Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling
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Published By Sarawak Research Society


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-35
Francis Chuah ◽  
Mumtaz Ali Memon ◽  
Ramayah Thurasamy ◽  
Jun-Hwa Cheah ◽  
Hiram Ting ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. i-xiv
Mumtaz Ali Memon ◽  
T. Ramayah ◽  
Jun-Hwa Cheah ◽  
Hiram Ting ◽  
Francis Chuah ◽  

Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is one of the most widely used methods of multivariate data analysis. Although previous research has discussed different aspects of PLS-SEM, little is done to explain the attributes of the different PLS-SEM statistical applications. The objective of this editorial is to discuss a variety of PLS-SEM applications, including SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and ADANCO. It is written based on information received from the developers via emails as well as our ongoing understanding and experience of using these applications. We hope this editorial can serve as a manual for users to understand the unique characteristics of each PLS-SEM application and make an informed decision on the most appropriate application in their research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-60
Tang Kin Leong ◽  
Aik Nai Chiek ◽  
Choong Wei Lim

This study revises the existing UTAUT model and incorporates two additional variables, namely trust, and convenience. In addition, the literature on the mediating effect of trust and performance expectancy in Malaysia in the context of m-payment usage intention is still limited. This study also attempts to fill the knowledge gap and examine the mediating effect of trust and performance expectancy. A total of 393 usable questionnaires were collected in Malaysia and analyzed using IBM Amos version 23. The results show that convenience, trust, effort expectancy and performance expectancy are significant factors that influence the m-payment usage intention for Malaysians. Meanwhile, social influence is an insignificant factor. This study also revealed that both trust and performance expectancy plays a significant role to mediate between effort expectancy and m-payment usage intention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Fahad Albejaidi

The aim of the current study was to investigate the mediating effect of an ethical climate on the relationship between organizational justice and workplace stress. The quantitative survey research design was used and cross-sectional data was collected. Structured questionnaires were distributed. The population of the study was nurses from the healthcare professionals working in the healthcare organizations in Qassim region. There are total of 5542 nurses working in different public and private healthcare organizations. Convenience sampling technique was used for selecting sample size. Total 510 completed questionnaires were collected back and used in the study for data analysis. For data analysis, AMOS-SEM was used. Measurement and structural models were developed and tested in the current study. Reliabilities and validities were investigated through the measurement model, while for hypotheses testing structural model was developed. Findings of the study indicated that the scale used in the study was found reliable and valid. Factor loadings, average variance extracted, and construct reliability met the threshold level/standard criteria. The structural model also revealed that ethical climate mediated the relationship between organizational justice and stress. This is the original work and contribution to the body of knowledge by extending the literature on justice, stress, and ethical climate. The presence of justice and ethical climate made it possible for employees to better manage their stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Job Ombiro Omweno ◽  
Albert Getabu ◽  
Paul Sagwe Orina ◽  
Simion Kipkemboi Omasaki ◽  
Wilfred Obwoge Zablon

Partial least squares (PLS) is a multivariate dimension reduction technique which is not based on ordinary regression assumptions. The use of PLS regression in life sciences is still a novel concept despite many scientific applications. This paper analyses the influence of physicochemical in the two fish species, Oreochromis jipe and Oreochromis niloticus to determine the cause for their growth difference in the same culture environment. The graphical display of the multi-parameter analysis was performed using a suite of open access R-software packages. The modeling hypothesis was assessed using experimental data collected for the period of 84 days. The findings revealed that significant linear relationship exists between water quality and mean weight of both O. jipe and O.niloticus fish species. Being a crucial study meant to provide baseline information to asses the aquaculture potential O. jipe, we recommend a further study to be conducted on several other predictor variables that can be measured under controlled aquaculture conditions.

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