Journal of Sharia Economics
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Published By IAI Al Hikmah Tuban

2655-2485, 2655-2493

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Mohammad Ghozali ◽  
Resi Handayani ◽  
Wahyudi Bakri

The existence of an economic system of capitalism, an economic system of socialism, and an economic system of sharia are a response to problems regarding the economy as well as an answer to removing people from the obscurity of the existing economic system. It’s hoped that these systems will be the key to the economic success of a society. But there are always advantages and disadvantages to every existing system. The economic system of capitalism is an economic system hi which investors or owners of capital are the movers and rulers. Meanwhile, the economic system of socialism is a system hi which the government is the main control, this system ignores the position of the individual, everything is regulated by the ruler and no one has the right other than the ruler. The considerations positives and negatives of each system have created a sharia economic system where this system has every positive side of the capitalist and socialist economic system but ignores the shortcomings or negative sides of the two systems. This paper discussed how the economic system of capitalism, the economic system of socialism, the Islamic economic system, and the relationship between them. The method used in this writing was library research, in which the authors used various secondary data from books, article, and many more. The results showed that it is clear that there are far differences between the conventional economic system and the Islamic economic system, the conventional economic system includes the economic system of capitalism and the economic system of socialism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-63
Zainur Zainur

The re-existence of Islamic economics on the surface of the earth makes a major contribution to the new economic system, with new models and innovations that are applied according to the conditions it goes through without reducing the values that must be implemented in the Islamic economic system. Although it can be understood that this Islamic economic system is not a new thing, but has experienced a new history in the modern era This research aimed to describe the models and applications of sharia-based financial models in the economy, Islamic finance models that are able to promote equitable development, and the impact of the Islamic finance sector on economic development. This was qualitative research with document analysis. The results were financial system in Islam has an impact on economic growth, especially in Indonesia, it can be felt the level of difference between conventional economics and Islamic economics. In addition to the investment factor made by investors, the contract model that is applied bears the risk for both parties, because with a contract like this the level of prudence that must be carried out is more selective compared to other contracts. In addition to Islamic banking, non-bank financial institutions also have a very significant role in increasing economic growth. Among non-bank financial institutions that have an influence on economic growth are zakat, baitul maal wattamwil, waqf and others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-51
Miftahal Anjar

Kiai as the person who is most responsible for the journey of the pesantren certainly has a big contribution to the independence of the pesantren, because in the structure of the boarding school Kiai is the highest leader and has enormous authority. The role of the Kiai is one of the important factors behind determining the future direction of the pesantren, one of which includes the economic independence of the pesantren. The objectives of this research were the Kiai’s strategy in the economic independence of the pesantren, and the second, the factors that shaped economic independence in Islamic boarding schools. The focus of the location in this research was Darul Fiqhi Islamic Boarding School, Lamongan, East Java. This research was qualitative research. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation, while the data analysis method used descriptive analysis. Based on the research conducted, it was known that: first, the role of the Kiai in the economic independence of the pesantren was that the Kiai acted as a giver of ideas or ideas, stockholders, advisers, management controllers, motivators, and decision makers in various regulations that in the managed business unit. Second, the kiai’s strategy in building the economic independence of the pesantren was to provide an understanding of the economy to the santri, empowering the santri, organizing the pesantren, building business units, as well as collaborating with parties outside the pesantren and the support and trust given by the community around the pesantren, such as being a member of the consumers and investors, as well as employees in business units owned by Islamic boarding schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-39
Agus Wahyu Irawan ◽  
Mukhamad Roni ◽  
Heri Kuncoro Putro

The purpose of this research was analyzing the application of Supply Chain Management in the perspective of Islamic business ethics. Islamic business ethics is related to the implementation of Supply Chain Management in related companies, from the purchasing process of production, retail distribution to consumption by the public. There needs to be a concept of applying Islamic business ethics as a basis for doing business. Business ethics are sometimes ignored by business people. By applying business ethics, a businessman can understand even very difficult business competition, how to maintain good manners, be friendly, how to dress properly and how to speak words to deal with customers, all of which has meaning. business people do everything they can to get high profits, even business people often ignore the ethics that must be considered in running a business. The method used in this research was qualitative research by using the document analysis. The results of this article on the application of Supply Chain Management in the perspective of Islamic business ethics were that every company when conducting its business must have elements of unity, justice, free will, responsibility and virtue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Urwatul Wutsqah

