Kresna Social Science and Humanities Research
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Published By PT. Kresna Acitya Nusantara Mediatama


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti ◽  
Nur Fauziah ◽  
Zahrotul Jannah ◽  
Tri Nadia Ningsih

The learning process at the elementary school level in Indonesia requires the creativity of educators to improve literacy, learning motivation and effective learning outcomes, especially in natural science (IPA) learning materials, sometimes learning is applied in theory and presented abstractly so that it requires a high level of reasoning. Lack of creativity and application of educators at SDI Raden Patah Surabaya, especially in understanding the material of the Solar System makes learning not conducive, learning outcomes indicators do not experience development so that many students do not understand and are motivated to learn more deeply. This study aims to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes in Natural Sciences (IPA) subjects, especially in the case of the Solar System through the LEGIT BOLTAS media application in fifth-grade students of SDI Raden Patah Surabaya. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with experimental learning methods and using 4-E learning cycle model. The method used is to compare the results of the pretest and posttest data collection techniques to the use of LEGIT BOLTAS media. the application of planetarium media gives an increase in the value of student motivation in learning by 90 %. The result of this study showed that the application of the use of LEGIT BOLTAS (Learning Gadget of Bola Tata Surya) Based on Augmented Reality can increase motivation and learning of fifth-grade students of SDI Raden Patah Surabaya The learning energy used by students is directed to observe, analyze and differentiate the processes of revolution, rotation of the earth and other processes in the Solar System. From the results of this study, it is expected that the level of student understanding will increase in actualizing student creativity in terms of innovation and digitalization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 99-103
Andi Arafat ◽  
Widyanti Utami ◽  
Andi Ridha Yayank Wijayanti

The purpose of the service is in the form of ecotourism counseling and its management. As well as facilitating the formation of forest farmer groups for the Social Forestry program. The methods used are in the form of counseling, training and mentoring. The community fields and waterfall in Sattoko Village are included in a limited production forest area, this means that access to manage / utilize these objects must obtain permission from the ministry of environment and forestry. Formal institutions are needed in proposing permits for the use of Social Forestry. The institution in question is the Forest Farmer Group that does not yet exist in Sattoko Village. This activity discusses steps to legally manage the waterfall in the forest area of Sattoko village so that it can be managed into ecotourism. From this FGD it was agreed that through the facilitation of the village head in the future a Forest Farmer Group would soon be formed as an initial step in the process of proposing a Social Forestry program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 104-120
Ketut Indrayana ◽  
Hesti Rahasia ◽  
Marthen P.Sirappa

Need  for corn is increasing, both for food, animal feed, and industrial raw materials. This is an opportunity as well as a challenge for the government in increasing corn production towards sustainable self-sufficiency. Superior varieties are one of the components that can significantly increase yield. Hybrid varieties have a higher yield potential than composites so that the use of hybrid corn seeds can increase the yield of corn per crop area. The Agricultural Research and Development Agency (Balitbangtan) has produced hybrid maize varieties with high yield potential, which are no less competitive with other private hybrid maize, but they are not well disseminated. In order to obtain added value for farmers and the development of Balitbangtan corn seeds, NASA 29's hybrid corn seed propagation was carried out at the farmer level. The study was carried out in Salukayu Village, Papalang District, Mamuju Regency in 2018 covering an area of ​​1 ha. The results showed that corn seeds were 1.5 tons / ha. The Nasa 29 hybrid maize seed propagation farm is economically feasible and profitable, as indicated by the R / C value of 2.35, TIP 637 kg / ha, TIH Rp. 10,623, - / kg and IK Rp. 88,985, / day. The study of the propagation of the NASA 29 hybrid maize seed was financially feasible and the economic benefits were high and efficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 93-98
Syukuriah Syukuriah ◽  
Andi Isdyanto ◽  
Amalia Nurdin

Carrying out community service activities for educators in one of the effort to carry out their duties as the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education. With this service, it is an effort by the University of West Sulawesito implement the Tridarma of Higher Education to contribute science and technology to the community, Based on this, we carry out service activities at Majene Port, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province with the aim of increasing knowledge, understanding regarding the problem of prevention ang spread of COVID-19 by implementing health protocols for passengers, crew members, and especially for workers (port workers). The expected output targetsfrom this activity are : 1) protocol development  for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the port of Majene 2) Forstering precautions for the spread of COVID-19 infection in the Majene port environment 3) Forstering risk communication and community empowerment in the form of participation and concern for public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 79-92
Andi Isdyanto ◽  
Syukuriah Syukuriah

