH) in Cirebon Regency would receive a certain amount of rice as social assistance. There are 15 kilograms of rice in three distributions to help the food needs of the Beneficiary Families. The distribution of social assistance to communities affected by Covid-19 caused conflicts in several areas in Cirebon Regency which caused social turmoil as a result of social changes in the Covid-19 era. This study tried to examine the social conflicts that arise in the process of distributing social assistance in Cirebon with Karl Marx's theory of Social Conflict which consists of vertical conflict and horizontal conflict. This study used qualitative research methods and a phenomenological approach in the Covid-19 era as a tool for the researcher to analyze this study.

Fatimah Aziz ◽  
Irmawati Irmawati

The Role of Community Empowerment Institutions in Village Development in Sabalana Village, Liukang Tangaya District, Pangkep Regency. Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. This study aims to determine the role of Community Empowerment Institutions in Village Development, the supporting and inhibiting factors of Community Empowerment Institutions in Village Development. This study used descriptive qualitative research. In this study, the informants were selected directly by the researcher who was called the research target. Based on the characteristics, the informants who had been appointed were the Village Head, Head of the Community Empowerment Institute and the Villagers. This study used observation and interviewing as a tool to collect the data. Based on the results of research in the field, the researcher could see that the role of the Community Empowerment Institution in Village Development in Sabalana Village where the chairman and members of the Community Empowerment Institute have carried out their duties and functions in carrying out every development carried out in Sabalana Village but has not been very effective yet. Factors that support Community Empowerment Institutions in Village Development are the resources owned by the Village officers and always holding coordination meetings. The inhibiting factors of the Community Empowerment Institution in Village Development are sea transportation and the lack of participation of the Villagers in assisting the village officers and the head of the Community Empowerment Institute in carrying out any existing development. The success of the Community Empowerment Institution in increasing development in Sabalana Village, therefore, there is a need for cooperation between the village officers, head of the Community Empowerment Institution (LPM) and the villagers.

Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis ◽  
Mansyur Mansyur ◽  
Hairiyadi Hairiyadi ◽  
Rusdi Effendi ◽  
Wisnu Subroto ◽  

The stage of Indonesian history, especially southern Borneo (Kalimantan), in the first decade of the 20th century was marked by the growth and development of nationalism. The main actors are the youngsters. From 1929-1942, there were many movement organizations with various characteristics. The organization is generally based in one headquarters. Among them are Bakumpai’s youth organizations such as the Marabahan Youth Association (PPM), the Marabahan Branch of Sarekat Islam up to the Taman Siswa School which is headquartered in Round House, Marabahan. Historical studies of the existence of round houses are still not enough. Spatial aspects (place of events) still get a small portion in local historiography. This study aims to describe the existence of Round House as the headquarters for the Marabahan Youngsters (Bakumpai) in Marabahan, Southern Borneo, in 1929 -1946. This research used a historical method with heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography stages. The results of the research showed that Round House is a symbolic name for the determination of the Bakumpai youngsters to fight through the organization. Originally named the Joglo Cap Crown House, as a symbol of the glory of the Bakumpai Merchant. The Cap Crown house later changed its name to Round House after becoming the headquarters of the Marabahan Youth Association and the Marabahan Branch of Islamic Sarekat in 1929. This house was also the location of the Sarekat Borneo (Kalimantan) Congress in 1930. Round House also became the school area for PHIS-Taman Siswa Branch in 1931. Due to its important position, Round House became the Headquarters of Indonesian People's Rebellion Front (BPRI) before the return of NICA to southern Borneo in 1945. This building has the status of a cultural heritage building in 2011. However, unfortunately, it is still minimally functioning as a learning resource, place or learning facility for students.

Jumriani Jumriani ◽  
Muhammad Rezky Noor Handy ◽  
Bambang Subiyakto ◽  
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin ◽  
Nadlatul Izmi

Character education has an important role in forming a quality generation. One effort that can be made to instill character values in future generations is through reading and writing Al-Qur'an activities. This article aims to describe the habituation of character education through reading and writing Al-Quran program in Sei Ulak Canoco Village, Anjir Muara District, Barito Kuala Regency. This article was compiled from the results of community service carried out on October 13 and 25, 2020. In the results of the analysis part, researchers used literature studies from various sources and scientific journals. The results of the discussion described that reading and writing Al-Qur'an can be an activity to habituate children with applying religious teachings and forming religious characters. The Al-Qur'an reading and writing activities are carried out using a fun approach for children such as simple games and competitions. Therefore, reading and writing Al-Qur’an is a reflection that instilling a religious character can be done from childhood, until the end of his life.