Indonesia is the largest Moslem country in the world. Paying zakat apart from being a means for Muslims to worship, zakat can also become a pillar of the people's economy when the zakat funds are properly managed and handed over to an amil zakat agency, amil zakat institution or an official baitul mal from the government, where if we look at the potential for raising funds Zakat to be managed productively has very good prospects for the economic progress of the people who are included in the category of entitled to receive assistance from this zakat fund. Therefore, the author here examines through this research using a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of documents, such as books or laws and regulations. This research is expected to provide a little knowledge benefit to readers in order to optimize the management of zakat funds into productive zakat which is one of our efforts to improve the level of the community's economy, the author sees that if zakat is managed productively, it can be maximized both in its management and use by the parties. related to being able to make people free from poverty and ignorance so that people who were initially in a mustahik condition so that they rose to become muzakki.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-203
Adiyes Putra ◽  
Nurnasrina Nurnasrina

Institutional zakat in Islamic banking has been regulated in Article 4 Paragraph 2 of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. Where in that article Islamic banks are allowed to perform social functions in the form of collecting zakat, donations, alms, grants, or other social funds. The activities of Islamic banks conducting social activities become additional activities for Islamic banks. In contrast to the main function of Islamic banks as an intermediary function such as the collection and distribution of public funds that are required for Islamic banks to do so, while the social functions of Islamic banks only written in the Islamic banking Act can run, meaning that Islamic banks can choose between performing social functions or not doing it. The uncertainty of the Sharia Banking Law in regulating social functions makes Islamic banks not full of seriousness in carrying out these social functions. The lack of seriousness of this Islamic bank can be seen from the 14 Sharia Commercial Banks (BUS), only 10 BUSs that carry out social functions, and there are still 4 BUSs that have not yet performed social functions. The total funds that have been successfully collected and utilized by 10 BUS in the last 2 years are in 2017 Islamic banks collect zakat funds of Rp. 76.7 billion or 1.23% of the total funds raised by BAZNAS and LAZ (Rp. 6.22 trillion). In 2018 the collection of zakat funds through BUS experienced an increase of 16% from 2017 or collected Rp. 88.9 billion or 1.1% of the total zakat funds raised by BAZNAS and LAZ (Rp. 8.1 trillion). When compared to the amount of zakat fund raised by this BUS with the potential for national zakat totaling Rp. 217 Trillions, of course the achievement is not up to 1%, this means that the collection of zakat funds by the BUS is still far from expectations. Keywords: Zakat Institution, Social Function, Zakat, Islamic Bank

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-129
Wahyu Wahyu ◽  
Rahmadi Indra Tektona

Islam strongly emphasizes that all economic activities carried out by humans in the world are an accountability that must be in accordance with Islamic law. In the Sharia economy there are khiyar rights which are expected to provide good benefits in the sale and purchase agreement and make buying and selling activities in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, it is consensual and also providing benefits to the parties in accordance with the provisions in Islamic law and the existence of willingness or sincerity in buying and selling activities in accordance with the Koran and hadith. Currently, many buying and selling transactions are carried out online, one of which is using the social media, Instagram, which has millions of users who can exceed time and space. Many business actors ranging from housewives, students, state employees, private employees who post goods to be traded on Instagram, behind this convenience, of course there are problems, it is the existing image and the merchant’s reputation is something that is highly valued in online trading. The problem that arises in the online buying and selling contract is the mismatch of goods with pictures and descriptions on social media resulting in a one-sided cancellation of the purchase of ordered goods by the buyer and this results in losses to the seller, even though before the transaction the two parties have mutually agreed. The research objective of this paper was to analyze legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar in purchasing ordered goods in online buying and selling transactions via Instagram, the research method used is normative juridical, the results of research on the form of legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar. Keywords: Legal certainty, Khiyar Syarat, Bai’ Salam Online

