This chapter explores the conundrum whereby the abyss of symbolic rupture oscillates with the reconstitution of recognizable forms of power and immanence, and hence agency and intentionality. As described in the last chapter, the fire and demolitions of the Ebor Estate temples caused shock and disbelief among the devotees of that community. The shards of disbelief were also the propellants of renewed faith, however, and they revitalized and politicized efforts toward a reconstitution of sacred ground. On the one hand, the faith in the system and in intercommunal relations more broadly was erased overnight by the acts of vandalism and demolition, but on the other hand, and equally important, the challenge to faith that ensued when a sacred site was desecrated cannot be overestimated. Though devotees would not consciously acknowledge this, the temple's immanence and purity, its very power, was called into question when it had been defiled and damaged.