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Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

2655-8114, 2356-2226

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Mayarni Mayarni ◽  
Mimin Sundari ◽  
Resa Vio Vani

This study aims to determine the management of Lake Napangga tourism objects in Kepenghuluan Tanjung Medan, Rokan Hilir Regency, which contributes to the economy of the surrounding community. Lake Napangga is one of the lakes located in the Rokan Hilir area which has promising tourism potential if managed properly. Therefore, the role of BUMDes as the manager of Lake Napangga should be able to become a spirit in developing this lake tourism object to empower the economy of the village community, but the management of this tourist attraction is not only influenced by the seasonal agenda but also the Coronavirus Disease pandemic that emerged in 2020 This study choosing the type of qualitative research with a case study approach, where data collection is done by observation and interviews. After the data and information are obtained, it will be analyzed in depth with triangulation techniques. The results of this study found that the management of Lake Napangga tourism objects has not run optimally by the BUMDes in this case due to the inconsistency in the number of tourists visiting Lake Napangga, the inconsistent seasonal agenda, the lack of promotional activities and the COVID-19 Pandemic that appeared regularly. Suddenly disrupting the sources of income for people who depend on this Lake Napangga tourist attraction. This reality is what makes community economic empowerment in order to increase income still not running optimally. And aspects of sustainability in this case are needed to develop the tourism potential of Lake Napangga in the face of unforeseen conditions, in this case COVID-19 becomes an example of problems that must be faced in order to run the economy of the community and maximize the management of potential tourist attractions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Auldry F Walukow ◽  
Triwiyono Triwiyono ◽  
Albert Lumbu

The problem that occurs in Lake Sentani is that it has been contaminated by parameters of TSS, BOD, Pb, Cu, and DO respectively with valuesof 76 mg / L, 4.63 mg / L, 0.035 mg / L, 0.03 mg / L, and 5.72 mg / L because these parameters have exceeded the quality standard according to environmental regulations. This study aims to determine the assimilation capacity of TSS and PO4 parameters and analyze pollution control models in the Tlaga Ria sub-watershed. The research method used to determine the assimilation capacity is a linear regression equation and in analyzing the pollution control model the interpretative structural modeling method is used. The results showed that the TSS assimilation capacity value in Lake Sentani was -12,700 tons/month. The value of water quality in Lake Sentani is above the value of the assimilation capacity, this shows that Lake Sentani has been polluted by TSS parameters. Meanwhile, the value of PO4 parameter assimilation capacity is 44.36 tons/month and since 2016 Lake Sentani has been unable to conduct self purification. The key elements of the Sentani Lake pollution control constraints in the Tlaga Ria watershed are weak implementation of environmental regulations, differences in objectives among stakeholders, differences in objectives between administrative areas, weak support of business owners, conflict of interests, and weak enforcement of regulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Diana Azizah ◽  
Rasoel Hamidy ◽  
Mubarak Mubarak ◽  
Efriyeldi Efriyeldi

Bintan Island has a high potential for bauxite mining. Many ex-mining areas have not been reclaimed properly, resulting in erosion and accumulation of heavy metals Pb and Cr which are high in the sediment (red-mud) and deposited in the roots of mangrove forests on the coast of Bintan. Rhizophora mucronata is one of the species that dominates the Bintan mangrove forest. The purpose of this study was to determine the phytoaccumulation of Pb and Cr metals in R. mucronata in the former bauxite mining area ofBintan Island. This research was conducted by survey, digested and analysed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The concentrationof Pb and Cr in the sediment, as well as the roots, stems and leaves of R. mucronata were used for the analysis of phytoaccumulation types. The results of the Pb concentration test were higher than Cr. Based on the sampling location, the concentration of Pb metal accumulation in the sediment is Tembeling <Sei Carang <Wacopek <Senggarang, while Cr metal is Tembeling <Wacopek <Sei Carang <Senggarang. The highest metals accumulation in R. mucronata was found in the roots (Pb = 3,3482 ppm, Cr = 0,7664 ppm), while the leaves (Pb = 1,1076 ppm, Cr = 0,0413 ppm) had the lowest concentration. Based on the type of accumulation, R. mucronata absorbs Pb metal with a rhizofiltration mechanism (TF <1), which means that the roots of R. mucronata effectively translocate Pb as a pollutant to its body from the soil. In addition, the bio-concentration factor (BCF) concentration of R. mucronata <1 indicates the role of R. mucronata as a plant that accumulates very little Pb (low accumulator/non-hyperaccumulator). This adaptation mechanism is important information in the rehabilitation of mangrove areas using R. mucronata, because it can still live and grow in an environment contaminated with Pb metal by absorbing a little Pb from the soil and translocating it effectively in its organs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Tengku Said Razai ◽  
Fitria Ulfah ◽  
Febrianti Lestari ◽  
Dony Apdillah ◽  
Ita Karlina ◽  

