Humanitarian studios: pedagogics, psychology, philosophy
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Published By National University Of Life And Environmental Sciences Of Ukraine

2706-9222, 2706-9230

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Roman A. ◽  
Tverezovska N. ◽  

The article reveals the primary social and psychological rehabilitation (decompression) at the stage of the march of the unit from the area of environmental protection, both permanent locations and permanent locations. The commander's account of certain information when deciding on decompression in a certain unit is shown. The drawing up of an individual plan of a serviceman in the process of decompression is shown, as well as the stages preceding this rehabilitation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 133-140
Chekal L. ◽  

The study focuses on the analysis of epistemological metaphysical discourses in their genesis: from the times of ancient philosophical thought, which contains the origins of the issue, to the epistemological explorations of the twentieth century. The author reviews the features of metaphysics as epistemology that expands interpretations of the cognition process in the context of limits and opportunities withing the relationship between a human and the world. The article also outlines the specifics of metaphysical approaches to the problem of truth. The process of cognition can be interpreted as a specific kind of spiritual activity of an individual. Knowledge can be defined as an information about the world that exists in a form of a certain reality - the ideal construct of existence. Cognition and knowledge differ one from another as the former is a process and the latter is a result. We should think of epistemology as numerous attempts to answer the fundamental question: what is the world really like? Is it such as we perceive it, or is it so different that we are not capable to comprehend its essence?

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-30
Demchenko I. ◽  
Bilan V. ◽  
Friauf N. ◽  

The article describes significant trends of school and family cooperation in inclusive education. Its success depends on qualitative psychological and pedagogical advisory support services for parents of the children with developmental disorders. It has been found that in the families, who bring up children with developmental disorders, there are specific mutual relations. It highlights the specific features of parents’ perceiving of their urgent inner family situation that touches every family relation structures: emotional, cognitive and behavioral. The mental tension and emotional discomfort are identified to appear clearly in the sphere of emotional reaction of parents of the children with developmental disorders. The cognitive sphere is for perceiving of their family situation as a troubled. Behavioral sphere is characterized by active search for inner and outside psychological and pedagogical advisory support. The types of incorrect family upbringing caused by parents’ deprecation of the fact they have children with developmental disorders (deprecation; hyper care; anxious and distrustful upbringing; non-interference) and its consequences are distinguished. We established that while providing psychological and pedagogical advisory support for parents of the children with developmental disorders it is impossible to be limited by urgent needs and enquiries. It is proved by the fact that every set consulting task is to be comprehended in advance and work on the changes of the present and future. Taking into account the efforts of the scholars to describe the issue, we may distinguish the proof of optimal conditions to provide qualitative psychological and pedagogical advisory support services for parents of the children with special educational needs in inclusive educational space may be perceived as a perspective of the further scientific search.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Geiko S. ◽  
Lauta O. ◽  

The article is devoted to reveal of specifics of phenomenological approach to problem of experience understanding, especially its’ intentional nature. It is established that phenomenological explication of experience reveals its’ connection with problem of Another.

Balalaieva O. ◽  

In the information society, information support of socially significant processes and kinds of activity, among which education is one of the most important, acquires special significance. Priority vectors of development of educational systems of many countries are to increase the availability of quality education in accordance with the requirements of innovative sustainable development of society and each of its citizens, ensuring personal development in accordance with individual needs through lifelong learning. Ensuring not just free access to educational resources, but the quality of the information environment becomes extremely important. At the same time, the available electronic resources that perform the function of such content require a thorough scientific and pedagogical analysis, which determined the relevance of this paper. The purpose of the article is to analyze the didactic potential of electronic educational resources as a component of information support of lifelong learning. Current trends in the development of continuing education stimulate interest in choosing the optimal resources not only from teachers but also students as consumers of open educational content. Scholars note that the potential of electronic educational resources has not been fully realized. For more efficient use of resources, a number of factors should be taken into account: psychological and pedagogical, ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic, technological etc. To reduce the possible negative effects on the educational process the careful analysis of the didactic potential of electronic educational resources, both positive and negative aspects of their use is required. The possibilities of electronic resources allow to ensure the implementation of didactic principles at a qualitatively new level, while increasing didactic risks. Didactic risk is interpreted as a predictable characteristic of a potential learning situation that may arise when using an innovative tool and have a negative impact on the educational process (negative impact is interpreted as an action that does not lead to positive changes in student learning or personality development). The article highlights the risks of using electronic educational resources associated with the fundamental didactic principles). Finding ways to minimize such risks is a promising area for further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Povyssha K. ◽  
Sopivnyk R. ◽  

