Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports
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Published By Sage Publications

2324-7096, 2324-7096

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 232470962110553
Michelle A. Quan ◽  
Joshua L. Hoerger ◽  
Elizabeth H. Mullins ◽  
Brooks T. Kuhn

A 66-year-old man presented with subacute cough and worsening dyspnea. Labs were notable for moderate peripheral eosinophilia, and computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated extensive crazy-paving throughout bilateral upper lung fields. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) revealed macrophages with lipid-filled vacuoles and negative periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. Further history obtained from the patient and family was notable for daily application of commercially available vapor rub to nares and intentional deep inhalation of nebulized fluids containing scented oils. The patient was diagnosed with exogenous lipoid pneumonia through an unusual route of lipid administration.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 232470962110633
Huzefa Bhopalwala ◽  
Vinayak Mishra ◽  
Tuong Vi Do ◽  
Mythili Gudipati ◽  
Subramanya Shyam Ganti

We present the case of a 56-year-old woman who was diagnosed with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia complicated by severe acute respiratory distress syndrome who was intubated for 19 days. She recovered from COVID-19 after a month. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest, after a month, showed improved infiltrates with a small residual cavity within the lingula. A CT angiogram showed a more confluent density in the lingular portion on follow-up 2 months later. She developed intermittent hemoptysis after 3 months in December 2020, which persisted for almost 6 months, and CT of the chest showed the lingular nodular with resolution of the cavitation. She underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, confirming Aspergillus fumigatus by galactomannan assay and histology showing branching hyphae. Once she started treatment with itraconazole, her hemoptysis resolved. The follow-up CT of the chest after 2 months of treatment did not show a cavity or a nodule in the lingula. Our patient developed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) as a sequela of severe COVID-19 infection. COVID-19-associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) is an underrecognized complication that needs to be investigated on whether prophylactic treatment is required. Our case also demonstrates that the diagnosis of IPA needs to be considered months after COVID-19 infection when a superimposed fungal infection can occur after a viral infection if the patient continues to have persistent symptoms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 232470962110633
Oluyemisi Amoda ◽  
Elmarie Alexander ◽  
Hesham Abowali ◽  
Ese Uwagbale ◽  
Mohammed Zaman

Lung masses are becoming more common, and although most are tumors, benign or malignant, some are not solid masses. Many pathologies can present as lung nodules, including lung cancers, hamartomas, lung abscesses, granulomas, and eosinophilic pneumonia, to name a few. A 40-year-old woman with a long history of smoking presented with cough and left-sided chest pain. After multiple imaging studies, she was thought to have a lung malignancy; however, multiple biopsies proved this was not the case. The histology reports of 3 to 4 biopsies at separate times indicated chronic inflammation ongoing in the lungs without any cancer cells present. She was treated for chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with a resolution of symptoms. The purpose of this case report is to discuss a case that was initially thought to be a lung mass but found to be chronic eosinophilic pneumonia manifesting as a lung mass.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110121
Ivy Riano ◽  
Klaorat Prasongdee

Prekallikrein (PK) deficiency, also known as Fletcher factor deficiency, is a very rare disorder inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. It is usually identified incidentally in asymptomatic patients with a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). In this article, we present the case of a 52-year-old woman, with no prior personal or family history of thrombotic or hemorrhagic disorders, who was noted to have substantial protracted aPTT through the routine coagulation assessment before a kidney biopsy. The patient had an uneventful biopsy course after receiving fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Laboratory investigations performed before the biopsy indicated normal activity for factors VIII, IX, XI, XII, and von Willebrand factor (vWF) as well as negative lupus anticoagulant (LA) screen. The plasma PK assay revealed low activity at 15% consistent with mild PK deficiency. The deficit of PK is characterized by a severely prolonged aPTT and normal prothrombin time (PT) in the absence of bleeding tendency. PK plays a role in the contact-activated coagulation pathway and the inflammatory response. Thus, other differential diagnoses of isolated prolonged aPTT include intrinsic pathway factor deficiencies and nonspecific inhibitors such as LA. We concluded that the initial evaluation of a prolonged aPTT with normal PT should appraise the measurement of contact activation factors and factor inhibitors. PK deficiency should be considered in asymptomatic patients with isolated aPTT prolongation, which corrects on incubation, with normal levels of the contact activation factors and factor inhibitors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110356
Balraj Singh ◽  
Parminder Kaur ◽  
Sachin Gupta ◽  
Nirmal Guragai ◽  
Michael Maroules