The development of aquaculture in the Marine Protected Area (KKP) has to recognize the sustainability and the balancing of the ecosystem in that area. It causes limited rights of users who want to develop their business, where the issuance of permits and business management regulations is an obligation that must be followed by aquaculture business developers in the KKP area. The study aimed was to formulate the technical directions in developing the potential for aquaculture business in the Marine Protected Area of Datok Bandar (KKPD) at Lingga Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive quantitative using analysis of the carrying capacity of the environment for aquaculture, water quality parameters, and a participatory approach. The results showed that the potential area to be developed for aquaculture was 3,736.01 ha. However, based on the carrying capacity analysis, only 268,420 ha or 7.2% from the existing potential can be utilized for aquaculture. Furthermore, based on the water quality measurements for aquaculture, the KKPD area was divided into 3 designations groups of aquaculture areas, namely the KJT, KJA, and seaweed. The number of aquaculture business units that were allowed in this area was 16,776 units consisting of 10,066 small business units and 6,710 medium business units with 7 types of superior fish. The limitation of land area and some business units in conservation areas were important to ensure the sustainability of the environment in the future. The implication of this research could be used as a basis for issuing aquaculture business permits, and to ensure that small-scale aquaculture fishermen have a large proportion. In addition to ensuring the existence of local communities who were generally small farmers, conservation areas were very vulnerable to environmental changes, so the risk factors and impacts of business utilization were important to consider.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Rosmayani Rosmayani ◽  
Annisa Mardatillah

Business actors' competition in capturing market share has made it essential for business actors to implement sustainable competitive advantage through local wisdom and innovation. It is expected to improve product quality sustainably. This study aims to analyze sustainable competitive advantage based on local wisdom and innovation in small and medium enterprises of Riau Malay traditional food in Pekanbaru. The research method used is qualitative with observation, interview, and literary techniques. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling on ten business actors and triangulation as the analysis technique in this study. This study's findings are that local wisdom factors and product innovation are a source of sustainable competitive advantage in the micro and small business sector of Riau Malay traditional food in Pekanbaru. Although innovations made in traditional Riau Malay food products, this has not made the product more homogeneous but still thick with its uniqueness and authenticity. The resources owned's heterogeneity is reflected in local knowledge, local skills, local resources, and local values in traditional Riau Malay food products, a differentiator that competitors cannot imitate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Efriyeldi Efriyeldi ◽  
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Joko Samiaji

The research was conducted in July - October 2020. Collection of data A. alba growth and abundance of benthic epifauna was carried out in the mangrove rehabilitated area of Kedabupat village, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. The aims of this study was to analyze the growth (stems height and diameter) of the mangrove A. alba species as a result of rehabilitation and abundance of benthic epifauna in the area. The method used in this research was a survey method, where data was obtained by directly to the research location. The data collected was data on the height and diameter of A. alba stems, density of macro epifauna species, and  water quality in the field, then followed by analysis of water and sediment samples in the laboratory. The results showed that the average increace in height of the stem by zone was 6.45-12.93 cm/month, meanwhile the average value of the increase in stem diameter by zone is 1.53-1.85 mm/month. There were 13 epifauna benthic species from 2 classes namely Gastropod and Malacostraca from mangrove rehabilitation. Gastropod class  that was Littoraria melanostoma, Nerita balteata and Sphaerassiminea miniata; from the malacostraca class that was Uca coarctata,  Metopograpsus latifrons, Ceonobita cavipes, and Clibanarius longitarsus. Benthic epifauna abundance values average ranged from 31.33-52.22 ind/m2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Ricky Yadi ◽  
Eddifa Rahman ◽  
Vetrio Monandes

