Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK)
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

2655-9218, 2655-9226

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 324
Liza Wati ◽  
Wasis Pujiati ◽  
Meily Nirnasari

Covid-19 is still not over, this triggers parental concern about the threat of covid-19 to children. For this reason, maintaining immunity is the main concern of parents at this time, one of which is through adequate nutritional intake for children and the importance of early detection of development and growth. growth in toddlers. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge related to balanced nutrition in infancy, measurement of weight and height and detection of growth and development using a developmental questionnaire. The method used in the form of counseling, weighing and detecting growth and development with a pre-screening development questionnaire. The result of this activity is increased knowledge related to balanced nutrition, and based on height/age measurements, 1 child is very short and 3 children are short. The next hope is for mothers of toddlers to provide balanced nutrition for the growth and development of their toddlers

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 314
Yusnaini Siagian ◽  
Soni Hendra Sitindaon

Low back pain is pain that originates from the spine in the spinal area, muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, or cartilage due to the wrong position. Individuals who perform activities such as sitting up straight and bending over must be in the correct position. At Stikes Hang Tuah Tanjungpinang, a phenomenon was found that 42.7% of students complained of lower back pain due to wrong sitting habits such as sitting in a bent position when attending online lectures and doing college assignments. Sitting for too long in the wrong position causes muscle tension and spinal ligament strain. The results of interviews with students, most of the students who complain of low back pain do not understand what can be done to reduce or prevent low back pain due to sitting position and sitting too long. One of the non-pharmacological therapies to treat low back pain is McKenzie back exercises.  The purpose of this community service is to provide students with an understanding of low back pain and teach actions to reduce or prevent low back pain. The success indicator of this activity is that students understand and can perform the McKenzie back exercises The method used is to provide health education about low back pain and demonstrate McKenzie back exercises to students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 240
Ria Febrina

Indonesia is currently experiencing population problems, one of which is the population explosion or the continued significant increase in population volume in Indonesia, on the other hand the population distribution is uneven. Based on a population survey in 2010, Indonesia's population was 237.6 million with a population growth rate of around 1.49%. If the government does not succeed in reducing population growth, it is predicted that Indonesia's population in 2060 will reach 475 million - 500 million. One of the government's efforts to control the rate of population growth is through the implementation of the Family Planning (KB) program for Fertile Age Couples (PUS) with the use of contraception. The use of long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) is still very low, the total of active family planning participants, only 17.45% of them use MKJP KB. Meanwhile, 81.23% were non use of long-term contraceptive methods users and 1.32% used traditional family planning. Public health center of Pakuan Baru in 2018 there were no active family planning participants who used long-term contraceptive methods.Therefore, it is necessary to provide education to increase knowledge of fertile age woman (PUS) about MKJP and increase the coverage of long-term contraceptive methods. Implementation time in Nopember2019-Januari 2020. The targets are women of childbearing age at the public health center of Pakuan Baru. Community service methods include survey and lecture approaches. The results obtained were that fertile age woman was able to understand about long-term contraceptive methods and willing to use long-term contraceptive methods. It is recommended that the public health center maintain the extension program related to long-term contraceptive methods that has been provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Suci Rahmani Nurita ◽  
Tuhu Perwitasari

Infant Mortality Rate is one indicator that determines health status. Every year there are 3 million infant deaths in the world, 80% of which occur in the first 6 days of life, with pneumonia and diarrhea still being the main causes of death. Based on Nurita's research (2019) on postpartum mothers and newborns, which aims to determine the relationship between the frequency of giving colostrum and birth mode with the number of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) colonies in the neonatal gastrointestinal tract. The results of the study found that the number of LAB colonies in babies born vaginally and C-Section was not much different, but the number of LAB colonies would increase in number if breast milk was often given. The education carried out targets an increase in the knowledge of educational participants with the outputs in the form of informative leaflets, educational video, educational X-Banners, activity reports and journal publications. Community service activities begin with licensing arrangements, time contracts, preparation of educational tools and materials, visits to Independent Midwives Practice (PMB, explanations of educational materials, discussions and questions-answers, showing educational videos, and handing over Educational X-Banners. It can be concluded that educational participants are still unfamiliar with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their role in the health of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, so further education is needed

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 346
Fithriyani Fithriyani ◽  
Vevi Suryenti Putri

Hypertension or high blood pressure is characterized by increased blood pressure. The incidence of hypertension continues to increase, the dangers of complications that arise, and the risks of long-term pharmacological treatment. The prevalence of hypertension tends to increase recently. Hypertension that is not treated properly has a high risk of complications including stroke, pulmonary edema, heart attack, and kidney failure. One of the efforts to prevent complications of hypertension is by controlling blood pressure regularly and controlling hypertension, one of which is by using family medicinal plants (TOGA) which are widely grown around residents' homes. The method of activities carried out is in the form of socialization by providing counseling on how to control hypertension by utilizing TOGA. Implementation of activities carried out on residents in the Lebak Bandung Village, Jambi City. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding to residents about how to control hypertension through TOGA and can apply it in their respective yards

