Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika
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Published By STIKES RS Anwar Medika

2684-7361, 2654-8364

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-136
Anita Puspa Widiyana ◽  

Validation as a quality control for the content of chemical compounds from natural ingredients. One of the chemical constituents is the flavonoids which are found in the Imperatacylindrica roots and Centella asiatica leaves. This study aims to ensure the analysis method meets the requirements and determines the levels of flavonoids. The research stages included extraction, validation and determination of total flavonoid. Extraction was carried out by immersing dry simplicia in 96% ethanol solvent for 3x24 hours. The solvent is evaporated using a rotary evaporator until a thick extract is formed. Validation testing includes linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD and LOQ. Determinationof the total flavonoid was carried out by measuring the absorption at a maximum wavelength of 428.2 nm. The validation results includethe correlation coefficient (R) of 0.998, precision % RSD <2 %, %accuracy 99,53-97,98%, LOD 3.02ppm and LOQ 9.15 ppm. The total flavonoid of the ethanol extract of Imperata cylindrica roots was 36.39 ± 0.08 mg/g QE and Centella asiatica leaves was 102.10 ± 0.08 mg/g QE. The conclusion is that the method used met the validation requirements and the total flavonoid content of the ethanol extract of Centella asiatica leaves was higher than Imperata cylindrica roots

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Noval Noval ◽  
Rosyifa Rosyifa ◽  

Diclofenac sodium is included in class II category based on biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS), sodium diclofenac has low solubility and high permeability. Low solubility will affect absorption of drugs in body because rate of dissolution will decrease. PVP K30 is inert carrier that dissolves easily in water and can affect solubility of an active drug substance. To know solid dispersion system increasing dissolution rate of sodium diclofenac by adding variations concentration of PVP K30. Solid dispersion uses solvent method with variations concentration of PVP K30 1:3, 1:5, 1:7 and 1:9. Test physical properties of solid dispersions using a moisture test and compressibility. Solid dispersion dissolution test using type 2 dissolutions test and determination of concentration using UV-VIS spectrophotometry. Test results were analyzed using One Way ANOVA and continued test. Solid dispersion has a good physical whit moisture percentage not >5% and compressibility not >20%. Solid dispersion of sodium diclofenac with addition of PVP K30 can increase dissolution rate compared to pure sodium diclofenac (p<0,05) with highest at ratio 1:7. Each comparison has significant difference (p<0,05) expect in ratio 1:9. Solid dispersion of sodium diclofenac with PVP K30 can increase dissolution rate of pure sodium diclofenac.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Adinugraha Amarullah ◽  
Dwi Febriyani ◽  
Farida Anwari ◽  
Khurin In Wahyuni ◽  

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition because of the body cannot produce insulin normally or insulin cannot work effectively. This damage if chronic occurs will cause complications. In the province of East Java the prevalence of DM sufferers of 2.1% ranks 9th, and prevalence of DM in Sidoarjo is patients with a diagnosis of 3.6% of the total population of East Java. The purpose of this study was to look at the profile of oral antidiabetic therapy in type II diabetes mellitus patients in the outpatient installation of Anwar Medika Hospital. The sampling method used is non random sampling Data retrieval from 17 February to 30 April 2020 with a data collection sheet that has been validated. Management of DM patients consists of 4pillars that is education, nutritional therapy, physical activity and pharmacology. The study was conducted in an outpatient installation of Anwar Medika Hospital with 62 samples that fit the inclusion criteria. The results showed that most patients with type II diabetes mellitus were female, as many as 44 patients (70.96%) of 62 patients. Patients with type II diabetes mellitus who most went to Anwar Medika Hospital and got ADO prescription drugs were patients with an age range of 56-65 years as many as 24 patients (38.70%) of 62 patients. Most of the most commonly prescribed ADO drugs by doctors were Glimepirid 34 (91,89%) and combination of 2 kinds of drugs by 22 patients (88%) out of 62 patients. Most patients use more than 1 drug. It is therefore recommended that pharmacy installation officers at Anwar Medika Hospital can provide an understanding of DM, provide counseling related to medicines prescribed to patients and monitor the success of patient therapy. This research is worthy of ethics with numberNo.633/RSAM/VII/2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-85
arista wahyu ningsih ◽  
Nur Arzy Samsiyeh ◽  
Martina Kurnia Rohmah ◽  