The needs for added value of agricultural products is increasing, both in the form of health benefits and of reducing pollution waste. The sorting-out fruits that are just wasted can still be used as materials that have added value. In general, fruits contain glucose which is the basic ingredient in processing of bioethanol. Even though the quality has decreased, it still contains glucose which can then be fermented into bioethanol or organic fertilizer. Recently, the pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries require a large supply of bioethanol for further processing according to the industrial needs. Meanwhile, agricultural land is increasingly promoting organic farming. The objective of this activity is to produce new products from fruit waste into bioethanol and organic fertilizers that are useful for both the community and the government so that they can be used as the right solution to reduce environmental pollution and create new business opportunities. Bioethanol processing method uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a biocatalyst and uses an EM4 activator to produce organic fertilizers. This activity produces an output product in the form of bioethanol 46.78 % and organic fertilizer which contain 1% N.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Erna Tri Asmorowati ◽  
Diah Sarasanty

Mojokerto is one of the leading regions in East Java Province This of course has consequences for growth in all fields, especially industry and housing. So that it will have an influence either directly or indirectly on the growth of other supporting facilities growth in various fields leads to increased demand for water due  to climate change, several springs in Mojokerto district have decreased by 60% from their original condition. This study aims to predict future water needs with the influence of changes in population, the effect of increasing the number of industries and facilities, both commercial and non-commercial using a dynamic system so that it can be used as a basis for water resource management decisions. In analyzing a complex system that works with real conditions, it is very risky and costly, therefore we need a model that can represent the conditions of the existing system. The stages in the research are as follows: 1. Secondary data collection in the study area which includes: Population data, data on the number of public facilities, data on the number of hotel rooms, data on the number of hospital rooms, data on rice fields, data on the number of livestock, data on the area of tourism and data on the number of markets; (2) Data Analysis; (3) System Dynamic Analysis;(4)Simulation of water demand prediction in the study area;(5) Model validation with the structure validation test and the AVE and AME validation tests. The simulation model for the prediction of water demand in Mojekerto Regency based on a dynamic system is declared valid because it has fulfilled the structure test and validation test both AVE and AME From the results of the scenario simulation applied, it was able to save water by 30% for domestic water needs and 92% for non-domestic water needs. It is necessary to make a model to determine the availability of existing water resources so that a model of water resources balance in Mojokerto Regency is compiled.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Salma Afifah ◽  
Edisty Anindira ◽  
Elvara Hana ◽  
Haldi Priya ◽  
M. Jalaludin ◽  

Since 2009, Tlekung Village has been used as a Final Disposal Site for rubbish, which has the main problem, namely the problem of the sting smell due to a pile of trash. The purpose of this research is to find out how the TPA Tlekung manages waste and overcomes the problem of the smell of rubbish and how the community participates in waste management. The method in this research was a survey method with analysis techniques using descriptive methods. The results of the research showed that the community had participated in the form of rubbish shelter with a percentage of 56.6%, rubbish collection with a percentage of 56.6%, and the level of community participation was high with a percentage of 93.3%. The conclusion of the community in Tlekung Village is the level of participation is high in reducing the smell of rubbish and participating in the management of waste into methane gas. From the results of community participation in helping to manage waste, the community gets the free flow of methane gas from TPA Tlekung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Esthi Kusdarini ◽  
Abd. Malik ◽  
Lakon Utamakno ◽  
Agus Budianto

Gold mining on mining communities supports economic life for the societies. On the other hands, these activities are not only support the economic but also give bad effects to the environment. Some people are still using amalgamation process to gold ore process which has the potential to spread Hg concentration in the main area. Spatial distribution of Hg concentration was found in this study. The purpose of this research was identifying the contamination of Hg concetration in three villages of society’s mining gold areas in Kertajaya Sukabumi, West Java. Those three villages were Cigadog Village, Pondok Tilu Citamiang Village, and Kiara 2 Village. Hg concentration distribution map was obtained several samples which were taking 6 soil samples in Cigadog village, 5 soil samples from Pondok Tilu Citamiang Village, and 4 soil samples in Kiara 2 Village. Those samples were analysed for Hg concentration using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) method.  Inverse Distance Weight method was used as Data processing and it was helped by ArcGIS software. The result showed that soil samples from Cigadong village contained Hg concentration of 0.28 - 2.84 ppm, 83% samples were critically polluted, and the contaminated areas were 5.888 hectares. Whilst, soil samples from Pondok Tilu Citamiang Village contained Hg concentration of 0.14 - 1.26 ppm, 80% samples were critically polluted, and the polluted areas were 1.476 Ha. Then, soil samples from Kiara 2 Village contained Hg concentration of 0.67-6.19 ppm, 100% samples were critically polluted, and the contaminated area was 0.040 hectare. The findings of the contaminated area and the pollutant level in mining societies in Kertajaya Village, Sukabumi could be used as initial input for the efforts to restore the Hg polluted environment.

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