Athletic Training Education Journal
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Published By Journal Of Athletic Training/Nata

1947-380x, 1947-380x

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 278-286
Ashley B. Thrasher ◽  
Edward J. Strapp

Context Uncontrolled hemorrhage is a major cause of preventable death. Wound care and managing external hemorrhage are important skills for athletic trainers. Objective Describe a laboratory activity used to allow students to practice managing uncontrolled external hemorrhage and wound packing. Background The prevalence of active shooter and other mass casualty events has grown, and a trend to move military-based emergency skills into civilian casualty care has emerged. Athletic trainers are uniquely positioned to respond to catastrophic events at the time of injury. Controlling hemorrhage and rapidly applying a tourniquet or administering wound packing have a great effect in preventing death due to severe hemorrhage. Description An educational technique using a pork shoulder was implemented to provide students with experience in wound packing. Clinical Advantage(s) Students describe this activity as a beneficial way to gain experience on an important skill not often seen in the clinical education setting. Conclusion(s) Faculty may consider implementing wound packing using a pork shoulder as a laboratory activity when teaching wound care and external hemorrhage management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 300-306
Sarah A. Manspeaker ◽  
Alison N. Wix

Context Athletic trainers must develop the knowledge and skills to recognize signs and symptoms of dermatologic conditions in the physically active population. Objective To present an overview of an educational technique aimed at promoting the development of skills related to dermatological care that meets clinical practice needs and accreditation requirements for athletic training programs at all levels. Background Curricular content standards in athletic training education require learners to obtain the skills necessary to perform an evaluation, formulate a diagnosis, and establish a plan of care relevant to the integumentary system, including dermatological conditions. Cognitive Learning Theory uses specific sequencing of content and learning sessions to promote student engagement in the learning process. Description Within an evaluation course for nonorthopaedic conditions, a 3–class session learning module was developed to target instruction, application, and assessment of dermatological conditions. This article describes the development, overview of content, delivery methods, outcomes to date, and connection to the instructional standards in athletic training. Clinical Advantage(s) Integrating evaluation of dermatological conditions into athletic training curricula enhances clinical decision-making skills and direct application of these skills to clinical practice. Conclusion(s) Athletic trainers should be able to effectively identify, manage, and potentially refer patients with dermatological conditions. Educating future athletic trainers to be able to prevent the spread of infection, decrease disease transmission, and enhance their ability to recognize and manage dermatological conditions is vital to their development toward independent clinical practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 241-249
Christina Davlin-Pater

Context The educational escape room is an innovative teaching strategy, and the use of this technique is gaining popularity in some health care disciplines. It is believed to promote acquisition of knowledge and skills, increase motivation, and encourage engagement, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving. Objective To describe the use of an innovative educational escape room in a master's-level athletic training course and to examine learning effectiveness and students' perceptions. Design Quasi-experimental. Setting A Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education–accredited master's-level athletic training program. Patients or Other Participants A convenience sample of 14 students enrolled in a master's-level professional athletic training program participated. Intervention(s) Educational escape room. Main Outcome Measures(s) A paired-samples t test was used to determine differences between preactivity and postactivity knowledge-assessment scores. Measures of central tendency were used for survey questions related to student perceptions of the activity. Student perceptions were assessed after the intervention. Results All participants completed the preactivity and postactivity knowledge assessments. The difference in scores was found to be statistically significant (t13 = −4.502, P = .001), with a large effect size (Cohen d = 1.32). Participants thought the escape room was an effective way to improve their knowledge of course materials (mean ± SD = 5.0 ± 0.0) and encouraged them to apply course material in a new way (mean ± SD = 4.9 ± 0.27). Participants reported that they had fun (mean ± SD = 5.0 ± 0.0) and felt that the activity was immersive (mean ± SD = 5.0 ± 0.00). Qualitative elements from the postactivity survey corroborated the data. Conclusions The education escape room described in this study promoted learning while providing a fun and engaging learning experience with positive perceived value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 262-269
Jennifer Lynn Ostrowski ◽  
Ashley Gray ◽  
Ellen K. Payne ◽  
David Wilkenfeld ◽  
James R. Scifers

Context Mental health is a significant issue in the United States, with approximately 18.5% of adults and 22% of adolescents having a diagnosable mental illness. Athletic trainers are in a prime position to recognize signs of mental health illness in their patients and to facilitate referral to a mental health professional. Objective To introduce interactive approaches for developing mental health first aid and referral skills in professional athletic training students. Background Although the 2020 Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education curricular content standards require programs to educate students about identification and referral for mental health conditions, the standards do not provide specific suggestions for instructing this content. Description Three educational activities have been implemented into the curriculum: an exploratory counseling session, Mental Health First Aid certification, and a standardized patient encounter. Clinical Advantage(s) The exploratory counseling session improves athletic training students' empathy for individuals living with mental illness. The Mental Health First Aid curriculum has been shown to raise awareness of mental health conditions and positively influence the number of people who receive professional help. Standardized patient scenarios have been shown to increase critical thinking and confidence with mental health cases and to increase knowledge in mental health assessment. Conclusion(s) Students' reflections support that these components have increased their competence and confidence in recognizing, intervening, and making referrals for individuals with suspected mental health concerns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-240
Kimberly S. Peer

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 255-261
Jennifer Cuchna ◽  
Sarah Manspeaker ◽  
Alison Wix