Rusmawan Rusmawan ◽  
Puji Purnomo

The low level of student activity in Social Studies Education courses is a problem for students' ability to interact well with fellow students, lecturers and learning resources. This condition requires the application of an effective learning model to increase student learning activity in the classroom. This study answered two research questions, namely how student learning activities in Social Studies Education courses use Make a Match cooperative learning and how to apply Make a Match cooperative learning models in increasing student learning activities in Social Studies Education for Elementary School courses. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were the fifth semester students of Class C of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program who attended the Social Studies Education for Elementary School course as many as 47 students. Research data were collected through observation. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis. The results showed that (1) the dominant aspects of learning activities in Social Studies Education courses with the Make a Match type cooperative learning model were aspects of group interaction and aspects of answering questions; and (2) Social Studies Education for Elementary School courses with the Make a Match type cooperative learning model can increase student learning activities, the indications are that the percentage score of student learning activities is above 70 (78.72%).

Lista Karlina ◽  
Deasy Arisanty ◽  
Sidharta Adyatma

This research is motivated by the difference in the average score of the National Examination on geography subjects at State Senior High Schools in Banjarmasin City in 2018/2019 with successively experiencing the lowest scores with less criteria, namely in SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin, SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin and SMA Negeri 10 Banjarmasin. This study aims to analyze the internal factors that influence the geography learning difficulties of State Senior High School students in Banjarmasin City, analyze the external factors that influence the geography learning difficulties of State Senior High School students in Banjarmasin City and analyze the dominant factors in influencing the geography learning difficulties of State Senior High School students in Banjarmasin City. This research used a descriptive-quantitative method. The data analysis technique used percentages. The results showed that the percentage of internal factors consisting of health factors (32%), interests (22%), motivation (21%) and study habits (67%), external factors consisting of family factors (40%), school ( 10%) and society (61%) and the most dominant factor influencing the difficulty of learning geography for State Senior High School students in Banjarmasin City is the internal factor, namely study habits (67%).

Yuli Apriati ◽  
Cucu Widaty ◽  
Syahlan Mattiro ◽  
Rahmat Nur

This research describes the increase in the informal sector during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sungai Andai Village, North Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City. The purpose of this research is to describe the changes regarding the increase in the informal sector during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sungai Andai Village, North Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City. The research method used in this research is to use qualitative research method. The research subjects in this study were the community of traders around the red light of Sungai Andai Village, North Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City, which was considered sufficiently supportive for the research focus.  To test the validity of the data, interviews were conducted with informants.  The results of the study show that the livelihoods of a number of people selling around the river road have changed due to the Covid-19 outbreak. People's income tends to decline when compared to income before the Covid-19 pandemic era. This is influenced by the decline in people's income, limited abilities and skills, narrow job opportunities in the formal sector, and the impact of layoffs. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested for the community, especially traders, as informal sector actors to adapt to the social, economic, and cultural conditions that existed during the Covid-19 period.

Sulis Setianingsih ◽  
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin ◽  
Sriwati Sriwati ◽  
Wisnu Subroto ◽  
Rochgiyanti Rochgiyanti ◽  

Kajian ini menganalisis mengenai peran dan dinamika Aisyiyah dalam bidang pendidikan anak di Kota Banjarmasin hingga tahun 2014, sehingga dapat mengetahui peran perempuan dan dinamika Aisyiyah dalam mengembangkan pendidikan anak di Kota Banjarmasin. Artikel ini  menggunakan  metode  sejarah  yang terdiri atas heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah  pendekatan  sosial  instutisional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aisyiyah merupakan badan otonom Muhammadiyah  yang  memiliki  kewenangan  dalam  menjalankan  program pendidikan  untuk  kader  dan  masyarakat  umum.  Pendidikan  ini  berupa pengelolaan pada TK ABA, panti asuhan, pelatihan dan kajianIslam. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukan tentang perkembangan TK yang dinaungi Aisyiyah dari awal berdiri hingga tahun 2014 meliputi peran dan dinamikanya.

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