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Published By University Of Nis - Faculty Of Philosophy


2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-156
Nemanja Đorđević

The meta-analytic study was aimed at determining the link between Right-wing Authoritarianism and Five-factor Personality models. The study included a total of 18 papers, with a total sample of 42,732 respondents from different populations. The analysis was conducted using method by Hunter and Schmidt. The results showed that Right-wing Authoritarianism achieves a negative correlation of low intensity with Neuroticism (r = -.03, p < .001), Extraversion (r = -.04, p < .001) and Agreeableness (r = -.06, p < .001). There is also some bias in publishing the results of the survey when it comes to these three personality traits. Conscientiousness is at a low positive correlation with Right-wing Authoritarianism (r = .13, p < .001), while the correlation of openness to experience with Right-wing Authoritarianism is close to the level of medium negative correlation (r = -.27, p < .001). It also found the moderator’s effecton the operationalization ofpersonality and population models when it comes to the relationship of authoritarianism and the trait of openness to experience, as well as the moderate effect of theoperationalization of right-wing authoritarianism on the correlation between neuroticism and right-wing authoritarianism. Key words: Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Five-Factor model, Big Five model, metaanalysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-58
Luka Borović ◽  
Jelena Marković

The basic goal of this research was to examine whether internal working models of self and significant others are significant predictors of dark triad personality traits. The concept of an internal working model is the key link in attachment theory which connects past experiences with current patterns of behavior, maintained by dysfunctional cognitive schemas developed by generalizing aversive experiences. The dark triad consists of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellism. The instruments used were the Family Attachment Questionnaire by Brenan et al. (1998), and Short Dark Triad (SDT3) by Jones & Paulhus (2014). The sample of the research consisted of N = 123 participants, age 20 to 63, with an average age of M = 30.41, SD = 9.06. Males formed 43% of sample. Regression analyses show that model which consists of anxiety and avoidance dimensions is significant predictor of Machiavellism, F (2,120) = 6.26, p = .003, R2 = .09, and they predict 9% of variance, as well as psychopathy, F(2,120) = 8.98, p <.000, R2 = .13, where they predict 13% of variance, but not narcissism, F(2,120) = 0.24, p = .79, R2= .01, in which model predicted only 1% of variance. Avoidance is statistically significant and positive predictor of psychopathy (β = .29, p = .003), and anxiety is statistically significant and positive predictor of Machiavellism (β = .26, p = .004), as well as psyhopathy (β = .22, p = .025). The results of study suggest that these traits are founded on an image of self as an inadequate person and the world as a hostile place, in which other persons will try to harm us if we dare to be open towards them. Manipulation and emotional insensitivity of psychopaths and Machiavelists should be interpreted as a way to reach compromise with these key beliefs and attitudes. On the other hand, narcissism did not correlate with working modes, possibly because of low levels of insight in these persons who are strongly invested in maintaining grandiose self. Key words: affective attachment, internal working models, dark triad

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-122
Miljana Nikolić

The aim of the research was to examine whether the perceived artistic value of the paintings can be predicted by perfectionism and awe, as well as with the modes of aesthetic processing (H - harmony and R - redundancy). The convenience sample was used and it consisted of 92 respondents (Nmale = 10, Nfemale = 82), with average age of 24.65 years (SD = 6.89). Following instruments were used: Scale of Positive and Negative Perfectionism, Awe Experience Scale and semantic differential scales used to assess harmony, redundancy and distance, as well as the perceived artistic value. Stimuli were paintings from nine artistic movements: Renaissance, Romanticism, Impressionism, Expressionism, Post-impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Abstract Art and Surrealism. For each of these movements three paintings of one most prominent representative were chosen (omitting the most famous pieces) in order for the quality of artwork to be uniform. Hierarchical linear regression was used for data analysis. Predictors in the first step were modes of aesthetic processing (H and R), perfectionism in the second step, and subscales of awe were added in the third step. The criterion is artistic value. The model composed of H and R explains 26% of the total variance of artistic value (p < .01). The suscales of perfectionism and awe do not make a significant contribution to prediction. A statistically significant single predictor is R, redundancy (β = .39, t = 2.59, p = .01). The potential existence of mediation was also examined; however, the results of the analysis indicate that there is no statistically significant mediator effect. Keywords: perfectionism, awe, modes of aesthetic processing, Harmony, Redundancy

