Kontribusia (Research Dissemination for Community Development)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik


Amalia Rahma ◽  
D N Suprihatiningrum ◽  
Widya Endirasari

Inpatient  Malnutrition rates are quite high and distributed in almost all hospitals for all types of diseases and socio-economic sufferers. This study aims to examine the nutritional status, total patient intake, and factors that influence the total intake of newly hospitalized patients at Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital. The study was conducted from November to December 2019 in the internal, surgical, and Obgyn departments of the Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital. A total of 80 patients were selected as samples using the accidental sampling technique. The results showed that 87.5% of patients were hospitalized due to non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, acute and chronic kidney failure, cirrhosis, acute myocardial infark, and others. Only 12.5% ​​are treated for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, meningitis, diarrhea, and others. Calculation of BMI in patients shows that 10% of patients are obese, 30% are overweight, 50% are normal and 10% are malnourished. 24-hour recall results showed that 100% of patients could not meet energy and nutrient requirements (<80% of energy and nutrient demand figures). The average patient is only able to meet 24% of energy, 17% protein, 24% carbohydrates, and 18% fat. As many as 35% of patients complained of nausea and 22.5% of them were accompanied by vomiting. The number of patients said that decreased appetite because abdominal pain (35%), 25% patients experienced shortness of breath. Many patients complained that their bodies were weak / without strength (95%). Appetite also decreased due to difficulty chewing (17.5%) and difficulty swallowing (22.5%). Physical conditions like weakness accompanied by other eating disorders can be the cause of the patient's decreased food intake. This has led to a decrease in nutritional status in patients due to inadequate energy and nutrient need (especially those who have to go through a long period of hospitalization).

Nur Maulida Safitri ◽  
Andi Rahmad Rahim ◽  
Ummul Firmani

Massive amounts of mussel shell waste are generated and wasted from the aquaculture processing sectors, resulting in environmental pollution. This material contains chitosan as a valuable compound characterized as a non-toxic structural component with several food processing applications or medicinal applications. In this research, mussel shells were processed using different solvents concentrations in several stages: demineralization, deproteination, decolourization, and deacetylation. Our result showed that the C2 samples gained a high degree of deacetylation (31.8±0.21%) with low moisture and ash content and medium weight of yield. Further research is recommended to purify chitosan using various instrumentation and assess its bioactivity.

Ummul Firmani ◽  
Aminin Aminin

Milkfish is a commodity with a high production rate. From the milkfish commodity, Gresik is the center of fishery production in East Java. Milkfish belongs to the herbivore group with the type of food from the plant group. Milkfish cultivation in traditional ponds still uses natural food as the main food for the cultivated commodities. Fish food affects the structure of the digestive tract, especially the intestines of fish. herbivorous fish have very long intestines even many times the body length, compared to omnivorous and carnivorous fish. Thus, this study aims to find out more clearly about the structure of the milkfish gut tissue. The digestive tract is related to the process of digestion, absorption and disposal of food waste, so it has an important role in the growth of fish. The research method used was descriptive experimental by making preparations of fish intestinal tissue and staining with Hematoxylin Eosin. The intestines of the fish observed were the front, middle and back. Observation of the preparations using a microscope with a dot slide scan photo. From the results of the study obtained an overview of the intestinal tissue structure of the upper (proximal), middle (middle) and lower (distal) fish. The structure of the front, middle and back of the milkfish gut tissue is similar, the difference lies in the number and thickness of the villi.

Putri Desi Wulan Sari ◽  
Luthfiana Aprilianita Sari ◽  
Rahayu Kusdarwati

The development of an entrepreneurial spirit can be started even with minimal capital. Fishery products with high nutritional value are one of the opportunities that can be developed by community groups as independent businesses in the context of increasing the economy. Santriwati at the Griya Khadijah Islamic Boarding School Surabaya is a national asset that has great potential, role, and opportunity in influencing the social and economic life of the surrounding community. This community service activity aims to improve the competence of female students at the Griya Khadijah Islamic Boarding School, as a role model for hafidzah-preneur education, to be able to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and reflect women's empowerement with good character.

Ardianik Ardianik ◽  
Wahyu Widayati

Partners in the implementation of this community partnership program are SMK 17 Agustus 1945 which is located on Jalan Nginden Semolo no.44 Surabaya. The facilities owned are IT-based, it's just that the obstacles faced by schools in supporting the teaching and learning process, especially the facilities and convenience of libraries, have not met the national library standards. Based on the input of teachers and library staff as well as direct observations made by the service team, there are several problems, namely: 1) There is no arrangement of library material collections according to their field of knowledge; 2) There is no book cataloging in accordance with the field; 3) Inventory of library materials has not been managed properly and correctly, by providing a book slip for each book; 4) There is no circulation service yet, because officers are burdened with routine public relations activities and lack of library personnel; 5) There is no guidebook in managing library materials, officers have not used standard guidelines. There are two stages in implementing the solution that must be completed with partners, namely: 1) the planning stage which includes: coordination with library staff, teachers, and school principals as initial input, direct observation to obtain evidence related to initial input; 2) Implementation phase which includes: Arrangement and classification of library collections, cataloging library collections, inventory, making library circulation services, making manuals. The results of the community service activities concluded that there were significant differences before and after the procurement and management of the library. This is evident from the results of activities in the form of classification, the arrangement of library collections has been well realized, the room layout is neatly arranged, cataloging library collections, numbering and installation of slips have been installed properly, making library circulation services, and making library management manuals. manual has been realized. From a series of community service activities, it has a success rate of 100%. This is shown from all activities that have been completely completed and the results can be enjoyed by students, teachers and visitors to the SMK 17 August 1945 Library and no less important for the sake of school accreditation.