Indonesian territory which consists of several islands, both large and large and small, is an area that has a level of vulnerability. In this case heard and witnessed through the media various events from natural phenomena, namely earthquakes in recent years that hit several regions in Indonesia. The potential for natural phenomena to occur is very large because the position of the Indonesian archipelago is at the confluence of the Australian plate, the Pacific plate, and the Eurasian plate. This condition causes the need to comply with the principles of planning and implementing an earthquake resistant system in every building structure to be built in the territory of Indonesia, especially for areas that have a moderate to high level of earthquake risk or vulnerability. Research on the main structure of the LPMP office building with 8 floors aims to determine the behavior of the structure in response to static earthquake loads and dynamic earthquake loads. The method suitable for building design involving earthquake loads in the calculation is the equivalent static. This method  is only intended for regular horizontal and vertical SNI 1726(2012)buildings. One of the characteristics of a regular bulding is that the building’s height is less than 40 meters and 10 levels as seen from the building pedestal so that the building tends to be rigid and the building is low. Along with the development of the times, many software that can be used to facilitate an earthquake resistant building design in Indonesia have been revised to SNI-1726(2012). In earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012 article 7.1.3 it is stated that : the final value of the dynamic response of the building structure to the nominal earthquake loading due to the effect of a planned earthquake in a certain direction, should not be taken less than 85 % of the value of the first variety response. If the dynamic response of the building structure is expressed in nominal basic shear force V, where the value of the oh the nominal base shear for each static earthquake in the x direction is 0.867622 and the y direction is 0.975368 where the bigger the dynamic earthquake in the x direction is 3425.624 and the y direction amounting to 3550.92 so that the structural seismicity review shows the result that meet the seismic requirements stipulated in the SNI, starting from the building period, the mass participation ratio, the basic shear force of structural deviations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 58-78
Indah Kusuma Dewi

Village funds are one of the crucial issues in the village law, the budget calculation is based on the number of villages by taking into account the population, poverty rate, area size, and the level of geographical difficulty in order to improve welfare and equitable village development. Because of such a crucial issue, the senators assessed that the implementation of village governance requires guidance and supervision, especially the implementation of village activities. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the capacity building of the economy and infrastructure for the use of village funds in Wawoangi Village, South Buton Regency; (2) to determine the supervision of the Village Consultative Body in the use of Village Funds in Wawoangi Village, South Buton Regency. Empirical legal research methods or empirical juridical research methods. The conclusion of this research is that the management of the village fund budget in Wawoangi Village is based on the Regulation of the Sub-Regulation Number 78 of 2019, formulated in the Wawaoangi Village RPJM activity and then the implementation of the village funds is carried out with a proportional distribution in each hamlet. Lack of community participation and support with village development management is a factor that hinders the successful use of the village fund budget. The decrease in the level of community participation in the implementation of village development causes the absorption of local labor to also decrease. Village financial management starts from the planning stages, implementing business administration, reporting and mandatory accountability, presumably involving the village community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 28-40
Hariana Hariana ◽  
Fairuz Milkiy Kuswa ◽  
Dani Rudiana ◽  
Lan Marakkup Tua Naingolan

The majority of power plants in Indonesia are Coal-Fired Power Plants (PLTU) which using coal as the main fuel. The coal used in the PLTU is coal that has been adjusted to the existing PLTU design. However, coal availability according to the initial design of the PLTU is running low and even almost non-existent. If the coal does not meet the PLTU design specifications is forced to be used as fuel, various problems will arise regarding to the capability and reliability of the power plant itself. Therefore, looking for coal alternatives that have similar specifications to the PLTU design is very important, to get these alternatives can be done by Blending coal from various specifications. The Blending product must be evaluated from various aspects, one of which is slagging and fouling. This research will focus on the aspects of slagging fouling resulting from the Blending of two different coals in terms of characteristics and specifications. Evaluation is carried out by taking samples and tested to make predictions based on AAS and AFT, burning in the Drop Tube Furnace (DTF), and performing SEM and XRD analysis of two coal Blending products. The results obtained are that the A and B Blending products are in an acceptable risk for direct testing on a larger scale (PLTU) or boiler simulator. However, Blending A has a greater potential for further research than Blending product B.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Ima Nadatien ◽  
Seger Handoyo ◽  
Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo ◽  
Yusti Probowati