Diabetes mellitus is a disease or metabolic disorder that is most often found in society, including one of the diseases or metabolic disorders. Tamarind leaves (Tamarindus indica L) is a plant that can be used as an alternative treatment for Diabetes Mellitus which contains flavonoids, sapoin and tannins, which can lower glucose levels and inhibit glucose absorption in the blood. This study aims to determine the differences in blood sugar levels before and after giving tamarind leaves infusion in the village community of Tanjung Bumi. This type of research is Quasy Experiment Design and purposive sampling technique with a sample of 29 respondents. Based on the results of the paired t-test statistical analysis showed a significant difference (p = 0.000) between the blood sugar levels of the group and placebo. Meanwhile, in the posttest the treatment group after giving tamarind leaves showed the same as the control group, namely p = 0.000, which means that there is also a difference in the decrease in blood sugar levels between the sebelum pemberian perlakuan and posttest. The results of statistical tests with the Independent T-Test showed the results in both groups with a value of p = 0.000, meaning that there was a difference in the decrease in blood sugar levels between the control group and the treatment group. Steeping tamarind leaves has an effect in reducing blood sugar levels in the body

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-160
Widitia Pristifa Darajati ◽  
Yani Ambari ◽  

Cayenne pepper leaf (Capsicum frutescents L) is one of the natural ingredients that contains chemical compounds including saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, quinones and flavonoids. Saponin and flavonoid compounds in cayenne pepper leaves have a role to stimulate hair growth. So that it can be used to overcome the problem of hair loss, where hair loss often occurs in the community dueto lack of nutritional intake and excessive use of chemicals. To overcome this, this research was carried out which aims to use preparations from natural ingredients of ethanol extract of cayenne pepper leaves which were made into hairtonic preparations with variations of propylene glycol and 96% ethanol Hairtonic formulations used 96% ethanol, menthol, propylene glycol, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, and aquades. Then a physical stability test was carried out to determine at what concentration the hairtonic preparation produced good physical stability. Hairtonic physical stability test was carried out for 14 days of storage with organoleptic results. Brownish orange color in the form of a clear solution and distinctive aroma of cayenne pepper leaf extract, the pH test was from the last cycle Formulation 1: 4.9 then Formulation 2: 5.0 and Formulation 3. : 5.1. Still in the skin pH range of 4.5-6.5, the Viscosity test is from the last cycle of Formulation 1: 1.01 Cps then Formulation 2: 0.95 Cps and Formulation 3: 1.06 Cps. Still in the hair tonic viscosity specification, which is below 5 Cps, in the Specific Gravity test in Formulation 1: 0.9950 gram/ml. then Formulation 2: 0.9951 gram/ml. and Formula 3: 0.9978 gram/ml. Still in the hair tonic viscosity specification, which is ±1 gram/ml. From these results, it can be seen that at concentrations of propylene glycol 10%, 15%, 20% and ethanol 5%, 10%, 15% produced good physical stability

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-70
Noval Noval ◽  
Yenny Harliantika ◽  

Hydrogel is a topical preparation by applying it to the skin. Agarwood leaf extract is proven to contain flavonoid compounds which play a role in helping the wound healing process. The combination of carbopol and HPMC intend to cover the deficiency of carbopol when used at high concentrations and to provide an acidic ph. Know the influence combination of carbopol base 940 and HPMC K4M and the results of the evaluation of the optimal stability of the hydrogel extract of agarwood leaves. The method used is experimental with true-experimental design. The sample used is agarwood leaves in Tanah Bumbu Regency. Determination, preparation, extraction, hydrogel production and evaluation. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis statistics. Hydrogel formulation with a combination of carbopol base 940 and HPMC K4M gives an influence on the hydrogel formulation of agarwood leaf extract by evaluating the stability of organoleptic evaluation, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spreadability and adhesion. The result of the formulation that can maintain the stability of evaluation during storage for 28 days at room temperature is F2. Statistical test results of pH, viscosity, spreadability and adhesion <0.05, p-value <0.05 showed a significant difference in each formula. The influence of a combination of carbopol base 940 and HPMC K4M to the hydrogel formulation of agarwood leaf extract and a good formulation is found in F2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-109
Ellyvina Setya Dhini ◽  
Ganes L Tentipratiwi ◽  

