Professor’s Journal. Series: Technical science
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Vladimir Mikhailovich Kartopoltsev ◽  
Andrey Vladimirovich Kartopoltsev ◽  

It is known that an unregulated structure is likened to an unadjusted musical instrument [7]. The adjusted dynamic stress-strain state of the bridge spans will be adequate to the parameters of the design and operational state as a result of the introduction of regulation and control of fl uctuations in the conditions of the changing impact of the temporary mobile load. Methods for regulating dynamic characteristics by changing the frequency of natural oscillations of the system, taking into account energy dissipation, as well as introducing into the oscillatory process a transformed form of intense oscillations in the process of artifi cial or selective resonance, in which the oscillations of the system either damp or cease to be dangerous, are especially carefully considered. Attention is focused on the infl uence of the defectiveness of the roadway with an increase in the mass and speed of a temporary moving load. For this purpose, a classifi er of bridge deck defects has been developed to clarify the boundaries of the eff ect of a defect on the dynamic operation of a structure [1, 3]. Analysis of the structural content and criteria for determining shows the insuffi ciency of the components assessing the eff ect of the temporary mobile load on the span under non-stationary oscillations, and also reveals contradictions in the assessment of the dynamic additive . The practical use of the research results is advisable by the Ministry of Transport Construction in the implementation of state national programs and projects for improving structures, calculation methods, design and operation of bridge structures

Sergey Vladimirovich Fokin ◽  

The need for energy for the needs of the economy is constantly increasing, which leads to an increase in production and volumes of burning fossil fuels. Modern processing technology of renewable energy sources, including wood, allow you to use it for energy. One of the perspective directions of processing wood waste is their grinding machines on rubitelnymi felling area.

Dmitriy Gavrilov ◽  
Dmitriy Lovtsov ◽  
Elena Tatarinova ◽  

the results of research related to the substantiation of the theoretical founda-tions for constructing effective automated optoelectronic systems for ground-space mon-itoring (AOES GSM) are presented. Scientific and theoretical provisions for solving a com-plex problem of effective processing of visual information in AOES GSM are proposed. The analysis of scientific conditions and the formulation of this problem, the functional and logical decomposition of the complex problem of effective processing of visual in-formation in the AOES GSM into a hierarchical set of partial tasks of less complexity, the development of methodological issues of the information theory of AOES GSM, a logical sequence of stages in the development of object-oriented technology of effective AOES GSM, the methodology solving the complex problem of functioning of AOES GSM.

I.V. Semushin ◽  

although the Global Education Reform Movement has been adopted as a guide-line to follow in modern Russia, it was not given enough thought in the universities com-munity. Meanwhile, a transformation of the Russian educational space – including pri-mary, secondary, high schools and higher education institutions – follows the worldwide trends of challenges. It is noteworthy that in 2018, the GERM Hypothesis has marked its thirtieth anniversary. Until this point in time, it went through a global experimental testing stage. Many countries have gained much experience from adopting the GERM hypothesis. The time has arrived to critically re-evaluate the lessons drawn from the inductive learn-ing. For this purpose, one must return to the fundamentals in order to understand where and what the critical factors of success or failure are laying and to pass again through the spiral of perfection.

A.V. Zhukov ◽  
A.V. Mikhalkov ◽  

coal gasification and the production of gaseous fuels include three principal directionsrelated to the production of fuel gas: 1) composition and heat capacity of the produced gas; 2) gas generator structures; 3) characteristic properties of the obtained alternative product -low CO con-tent and gas toxicity, which allow making full use of this gas for domestic purposes. In industrial pro-cesses of coal conversion, the following combined technologies are used most often: — semi-cok-ing + gasification of fixed ash (low-temperature coke); — semi-coking + hydrogenation of liquid product (tar); — gasification + synthesis of high molecular weight hydrocarbons from the produced SYN gas (СО+Н) (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis). The choice of the layout for obtaining SLF (synthetic liquid fuel) can be based on specific conditions, the cost and quality of coal, energy supply, market conditions. The products obtained in the process of gasification and hydrogenation of coals pollute the atmosphere much less than the coal burned in electrical power plants. When implementing the organizational and technological model of innovative production, the first stage includes the following combined approaches for the processing of mineral raw materials and new products: 1. processing of carbonic mineral raw materials: calcium carbide, carbon dioxide (in a gaseous, liquid or solid state); 2. acetylene, plant growth regulators (PGRs), plant protection products (TAKAR).The second stage includes fuel and non-fuel products: 1. synthetic ethyl alcohol (ethanol), anti-freeze, ethylene glycol, dichloroethane, synthetic drying oils, acetone, etc .; 2. carbamide (urea), am-monia, nitrogen in gaseous and liquid states, methanol, gasoline, etc.

G.V. Tikhomirov ◽  
A.S. Gerasimov ◽  

the main problems associated with research on transmutation, and whichshould be paid attention to by today's young researchers, are formulated. The processes of formation of hazardous nuclides during transmutation in reactor facilities are considered. The goals of transmutation and the choice of nuclides to be transmuted are discussed. The concept of radiotoxicity is explained as a measure of the radiological hazard of radio-active nuclides, based on the maximum permissible concentration of nuclides according to the IAEA standards. The problem of the formation of secondary radioactive nuclides in nuclear fuel during generation of neutrons for transmutation is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods of transmutation in nuclear installations are con-sidered: inclusion of transmutable nuclides in nuclear fuel in fast reactors, transmutation in specialized thermal and fast transmutation reactor installations and ADS systems. The problem of the accumulation of highly radioactive actinides in a transmutation installa-tion during long-term transmutation and potential hazard of the transmutation instal-lation itself is discussed. The unacceptability of the use of serial nuclear reactors for the transmutation of long-lived fission products has been shown.

L.А. Sladkova ◽  
P.А. Grigoriev ◽  

N.I. Sidnyaev ◽  
M.A. Berezhnova ◽  

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