Context The Board of Certification Standards of Professional Practice and the 2020 Curricular Content Standards indicate athletic trainers should establish working relationships with collaborating medical professionals and be able to communicate effectively. In addition, increased emphasis on interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in practice is apparent throughout health care professions and their educational programs. However, integrating both interprofessional communication and IPC within 1 learning opportunity can be difficult. Objective To share an educational approach aimed to enhance athletic training students' abilities and confidence in delivering patient information to physician assistant students via the situation, background, assessment, and recommendation (SBAR) technique. Background As part of the health care team, athletic trainers need to communicate with various providers while making clinically based decisions. Anecdotally, learners in their final year of health care education are not confident in their ability to make recommendations to other health care professionals. The SBAR communication strategy from the evidence-based framework TeamSTEPPS has become widely adopted in health care disciplines and may help to enhance confidence in communication. Description This learning activity enables athletic training students to use a patient case scenario to develop an SBAR for delivery via phone to a physician assistant studies student. This article describes the content, delivery methods, outcomes to date, and connection to the 2020 Curricular Content Standards. Clinical Advantage(s) This clinically relevant activity provides a low-stakes, real-life opportunity for students to practice communication skills, including the following: condensing the evaluation process, clinical decision-making skills, and the ability to make recommendations for a plan of care. Active participation in the communication process enhances reasoning skills needed for collaborative clinical decision making and the transfer of care, when applicable. Conclusion(s) Developing and implementing an interprofessional SBAR communication experience with 2 health care disciplines is an innovative strategy that bridges the gap between clinical education and actual patient care experiences while addressing curricular content needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-299
Elizabeth R. Neil ◽  
Zachary K. Winkelmann ◽  
Lindsey E. Eberman

Context The examination, diagnosis, and intervention curricular content listed in the 2020 Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education Standards for Accreditation of Professional Athletic Training Programs states that learners must be able to evaluate and manage wounds, including care and closure. Although many wound closure techniques exist in clinical practice, suturing may be a necessary skill for athletic trainers (ATs) and one for which they need proper training. Objective To describe the instructional format and step-by-step process for wound closure using the “simple interrupted” method of suturing. Background Athletic training has continued to evolve in terms of the skills that are permitted within the scope of an AT's practice. The skill of wound closure via suturing has been omitted in athletic training programs due to the invasive nature of the technique. As state practice acts continue to adapt, many athletic training programs are adding suturing to their curricular content, and subsequently, a need exists to educate the credentialed AT. Description A multimodal approach to teaching suturing is recommended. This educational technique focuses on the cognitive introduction module that should occur before the skills lab. Step-by-step instructions are available to ensure that educators are able to properly train others in the task and for learners to gain a baseline understanding of the technique. Clinical Advantage(s) Described herein are multiple strategies related to supplies and techniques to be mindful of the resources available for other athletic training programs. In addition, ATs who are trained and permitted to suture can provide improved patient outcomes through comprehensive interventions at the point of care. Conclusion(s) Learners should be taught the skills of suturing including wound cleaning and anesthetizing and given opportunities to practice the skills over time. By providing budget-conscious options and alternative methods of instruction, this skill can be delivered for most programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 270-277
Patricia A. Aronson ◽  
Lorin A. Cartwright ◽  
Rebecca M. Lopez

Context It has become increasingly important that athletic trainers (ATs) understand and promote diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency. One technique athletic training educators can use to promote cultural competency for those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) community is by attending a safe space ally training (SST) program to integrate the concepts of SST programing into their curriculum. Objective To provide athletic training educators with techniques to integrate inclusion and cultural competence regarding the LGBTQIA+ community into the athletic training curriculum using SST content. Our goal is that athletic training educators will train future ATs as well as embrace individual professional development. Background The National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee (AC) has created an SST workshop for athletic trainers. Educators can promote cultural competency throughout the curriculum using evidence-based training programs such as the NATA LGBTQ+ AC SST. Description The emphasis of SST is to improve cultural competence regarding sexual minorities to improve inclusivity in all athletic training settings. It is critical that athletic training education programs prepare graduates to be competent, compassionate, patient-centered and professional ATs who are ready to function as health care professionals for all patients. Clinical Advantage(s) A goal of cultural competency is to create an inclusive environment within all athletic training settings, whether it be in a classroom, a clinic, or a nontraditional work setting. Health disparities and health care inequities must be appreciated by every AT to deliver compassionate and competent care for all in marginalized populations. Educators can make a difference in the future of athletic training by increasing the cultural competency of their students. Conclusion(s) Patient-centered care, knowledge of the care of those in diverse and minority populations, and ethical behavior can be enhanced through SST programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 316-320
Sara L. Nottingham

Context The International Classification of Functioning, Health, and Disability (ICF) model and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are concepts that must be addressed in professional education. Objective Describe a class assignment that allows students to integrate the concepts of the ICF model and PROMs into actual patient care. Background Adult learners, including professional athletic training students, thrive on learning experiences where they can apply concepts and integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge. In addition, existing research suggests that most athletic trainers are not integrating PROMs into their clinical practice; therefore, students are most likely not seeing the use of PROMs during clinical education. Faculty can facilitate the application of the ICF model and PROMs into patient care with a course-based assignment. Description The assignment requires students to use the ICF model as an assessment tool with an actual patient, which helps shape their therapeutic interventions. Students recorded baseline and follow-up PROMs with this patient over a time period of at least 3 weeks while documenting their interventions and the patient's change over time. Students addressed reflection prompts in the assignment by describing their successes and challenges, in addition to describing their future plans for integrating the ICF model and PROMs into their clinical practice. Clinical Advantage(s) Students described this assignment as beneficial because it helped them treat their patients more holistically. Students self-reported increased knowledge and confidence with using the ICF model and PROMs in their clinical practice. Students described a plan to integrate these concepts into their clinical practice in a limited fashion. Conclusion(s) Faculty may consider integrating an applied, patient-based assignment such as this to assess students' application of the ICF model and PROMs to an actual patient. This assignment can also be easily condensed or expanded to fit different courses, student background knowledge, and assessment of different curricular content standards.

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