Elderly is someone who has age of 60 yearsor over and the final stage of their life phase. Complexity of oral health status, systemic disease, cognitive impairment and took medicationseveral drugs causeselderly more susceptible to dental and oral problems. Purpose of this study was to determine effect of using betel leaf mouthwash (Piperis betle L.)forelderly’soral health. Study was designed byquasi experimental method with one group pre post design technique, interventionto thesubject without control group, sample studied in31 people. Effectiveness of Betel Leaf Mouthwash (OKDS) was tested by statistical analysis of the comparative Wilcoxon test. The results of the analysis showeda significant difference between before and after the intervention with p-value 0.019 which means OKDS effective to improving the subject's oral health

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-125
Yani Ambari ◽  
Hanik Endah Paramita ◽  
Arista Wahyu Ningsih ◽  

Hand Sanitizers generally contain chemicals in the form of alcohol and triclosan. However, the use of these two ingredients can cause danger if they are used continuously, therefore the Hand Sanitizer antiseptic product was innovated using ethanol extract of cucumber fruit which contains antibacterial compounds to reduce the use of both ingredients. The purpose of this study was to make a Hand Sanitizer gel formulation from ethanol extract of cucumber fruit and to determine the physical stability of the preparation during storage. Hand Sanitizer Gel of cucumber fruit ethanol extract is made in three formulations withdifferent extract concentrations, namely F1 (1.5%), F2 (2.5%), and F3 (3.5%). The results of the organoleptic test included the three formulations, namely that the three of them did not change during storage. The results of the homogeneity test included F1 and F2 which were stated to be homogeneous while F3 was not homogeneous. The results of the pH test included that during storage the three had decreased until week 3 and increased thepH again at week 4. The results of the spreadabilitytest of the three preparations met the requirements for the gel preparation, but in the adhesion test the three preparations did not meet the adhesion requirements of the gel preparation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Muhammad Sobri Maulana ◽  

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Type 2 DM is a metabolic disease that can cause severe complications so that adequate management which one of the targets is lowering HbA1c level is needed. Up to this time, treatment for Type 2 DM including antihiperglycemic and injection. Herbal remedies as well as dates (Phoenix datcylifera) has been limited even though it has well-known antihyperglycemic effect. To investigate the effectivity of Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) in lowering HbA1c level among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. Literature searching was conducted on four online databases which are PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, and Cochrane Library based on inclusion and exclusion criterias. Based on the results of critical studies, seven studies have shown that there is effectiveness in the administration of Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on Lowering HbA1c levels and restricition of date diet needed for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in 3 dates per day that are statistically significant for lowering HbA1c level with value of NNT is 1. Administration of Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) can be used as an adjuvant therapy on Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-54
Iif Hanifa Nurrosyidah ◽  

Unhealthy lifestyles and air pollution cause the number of free radicals in the body to increase. To protect the body from free radicals, there are antioxidant compounds as an antidote and stabilize free radicals. One of the Indonesian plants that can be used as antioxidants is gotu kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity from hand and body lotion extract of gotu kola by DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl) method which is expressed as an IC50 value. Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) was extracted by the soxhletation method using a solvent etanol 96% and formulated in the from of hand and body lotion using variations of gotu kola extract concentrations of 1%, 3% and 5%. Then do a physical evaluation of three preparations of hand and body lotion to determine the best formula to be tested for antioxidant activity. Hand and body lotion preparation formula with as much gotu kola extract concentration 5% shows the best formula. The results of testing antioxidant activity on hand and body lotion showed IC50 value of 449.14 ppm. This indicates that the Antioxidant activity of gotu kola extract hand and body lotion is included in the very weak antioxidant criteria.

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