Abdul Khafid Maulana ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Hendra Suwardana ◽  
Miftachul Munir ◽  
Fiki Andriyan

Community Service is one of the Tri dharmas of Higher Education to be one of the accesses to achieve this vision. The community in Banjaragung Village was chosen as a partner to introduce Health Tea drinks made from pure spices. Through this activity, the author hopes to be able to carry out the mission to realize the learning process in the field of creative economic entrepreneurship with qualities that are relevant to the needs of today's society. Spices and especially sappan wood in Banjaragung Village have not been processed properly and lacked innovation. Considering that today's society needs drinks and food that can increase the body's immune system with spices, community service is made to make training to process secang wood and spices such as red ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon and tea leaves into products that are quickly consumed. by making health tea bags. Secang wood plant or the Latin nameCaesalpinia sappan is one type of spice that can be used for its woody stems or fruit. The components of bioactive compounds contained inwood, namely brazilian, brazilein, 3'-O-methyl braziline, sappansappan, chalcone, sappancalchone are known as antioxidants. Research on sappan wood as an antioxidant and can be used as a natural dye has been a lot. The counseling carried out is expected to provide insight to the community in Banjaragung Village about how to make Health Tea drinks so that they can help improve the economic level of the community.

Efta Dhartikasari Priyana ◽  
Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan

The low quality of Human Resources which ultimately leads to the ineffectiveness of management, organization and technology has made the development of MSMEs in Indonesia unable to touch rapidly. Plus the large transaction costs from the impact of an unfavorable business climate are also a problem for the case of MSMEs fostered by MEK-PDM Gresik, making it difficult to compete in the international market. In fact, the products produced by MSMEs are no less competitive with those produced by foreign products. In fact, to be able to penetrate the global market, MSMEs must at least be able to adapt to the concept of global marketing which is not yet owned by MSME stakeholders. Therefore, in this service, MSME actors will be taught how to market their products globally. Fronted by Dr. Indro Kirono as a performer who previously had a long history in the export world, the service event went more than imagined. Many MSME products were independently assisted by the presenters to be introduced a little in the global market. Gresik UMKM products will also be assisted by the introduction of Gresik Muhammadiyah University. So that Muhammadiyah University of Gresik can become a place for Gresik SMEs to be fostered.

Dwi Yuli Pujiastuti ◽  
Mochammad Amin Alamsjah ◽  
Juni Triastuti

In this PKM program, our partner is residents in Petemon, Surabaya, East Java Province. This community has generated the production of noodle and jelly candy from seaweed. Seaweed processing has a very broad market potential due to the increasing demand and use of seaweed processing products, whether used in the health, pharmaceutical or industrial fields. Development of seaweed with an industrial concept approach that starts from upstream, processing basic products into formulation products with a lot of derivative products, both food and non-food products. In food ingredients, seaweed can be formulated, among others, into ice cream, pudding, jelly candy or other foods and soft drinks Based on interviews and observations in the field, there are 2 main focuses of the problems currently faced by partners, namely: 1) lack of knowledge about seaweed and 2) product diversification of seaweed which have an added value. Some of the things planned by the PKM team are innovating seaweed to be noodle and jelly candy as well as providing training and mentoring for financial analysis, packaging and marketing. The purpose of this activity is to transfer knowledge of making product diversification of seaweed, develop the creativity of the partner, increase the noodle and jelly candy production and improve the welfare of the partner. This activity was realized with an approach in the form of making a sustainable cooperation program until the end of PKM, creating a family atmosphere between the two and understanding that the problems experienced were a shared problem so that they could be solved together according to the level of responsibility to achieve the expected benefits, namely increased yields, production and productivity and competitiveness, independence and welfare of the community.

Mirza Dwinanda Ilmawan ◽  
Rosa Rilantiana ◽  
Aditya Narendra Wardhana ◽  
Marisya Mahdia Khoirina ◽  
Lisa Risfana Sari ◽  

The purpose of this community service activity in the assisted villages is to create a mapping model for the tourist vehicle of Raci Tengah Village, Sidayu Gresik District. The resurrected village rides are game tourism vehicles for children to improve the economic activity of local residents. This modeling is expected to be able to provide an overview of the mapping of the tourism vehicle sector and also the infrastructure sector supporting game tourism for these children.   Keywords: Tourism Rides, Facilities

Nur Agustin Mardiana ◽  
Domas Patria Galih ◽  
Sutrisno Adi Prayitno ◽  
Chusnul Chotimah

Tal palm plant is widely known and spread in Indonesia. However, the application of tal palm plant especially sap as another product is limited. Tal plant sap used in mustard fermentation as carbon source with rice water. The aim of this study is to find suitable ratio of rice water and tal palm sap for the best physicochemical properties and sensory characteristic of fermented mustard. This experiment was using completely randomized design with one factor and 5 treatment groups. The evaluation of physichochemical performed to measure total acidity, polyphenol, and flavonoid. The sensory evaluation was using hedonic test with untrained panelists and determine score for parameters such as color, aroma, texture, and taste. The results showed that the highest total acidity was 1,06% which found in sample with ratio of rice water and tal palm sap (0:1). However the highest total polyphenol was 15,87 (mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid was 4,52 (mg QE/g) found when the ratio of rice water and tal palm sap similar (1:1). Based on the sensory evaluation, sample with ratio of rice water and tal palm sap (3:1) has the highest score on color was 3,17 ; aroma was 3,00; and taste was 3,00. Accordingly, this study provide data to enhance economical value and product development for tal palm sap.

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