The current stage of training future accountants is characterized by the development of their desire to be socially active and responsible, high level of communication, critical thinking and breadth of professional outlook, because the communication skills of accounting professionals are part of intellectual and educational components of their training. accountants need to master the relevant knowledge base and then turn the acquired knowledge into skills and abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 83-88
Nakonechnaya A. ◽  

The problem of the relationship and interaction of motherhood with the development of culture became very serious and very significant. It requires consistent scientific research and philosophical generalization. The article presents a holistic vision of the phenomenon of motherhood in the context of culture. The motherhood considered from these positions acts as the specific phenomenon of our existence, the unique mechanism of physical and sociocultural reproduction of the person. In a sense, motherhood can be seen as a center that forms culture, because initially the cultural space for the child is concentered around the mother.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Strilets V. ◽  

Corpus technologies (corpora of English and Ukrainian texts and tools for their processing) represent modern specialized discourse and facilitate searching for and comparing different units of translation, which makes them a useful tool for both practicing and trainee translators. The purpose of this article is to determine the role and place of corpus technologies in teaching specialized translation on the example of the oil and gas industry. Comparative and parallel text corpora are characterized. The paper reveals methods of applying mono- and bilingual comparative and parallel corpora and corpus managers for acquiring knowledge about genre-stylistic features of texts; developing skills to distinguish a term and determine its collocation profile and semantic preference; analyze translation techniques; translate collocations, complex noun constructions, verbal phrases, and abbreviations. Examples of relevant exercises and tasks that should be performed at the translation training stage are given. Further research should be aimed at integrating corpus-based tasks into the translation practice stage involving the implementation of a translation project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-123
Danylova T. ◽  
Hoian I. ◽  

Nowadays, psychology has entered a new era of its development. This is directly related to a phenomenon of cyberspace, the space in which the digital dimension of modern human life is manifested. Within the context of the development of new technologies around the world, cyberpsychology has emerged. It aims to understand the psychological processes associated with all aspects and features of human behavior in cyberspace. Cyberpsychology is faced with many challenges, and the impact of social media on mental health and psychological well-being is among them. The article attempts to investigate the influence of social networks on psychological functioning of an individual. While some researchers emphasize the positive impact of social networks on psychological well-being, others are focused on the dangers of cyberspace. Recent study suggests that long-term use of social networking sites may be associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness, and low self-esteem. As far as social networks are a relatively new phenomenon, the potential link between their use and mental health and psychological well-being has not yet been properly explored, and the scientific community has not yet been able to fully interpret the results and reach a definite conclusion. The relationship between the use of social networks and psychological functioning is not that simple and unambiguous; it depends on many factors, such as the way to use it, communication patterns, emotional state, comorbidities, self-awareness, motivation, values, attitudes, and preferences. Today, we cannot avoid cyberspace, thus, the health and well-being of both the individual and society depend on our ability to interact effectively within it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-132
Storozhuk S. ◽  

The article examines the socio-cultural and political sources of the modern ethnocultural division of Ukraine and shows that the historically formed cultural division of Ukrainian society due to geographical and political factors was significantly leveled in the Soviet assimilation policy, but was not completely overcome due to slight industrialization of Ukrainian villages and west. As a result, the Ukrainian population was divided into several separate strips, which contributed to the deepening of the cultural divide with other, industrially developed, but de-ethnicized Ukrainian regions. The lack of ethnic unity of Ukrainians and the active position of national minorities in regions with a large number of ethnically related groups, in the absence of a balanced national policy, have become the main causes of ethnocultural division in Ukraine. Overcoming the latter is possible in the process of gradual introduction of general civilizational principles of civil society and the formation of economic, social and spiritual conditions for the development of both the individual and the community. Only when the permanent economic crisis is overcome and science, education and culture broadcast by the national language are raised to the level of state values, without marginalizing the nation-building significance of the languages of interethnic communication, Ukrainian society will become a nation.

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