Journal of Anatomical Sciences - Volume 27(2), December 2019
Latest Publications





Published By Anatomical Society Of UP Chapter


Shalini Gupta ◽  
Shilpi Jain ◽  
Satyam Khare ◽  
Prateek Gautam

Introduction: The tremendous growth in telecommunication world has increased the number of mobile phone users to many folds. The benefits of cell phones are just half the picture. The other half may be a darker one. The main aim of this study is to observe the effect of electromagnetic radiation being emitted by mobile phones on adrenal gland microanatomy and the hormones released by the gland on male albino rats. Materials and methods: Forty-two male albino rats of Spargue-Dawley species were divided into two equal groups. The experimental group rats were exposed to mobile phone radiation operating at 900 MHz while the control group rats were not. At the end of every two months, seven rats were sacrificed to analyse histological and hormonal changes. Results: No changes were seen at the cellular level of the adrenal glands even after six months of radiation exposure. Hormonal assay showed a variation in the cortisol levels of the rats but the changes were within normal range. Conclusions: Lack of appreciable changes in the cellular morphology and hormonal levels even after six months of radiation exposure signify that the adrenal glands are not affected by exposure to mobile phones.

P K Sharma ◽  
Sonia Jaiswal

Quite frequently students are asked to explain tapetum. We found that various books of anatomy have different explanations. Students are confused as to which book must be followed for its explanation. We are therefore writing an inference drawn by consulting books and also by observing the human brain in cadavers.

Vaibhav Goel Bhartiya ◽  
Prem Chandra ◽  
Himani Sharma

Since the beginning of human civilization, hygiene, health, medicine religious practices and law, are found to be interwoven around each other. On one hand, ancient legal system or religion preaches us about an ideal way of living life, on the other hand, the health care providers, try to identify and observe the religious practices and faith of the patient for providing better treatment. These practices may include prayer, meditation, bathing and cleanliness, dietary needs and astrological beliefs of patient. The history of alliance of law in the religious preaching and religious practices, medicine, and healthcare is very interesting to look at. Since ages, to make people take up cleanliness as a habit, it has been linked to Godliness, for example in Hinduism it is often said that “Swachchta hi Prabhuta hai”. Also, for hundreds of years, religious institutions were responsible for licensing physicians to practice medicine. Thus, religious practices are external activities or functions of human civilizations which works as code of conduct for them. The present piece of work is an attempt to identify the relevance of Article 25 of Indian Constitution for the medical practitioners while treating patients with orthodox patients with deep rooted religious practices which may create hindrances in the treatment too.

Munish C Reddy ◽  
Ambati Dharanija ◽  
Shalu Jain ◽  
Pradeep Raghav

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and correlate skeletal maturation stages of Middle phalanx of third finger (MP3) with the onset of menarche in rural and urban school girls. Materials and methods: 100 urban school girls and 100 rural school girls were randomly selected comprising of 50 menarche unattained girls and 50 menarche attained girls respectively for each group. For each subject, radiographs of middle phalanx of middle finger and record about onset of menarche were taken after every three months for a total duration of one and half year comprising a total of 6 visits. Results: The results showed onset of menarche at HI MP3 stage for 50%, HMP3 stage for 47.5% and GMP3 stage for 2.5% in rural girls (subgroup D2) whereas onset of menarche was at HMP3 stage for 41.6%, HI MP3 stage for 50% and GMP3 stage for 8.33% in urban girls (subgroup B2). No significant difference in the MP3 skeletal stage distribution of two groups was seen after applying Chi-square test (P>0.05). The mean menarche attaining age of the rural girls was 12.6±.84 years and urban girls was 11.8±.79 years. Conclusions: The correlation between MP3 skeletal maturation and onset of menarche, established the onset of menarche at H and HI stage for both rural and urban school girls. The results show earlier mean menarche-attaining age for urban girls than rural girls

Mahendra Kathole ◽  
Krishna S Patil ◽  
Shobhit Raizaday ◽  
Sadiq Syed

Introduction: The development of limb musculature takes place between the fifth and seventh weeks of intrauterine life. The genes MYO-D and MYF5 regulate the limb musculature development and any defect in these may lead to either a partial or complete loss or an addition to the normal muscle morphology. This case report presents the observation of an accessory tendon of the Peroneus brevis muscle in the left lower limb of a 70 year old male cadaver during the routine dissection for undergraduate students at Government Medical College, Miraj. The variant insertion of the Peroneus brevis tendon on the calcaneal tubercle is clinically important to note in cases of lateral ankle pain and instability. The presence of an accessory tendon of the peroneus brevis muscle may also be a cause of the longitudinal splitting of the muscle which should be taken into consideration while making a diagnosis and planning surgeries around the lateral aspect of the ankle.