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-105
Dajana Budiša ◽  
Ajla Halilović ◽  
Ljiljana Jovanović ◽  
Nedeljka Prole ◽  
Svetlana Borojević

Depression is a state of reduced psychophysical activity that is accompanied by various changes in cognitive, emotional and social functioning. Previous studies have found that depression leads to changes in the recognition of the emotions of others, makes it difficult to direct attention and significantly impairs visual memory. The main goal of this research is to examine the relations between depressive symptoms and visual memory of specific stimuli that show emotions. We also want to examine whether the intensity of depressive symptoms is related to longer reaction time in the experimental task, as well as whether the accuracy of the emoticon’s visual memory depends on the set size. The research was conducted on a sample of 84 participants, students of Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka (90% female). The PHQ-9 questionnaire was used to assess depressive symptoms. Visual memory task was created in SuperLab 4.1. for Windows.The results show that there is a partial contribution of moderate depression to the accuracy of emoticon memory with sadness expression. No partial contribution of any category of depression to the memory accuracy of emoticons with the expression of happiness has been determined. A statistically significant negative correlation for the category of “sad” stimuli was obtained between the expression of depressive symptoms and the response time in the experimental task, while no statistically significant correlation was obtained for the second category of stimuli. It was also found that the number of errors increases with the set size. These results can be explained by negative bias and cognitive load in information processing. Key words: visual memory, depression, emoticons, expression of happiness, expression of sadness

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-134
Stefan Đorić

Drawing inferences of the perceived dominance of individuals is an important process which helps to regulate social interaction. Existing research indicates that inferences of the dominance of social actors can be drawn based on various social cues, including facial expression of emotion. While perceived anger usually leads to an inference of high, and perceived sadness of low dominance, perceived happiness does not create such unambiguous impressions. To achieve a clearer image, the bases and level of perceived power, specifically reward power and expertise power, were taken into consideration, both of which could be either high or low. The study included 100 participants (women = 71), first and second year psychology students. The within subject 3x2x2 design was used with Expression (happiness vs. anger vs. sadness) x Bases of power (reward power vs. expert power) x Level of power (high vs. low). Dominance was a dependent variable operationalized through the semantic differential scale. The stimuli were photographs of faces, controlled for gender and age, which displayed the aforementioned facial expressions. In the case of reward power, a significant expressed emotion x level of power interaction emerged. In the case of expert power, there was only signifficant main effect of facial expression on dominance perception. The findings were analyzed according to the various expectations of the participants, formed during the process of socialization. It could be concluded that for more insight into the mechanism which lies at the core of the effect that facial expression of emotions has on perceived dominance, the profession of the perceived individual also needs to be taken into consideration. Key words: facial expression, bases of power, level of power, dominance

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-25
Igor Krnetić ◽  
Lana Vujaković

Although the link between Early Maladaptive Schemas and many psychopathological manifestations has been confirmed, there is still not enough research examining the mechanism by which this link is realized. The aim of this study was to examine whether psychological inflexibility could be a mediator of the relationship between early maladaptive schemas grouped in schema domains and problems in current functioning, manifested through depression, anxiety and stress symptoms. Among the instruments used were the Young’s Schema Questionnaire, the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales. The sample included 320 subjects (Nfemales = 215; M = 33.5; SD = 9.6). The results indicate significant connections of psychological inflexibility with all scheme domains and all criterion variables, with this connection being the strongest in relation to depression (r = .74, p < .01) and autonomy impairment domain (r = .74, p < .01). Schema domains are important predictors of criterion variables, provided that the highest percentage of explained variance is in relation to depression. Psychological inflexibility has been shown to be a partial mediator of all relations between all schema domains and manifestations of depression, anxiety and stress. Although schema domains still have a significant direct effect on psychopathological manifestations, in the case of impaired limits when it comes to anxiety (b = .045; p<.05, 95% BCa CI [.03, .05]) and depression (b = .06, p<.05, 95% BCa CI [.04, .07]) the difference between the indirect and direct effect is most evident, while in the case of stress the greatest difference between the effects is in relation to the domain of autonomy impairment (b = .07, p < .05, 95% BCa CI [.05, .08]). The implications for the integration of schema therapy and third wave cognitive-behavioral therapy are discussed. Keywords: early maladaptive schemas, schema domains, psychological flexibility, depression, stress, anxiety