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) owned by a person as an organization member is an extra role behavior, formed when a person feels the benefits of the organization for himself. People become committed, loyal to behave outside the obligation, as an inseparable part of the organization. OCB appears to employees who commit, positive perception of the organization, feel satisfaction if giving something exceeds the standard (Borman & Motowidlo, 1993). Someone behaves extra role, will do anything for the organization voluntarily and happily. Growing love, having all your heart, desperately defending his organization, is a form of Organizational Pride. Pride relates to feelings of commitment, intention, behavior, and shows cooperation with the organization (loyalty, staying as a member of the organization) (Tyler & Blader, 2000). -tulisan merah belum di translate-. The research aims to prove the influence of OCB on the Lecturer's Organizational Pride. Explanatory observational research with cross-sectional approach. Respondents were 105 lecturers. The independent variable is OCB (Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Civic virtue). The dependent variable is Organizational Pride. Data analysis using linear regression test, α = 0,05. The results of the study prove that OCB influences Organizational Pride (p = 0.001; b = 0.573). It shows that OCB has a role in encouraging Lecturer Organization Pride. The conclusion is that the higher the OCB will ultimately increase the Organizational Pride. Necessary activities to maintain and improve OCB and pride owned by lecturers (individual or institutionalized) sustainable, continuous training methods Small Group Discussion. Thus, strengthening the internalization of love, belongingness, commitment and loyalty to the organization. In the end it is able to optimize the performance of lecturer tridharma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Iwan Purwanto

The service process implemented with subsidized facilities is a tiered process. Patients must undergo a treatment process at a hospital that has a lower level prior to being recommended to a higher hospital with better facilities, of course. Today the administrative process is still running using a filing system, where patients are still using files to bring patient reference data to hospital actions. The problem that arises is that in the registration process and service actions (filing) treatment that is still done manually is a barrier for patients to enjoy the service perfectly. Patients must register manually with a file from the referral hospital. The researcher tried to make a design using the distribution of data carried out on the previous illness to be transferred to a follow-up hospital, so that patients did not need to do the queue during the registration process, and the patient's track record could be taken online by the referral hospital. The Envelopment Analysis Data will record the process and forward it to the referral hospital, so that the patient does not need to do the re-delivery and does not need to bring the file to the referral hospital. The level of accuracy of the data can be ascertained the quality, because the data is synchronized. This certainly makes it easy for patients to get time for action and convenience for hospital staff in the process of reviewing the patient's track record from the referring hospital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Gharawi Mohammed ◽  
Azman Bidin ◽  
Ahmed Badawy ◽  
Mutasim Khamis

The recent outbreak of novel corona virus known as COVID-19, has caused over 556.335 deaths, left more than 12 million infected people worldwide by 11th of July 2020 (Organization, 2020a), in addition to global negative impact on nearly most life sectors. Media played -and still- a vital role in the containment of this global health threat by spreading the essential knowledge and awareness between people. Comparing to its neighbours, Malaysia seems to have good score in the battle of COVID-19. With 8,815 confirmed cases, 8,562 total discharged cases and 123 deaths by 21th of July 2020 (Malaysia, 2020), it was interesting to study the role of media in shaping people's awareness during the current global crisis to face the danger of such virus on the national level. Aim: To analyse and understand the Malaysian government role in shaping people’s awareness toward COVID-19. Method: Authors are tracking and analysing the ministerial media arms role in handling the situation, based on the official data and statements released by the national news agency, Bernama. This article is divided into three main parts as it discusses the role of three specific governmental official; Prime Minister, General Director of Ministry of Health, and Senior Security Minister, Findings: The Malaysian governmental officials namely; Prime Minister, General Director of Ministry of Health, and Senior Security Minister followed a successful strategy during COVID-19 pandemic to rely a part on people’s awareness by providing them with the accurate information to avoid the viral spread of fake news. Conclusion: Malaysia was able to contain the pandemic on the national level powered by people’s awareness

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