Bladder cancer is the most common urinary tract malignancy. Platinum-based chemotherapy is the first line of treatment in locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer. Immunotherapy has become a novel therapy option in a broad variety of malignancies including bladder cancer. Immunotherapy is approved as first line of treatment in patients who are ineligible for platinum-based chemotherapy and second-line treatment for metastatic urothelial cancer who progressed after platinum-based treatments. We present the case of an 83-year-old female with metastatic bladder cancer who was chemotherapy ineligible and had complete response with immune checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110264
Taylor Warmoth ◽  
Malvika Ramesh ◽  
Kenneth Iwuji ◽  
John S. Pixley

Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) is a form of hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis that occurs in patients with a variety of inflammatory rheumatologic conditions. Traditionally, it is noted in pediatric patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematous. It is a rapidly progressive and life-threatening syndrome of excess immune activation with an estimated mortality rate of 40% in children. It has become clear recently that MAS occurs in adult patients with underlying rheumatic inflammatory diseases. In this article, we describe 6 adult patients with likely underlying MAS. This case series will outline factors related to diagnosis, pathophysiology, and review present therapeutic strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110224
Leonidas Walthall ◽  
Marc Heincelman

Pyometra, a purulent infection of the uterus, is a rare cause of a very common complaint—abdominal pain. Risk factors include gynecologic malignancy and postmenopausal status. The classically described presentation includes abdominal pain, fever, and vaginal discharge. In this article, we present an atypical presentation of nonperforated pyometra in an 80-year-old female who was admitted to the internal medicine inpatient service. She initially presented with nonspecific subacute right lower quadrant abdominal pain. Physical examination did not demonstrate vaginal discharge. Laboratory evaluation failed to identify an underlying etiology. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis with oral and intravenous contrast demonstrated a 6.5 × 6.1 cm cystic containing structure within the uterine fundus, concerning for a gynecologic malignancy. Pelvis ultrasound confirmed the mass. Endometrial biopsy did not reveal underlying malignancy, but instead showed frank pus, leading to the diagnosis of pyometra. This report illustrates that pyometra should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lower abdominal pain in elderly women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110146
Erin Finn ◽  
Kimberly Kripps ◽  
Christina Chambers ◽  
Michele Rapp ◽  
Naomi J. L. Meeks ◽  

Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LCAH) is typically inherited as an autosomal recessive condition. There are 3 reports of individuals with a dominantly acting heterozygous variant leading to a clinically significant phenotype. We report a 46,XY child with a novel heterozygous intronic variant in STAR resulting in LCAH with an attenuated genital phenotype. The patient presented with neonatal hypoglycemia and had descended testes with a fused scrotum and small phallus. Evaluation revealed primary adrenal insufficiency with deficiencies of cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens. He was found to have a de novo heterozygous novel variant in STAR: c.65-2A>C. We report a case of a novel variant and review of other dominant mutations at the same position in the literature. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of attenuated genital phenotypes of LCAH and the contribution of de novo variants in STAR at c.65-2 to the pathogenesis of that phenotype.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110265
Jonathan Vincent M. Reyes ◽  
Dawn Maldonado ◽  
Aaron S. Stern ◽  
Maritza Brown

IgG4 (immunoglobulin G4)-related systemic disease is an autoimmune process affecting multiple organ systems. This inflammatory process can present as but not limited to pancreatitis, cholangitis, or unspecified kidney disease. In this case, our patient developed IgG4-related kidney disease while already on a prolonged steroid course for IgG4-related pancreatitis. The patient ultimately had renal recovery after starting a higher dose of prednisone, but also developed steroid-related complications. This case further highlights the relationship between IgG4 diseases now termed IgG4-related systemic disease. This case brings to light the need for further investigative research into ideal steroid dosing, as well as steroid-sparing agents for IgG4-related systemic disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 232470962110051
Mohammed Ali ◽  
Omeralfaroug Adam ◽  
Ahmed Subahi ◽  
Abdalaziz Awadelkarim ◽  
Lubna Fatiwala ◽  

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is a syndrome characterized by acute and transient regional systolic myocardial dysfunction. TC often mimics myocardial infarction without obstructive coronary disease. We present a case of a 48-year-old woman who developed TC following the onset of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the setting of methadone intoxication.

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