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 301
Ratnayani Ratnayani ◽  
Gusti Kumala Dewi ◽  
Vera Kasmira ◽  
Ina Ratnawati

An Elementary school (SD) children are one of the main targets of street food vendors. These snacks provide energy and some nutrients for those who consume it. However, there are things to be alert  from street food, especially in terms of food safety. There are still many street food that made using food additives (colourings, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.) that do not meet the requirements. This can cause poisoning and even Extraordinary Events. Based on this, it is necessary to provide education about street food for elementary school children so that they can choose the healthy street food. Given the unfavorable situation, education is conducted online through Google Meet (Gmeet). The theme raised in this education is "Great Children Have Healthy Snacks" and the targets are 5th graders at ABATA Islamic School Elementary School, Karawang. The education event was carried out twice, on January 14 and 21, 2021. To find out whether the participants had understood the material presented, a pre-test and post-test were conducted. This activity has increased students' nutritional knowledge. This can be seen from the average post-test score which is higher than the pre-test

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Dwi Kartika Pebrianti

Schizophrenia is a disease that affects the brain and causes strange and disturbed thoughts, perceptions, emotions, movements and behaviors called schizophrenia (Videbeck, 2008). Globally, the recurrence rate in people with mental disorders reaches 50% -92% due to non-compliance in treatment or due to lack of support and vulnerable living conditions with increased stress (Sheewangisaw, 2012). Clients diagnosed with schizophrenia are estimated to have a 50% relapse in the first year, 70% in the second year after discharge from hospital, and a 100% recurrence in the fifth year. . Data on patient visits at the Outpatient Polyclinic of RSJD Jambi Province in 2016 amounted to 38,330 visits, of which 35,448 visits were repeat visits and the remaining 2882 were new visits. It is hoped that the results of health education activities for patients and their families will understand the concept of nursing problems that cause mental disorder patients to recur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 249
Marta Suri

Coronary heart disease is caused by various factors that can cause an increase in the incidence / deposits of cholesterol which narrow the vessels in the whole body including the coronary vessels. Coronary heart disease has become the leading cause of death in Indonesia. According to WHO in 2005, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (especially coronary heart disease, stroke, and rheumatic heart disease) increased globally to 17.5 million from 14.4 million in 1990. The results of the situation have been obtained from RT 12 KelurahanRawasariKecamatanAlamBarajo, Jambi City, in this sub-districthealth services such as Intregated Service Post (Posyandu) have been established. However, there is no scheduled health education as a promotive and preventive effort to overcome the problem of the high incidence of people experiencing heart disease. The results of health education activities for the elderly are expected to understand the concept of nursing problems that cause coronary heart disease

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 277
Khairul Anam ◽  
Norfai Norfai ◽  
Meilya Farika Indah

The purpose of this service is to transform and increase student knowledge about specific nutrition in the First 1000 Days of Life. The counseling method is carried out with two methods, namely the lecture method and the discussion method that uses media of power points. Before starting the counseling, a pretest activity is conducted on "Specific Nutrition in the First 1000 Days of Life", then after being given counseling, the questionnaire is distributed again to be refilled by female students, after knowledge data, before and after counseling has been obtained, then analyzed using the statistical test Paired Sample T test. Based on the results of service activities at Al Furqan Pharmacy Vocational School in Banjarmasin, it shows that the p-value (0,000) <α (0.05) which means that there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge between before and after counseling using power point media, it is concluded that the counseling method uses power point media conducted at the Al Furqan Pharmacy Vocational School in Banjarmasin capable and successfully effectively increasing student knowledge about "Specific Nutrition as a movement the First 1000 Days of Life in Preventing efforts of Stunting in children under five years

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 264
Wanti Hasmar ◽  
Indah Permata Sari ◽  
Mawaddah Warahmah

Exploration is looking for or doing exploration with the aim of finding something. Considering that early childhood does not need theory intake, the learning process is designed using practical activities in the surrounding environment through exploration activities. The teacher's job is only as a companion and facilitator. Community service activities will be carried out in May-June 2021 with the method of discussion and delivering materials and leaflets related to the education of kindergarten children's exploration activities. The leaflet consists of 3 activities, namely water play activities, sand play and gardening activities. This Community Service (PKM) aims to be used as a source of knowledge for parents of children in Baiturrahim Islamic Kindergarten Jambi. The results of the evaluation through the question and answer are that on average the parents of kindergarten children understand and can implement exploration activities in order to increase the creativity of kindergarten children

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