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-40
Svetlana Obradović ◽  
Thomas Nikodelis ◽  
Milica Stojković

Although there are numerous categorizations and large differences in the specific characteristics between individual categories of disabilities, they all have something in common - barriers that people with disabilities deal with. Social, physical and mental limitations can be reduced or removed through sport, which can significantly improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, as we will try to document in this paper by research findings. Unfortunately, even today, the usual societal attitude about the quality of life of people with disabilities is not focusing on specific social and cultural context affecting disability. Instead, we are still focusing on individual coping strategies and behaviors in response to difficulties arising from biological limitations. Psychology is one of the sciences whose contribution to this topic can be important, especially in providing a framework for evidence-based practice. Simultaneously, promoting this topic can, hopefully, contribute to improving relevant policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Ljubica Petković ◽  
Miljana Mihajlović ◽  
Jovana Stevanović ◽  
Milica Arsić ◽  
Dušan Glišić

Adolescence brings with it different types of changes in people – such as physical, emotional and cognitive, which can be quite stressful. Some of the factors that can be protective against stress in the transition period of high school completion are the locus of control and perceived social support. The aim of the study is to examine whether, and to what extent, stress levels in adolescents can be predicted based on the locus of control of adolescents as well as based on perceived social support. The research examined 190 adult high school students (Nmale = 80; Nfemale = 110) from six municipalities in Serbia. The following instruments were used: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and The Multidimensional Locus of Control (IPC). The results showed that the dimensions Internal locus of control (β = - .30, p < .000), Family support (β = -.21, p = .002) and Powerful others (β = .190, p = .020) contribute statistically significantly to explaining the level variance stress in adolescents. Considering the intergroup differences by gender, it can be concluded that boys and girls differ statistically significantly only on the variable Stress, i.e., that girls have a higher level of stress compared to boys, t (188) = -2.411, p =.017. The only statistically significant intergroup difference when it comes to the order of birth is observed in the variable Internal locus of control, t (188) = -2.116, p =.036, where in first-born children a statistically significantly lower level of internal locus of control can be found compared to children born later. Key words: stress, adolescence, locus of control, perceived social support

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-73
Teodora Pavićević

The aim of this study was to determinate the role of coping strategies in predicting internet addiction dimensions. The sample is conveniente and it consists of 597 subjects (63% women). The age of the subject ranges from 18 to 70 years, with an average age of 35.58 (SD=11.29). To measure a severity of compulsive internet use Young Internet Addiction Test-Short Form; YIAT-SF was used, and Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced; Brief COPE was used to measure how people cope with problems and stressful life events. Two separate hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. In both analyses, in first step the predictors were sociodemographic variables, and in second were ten types of coping strategies (Self-distraction, Active coping, Denial, Use of emotional support, Use of instrumental support, Behavioral disengagement, Venting, Positive reframing, Acceptance and Self-blame), while the criteria variables were different dimensions of internet addiction (Loss of control/Time management and Craving/Social problems). The results showed that both models are statistically significant. Significant predictor of dimension Loss of control/Time management in the first step is age (β = -.13, p = .001), and in second step are Self-distraction (β = .09, p = .018); Active coping (β = -.15, p = .001); Behavioral disengagement (β = .24, p < .001) and Self-blame (β = .13, p = .002). When it comes to Craving/Social problems, significant predictor of this variable in first step is age (β = -.11, p = .006), and in second are gender (β = .07, p = .041); Active coping (β = -.09, p = .044); Denial (β = .14, p = .001); Use of emotional support (β = -.16, p = .002) and Behavioral disengagement (β = .25, p < .001). So, based on the results, we can conclude that based on Self-distraction, Active coping, Behavioral disengagement, and Self-blame we can predict the difficulties in everyday functioning caused by internet use, but we can also predict an effect that excessive internet use could have on social relations and craving for the Internet based on Denial, Use of emotional support and Behavioral disengagement. The application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis suggested good construct validity of Young Internet Addiction Test-Short Form. Keywords: coping strategies, internet addiction, internet use

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