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-181
Joko Hadi Purnomo

Corporate Social Responsibility is an interesting topic, since various theories are used as a basis for implementing it. Oil and Gas Company is one of the entities that practice Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility implementation in oil and gas companies is oriented to their own interests in achieving the optimal profits. Oil and gas as one of the natural resources included in community ownership cannot be owned absolutely by anyone, including individuals, groups and even countries. The method used was a critical review of the Corporate Social Responsibility implementation in oil and gas companies. The results showed that the Corporate Social Responsibility implementation of oil and gas companies referred to the theory of shareholders oriented to the interests of shareholders. Corporate Social Responsibility implementation was only used to build a company’s reputation, so that the company would get increasing profits. The Corporate Social Responsibility implementation of oil and gas companies which referred to the theory of stakeholders was only oriented towards building public confidence that the company was sincere in carrying out Corporate Social Responsibility projects, but basically its expectations were on the company’s reputation. In addition, the involvement of stakeholders was not given room to make decisions about Corporate Social Responsibility implementation. Corporate Social Responsibility in the perspective of maqasid al-syari’ah must fulfill 4 (four) main components, consisting of maqasid al-syari’ah compliance, formation of a multi-stakeholder body, establishment of a Sharia Board, and fulfillment of sharia compliance. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Oil and Gas Companies, Maqasid Al-Syari’ah

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Guffron Abdul Azis ◽  
Mukhamad Roni ◽  
Taufiq Anshori

The objectives of this research were to find the influence of murabahah, rahn financing product superiority and the application of Islamic values ​​with quality of service to customer satisfaction in Islamic banks (PT BPR Syariah Lantabur Tebuireng Cabang Gresik). The approach of this research was quantitative using primary data. The sample in this research were customers of PT BPR Syariah Lantabur Tebuireng Cabang Gresik. With the sampling technique using non-probability sampling, so the authors get a total sample of 75 respondents. Analysis of the data in this research using Smart PLS 2.0 analysis tools. The results showed that Murabahah Financing a significant positive effect on Service Quality. Rahn had a significant positive effect on service quality. Islamic values ​​had a positive and not significant effect on service quality. Service Quality had a significant positive effect on Customer Satisfaction. Murabahah Financing had no significant negative effect on Customer Satisfaction. Rahn had a significant positive significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Islamic values ​​had an insignificant negative effect on customer satisfaction. From the results of the path test, intervening variables it was service quality proven to be able to mediate the relationship between, Murabahah Financing, Rahn and Islamic Values ​​on customer satisfaction of PT BPR Syariah Lantabur Tebuireng Cabang Gresik. Keywords: Murabahah, Rahn, Islamic Values, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-157
Imada Ulinnuha

There are several factors that can affect the level of employee organizational commitment. Some of these factors include personality, learning, abilities and biographical characteristics. This research used quantitative research. From the results of this test to prove the simultaneous and partial influence between personality variables, learning, abilities, and individual characteristics of organizational commitment to BMT UGT Sidogiri employees in Surabaya. For the F test that there was a simultaneous and significant influence between the variables of individual characteristics on organizational commitment to BMT UGT Sidogiri employees, which had a significance level of 0,000 <0.05 and an F count of 8.498> 2.606. For the results of the t test or partial test, that the most significant personality influenced the value of t arithmetic> t table was 3.286> 2.0129, while other variables such as learning with t value <t table was -1.814 <2.0129 showed that there was no significant effect on organizational commitment, the ability with a t value <t table that was 1.978 <2.0129 indicated that there was a partial but not significant effect, and biographical characteristics with a t value <t table that was 1.102 <2.0129 showed that there was a partial but not significant effect on organizational commitment in BMT UGT Sidogiri employees in Surabaya. The influence of personality variables, learning, ability and biographical characteristics on organizational commitment in BMT UGT Sidogiri employees was expected for the institution to pay attention to the organizational commitment of employees. Keyword: employee’s personality, employee’s learning, employee’s ability, employee’s biographical characteristics, organizational commitment.

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