Daisy Dwivedi ◽  
Bal Chander

Visceral organs are asymmetrically distributed in thoracic and abdominal cavities but there is definite left right orientation along the midline. At times there may be disturbance of the same resulting from malrotation and/or movement during embryological development. We are presenting autopsy findings of a 20 weeks old male fetus wherein the stomach along with spleen and pancreas are on the right side. Rest of the thoracoabdominal viscera are in the anatomically correct locations. Such cases qualify for heterotaxia, denoting status somewhere between situs solitus which is the normal placement of organs and situs inversus which denotes mirror image of solitus. Heterotaxia can have a range of features. Such cases usually come to light within first year of birth but some cases remain asymptomatic till adulthood and are diagnosed incidentally. This article discusses the nomenclature with diagnostic criteria and points out the lacunae which make the present case difficult to classify.

Arpita Gupta ◽  
Jasbir Kaur ◽  
Hitendra Loh ◽  
Vandana Mehta

Liver is the largest organ in the human body occupying right hypochondrium, epigastrium and left hypochondrium. The organ develops in the ventral mesogastrium dividing the latter into a cranial part which forms the falciform ligament and lesser omentum and the caudal part which normally degenerates but may persist occasionally in the form of accessory fissures, ligaments and folds. The present case report describes the occurrence of exceptional and multiple abnormal peritoneal ligaments extending between the liver, diaphragm and abdominal wall. In concurrence, an incomplete fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis is reported which resulted in a communication between the left lobe and quadrate lobe of liver. The knowledge of the normal and the variant anatomy of such peritoneal reflections of liver is of colossal significance for surgeons performing the segmental resection of the liver and radiologists interpreting radiological findings related to liver.

Kanchan Bisht ◽  
Rakesh K. Verma ◽  
Archana Rani ◽  
Navneet Kumar ◽  
Baibhav Bhandari

Introduction: For the assessment of sexual dimorphism of human skeleton, pelvis has been used with great accuracy by anthropologists and forensic experts. Sacrum, being an integral part of pelvis, has therefore gained importance. Among the various parameters of sacrum, sacral index is the most reliable one, calculated by the formula: Sacral index=max breadth x100/max length of sacrum. This study aimed to determine the significance of sacral index in estimation of sex in north Indian population. Materials and methods: For the present study, 35 dry human sacrum bones were obtained from the Department of Anatomy, KGMU, Lucknow, out of which 32, free of deformity, were used in study. The bones were first separated as male and female on the basis of their gross features. Maximum length and breadth of sacra were measured using digital sliding Vernier calliper and sacral index was calculated. Results: Mean sacral index was significantly higher in females (109.52) as compared to males (92.37). Sex determination done on the basis of gross features were comparable to that done by calculation of sacral index, except in sacrum no. 5,13,14,15 &16. Sacrum no. 5,13,14 &15 were more curved forwards (female feature) while their sacral indices were much lesser (male feature). Sacrum no. 16 had a uniform curvature (male feature) while its sacral index was>105 (female feature). Sacrum no. 16 also had only 3 dorsal and ventral foramina, which was a variation. Conclusions: Sacral index is a reliable criterion for sex determination, useful for anatomical, medicolegal and anthropological purposes.

Mahendra Kumar Pant ◽  
Jayanti Pant

Introduction: Presence of variations in the course of the cervical (extracranial) part of the internal carotid artery (I.C.A.) in the form of tortuosity, kinking, coiling or looping is a rare condition. These may be attributed to embryological or acquired factors. Patients with such variations may be asymptomatic in some cases, whereas, they may develop cerebrovascular symptoms due to carotid stenosis affecting cerebral circulation. Materials and methods: The present study was performed during routine undergraduate dissection classes in total 21 human cadavers (6 females and 15 males) on bilateral sides. Results: Bilateral kinking and looping of the cervical part of the I.C.A. was found in two cadavers. Conclusions: The risk of transient ischemic attacks (TIA) in patients with carotid stenosis is high and surgical correction is indicated as a part of treatment. Further, patients having these variations are more prone to injury during radical neck dissection and other surgical operations of the neck region. Knowledge about anatomy of such variations provides a framework to review the embryogenesis of the structure and also provides insight into surgical, medical and radiological implications.

Tanya Sharma ◽  
Siddhant Sharma ◽  
Anita Pandey ◽  
Shobhit Raizaday ◽  
Satyam Khare ◽  

Introduction: Microorganisms can colonize the surfaces of cadavers and may pose health hazards to the students and the staff handling them. The objective of the study was to study the spectrum of bacteria and fungi colonizing the surfaces of cadavers and to determine the need to follow infection control protocols during their handling. Materials and methods: A total of 100 swabs were collected from superficial and deep surfaces of the cadavers and its surroundings. The swabs were cultured on blood agar and Mac Conkey’s agar plates for isolation of bacterial species and Sabourauds Dextrose Agar (SDA) slants for isolation of fungal species. Identification of the bacterial and fungal isolates was done using standard bacteriological and mycological methods respectively. Results: Overall culture positivity rate was 78%. There was predominance of isolation of bacterial species (50%). Escherichia coli and Coagulase negative Staphylococci [CoNS] (23.07 % each) were the predominant bacteria isolated and Aspergillus species (37.50%) was the predominant fungus isolated from human cadavers. Conclusions: Various bacteria and fungi colonized the surface of cadavers. Therefore, the study emphasizes the need for practicing “Standard infection control protocols” in the dissection hall while handling the cadavers.

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